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计算机并行适配器的一次故障处理株洲电力机车研究所黄彩霞我们研究所微机开发室有一台Digital486/DX266与打印机相连,突然不能打印。键入CTRL+P、Shift+Prtsc都不能打印,把打印机(包括打印通信电缆)接至别的计算机上,打印正常,说... 相似文献
我们研究所微机开发室有一台Digital 486/DX2 66与打印机相连,突然不能打印。键入CTRL P、Shift Prtsc都不能打印,把打印机(包括打印通信电缆)接至别的计算机上,打印正常,说明打印机正常。问题出在计算机上,排除计算机病毒感染,用DOS下命令MSD检查,计算机并行口存在,但是“I/O Error Yes”,从 相似文献
数据通信中DCE设备与DCE设备之间的对连时,如多路复用设备(MUX)的用户终端同步口与调制解调器(MODEM)同步口对连时,往往因为两种接口的定时的方向全是向外的,而无法连接。本文介绍了一种简单可靠的同步接口适配器 并在实际工作中应用,使得这一难题得到解决。 相似文献
吴齐霖 《电脑技术——Hello-IT》1995,(5):29-32
早期的计算机使用的是单色显示系统MDA(MonoDisnlavAdantor)和彩色显示系统CGA(ColorGraghicAdaPtor)。随着微机技术的不断发展,显示系统从EGA(EnhancedGrapl。icAdaptor)、VGA(VideoGraphicArray)直到目前广泛使用的SuPerVGA等。微机的显示系统包括显示器、显示适配器(AdaPtor)和显示驱动软件。为了让爱好者在购买和组装电脑时具备足够的判别力,本文将从术语着手,介绍微机显示器和适配器。术语介绍显示器与电视机功能、构造类似,以下l~5条术语是关于PC显示器的。1.点z巨一个彩色显示器的CRT(阴极射线管)… 相似文献
在嵌入式系统领域,低速同步串行总线广泛使用,PC无法直接访问这些总线;介绍了一种USB到同步串行协议转换的通用适配器用于访问串行同步总线接口的设备,讨论了通用适配器的硬件电路、相关传输协议、时序分析、CPLD程序设计,描述了如何编写程序控制该通用适配器的通用步骤,以及实现USB到JTAG、SPI协议转换的一般方法;最后,使用该通用适配器实现了对一种SPI接口4线触摸屏控制器的访问;该通用适配器为嵌入式开发提供了一种灵活、便捷、强大的工具。 相似文献
本文介绍了并行打印机端口在主机与非打印机外设之间进行数据传输中的应用。给出了接口电路设计的方框图,和数据输入输出的子过程,并指出了进一步的工作方向。 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(3):283-304
This paper presents a new three-dimensional (3-D) biomicromanipulation system for biological objects such as embryos, cells or oocytes. As the cell is very small, kept in liquid and observed through a microscope, 2-D visual feedback makes accurate manipulation in the 3-D world difficult. To improve the manipulation work, we proposed an intelligent human–machine interface. The 3-D visual information is provided to the operator through a 3-D reconstruction method using vision-based tracking deformations of the cell embryo. In order to perform stable microinjection tasks, the operator needs force feedback and haptic assistance during penetration of the cell envelop — the chorion. Thus, realistic haptic rendering techniques have been implemented to validate stable insertion of a micropipette in a living cell. The proposed human–machine user's interface allows real-time realistic visual and haptic control strategies for constrained motion in image coordinates, virtual haptic rendering to constrain the path of insertion and removal in the 3-D scene or to avoid cell destruction by adequately controlling position, velocity and force parameters. Experiments showed that the virtualized reality interface acts as a tool for total guidance and assistance during microinjection tasks. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(3):305-322
From the viewpoint of passivity, it is well known that wave variables are robust to transmission delay of a system. During wave transformation for the sampled-data system, a unit delay arises due to causality of the reflection wave. This delay makes the wave transformation in the sampled-data system different from the standard one in the continuous-time system. The unit delay on the reflection wave occasionally becomes a passive element. From the passivity condition of the sampled-data system, the wave impedance can be designed such that wave transformation using delayed reflection provides the effect of positive damping and thus a stable haptic interface is achieved in the sampled-data system. For a passive haptic device, although it is always considered stable because of its passive nature, the oscillatory motion appears during the wall-following task with force approximation. Various experiments for a two-linked passive haptic device show that a stable haptic interface can be accomplished for the wall-following task through wave transformation using delayed reflection. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(7):599-616
