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Novice programmers struggle to understand introductory programming concepts and this difficulty, associated with learning to program, contributes mainly to the lack of interest in the field of Computer Science at tertiary level. Programming assistance tools have been used to assist novice programmers extensively at education institutions. A programming assistance tool (PAT) is a software program that can be used by novice programmers to learn how to program and/or improve their understanding of programming concepts.This research proposes that novice programmers, specifically Information Technology (IT) scholars in South African secondary schools, could be supported by PATs. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the use of a PAT impacted IT scholars' understanding of programming concepts and their motivation towards programming in general. Criteria for the selection of PATs were derived from the programming difficulties identified in literature and from surveys to IT teachers and scholars. The selection criteria were grouped into programming knowledge and programming skills categories. Existing PATs were evaluated using the selection criteria and three PATs, namely, RoboMind, Scratch and B#, were selected for evaluation in this research study. A convenience sample of schools participated in the study. The three PATs provided different approaches while being able to support the Delphi programming language used in schools that participated in the study.The findings of this research indicated that, although scholars perceived the PATs to be useful in the explanation of certain of the programming concepts, there was no conclusive evidence that IT scholars who used a PAT had a significantly better understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming than scholars who did not use a PAT. Participant feedback was used to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the three PATs and to provide recommendations for the development of future PATs specifically designed to support IT scholars.  相似文献   

Online inquiry, use of the Web as an information resource to inquire into science, has become increasingly common in middle schools in recent years. However, prior research has found that middle school students tend to use the Web in a superficial manner. To address the challenges that students face in online inquiry, we designed the Digital IdeaKeeper, a scaffolded software tool to help students engage in online inquiry through support for inquiry planning, information search, analysis, and synthesis. This study examined the differences between regular and IdeaKeeper-supported online inquiry performed by 8 pairs of sixth graders in naturalistic classroom settings. Analysis of 80 screen videos of students’ computer activities and conversations found that IdeaKeeper-supported online inquiry was more integrated, efficient, continuous, metacognitive, and focused. This study has important implications for designing online learning environments for middle school students.  相似文献   

This study discusses the pedagogical potential of an interactive voting system used in conjunction with interactive whiteboard technology. The data discussed here are drawn from a qualitative study, carried out in the context of a British university pre-sessional programme in English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills for international students in the summers of 2003 and 2004. Research data were collected via a variety of ethnographic research instruments, namely classroom observations and feedback from critical colleagues, teacher’s field notes, video recording of classes, semi-structured interviews with students, and pre- and post-course student questionnaires. The findings indicate that the electronic voting system was seen to increase considerably the scope of interactivity during the lessons by helping students to enhance their development into active participants. However, the data have also indicated that the levels of interactivity in the approaches adopted in the context investigated could still be considered relatively “shallow”, and some suggestions have been provided to improve this aspect of technology use.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the use of online interactive peer feedback in higher education and identifies the successful uptake of feedback as an important aspect. We investigate the link between the nature of students’ feedback, the way it is evaluated by the receiver, and its consecutive use for the revision of students’ products. Two separate studies were conducted to investigate the link between these three variables across different educational contexts and tools. Both studies showed a significant relationship between feedback containing concrete suggestions and a successful uptake of the feedback. Regarding the different tools that were used, these concrete suggestions were more often produced in the Annotation system than in the Blackboard discussion forum, the latter showing more evaluative forms of feedback. We also found significant relationships between elements of both the nature and the reception of feedback on the one hand, and the use of this feedback by the receiver on the other hand.  相似文献   

In this study we proposed a web-based programming assisted system for cooperation (WPASC) and we also designed one learning activity for facilitating students' cooperative programming learning. The aim of this study was to investigate cooperative programming learning behavior of students and its relationship with learning performance. Students' opinions and perceptions toward learning activity and the WPASC were also investigated. The results of this study revealed that most of students perceived that learning activity and the WPASC were useful for cooperative programming learning. Students' learning behavior during cooperative programming learning activity was classified into six different categories and we found that learning behavior has relationship with learning performance. Students from completely independent, self-improving using assistance, confident after enlightenment and imitating categories performed well due to their effective and motivated learning behavior. However, students from performing poorly without assistance and plagiarizing categories performed the worse; the former could not get assistance at all and the later had no learning motivation. The results also showed that students' learning behavior may have increasing, decreasing and no transition during problems solving. Therefore, performing poorly without assistance and plagiarizing learning behavior and decreasing transition or no transition in learning behavior should be identified right after completing a programming problem. Then the instructor should intervene into learning behavior in order to change it into more effective for learning. Besides, more incentives need to be given for increasing students' learning motivation and posting solutions and feedback by students at the early stage of a problem solving period.  相似文献   

