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This study investigated computer attitudes of 240 students from eight primary and secondary schools in South Africa. The student population of six of the eight schools that participated in the study can be characterised as middle or upper class. Two schools were from South African townships. All eight schools used computers for educational purposes, although the availability and use of the computers differed. The research question of the study was whether differences in computer attitude could be found between boys and girls, and to what extent these differences could be explained by student, school, and environment characteristics. In contrast to most studies on gender differences and computer attitudes, no gender differences in computer attitudes were found. However, this study showed differences in computer attitudes between students from the upper/middle class schools and students from the township schools. The latter showed a less positive attitude towards computers, but more interest in computer-related careers compared with the students in the upper/middle class schools. The study found that computer access and experience, which was significantly lower in the township schools, was also related to computer attitude.  相似文献   

The present study examined the out-of-school literacy activities of 70 students in 7th grade of prevocational training schools in the Netherlands. Guttmann’s Facet Theory was applied to study literacy as a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. With the increasing influence of digital technologies, the facet design approach was found especially suited to track the many changes occurring in presentation modalities, functions, and productive versus consumptive uses of literacy. The study shows that the facet approach was useful in pinpointing how these shifts in literacy engagement turn out differently for boys and girls. Based on self-reports via an Internet questionnaire, the study shows that girls outscored boys in every aspect of literacy, including computer and Internet based literacy practices. However, while among girls a more balanced profile was found regarding the engagement in traditional and new literacy practices, the boys reported a high preference for the new digital media. Moreover, we found that girls, compared to boys, used new literacy activities more often for educational purposes. The findings suggest that, given this more balanced profile, girls, compared to boys, are less at risk of losing touch with traditional print-based educational literacy in school.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the complex relationship between students’ mathematics confidence, confidence with technology, attitude to learning mathematics with technology, affective engagement and behavioural engagement, achievement, gender and year level. The participants were secondary students from state co-educational schools in Metropolitan Athens, Greece. Gender differences as well as differences between year levels and the resulting clusters of students were investigated by using a MANOVA. It was found that boys expressed more positive views towards mathematics and more positive views towards the use of technology in mathematics, compared to girls. It was also found that high achievement in mathematics was associated with high levels of mathematics confidence, strongly positive levels of affective engagement and behavioural engagement, high confidence in using technology and a strongly positive attitude to learning mathematics with technology. Low levels of mathematics achievement was associated with low levels of mathematics confidence, strongly negative levels of affective engagement and behavioural engagement, low confidence in using technology, and a negative attitude to learning mathematics with technology.  相似文献   

Abstract The attitudes of 328 British Secondary School children towards computers were examined in a cross-sectional survey. Measures of both general attitudes towards computers and affective reactions towards working with computers were examined in relation to the sex of the subject, courses studied (computer related/noncomputer related) and availability of a home computer. A differential pattern of results was observed. With respect to general attitudes towards computers, main effects were found for all three independent variables indicating that more favourable attitudes increased as a function of being male, doing computer courses and having a home computer. In contrast to this, affective reactions to working with computers was primarily related to doing computer courses, such that those doing computer courses reported more positive and less negative reactions. The practical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates differences in use of, and attitudes toward the Internet and computers generally for Chinese and British students, and gender differences in this cross-cultural context. Two hundred and twenty Chinese and 245 British students’ responses to a self-report survey questionnaire are discussed. Significant differences were found in Internet experience, attitudes, usage, and self-confidence between Chinese and British students. British students were more likely to use computers for study purposes than Chinese students, but Chinese students were more self-confident about their advanced computer skills. Significant gender differences were also found in both national groups. Men in both countries were more likely than women to use email or ‘chat’ rooms. Men played more computer games than women; Chinese men being the most active games players. Men in both countries were more self-confident about their computer skills than women, and were more likely to express the opinion that using computers was a male activity and skill than were women. Gender differences were higher in the British group than the Chinese group. The present study illustrates the continued significance of gender in students’ attitudes towards, and use of computers, within different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

