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介绍后现代主义服装的装饰主义和折衷主义特点,探索后现代主义T恤衫的设计方法,并结合3D虚拟试衣技术开拓可视化T恤衫结构设计的新思路。详细阐述利用3D虚拟试衣技术实现T恤衫结构和面料的可视化设计与修改、优化过程,同时直观展示T恤衫的立体试穿效果。通过3D虚拟试衣技术,实现了服装结构设计的可视化,提高了结构设计效率及成功率,缩短了服装产品开发周期。  相似文献   

传统蒙古袍是研究蒙古族服饰文化的重要依据。文章通过田野调研,对乌珠穆沁部落传统蒙古袍的款式、色彩、面料、形制、结构、工艺等服装特征与服饰文化进行研究。基于CLO 3D软件,进行2 D结构复原和3 D虚拟试衣,提出了传统蒙古袍三维虚拟试衣过程中遇到的问题及解决方法。结果表明,乌珠穆沁部落传统蒙古袍是集实用、审美和种族认同于一体,具有典型的草原游牧文化特征;利用科技手段将传统蒙古袍数字化是传承传统服饰的有效手段。因此,研究对于传统蒙古族服饰文化体系的丰富、完善及传统民族服饰传承具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

周琴 《针织工业》2021,(2):65-69
探讨3D虚拟试衣技术与针织时装版型、面料特性相结合的针织时装结构设计方法.介绍研究思路、设计方案、二维针织时装样板绘制思路,结合160/84A号型针织时装基础款上衣设计案例,采用Runway 3D三维虚拟试衣系统,详细阐述利用3D虚拟试衣技术实现针织时装结构和面料设计与修改,同时直观展示成衣款式的立体试穿效果.通过三维...  相似文献   

韩伦  方进  于滨  马翔 《轻工科技》2023,(2):130-132+172
帽子结构设计是服装结构课程大体系中非常有特色的一个单元,对于学生的立体造型和个性设计能力培养具有十分重要的作用。传统的服装结构设计课程大多是在平面二维层面进行教学,对于像帽子这种从平面角度很难想象出其立体构成的服装配饰而言,单纯教会学生画结构图往往达不到课程的目的。提出将3D虚拟试衣技术应用于帽子结构设计中,从应用目的、操作方法、学生评价等方面对该课程的教学进行研究,力求达到对学生兴趣、课程质量的提升,促进服装设计与工程专业的发展。  相似文献   

探讨了基于3D虚拟试衣技术的太极石纤维混纺毛衫设计应用方法。基于太极石共混健康能量纤维的功能特性,以55.56 tex 55%太极石共混聚酯纤维45%长绒棉混纺纱为原料,进行太极石纤维混纺针织毛衫设计,采用SDS ONE APEX 4编织设计软件及STYLE 3D数字化虚拟试衣软件,阐述了利用数字化模拟编织技术实现太极石纤维混纺针织服装款式设计、配色及编织组织修改,展现成衣仿真试穿效果、提升功能性毛衫设计精准度,为纺织与针织企业产品数字化研发及提质增效提供借鉴思路。  相似文献   

宋莹  相思曼  孙雅致 《丝绸》2022,(4):59-64
为优化三维虚拟试衣设计流程、缩短研发周期、提升研发效率,本文以连衣裙为研究对象,CLO3D虚拟试衣软件为研究手段,改变由二维样板生成三维样衣的传统虚拟试衣流程.首先采用逆向流程设计方法,以松量人体模型为参照绘制连衣裙基础廓形,通过拟合工具首先生成三维曲面样板,并根据直观着装效果对样板进行优化设计,直至得出最佳的三维曲面...  相似文献   

以Virtools为主要开发工具,以Photoshop,3ds Max为辅助开发工具,设计并实现一个具有良好操作性、交互性,并且可以应用于网络的人体换装系统.  相似文献   

赵燕 《纺织报告》2022,(6):16-18
随着智能数字化时代的到来,人工智能、虚拟技术等新科技手段不断升级完善,服装行业因此实现了跨越式发展,但也面临产业升级转型的挑战。目前,大多数服装企业依然沿用比较传统的服装设计方式,主要特征是研发周期长、成本高、效率低,导致企业的市场响应能力差,面临淘汰的危机,而CLO 3D虚拟技术可助力服装行业解决上述问题。文章主要基于服装行业数字化背景,探讨CLO 3D虚拟技术解决的问题、应用领域及影响。  相似文献   

文章以三件不同款式的馆藏传统无省旗袍为例,结合CLO 3D虚拟试衣软件、PixPlant软件进行虚拟试穿和面料纹样设计。结果表明:三维虚拟试衣技术能够实现传统无省旗袍虚拟复原,并能够穿着在特定虚拟模特上进行三维展示。该研究对于传统无省旗袍的数字化传播与传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

邓可卉  卫艺林 《纺织学报》2023,44(4):179-186
为更好地实现残缺古代服装文物的非接触式修复,提出一种基于三维服装建模技术进行古代服装数字化虚拟复原的方法。以正仓院所藏唐代"黄地夹缬絁袍(残欠)"为研究对象,首先在MatLab中使用Canny图形检测算法对袍服的污损纹样进行提取和修复;其次使用服装CAD软件ET SYSTEM对袍服残缺部分的款式和结构进行平面复原;最后使用基于CLO3D平台的服装三维建模技术对该袍服进行了数字化三维虚拟复原,并对复原方案执行了动态仿真模拟。结果表明,该方法可完成古代服装文物的高精度三维虚拟复原,有效还原出古代服装的三维动态形貌,为实际修复工作提供数据参考。  相似文献   

