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详细介绍和评述了以纳米催化剂、智能纳米流体和纳米-微生物驱为代表的纳米材料在提高稠油采收率方面的应用。纳米催化剂的高催化活性能使稠油有效地水热裂解,提高稠油品质。智能纳米流体是通过改变岩石的润湿性,降低表面张力,改善流度比的方法来提高最终采收率。而纳米-微生物驱则是包含了纳米材料和微生物驱的优点,在二者的协同作用下,提高稠油采收率。最后指出了纳米技术在进一步现场应用存在的问题,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

详细介绍和评述了以纳米催化剂、智能纳米流体和纳米-微生物驱为代表的纳米材料在提高稠油采收率方面的应用。纳米催化剂的高催化活性能使稠油有效地水热裂解,提高稠油品质。智能纳米流体是通过改变岩石的润湿性,降低表面张力,改善流度比的方法来提高最终采收率。而纳米-微生物驱则是包含了纳米材料和微生物驱的优点,在二者的协同作用下,提高稠油采收率。最后指出了纳米技术在进一步现场应用存在的问题,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

聚合物驱提高采收率发展现状与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聚合物驱作为提高采收率技术是最先发展起来的,本文综述了聚合物驱在目前油田开发中的应用,并对现行的聚合物驱的驱油机理进行了探讨,对以后发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

聚合物驱提高采收率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严志虎  寇磊  姬洪明 《辽宁化工》2010,39(9):945-947
聚合物驱是一种比较有效的提高原油采收率的三次采油方法。综述了聚合物驱技术在国内外的应用和研究进展,分析了聚合物驱的驱油机理。介绍了常见的聚合物驱并提出了发展聚合物驱急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

对近年来纳米技术在提高原油采收率方面的应用作了较详细的介绍和评述。其中包括由表面活性剂和疏水改性纳米粒子组成的纳米乳液、纳米粒子增强的粘弹表面活性剂体系、固体纳米粒子稳定的CO2气体泡沫和纳米分子沉积膜的作用机理及提高采收率的应用效果;还包括微-纳米颗粒封堵技术、纳米降压增注技术、纳米材料改性破乳技术、尤其是油藏纳米机器人等技术在石油开发方面的应用;并提出了应用于提高石油采收率领域的纳米技术发展方向。  相似文献   

综述了基于磁性纳米材料所构建的纳米磁流体在提高原油采收率中的应用;总结了纳米磁流体的驱油机理,重点论述了基于氧化铁、钴铁氧体和镍铁氧体等磁性纳米材料所构建的纳米磁流体在提高原油采收率中的应用进展;最后对纳米磁流体在驱油应用中所面临的挑战和机遇进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

表面活性剂高效的驱油性质现如今在矿场上被大量应用,表面活性剂能够大幅度降低地层中油水两相的界面张力,提高驱替过程中的波及效率和洗油效率。在实际的矿场开发中,表面活性剂也常被用作为二元复合驱(SP)和三元复合驱(ASP)重要组分。所以研究表面活性剂的性能对驱替的影响是极为重要的。本文通过结合表面活性剂在矿场上的实际应用效果,从微观的角度介绍了表面活性剂的结构特征,分析了表面活性剂提高采收率机理,归纳总结了表面活性剂现阶段在开发上的不足与弊端,为将来表面活性剂的发展和原油增产提供思路。  相似文献   

随着油田的勘探开发,濮城油田进入中高含水开发后期,本文分析了濮城油田6个大层系的注水开发效果及其影响因素,找到了提高采收率的方法,预测了二氧化碳驱提高原油采收率的效果。  相似文献   

本文针对二类油层开展强、弱碱三元体系提高采收率技术研究,压汞实验等表明三元驱后岩心平均孔隙半径有逐渐增大趋势,强碱三元体系对岩石骨架的溶蚀作用较强,强碱三元体系中聚合物分子线团尺寸大于弱碱三元体系,适当增加碱浓度有利于三元复合体系提高采收率;驱油实验表明,强碱三元提高采收率好于弱碱三元,碱类型对残余油拉出的油丝影响不大,强、弱碱三元体系驱替时都能生成油丝,但无碱体系驱替时未见形成油丝。  相似文献   