Traditional e-learning systems support “one-way” communication. Teachers provide knowledge for learners, but they are unable to use a student’s learning experiences to benefit the class as a whole. To address these problems, this study explores e-learning success factors via the design and evaluation of an e-learning 2.0 system. This study develops a theoretical model to assess user satisfaction and loyalty intentions to an e-learning system using communication quality, information quality, system quality, and service quality. The empirical results show that communication quality, information quality, and service quality significantly and positively affect user satisfaction and loyalty intentions to use the e-learning system for sharing experience, communicating with others, and getting feedback.  相似文献   

The interactivity effect in multimedia learning   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

Some researchers claim that animations may hinder students’ meaningful learning or evoke misunderstandings. In order to examine these assertions, our study investigated the effect of animated movies on students’ learning outcomes and motivation to learn. Applying the quantitative methodology, two pre- and post-questionnaires were administered: Science thinking skills and Motivation to learn science. Students’ overall achievement in science was examined by their report card scores. The research population (N = 1335) was divided into experimental (N = 926) and control (N = 409) groups from 11 elementary schools. Findings indicated that the use of animated movies promoted students’ explanation ability and their understanding of scientific concepts. Findings also indicated that students who studied science with the use of animated movies developed higher motivation to learn science, in terms of: self-efficacy, interest and enjoyment, connection to daily life, and importance to their future, compared to the control students. Following the definition of multimedia, the students who study with the use of animated movies, applied all three learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The use of multimedia and the fact that the students were engaged in exploring new concepts, that were relevant to their daily life experiences, can explain the positive results.  相似文献   

Euline   《Computers & Education》2008,51(4):1553-1568
This paper analyses the process of multimedia integration in English language classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboard (IWB) technology, and offers insights into the theoretical underpinnings of multimedia use in language learning from the perspective of cognitive learning theory. The data discussed here are drawn from a study carried out as part of a PhD research programme at Lancaster University (UK). The study was conducted within an interpretative research paradigm, and data were collected and analysed according to a qualitative approach. In the first part, the paper discusses some perceived pedagogical benefits of adopting a multimedia-oriented approach in the IWB-based classroom. Secondly, it discusses a variety of potential problems related to the use of multimedia resources in the language classroom in question. Finally, the paper draws upon the literature on multimedia learning to address the potential pedagogical implications of these research findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two different methods on primary school teacher candidates’ academic achievements and attitudes toward computer-based education, and to define their views on these methods. Both the first experimental group, programmed instruction (PI), and the second experimental group, meaningful learning (ML), included 36 students separately. While a significant difference was found between the groups regarding academic achievements, no significant difference was found between the groups’ attitude scores. There was no significant difference between the academic achievements of the students according to their genders in both groups. In addition, while there was no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test attitudes of students in the PI group, a significant difference was determined in the ML group. Generally, in the PI group, students considered the method effective but boring. Besides, students in the ML group had positive views on the method.  相似文献   

Game-based learning provides many benefits, such as enhancing the interaction with students and stimulating their learning motivation. Thus, it is popular to learners who have diverse characteristics. To this end, individual differences play an essential role. Among various individual differences, previous studies demonstrated that prior knowledge has great effects on game-based learning. However, such studies mainly considered a single game-based learning system. To address this issue, this study examined how prior knowledge affects students' reactions to two different types of game based learning systems, i.e., the Machinarium and the CSI: Web Adventures. The former delivers procedural knowledge while the latter provides declarative knowledge. The results from this study indicate that prior knowledge has positive impacts in the CSI group while it has negative impacts in the Machinarium group. These findings imply that prior knowledge is useful for the context of declarative knowledge while it may not be helpful for the context of procedural knowledge.  相似文献   

Recently, programming skills have become a core competence. Many teaching strategies were developed to improve programming skills. Among them, online tests were widely applied to enhance students learning. Nonetheless, they may not be able to engage students in deep thinking and reflections. Thus, a two-tier test strategy was proposed to address this issue. However, previous research mainly focused on investigating the effectiveness of the two-tier test strategy but there is a lack of studies that investigate why the two-tier test approach is effective. To this end, we developed an online test, where the two-tier test strategy was implemented. Additionally, an empirical study was conducted to explore the influences of the two-tier test approach on students' learning performance and behavior patterns. Pre-test and post-test scores were applied to assess students' learning performance while a lag sequential analysis was used to analyze behavior patterns. Regarding learning performance, the proposed two-tier test can improve students' programming skills. Regarding behavior patterns, the two-tier test approach facilitates students to develop a learning by reviewing strategy, which is useful to improve their programming skills.  相似文献   

