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赫尔辛基海员中心的基地毗邻乌萨里港口的入口,位于一块待建场地的北端。这是整个港口区域中唯一融入了自然元素和形态的场地,这座建筑则成为区域内唯一具有公共功能的建筑物。它是来自远方的海员们在这个港口的歇脚之处。  相似文献   

正概念介绍以赫尔辛基颂歌中央图书馆为代表,图书馆迎来了新的时代。这座位于赫尔辛基市中心的全新建筑包含了几乎所有的公共空间类型,并为市民提供各式各样的公共服务。开放一年以来,它已成为城市公共图书馆网络中令人印象深刻的新中心点。图书馆的设计将功能主要划分为3个特质分明的区域:热闹活泼的首层、安静休闲的顶层和位于两层之间的为特定功能服务的补充层。设计将这种概念具象化为一个巨大的拱形结构,邀请人们来充分地使用拱形上下不同的空间,而由此产生的建筑  相似文献   

芬兰外交部办公楼,赫尔辛基OficeBuildingfortheForeignMinistry,Helsinki,Finland,1992设计[芬兰]奥利·培卡·约凯拉(OliPekkeJokela)这幢建筑物紧临恩索——古才大厦(阿尔瓦·阿尔托60...  相似文献   

正作为2017年阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖典礼的一部分,位于赫尔辛基的芬兰建筑博物馆举行了张轲的个展。"阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖50周年展"与其同期举行,用以展出此前12位获奖者的相关内容。张轲被授予阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖2017年9月12日,张轲被授予阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖,授奖典礼在赫尔辛基的芬兰地亚大厦举行。继阿尔瓦·阿尔托、詹姆斯·斯特林、约恩·伍重、安藤忠雄、阿尔瓦罗·西扎及斯蒂文·霍尔之后,张轲成为该奖项第13位获得者。阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖设立于1967年,以芬兰建筑大师阿尔瓦·阿尔托名字命名,是国际重要建筑奖项之一。该奖用以表彰在建筑领域具有杰出成就,  相似文献   

赫尔辛基目前正在探索具有可持续性的建造城市的新手段。类似手段实质上通常以城市扩张为代价来提高城市的密度。但问题在于如何提高已建成区域的密度,即在何处、如何建造更高的大楼。"云城市"这一提案或许为这个问题提供了一个可能的答案。这个项目的基地是1930年代诺基亚电缆厂  相似文献   

文化桑拿是属于当代芬兰的新式城市公共桑拿,位于赫尔辛基滨水区的Hakaniemenranta。它是一种社交空间,将洗浴与包含文化活动、创造和交流的公共空间组合。设计师奈奈·坪井与建筑师托马斯·托伊沃宁负责设计、建设、融资和运行文化桑拿。  相似文献   

该设计在2007年受邀参加的竞赛中获得了第一名。它是维基科技园住宅区建设的第1期。整个街区共包含为学生以及大学的工作人员建造的7座5层的公寓大楼,以及一座4层的停车场。公寓的建设场地位于维基科技园区内,并毗邻基地的历史上一直存在  相似文献   

吴晓 《世界建筑》2007,(7):54-59
维基实验新区位于赫尔辛基市的东北郊,是近年来运用生态理念进行实验性开发的大型项目,赫尔辛基长期以来财产政策的鲜明公有导向——81%的建设用地为社会所公有(其中65%归城市所有,16%归政府所有)——也确保了该项目的顺利实施和逐次展开。  相似文献   

"迪拉"住宅区是赫尔辛基的一个"新Loft"公寓试点项目。6层的楼体内包含了39套单元,基地面积从50m2至102m2不等。设计概念是基于开放的结构体系,让各个单元的业主有机会自己修建公寓的室内空间。"建筑壳体"于2009年竣工,随后的业主独立施工持续到2011年年初。此项设计是由建筑师与有关当局合作推进的。  相似文献   

赫尔辛基大学计划在其中心校区建立由5个学院图书馆组成的图书馆系统。这些图书馆目前分布在市中心的不同地区,学校计划将其统一为一个独立管理系统的综合单元。这所芬兰最大的学术图书馆将建于市中心历史悠久的荷尔维街区。新图书馆建筑将通过其弧线型的砖立面构成完整的街区边界,并和毗邻的建筑一起形成沿街立面。  相似文献   

赫尔辛基市需要对一系列运动馆提出一个合适的解决方案,这些运动馆包含供运动队和教练使用的更衣室,维护设施所用的设备间,目的是在市里提供数量众多的运动场以满足公众使用的需求.本馆的功能是在冬季可用做溜冰场,而溜冰场在夏季则可转变为网球场.除了加强对功能的重点规划外,其中一个主要要求是需要选择一种耐磨度高的外墙防火材料.  相似文献   