在驱油过程中,二氧化碳与水和油的相界面处会发生传质扩散,使得二氧化碳溶于水或油,溶于水后可使的水的粘度增加,运移性能提高,溶于油后会使得原油体积膨胀,粘度降低,从而降低油水界面张力,而且,传质速度越快,越有利于降低油水界面张力,进而增加原油采收率,提高洗油效率和收集残余油效率,对以后的油气田开发均有较大的意义。  相似文献   

李原  狄勤丰  华帅  张景楠  叶峰  王文昌 《化工进展》2019,38(8):3612-3620
储层岩石的润湿性对于石油采收率至关重要,近年来纳米流体润湿反转技术在提高石油采收率方面的应用得到了广泛关注,并取得了一系列成果。本文首先介绍了利用纳米流体对储层润湿性反转在提高石油采收率方面的应用,包括提高水驱效率和降压增注,其次归纳了润湿性变化的实验评价方法并分析影响纳米流体润湿反转效果的因素,表明纳米材料性质(类型、尺寸、浓度)和地层环境(温度、矿化度)均有不同程度的影响。然后阐述了纳米流体改变储层润湿性的机制,认为其包含纳米流体润湿铺展和纳米颗粒岩石壁面吸附的双重机制。最后指出运用此技术存在的问题和难点,并对以后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

In enhanced oil recovery, different chemical methods utilization improves hydrocarbon recovery due to their fascinating abilities to alter some critical parameters in porous media, such as mobility control, the interaction between fluid to fluid, and fluid to rock surface. For decades the use of surfactant and polymer flooding has been used as tertiary recovery methods. In the current research, the inclusion of nanomaterials in enhanced oil recovery injection fluids solely or in the presence of other chemicals has got colossal interest. The emphasis of this review is on the applicability of nanofluids in the chemical enhanced oil recovery. The responsible mechanisms are an increment in the viscosity of injection fluid, decrement in oil viscosity, reduction in interfacial and surface tension, and alteration of wettability in the rock formation. In this review, important parameters are presented,which may affect the desired behavior of nanoparticles, and the drawbacks of nanofluid and polymer flooding and the need for a combination of nanoparticles with the polymer are discussed. Due to the lack of literature in defining the mechanism of nanofluid in a reservoir, this paper covers majorly all the previous work done on the application of nanoparticles in chemical enhanced oil recovery at home conditions. Finally, the problems associated with the nano-enhanced oil recovery are outlined, and the research gap is identified, which must be addressed to implement polymeric nanofluids in chemical enhanced oil recovery.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been successfully implemented in many applications, such as nanoelectronics, nanobiomedicine, and nanodevices. However, this technology has rarely been applied to the oil and gas industry, especially in upstream exploration and production. The oil and gas industry needs to improve oil recovery and exploit unconventional resources. The cost of research and oil production is under immense pressure, and it is becoming more difficult to justify such investment when the crude oil price is weak and depressed. There is a widespread belief that nanotechnology may be exploited to develop novel nanomaterials with enhanced performance to combat these technological barriers. Increasing funding resources from governmental and global oil industry have been allocated to exploration, drilling, production, refining, and wastewater treatment. For example, nanosensors allow for precise measurement of reservoir conditions. Nanofluids prepared using functional nanomaterials may exhibit better performance in oil production processes, and nanocatalysts have improved the efficiency in oil refining and petrochemical processes. Nanomembranes enhance oil, water and gas separation, oil and gas purification, and the removal of impurities from wastewater. Functional nanomaterials can play an important role in the production of smart, reliable, and more durable equipment. In this review paper, we summarize the research progress and prospective applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

