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目的探求熟肉干制品最佳的DNA提取方案。方法采用4种不同的方法:CTAB法及3种市售试剂盒法,提取11种不同牛肉干样品的DNA,通过对方法的提取耗时,提取DNA的质量及提取DNA用于实时荧光PCR扩增的效果3方面进行比较。结果 TAKARA试剂盒法提取DNA耗时最短仅需要0.5 h,OMEGA试剂盒法提取的DNA的纯度较好,A 260/A 280比值最接近1.8,Tiangen的深加工食品DNA提取试剂盒法提取的DNA做实时荧光PCR的CT值最小,扩增效果最佳。结论 Tiangen试剂盒法对于熟肉干制品DNA的提取效果更为理想。  相似文献   

分别采用直接稀释法、干灰化法、过硫酸铵灰化法、湿式消解法和微波消解法对酱油样品进行前处理,以石墨炉原子吸收光谱法对处理好的样品中铅含量进行测定;通过对各前处理方法和检测结果的精密度、回收率进行分析、讨论,以期达到在实际检测工作中更好应用的目的.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to compare the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of beef and pork jerky, prepared from whole muscle of beef semimembranosus (BSM), pork semimembranosus (PSM), pork longissimus dorsi (PLD), and pork psoas major (PPM). The BSM and PSM jerky had higher moisture content, and PPM jerky had lower water activity than other jerky samples during 30 days of storage at 25 °C (P < 0.05). Pork jerky samples had higher lightness value than beef jerky, while PSM jerky had higher pH value than other jerky samples (P < 0.05). The shear force and TBARS values of PPM jerky were higher than those of other jerky samples (P < 0.05). Saturated fatty acid (SFA, %) was significantly higher in the BSM jerky than others, while unsaturated fatty acid (UFA, %) was significantly higher in the PSM and PLD than BSM and PPM jerky samples (P < 0.05). The PPM jerky showed a significant increase in UFA (%) during storage, and a significantly decrease in microbial count after storage of 30 days (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Water content was determined in 11 samples of white yoghurts. Several techniques, namely Karl Fischer (KF) volumetric titration, near and middle infrared spectroscopy (MIR), oven drying and moisture analyser were used. Optimisations of solvent, titration temperature and extraction time were carried out for the KF titration. Methanol at room temperature with 5 min extraction period was used as final conditions. For the infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) the suitable solvent and the appropriate wavenumbers for water analysis were chosen. The measurement in the near infrared (NIR) region at the wavenumber 10270 cm−1 using acetonitrile as solvent and transmission method was evaluated as the best of the FTIR methods. Based on the comparison of individual methods the oven drying at 105 °C seems to be the most suitable, but it is the most time consuming. However, KF volumetric titration and especially FTIR methods appear to be good alternatives to the drying methods.  相似文献   

A study on empirical models for a w value prediction, directly correlated to humectant substances concentration, was carried out in model systems and vegetables food. The test, performed for different a w values predicted on aqueous solution, aqueous extract and vegetables creams of mushroom (Cv. Champignon), showed a high accuracy of proposed model. In fact the values of correlation coefficient (r), were always greater than 0.985, and the maximum pure error was 0.014.  相似文献   

Ayhan Topuz   《LWT》2008,41(9):1672-1677
The influence of temperature and water activity on color degradation in paprika powders was investigated. The Hunter color parameters (L, a, b), hue angle (h), and total color difference (TCD) were used to estimate the color changes of paprika during thermal treatment at different temperatures (60, 80 and 99 °C) and water activities (0.459, 0.582 and 0.703). The changes in L, a, b and TCD values were significantly influenced by the processing time, temperature and water activity. The color changes during processing and storage were described by a first order kinetic model. The temperature dependence of the degradation followed the Arrhenius relation. Samples with a high water activity exhibited a high rate constant of the color degradation. The effect of water activity on activation energy was not significant. A linear relationship between the water activity and rate constant of the color parameters was found. By incorporating the linear relationship krefaw into the Arrhenius equation, a modified Arrhenius equation was proposed which was used to predict paprika color changes as influenced by temperature and water activity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The USDA FSIS meat and poultry jerky compliance guidelines recommend a high humidity or liquid immersion pasteurization step before drying. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of high humidity (>90%) or wet marinade pasteurization on jerky characteristics (water activity, moisture/protein ratio, total aerobic plate count [TAC]) and sensory properties. Jerky pasteurized by nonmarinade method A (76.6 °C dry bulb, 54.4 °C oven wet bulb temperature for 1 h) had highest sensory scores for spice intensity and interior cured color (redness), and generally lower TACs than jerky from marinade pasteurization methods. Jerky pasteurized by method B (54 °C for 121 min in marinade) had higher TACs than other methods. Approximately 2-log reduction in TAC was observed using marinade pasteurization in the smokehouse to internal temperature of 60° for 12 min (method C), or in hot marinade to internal temperature of 70 °C before drying (method D), but jerky was less spicy and somewhat darker than jerky from method A. Extruded jerky (1.5-cm thickness) was similar to intact jerky for spice flavor intensity and interior redness, but required longer drying time to reach the target Aw of 0.85. Marinade pasteurization by methods C or D was feasible, and may be a preferred alternative for some processors, since monitoring of oven humidity during pasteurization is not necessary.  相似文献   