The use of the Internet for conducting research has found that the level of anonymity intrinsic to web-based surveys is useful in deterring various participant biases. Though, concerns about Internet privacy could interfere with the effects of perceived anonymity and influence how a person responds. In this study, participants were asked to take an Internet survey and then were randomly assigned to conditions with varying degrees of implied privacy in which they answered questions about their desire for casual sex (sociosexuality) and their lifetime sexual partners. Only in the condition without any threat to the participant’s anonymity was there no difference between men and women’s reports of their sexual behavior. However, in every condition men reported having a significantly higher sociosexuality than women. Findings are consistent with both the biologic and gender-biased explanations in differences of self-report for sexual information. Implications for social constraints and Internet based research are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of computers in secondary schools allows a better preparation of students for their future careers and offers opportunities for refining critical thinking skills. Thus, the development of a valid attitude scale towards computers for students is very important because it could lead to the development or modification of computer fluency curricula. The aim of the study was (a) to examine the factorial structure (affect, behavior, and cognition) of the Computer Attitude Scale for Secondary Students (CASSS) through confirmatory factor analysis, and (b) to determine how well the test and its items discriminate among individuals differing in the strength of their attitude toward computers through nonparametric item analyses. The analyses were conducted on two samples of high school students (n1=421; n2=422) who completed the CASSS, a 40-item questionnaire. Results showed that (a) the option characteristic curves (OCC) and item characteristic curve (ICC) of each item revealed certains problems for some items, (b) the reliability of the CASSS is excellent at all levels of the attitude scale, being around 0.96 for students having the least favorable attitude toward computer and 0.88 for students having a more favorable attitude toward computers, and (c) a higher-order or hierarchical model underlies the theoretical structure of the CASSS.  相似文献   

Abstract The computer experience of 12-year-old students who had just started their secondary education was investigated. Data was collected on home and school computer use, attitudes towards computers, academic ability, gender and socio-economic group. The results highlight the widely varying and often inadequate computer experience that students have received in their primary education. The computer experience of the majority of students was a long way from being sufficient to fulfil the requirements of the UK National Curriculum. For most students, home computer use formed the major part of their IT experience. Home computer use was found to have the strongest effect on attitudes towards computers. Several significant differences in attitude were apparent between boys and girls. Analysis of academic ability and socio-economic group showed that these factors related to boys and girls in very different ways. All these factors need to be considered when implementing the computer content of the UK National Curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ICT (information and communication technology) curriculum in New Zealand secondary schools and gendered participation patterns in different specialist ICT subjects. New Zealand has a permissive ICT curriculum, comprising a variety of subjects and characterised by choice and variation in the curriculum in practice at the local level. The data that are reported include results of (i) a national questionnaire survey of secondary schools, and (ii) a qualitative case study conducted in a large, co-educational New Zealand secondary school and involving classroom observations and interviews with teachers and students. It is suggested that the permissiveness of the curriculum, which ostensibly caters for the needs of students by providing choices, may, in some circumstances, effectively reinforce gender stereotypes relating to computer interests and practices. This is a paradox of choice. Questions are raised about the nature of the ICT curriculum in New Zealand and how it may contribute to or challenge gender stereotypes, future curriculum developments and, more broadly, how we can account for persistent gendered participation patterns in ICT subjects in schools.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine individual differences in the effectiveness of learning objects in secondary school classrooms. Specifically, gender, age, grade, subject area, and computer comfort (self-efficacy) were examined in 850 students. Effectiveness was measured in terms of student attitude (learning, quality, and engagement) and student performance. No gender differences were observed between males and females with respect to student attitudes or performance. Age was significantly correlated with student attitudes and performance, however correlation coefficients were small. Grade 12 students were more positive about learning objects and performed better than grade 9 and 10 students. Science students had significantly more positive attitudes and performed better than mathematics students. Finally, students who were more comfortable about computers, appreciated learning objects more than their less confident peers, however performance was unaffected.  相似文献   