李应成  鲍新宁  张卫东  金军  孟勇  沙鸥 《精细化工》2020,37(4):649-656,664
中国石油对外依存度持续上升,而采收率持续下降。中国剩余石油储量中大部分为高温高盐、低渗透、稠油油藏等难以开采的苛刻油藏。化学驱强化采油技术目前所使用的石油磺酸盐、烷基苯磺酸盐等常规表面活性剂由于活性低、耐盐性差而导致低效甚至无效。综述了新型表面活性剂,如阴-非离子表面活性剂、双子及寡聚表面活性剂、甜菜碱型两性表面活性剂、高分子表面活性剂、烷基糖苷表面活性剂、黏弹性表面活性剂、生物表面活性剂、阴阳离子混合表面活性剂等的研究进展。讨论了国内外强化采油用表面活性剂评价方法的差异。最后,对采油用表面活性剂的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is a tertiary oil recovery process that manipulates the microbial environment inside oil reservoirs to modify the physical/chemical properties of the reservoirs to enhance the oil recovery. Up to now, the detailed MEOR mechanism is still not entirely clear due to the multiple influence factors (e.g., pH, nutrients, temperature, porosity, and permeability) on microbial growth and reproduction, as well as the lack of understanding of microbial's influencing mechanism on the oil recovery process. In this study, a Bacillus subtilis-based MEOR process was conducted in a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)-based microfluidic device to mimic the MEOR process in the reservoir. The porous microstructure based on real sandstone slice images was fabricated with laser ablation on a PMMA substrate. Two different MEOR approaches were conducted in the PMMA-based microfluidics devices: the direct injection of displacing reagent (biosurfactant produced by bacteria) into the microfluidic chip for the oil recovery (ex-situ), and the incubation of bacteria solution inside the chip followed with brine flooding (in-situ). The result indicates the ex-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis can reach a recovery rate of 38.56%, while the in-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis reached a recovery rate of 40.27%. The proposed study provides a new tool for understanding the MEOR process, with advantages in visibility and accurate fluid control during the MEOR process.  相似文献   

延长油区低渗透油藏提高采收率技术对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对延长油田开发中存在的储层物性差,自然产能低;裂缝多,油井水淹严重;地层压力低,生产压差难以保证;注水启动压力高,注水效果差等主要问题,提出了加强储层研究、加强成熟技术推广应用、开展提高采收率方法适应性及潜力评价研究等提高采收率途径和对策。  相似文献   

Experimental results are reported for a series of microemulsion displacement tests carried out in a consolidated core of medium permeability (1.75 μm2). The interfacial tension and viscosity were varied from 0.02 to 32.0 mN/m and 2.0 to 26.0 mN · s/m2, respectively. The amount of oil unrecovered is correlated as a function of capillary number, Nc. Results are compared with those obtained by other workers who used porous media of low permeability and the relative importance of capillary and viscous forces at various stages of oil mobilization is discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国各大油田陆续进入开发后期,可供开采的常规油气藏资源越来越少,提高采收率的研究越来越受到重视。气体泡沫驱作为一种有效提高采收率的方式,广泛应用于我国各大油田,在现场应用中发挥了堵塞缝隙、降低出水率、提高采收率的作用。介绍了氮气泡沫驱、二氧化碳泡沫驱、空气泡沫驱在国内外的最新研究进展和现场应用情况,对3种泡沫驱进行了比较;讨论了表面活性剂作为发泡剂对提高油藏采收率的作用和影响。分析了3种泡沫驱油方式的优缺点和适应性,并对未来发展提出建议,认为我国的泡沫驱油技术还未成熟,要针对气体-泡沫注入方式以及注入时机等进行更深层次的研究,同时还要研发发泡剂和稳泡剂的配方,降低成本。  相似文献   

储油罐中的原油及汽油等轻质油品在储存或运输过程中,部分轻组分蒸发产生多种对大气有毒、有害的挥发性有机物(VOCs)。在油气回收的终端环节,常采用活性炭对VOCs进行充分吸附达标后排放至大气。对吸附VOCs饱和的活性炭进行脱附再生,既可延长活性炭使用寿命,又可减少固体废弃物处理量。超临界CO2再生活性炭方法较好地克服了传统的热再生法固有的缺陷,被认为是目前有前途的再生活性炭方法。本文详细阐述了超临界CO2再生活性炭的机理研究现状,总结了机理研究的关键点及存在的问题,指出了VOCs在超临界CO2作用下脱附的微观机理及脱附后的VOCs在活性炭中相关传质系数的计算模型为今后机理研究的关键突破口,为超临界CO2再生活性炭基础理论的进一步完善指明了研究方向。  相似文献   

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