The effect of water activity on the stability of carotenoids in dehydrated carrots was studied.  相似文献   

This study utilized two sampling methods to examine changes in sarcoplasmic proteins during aging of beef and their relation to tenderness. Water-soluble proteins either obtained by manually expressing exudates from the meat (drip) or by an extraction procedure using homogenization and centrifugation (ext) were analyzed for longissimus lumborum muscle using HPLC and capillary electrophoresis (CE) on days 2, 7, 10 and 14 postmortem. A peak that consistently increased with aging was identified using HPLC. Among nine peaks detected in the CE analysis, peak 9 (100kDa) that increased and peak 4 (30kDa) that decreased with aging were correlated (P<0.05) to tenderness as determined by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF). For pooled data of all aging periods, drip sample explained the most variability (49%) in shear force compared to ext sample (25%) using HPLC analyses. At 2 days postmortem, a multiple linear regression model explained 83% of the variation in WBSF using CE-ext or HPLC-drip samples. Sixty percent of the variability in shear force was explained by CE-ext samples for day 7 data. The variability in shear force as explained by either drip or ext sample was less than 51 percent for 10 and 14 days postmortem data. The drip samples were comparable to ext samples in predicting WBSF values for both tough (>46N WBSF on day 2) and tender (<46N WBSF on day 2) strip loins using CE and HPLC procedure. Results suggest that a simple drip sampling may have a potential for use with either HPLC or CE analyses on day 2 postmortem for sorting carcasses into tenderness groups.  相似文献   

Effect of water activity on oxidative deterioration of freeze-dried beef   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of water activity on lipid oxidation in freeze-dried beef was studied. Analytical indices of the extent of oxidation (thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number and Ex 350Ee320 fluorescence ratio) showed that samples of water activity 0.270 underwent less oxidation during 84 days storage in oxygen at 50°C than samples of lower water activity. Samples stored under nitrogen, irrespective of water activity, did not show any oxidation.  相似文献   

Almost two thirds of plantain world production is processed by means of deep frying which place it in the same occurrence as potatoes-based food in some tropical regions (Latin America, Central Africa and Southeast Asia). Asparagine content and effect of water activity on acrylamide kinetic in a plantain matrix was surprisingly investigated for the first time. Asparagine content was analyzed in ten edible Musa L., and “Cooking bananas” were found (maximum of 70 mg/100 g db) to be less concentrated than “dessert bananas” (maximum of 321 mg/100 g db). Moreover, asparagine content decreased by 75% after 11 days of post-harvest ripening. Acrylamide formation/elimination kinetics were determined in plantain paste at three different initial water activity values (0.972, 0.904, and 0.430) measured at 25 °C and heated at high temperatures (140-200 °C) in a closed reactor. Acrylamide in plantain was formed at the same magnitude as for potatoes, rye and wheat-based products (max ~ 0.9 ppm, wb). Kinetic parameter estimation was performed using a single response modeling. The reaction kinetic and the estimated kinetic parameters revealed an increase in acrylamide formation and elimination reaction rates with decreasing water activity. The corresponding activation energies of the rate constants remained unaffected.  相似文献   

雷凡  王月慧 《中国酿造》2014,(11):152-154
采用碘比色法和降落数值法分别测定稻谷中α-淀粉酶活性,对测定结果进行了比较分析。实验结果表明:两种方法都可以测定α-淀粉酶活性,两者的测定结果差异显著,但两者测定结果呈显著直线相关性,说明降落数值的高低能间接的反映α-淀粉酶活性的大小;从变异系数来看,后者的变异程度较低,其精密度较高,前者引起的误差因素较后者多;后者较前者简便快速,重复性好等优点。通过分析研究比较,降落数值法是分析测定大量样品α-淀粉酶活性的最佳方法。  相似文献   

The moisture sorption isotherm (MSI) of lean beef and fat beef was experimentally determined. The experimental procedure used was that of the COST 90 project with some modifications to accelerate equilibration. The procedure was validated with the standard reference material microcrystalline cellulose. The MSI of the beef at the highest humidity range was obtained by accelerating equilibration with changes of salts, using a low water activity salt for some time. This procedure was reliable for beef samples but not for the fat samples. No significant changes were found for lean beef in the temperature range 5–40 °C. Three models, GAB, Peleg and Lewicki, were used to fit the experimental data. The best fit was obtained with the GAB equation. The fat MSI was determined at 5, 15 and 25 °C and it was best fitted with the Lewicki model.  相似文献   