The present study explored the role of gender in the association between Internet addiction and depression. Three-wave longitudinal panel data were collected from self-reported questionnaires that were completed by 1715 adolescents in grades 6–8 in China. Cross-lagged structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationship between Internet addiction and depression. In male adolescents, depression was found to significantly predict subsequent Internet addiction, suggesting that depression was the cause of Internet addiction and supporting the mood enhancement hypothesis. In female adolescents, Internet addiction was found to significantly predict subsequent depression, indicating that Internet addiction leads to depression and supporting the social displacement hypothesis. These results indicate that the relationship between Internet addiction and depression depended on gender. In addition, it was found that males and females exhibit different behavioral patterns and motivations of Internet usage. Males were more likely to use the Internet for pleasure and less likely to surf the Internet to search for information, compared with females. Although both males and females were prone to surfing the Internet alone, males were more likely to go online with friends compared with females. These findings suggest that gender-specific preventative and interventional strategies should be developed to reduce Internet addiction.  相似文献   

The present study empirically examines the relationship between computer anxiety, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and stress. Based on self-efficacy theory and self-worth theory of achievement-motivation, it is hypothesized that the relationship between computer anxiety and job satisfaction is curvilinear and attitude towards computer moderates such relationship. The relationship between computer anxiety and career satisfaction and job stress were empirically examined in this study. Two hundred and thirty undergraduate students (125 female and 105 male students) at a university in south-western part of Louisiana completed computer anxiety, computer attitude, job satisfaction, career satisfaction and stress surveys. Hierarchical moderated regression results support that the attitude towards computer acts as a moderator in the relationship between (i) computer anxiety and stress, (ii) computer anxiety and job satisfaction, and (iii) computer anxiety and career satisfaction. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

Research suggests that certain visual instructional aids can reduce levels of disorientation and increase learning performance in, and positive attitudes towards, HLS for learners with specific individual differences. However, existing studies have looked at only one or two individual differences at a time, and/or considered only a small number of visual instructional aids. No study has considered the impact of the three most commonly studied individual differences – cognitive style, domain knowledge and computer experience – on learning performance, disorientation and attitudes in a HLS incorporating a full range of visual instructional aids. The study reported here addresses this shortcoming, examining the effects of, and between, these three individual differences in relation to learning performance, disorientation and attitudes in two HLS versions: one that incorporated a full set of visual instructional aids and one that did not. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in the HLS that provided no instructional aids, whereas no such effects were found for the other HLS version. Analysis of the results led to a set of HLS design guidelines, presented in the paper, and the development of an agenda for future research. Limitations of the study and their implications for the generalizability of the findings are also presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to propose a 6-T model (Tool, Toy, Telephone, Territory, Treasure of Information, and Trade) to explore college students’ Internet-related attitudes, and to examine whether gender and grade level make any difference in their attitudes. Data from 1069 participants were collected from 96 Taiwanese universities and colleges. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis validated the proposed 6-T model and shows that it can well explain the 6-T factors. Each T’s magnitude of path coefficient shows that for these college students, the most recognized factors were Tool and Toy, followed by Treasure of information, Territory, and Trade, and that the least weighted factor was Telephone. Male students seem to have had a more positive attitude toward the Internet-related Toy and Telephone dimensions than did female students, and graduate students seem to have had a more positive attitude toward the Internet-related Tool, Information, and Trade dimensions than did undergraduate students. This study discusses limitations, future research directions, and implications for college educators and administrators.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of gender and personality on individuals’ use of online social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace. Participants were 238 undergraduate students who reported being members of Facebook, MySpace, or both. Based on prior research examining online behavior, we expected that gender and scores on the Big Five personality scale would moderate online social networking behavior. The results supported our predictions. Specifically, men reported using social networking sites for forming new relationships while women reported using them more for relationship maintenance. Furthermore, women low in agreeableness reported using instant messaging features of social networking sites more often than women high in agreeableness, whereas men low in openness reported playing more games on social networking sites compared to men high in openness. Overall, these results indicate the importance of examining individual differences in online behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigates gender differences in Internet use by Greek high school pupils within school and out of school environments. A sample of 340 pupils (170 boys and 170 girls), aged 12–16 years, completed a written questionnaire on their attainability, location, frequency and purposes of Internet access. The data analysis showed that more pupils use the Internet outside school (at home, in Internet cafés) than within school and that boys have more opportunities to access the Internet. Both inside and outside school, pupils' favourite Internet activities relate to information gathering for personal purposes and to entertainment. Boys use the Internet for entertainment and Web page creation more than girls do, whereas no other significant gender differences were noted regarding pupils' other Internet activities, such as communication via e-mail, chat or videoconferencing, Web surfing and information search for personal or school purposes.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in perceptions of school computing by asking girls and boys at early and late stages in secondary education what they liked best and least about using computers at school. Overall age differences were very marked and reflected the different skill levels of the pupils and the increase in the sophistication of their computer use at the later stage of the curriculum. Gender differences were found in both age groups. These included a greater work orientation and liking for e-mail apparent in girls' responses. Boys showed a greater affinity with computer games and mentioned limitations upon their access to machines more. These gender differences are a further demonstration that girls approach computers as tools for accomplishing tasks, while boys approach them as technology for play and mastery. Such differences are important for understanding how computers are approached in educational settings.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper considers gender differences in online contexts and examines current trends in women's performance, access and experience of online courses. It uses supportive case study examples and specific research into students' academic engagement, conceptions and perceptions of learning support in online environments. The analysis shows that women studying online are confident independent learners who may outperform their male counterparts. They do not have reduced computer and Internet access compared with men, nor are they disinclined to enrol on online courses. They attach greater value to the pastoral aspect of tutoring and have different interaction styles from men, which may have implications for online tutoring support. The gender debate needs to move on from access and performance to the differences and similarities in the degree of importance that men and women place on different interaction and tutoring styles online.  相似文献   