Learning to program is a difficult process for novice programmers. AutoLEP, an automated learning and assessment system, was developed by us, to aid novice programmers to obtain programming skills. AutoLEP is ability-training-oriented. It adopts a novel assessment mechanism, which combines static analysis with dynamic testing to analyze student programs. It not only helps students to sufficiently test the programs, but also evaluates whether the programs meet the specification or not. AutoLEP encourages students to find and work through bugs, by providing automatic syntactic and structural checking, and immediate detailed feedback. This can improve students’ learning experience in programming and reduce the workload of the teaching staff. AutoLEP has been used in the C programming course at Harbin Institute of Technology and many other universities since 2004. The feedback on AutoLEP and its incorporation into the introductory programming course has been positive, both by students and teaching staff.  相似文献   

Although many studies have investigated the effects of digital game-based learning (DGBL) on learning and motivation, its benefits have never been systematically demonstrated. In our first experiment, we sought to identify the conditions under which DGBL is most effective, by analyzing the effects of two different types of instructions (learning instruction vs. entertainment instruction). Results showed that the learning instruction elicited deeper learning than the entertainment one, without impacting negatively on motivation. In our second experiment, we showed that if learners are given regular feedback about their performance, the entertainment instruction results in deep learning. These two experiments demonstrate that a serious game environment can promote learning and motivation, providing it includes features that prompt learners to actively process the educational content.  相似文献   

There have been few attempts to introduce frameworks that can help support tutors evaluate educational games and simulations that can be most effective in their particular learning context and subject area. The lack of a dedicated framework has produced a significant impediment for the uptake of games and simulations particularly in formal learning contexts. This paper addresses this shortcoming by introducing a four-dimensional framework for helping tutors to evaluate the potential of using games- and simulation-based learning in their practice, and to support more critical approaches to this form of games and simulations. The four-dimensional framework is applied to two examples from practice to test its efficacy and structure critical reflection upon practice.  相似文献   

Motivated by the Federal Title I program to improve the Math and Language Arts learning of underachieving students of low socioeconomic status, the Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) at Stanford University has developed computer-based online Math and Language Arts courses for such students in elementary and middle schools. Using several large student samples, the four-year statistical assessment of state test performance is the focus of this report. The main statistical conclusion is that sustained and careful computer-based work, guided by motivated teachers, can be done by many, when taught on an individualized basis, at their current level of competence. The gains made by individual students are, to a large extent, monotonically increasing in their amount of net correct computer-based course work, and to an even larger extent monotonically decreasing as pre-test scores rise, a result that favors technological support of the more underachieving students.  相似文献   

Current endeavors to integrate competency-based learning approaches with e-learning systems designed for delivery of training to adult learners in the workplace are growing. However, academic efforts in examining learners’ perceptions of, and reactions toward, this technology-delivered pedagogical innovation are limited. Drawing together perspectives from the literature on training and instructional design and technology acceptance, this research proposed a conceptual model to examine the influences of perceived individual and social learning support on employees’ acceptance of competency-based e-learning systems. Structural equation modeling and multi-group structural equation modeling techniques were applied to sample data collected from work settings in Mainland China. The results show the positive effects of perceived individual learning support and perceived support for promoting a norm of cooperation on employees’ intention to use the competency-based e-learning system. It was also found that perceived support for enhancing social ties had a negative effect on employees’ behavioral intention. The gender, age, prior experience, and work experience differences in the main effects were also investigated. Besides, qualitative data collected via semi-structured in-depth interview provide complementary evidence to the findings.  相似文献   

This paper is an assessment of the use of CancerHelp UK, a Web site developed as a resource for people living with cancer. Attitudes to the use of the site were examined through interviews with 23 patients and relatives in a two-phase pilot study. The analysis of the data was conducted within a framework derived from activity theory which focused on individual perspectives, purposes and outcomes and the processes involved in use. Our findings show that the process of using the site and the characteristics of the medium were regarded as beneficial, although some inexperienced computer users needed some help. There were positive cognitive and affective outcomes for those who had independently chosen to use the site. However, there were differences in process and outcome between independent users and participants who had been invited to use the resource for evaluation purposes. The study raises questions about the use and evaluation of the World Wide Web for teaching and learning through an informal learning activity. The response of participants to the use of CancerHelp UK indicates that the resource is both useful and usable. The authors suggest that the availability of the Web as a means for learning about cancer may challenge the traditional transmission-based practice of the medical consultation.  相似文献   

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