从国土面积上看,芬兰与其他欧洲国家相比无疑是一个小国,但是它在建筑设计方面的领先地位却是很多欧洲国家无法比肩的。说到宗教建筑,首先闪现在我们脑海中的国家无疑是意大利、印度等国家,但是芬兰最近出现的一些教堂  相似文献   


Although relatively understudied, the role of affordable and acceptable housing in the accelerating global competition for talent is of utmost importance, especially if highly skilled migrants are to be absorbed into the permanent labour force. This paper concerns the housing of skilled Indian migrants in the Helsinki metropolitan area in Finland, and contributes to the literature on international migration and the housing of ethnic minorities. It presents a case study on how to analyse migrants’ housing pathways, examining the meaning of housing in the transnational lives of this relatively affluent migrant group. The results show that homeownership is a not a simple indicator of commitment to the host society, and that those responsible for national housing policy need to ensure the supply, quality and reasonable price of accommodation in order to fulfil the housing needs of skilled migrants.  相似文献   

The diffusive sampling method was evaluated for measuring benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, styrene, propylbenzene, ethyltoluenes, trimethylbenzenes and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in the urban air of Helsinki, Finland. Concentrations were measured in 2-week periods at four different sites during the year 2000. Tube type adsorbent tubes were pre-packed with Carbopack-B (60/80). Analysis was conducted using thermal desorption and gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer. In different seasons, during five diffusive sampling periods, parallel measurements were conducted using pumped and online sampling. The compared techniques agreed reasonably well for other compounds than trimethylbenzenes. Based on comparisons, diffusive uptake rates for ethyltoluenes, styrene, propylbenzene and MTBE were determined, and for trimethylbenzenes, uptake rates were revised. The concentrations of aromatic compounds in Helsinki metropolitan area were also compared to the concentrations of a rural, forested site in Central Finland.  相似文献   


Solo dwellers’ housing issues have received little attention in housing studies. This article addresses their domestic spatial needs in the context of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA) where dwelling sizes have decreased rapidly. A critical stance towards the trend of constructing small one-room apartments and related norm deregulation is based on the notion that dwellings should be at least 50?m2 and contain more than one room in order to overcome the shortage of space experienced by solo dwellers (N?=?1453). Emphasizing the perspective of housing design, the findings provide insights into floor plan design by focussing on apartment types and sizes in relation to kitchen types and the experienced shortage of space. All in all, the article demonstrates that solo dwellers’ domestic spatial needs are more diverse than expected based on their household size and related public discussion on urban housing.  相似文献   

This study investigates commuter and driver exposure to aerosol particles in buses and trams in Helsinki, Finland. Particle number and PM2.5 concentrations were determined in the cabin and the driver's compartment. In addition, the < 2.5 µm black carbon concentration was measured in the driver's compartment and PM2.5 was collected for elemental analysis in the cabin. The measurements were repeated on two generations of buses and trams including two measurement days in each vehicle type. Fine particle number and mass concentrations in the driver's compartments were only slightly increased compared to Helsinki background air. Daily average ratios of number and mass to the background varied in range 0.8-4.3 and 1.0-2.9, respectively, both being the highest in the older bus type. However, the drivers were exposed to elevated levels of black carbon, which some studies have addressed to be strongly correlated with adverse health effects. The daily average ratio of black carbon to the background varied between 2.4 and 11.4. Additionally, the black carbon concentration had spatial variation. The drivers were exposed to higher peak concentrations of black carbon in downtown area. Particle concentrations were smaller in the driver's compartment than in the cabin. The newer technology in the newer model of the tram and bus seemed to decrease driver exposure to aerosol particles.  相似文献   

Recent urban ecological research shows high species numbers in slowly developed cities and towns. Urban development is known to fragment, change and weaken urban biodiversity. Conservation areas have been the main tool in protecting threatened species both in rural and urban municipalities in Finland. However, very little is known about how successful conservation areas are in protecting rare and threatened species and their habitats in boreal cities and towns. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a rapidly urbanising hemiboreal city, which has a high number of vascular plant species in both native and urban biotopes. One and 0.25 km2 grid square maps and simple overlay methods are being used to analyse data on species occurrence and land use. Total species number, a rarity index and historical and threatened groupings are used to classify species and their habitats. At present, conservation areas can protect only a small proportion of threatened species in Helsinki. More protection areas, green areas in future land-use decisions and new management goals are needed to protect the biodiversity of existing vascular plant species.  相似文献   

1圣保罗概况圣保罗是南美最大的城市群,海拔800m,离海岸线60km,人口1800万。圣保罗的气候比起处于同一纬度、400km以外的滨海大城市地区里约热内卢要温和。圣保罗的建成区面积是  相似文献   

方海 《华中建筑》2005,23(5):35-37
工作室于1989年建成,是针对13年前建造的建筑师事务所办公室的扩建(图1-26)。根据原始方案,本来打算在办公室加上两个横向柱宽的寓所空间以使它呈对称形式。  相似文献   

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