Brazil is a developing country that has undergone important changes at the social, economic, scientific and educational levels. A main policy challenge at present is related to the unequal distribution of vital resources, including technology. In the educational context, many changes have been observed, such as a decrease in analphabetism and an increase in the number of physicians, lawyers, and scientists. In this paper we will describe the educational experience involving the use of information technology, especially computers, at Brazilian primary and secondary schools.We live in a technological era in which it is important to educate our children to be aware of the impact of technology on society and the environment in general, as well as how to personally deal with them. From home to workplace, digital technological tools have become a part of day-to-day life. Digital technology has become essential in everyday life, and demands have been placed on schools to educate students so as to make them “technologically literate”. Millions of Reals (R$) have been invested by the Brazilian government to equip schools with computers and communication tools, but low technological literacy remains a serious challenge. To address this problem, it is crucial to elucidate the real advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers in the educational system.  相似文献   

College and high-school students face many difficulties when dealing with physics formulas, such as a lack of understanding of their components or of the physical relationships between the two sides of a formula. To overcome these difficulties some instructors suggest combining simulations' design while learning physics, claiming that the programming process forces the students to understand the physical mechanism activating the simulation. This study took place in a computational-science course where high-school students programmed simulations of physical systems, thus combining computer science (CS) and mathematics with physics learning. The study explored the ways in which CS affected the students' conceptual understanding of the physics behind formulas. The major part of the analysis process was qualitative, although some quantitative analysis was applied as well. Findings revealed that a great amount of the time was invested by the students on representing their physics knowledge in terms of computer science. Three knowledge domains were found to be applied: structural, procedural and systemic. A fourth domain which enabled reflection on the knowledge was found as well, the domain of execution. Each of the domains was found to promote the emergence of knowledge integration processes (Linn & Eylon, 2006, 2011), thus promoting students’ physics conceptual understanding. Based on these findings, some instructional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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