影视服装不仅要满足人物的服用需要,更具有鲜明的历史象征意义。针对宋代影视剧服装设计中存在的不尊重历史等现状,以《大宋少年志》女主角赵简的服装为例,结合宋代女装款式、纹样、色彩和面料特色,将款式和纹样进行矢量化设计,并利用CLO3D技术再设计了一套完整的在宋代影视剧中合理穿戴的服装,从而探究CLO3D技术在影视剧服装设计中的可行性及优劣性。  相似文献   

借助CLO 3D虚拟服装设计软件,将虚拟现实技术与非物质文化遗产广绣有机结合,设计了两款广绣定制服装作品.实现了广绣定制服装的虚拟服装设计、虚拟缝制、虚拟图案设计、虚拟展示等过程,表明虚拟服装设计应用于广绣定制服装可行.为广绣的传承与发展提供了新方向,同时也为服装定制类型企业推进数字化进程提供了参考.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the optimum parameters for Chinese female underwire bra size system. Raw data was collected for 275 subjects using a 3D scanner, and 108 measurement values were extracted by reverse engineering software Polyworks. Analysis of data was conducted by integrating the entropy weight method and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods. It was determined that the value of breast breadth (straight distance from inner most point to outer most point on the breast) should be added to the pivotal parameters and compared to previous research to classify the breast shape and to create a totally new size system for the underwire bra. This information can provide the value width for the pattern maker and help in choosing the right sized & shaped wire for the underwire bra. When compared to former research, more breast shapes were defined than when only the depth width ratio and under-bust girth were used as parameters.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo introduce a new approach to simulatethe fitting process of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses using 3D printing technology.MethodsA hemispherical or parabolic 3D model was created using 3D Builder or Tinkercad software. The horizontal and vertical diameters and the hemispherical or ellipsoid height were adjusted to simulate different morphologies of the corneal anterior surface. After exporting the file in stereo lithography (STL) format, a solid model was printed using a 3D printer and was used to simulate RGP contact lens fitting.ResultsLimited by the precision of the entry-level 3D printer which was used in this study, the print-outs of the corneal models were crude, but the models were tested for their ability to simulate common corneal morphologies with no corneal astigmatism and different axial corneal astigmatism. Compared with some built-in simulation programs for corneal topography, the solid models generated by 3D printing could well simulate the positioning of the lens under the influence of gravity and the eyelid, as well as lens eccentricity or the bubbles under lenses caused by an improper wearing method.Conclusion3D printing technology can be well applied in the simulation of RGP contact lens fitting, which may become a new teaching method in optometry.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to examine (a) consumers’ experience and satisfaction of using 3D virtual simulation technology for online shopping and (b) consumers’ willingness to use the technology. Thirty-seven participants between the ages of 19 and 35?years were recruited. Each participant was scanned and a virtual model was made from the scan. Participants completed a questionnaire and were interviewed after completing a simulated online shopping experience that used 3D virtual simulation technology. Participants thought the visual information from the virtual model was a good starting point for judging fit. However, participants also found some inaccuracies in what they viewed on the screen. Despite the fact that the technology was not yet perfectly accurate, many participants thought the virtual model was impressive and they were likely to use it in the future. Some concerns about using the technology were raised including privacy issues, availability of technology, and discomfort of viewing one’s own body scan.  相似文献   

文章对品牌女装传统产品开发模式和三维虚拟试衣系统的构成及应用进行分析,并在此基础上对应用三维服装虚拟试衣系统在现阶段存在的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

三维虚拟展示技术能够较好地模拟织物穿着后所表现的外观及悬垂性、光泽、褶皱等物理性能,更好地服务于个性化私人订制.现有的纺织面料虚拟展示系统侧重于二维平面的展示,缺乏对面料最终效果进行立体三维全方位的虚拟展示.使用3DMAX和OpenGL图形库以及一些辅助工具,通过设计系统功能和操作界面、搭建应用场景、三维人体服装建模、...  相似文献   

Li Haixia 《纺织学会志》2020,111(6):916-923

The pressure comfort of a sleeveless yoga top was evaluated and optimized based on three-dimensional (3?D) virtual-reality technology. A 3?D human modal and virtual sample pattern were created, contact pressure values on 23 points during 12 yoga postures were measured. Results showed that pressure values of side neck point, back neck point, shoulder midpoint, shoulder point, bust point and the intersection of back princess line and waist line of the 3?D sample garment fluctuated greatly, where the dynamic pressure comfort was poor. The structural optimization was based on the improvement of pressure comfort on above points. A verification carried out to verity effects of the optimization, it was demonstrated that the pressure fluctuation at above points was obviously reduced, which meant the dynamic pressure comfort was obviously improved. It is expected that the research results can provide not only a yoga top pattern with excellent dynamic pressure comfort but also a reference for the future application of 3?D virtual pressure values in clothing.  相似文献   

王菊  李林杉 《丝绸》2022,59(1):88-94
甘肃省博物馆藏唐代"蓝地翼马纹锦",因存在污染、糟朽等病害,急需保护修复。文章采用测色仪、X荧光能谱仪、显微镜等专业仪器对该织物进行无损检测,并依据检测结果制定了科学的保护修复路线,继而尝试采用支撑法、针线缝合法,选用风格相近的现代真丝面料进行背衬加固;同时还注重纺织品文物相关背景信息的收集整理,进一步对其价值认知、纹饰复原、修复技术难点等问题进行分析。修复后的织锦纹理更加明晰,丝线平顺稳固,整体色泽协调,牢固度提高,且观展效果增强。  相似文献   

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