Solvent composition, system mobility and viscosity play a central role in the regulation of enzymatic activity.The aim of this study was to investigate the individual and combined effect of water activity (aw), bulk viscosity and glass transition temperature () on the activity of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in buffered solutions. For this purpose, the water activity of the solutions was modulated using both a ionic (sodium chloride) and a non-ionic (sorbitol) ligand and viscosity changed upon the addition of maltodextrin.In viscous solutions characterized by different compositions, the effectiveness of a solute in the inhibition of the HRP activity was dependent both on the chemical properties of the solution, as described by aw, and on the mobility of the system, as described by the inverse of viscosity and T − . Viscosity was the most important factor in the inhibition of HRP activity in solutions characterized by the same value, but when was changed, due to changes in the solutes composition, the latter became a key factor in the regulation of the enzyme activity.In salt-maltodextrin systems the water activity reduction limited HRP activity with higher efficiency at low viscosities whilst in sorbitol-maltodextrin systems, characterised by different values, the aw lowering by sorbitol addition resulted in the increase of HRP activity depending on its effect on .  相似文献   

旨在为进一步提高共轭亚油酸产量提供理论依据,总结概述了共轭亚油酸的生理活性与制备方法的研究进展。共轭亚油酸是一种天然存在于反刍动物体内的物质,具有降低胆固醇含量、抗癌、抗氧化、提高免疫力等重要生理功能,在减肥、癌症治疗、哮喘治疗等方面发挥了重要作用,在功能性膳食研发领域拥有巨大潜力。由于共轭亚油酸的天然含量与来源无法满足人们日常生活的需求,因此研究更高产率的共轭亚油酸的合成方法一直是热点内容。合成共轭亚油酸的方法主要有生物合成法和化学合成法,生物合成法中的微生物合成法和酶催化异构化合成法是近年来的研究热点。  相似文献   

采用变温压差干燥技术研制牛肉干的生产工艺和技术条件。通过对影响牛肉干复水率的因素进行研究,初步得出影响产品复水率的各因子(干燥前水分含量、干燥温度、干燥压差、干燥时间)最佳取值范围。结论如下:干燥前水分含量为30%,干燥温度为65℃,干燥压差为0.28MPa,干燥时间5h。  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity test has been used since 1935 to assess the effectiveness of pasteurization. Different analytical methods exist for detecting ALP in milk. Unfortunately, there is little information about ALP activity in ewe's milk. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the official European method (spectrophotometric method) and the Fluorophos method (fluorometric method) regarding their use in ewe's milk. Bulk ewe's milk samples were taken from a flock and from three different dairies. A portion of the original sample was pasteurized at 63 degrees C for 30 min in a circulating bath; another portion was heated to and kept at 95 degrees C for about 2 min, and 0.1% (vol/vol) of raw milk was added. The samples obtained were analyzed in duplicate using the spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods. The relation between ALP activity determined by the two methods was characterized by the following equation: Y = 1.34 + 0.0039X (where Y = ALP in microg of phenol per ml of milk and X = ALP in mU/liter; R2 = 91.5%). Precision parameters (repeatability [r], standard deviation of repeatability [s(r)], and relative standard deviation of repeatability [RSDr]) for both methods were calculated. The values of RSDr for the Fluorophos method were 4.30 for pasteurized milk and 2.96 for 0.1% raw milk, close to the value indicated by Rocco in whole cow's milk (RSDr = 4.4). The repeatability for the official method (r = 2.16) was close to that indicated for whole cow's milk (r = 2).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of plasma-activated brine (PAB) as a nitrite source for the curing of beef jerky. The effects of PAB on quality parameters and on the microbial reduction of inoculated L. innocua were monitored. Beef slices were cured for ~18 h at 4 °C in brine solutions containing 0, 100 or 150 ppm of sodium nitrite, 150 ppm of sodium chloride (NaCl) and 100 ppm of sugar and subjected to plasma treatment. PAB were generated by a plasma beam system operating at 20 kHz and supplied with air or nitrogen (N2) gas. Results showed significant higher levels (p < .05) of nitrites in brines activated by air-plasma (90–184 ppm) compared to N2 gas (3–17 ppm). No significant differences were found in the texture and lipid oxidation levels of samples cured in PAB compared to standard curing. However, a significant higher a* value (6.45 ± 0.50, p < .001) was observed in samples cured in PAB. Significant reductions (p < .01) of 0.5 log CFU/mL in the population of L. innocua were observed in the brines and of 0.85 log CFU/g reduction in the jerky when cured in PAB. These results showed that plasma-curing could supply a suitable source of nitrite for meat products and, further optimisation of the technology could have applications for meat decontamination.  相似文献   

可食用膜制备及在酱牛肉保鲜中应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以大豆蛋白和牛骨胶原蛋白为原料制成复合可食膜Ⅰ、Ⅱ对酱卤肉制品进行杀菌、真空包装等处理,通过测定TBA值、TVB-N值、菌落总数、感官指标,研究其在不同温度(35、20、4℃)下的保质期。实验结果:在35℃条件下,Ⅰ、Ⅱ组的保质期分别为40、50d,对照组为30d;在20℃条件下,Ⅰ、Ⅱ组的保质期分别为120、140d,对照组为80d;4℃条件下,Ⅰ、Ⅱ组的保质期分别为200、210d,对照组为140d。实验结果表明,经过大豆蛋白复合可食膜、牛骨胶原蛋白复合可食膜处理后,酱卤肉的保质期均优于对照组,牛骨胶原蛋白可食膜的保质、保鲜效果优于大豆蛋白可食膜。  相似文献   

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