This paper considers design methodologies in order to develop voice-enabled interfaces for tour-guide robots deployed at the Robotics Exposition of the Swiss National Exhibition (Expo.02). Human-robot voice communication presents new challenges for design of fully autonomous mobile robots, in that interactivity must be robot-initiated in conversation and within a dynamic adverse environment. We approached these general problems for a voice-enabled interface, tailored to limited computational resources of one on-board processor, when integrating smart speech signal acquisition, automatic speech recognition and synthesis, as well as a dialogue system into the multi-modal, multi-sensor interface for the expo tour-guide robot. We also focus on particular issues that needed to be addressed in voice-based interaction when planning specific tasks and research experiments for Expo.02, where tour-guide robots had to interact with hundreds of thousands of visitors over 6 months, 7 days a week, 10 h per day. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(1):39-53
A simple interface is described that makes it easier for operators of mobile robots to use multiple images provided by distributed cameras. While the images provided by multiple cameras located on ceilings or walls can provide global position information for use in navigating mobile robots, a human operator must be able to understand the working area by observing the multiple images, which is burdensome. Accounting for this, we propose a simple interface for operating the mobile robot through multiple camera images. To assist human recognition of the relationship between multi-displayed images from cameras located in unknown wide working areas, we designed and implemented the interface to have the following main features: (i) indication of overlap areas from cameras to support human recognition of working areas and (ii) indication of rough routes for robot navigation to assist robot operation from captured images. The effectiveness of the interface and that of the entire robot system were demonstrated experimentally. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(1-2):87-104
This paper proposes an accurate force reflection method for a multi-d.o.f. haptic interface without a force sensor. Sensorless force reflection is possible using position–position (p–p) architecture. However, the conventional p–p architecture in the literature has limitations representing constraint space when it is applied to a multi-d.o.f. haptic interface in that it gives an inaccurate force direction. This paper demonstrates the limitation of the conventional p–p architecture through an example and proposes a novel force reflection method using the instantaneous restriction space (IRS) concept. The IRS can be calculated using the Jacobian and joint angle error of a slave manipulator. Since the proposed method has the form of an impedance two-port architecture in the sense of data flow, it can be easily combined with previous well-known results of two-port haptic display frameworks. The proposed method is especially useful when the slave manipulator collides with unexpected obstacles during motion, even though the slave does not have a force sensor. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through experiments. 相似文献
电子商务专业串并结合教学模式研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
电子商务是21世纪最有前景的商务模式,电子商务专业人才培养也成为各地区教育的重点。本文针对电子商务专业的特点和目前教学中普遍存在的一些问题,提出"串并结合"的教学模式,在总体的培养方案上并行设置多条主线,从而满足电子商务专业人才多样化的需求,帮助学生在学习过程中获得更多实践经验。该教学模式已部分应用于实际教学中。 相似文献
TMS320F206是美国德州仪器(TI)公司生产的16位定点DSP。与传统单片机不同,它运算速度快(可达40MIPS),在一些高端应用领域中正取代普通的单片机。LCD越来越多地在各种仪器仪表和测控系统中作为显示模块。本文讨论了LCD与TMS320F206的接口,可为其他DSP和LCD的接口提供参考。 相似文献
Windows 9x中串并行并存通讯系统设计与实现 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
详细介绍了运用面向对象程序设计语言VB5.0,开发在同一智能系统中同时采用RS232串口和GPIB并口的综合性实时数据采集处理系统的实现,解决了MSComm控件在VB5.0及5.0以上版本中应用于仪器命令字的ASCⅡ码传送时的特殊问题。 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(13-14):1773-1791
This paper introduces a bimanual haptic interface robot and presents results from its trial operation. Our aim in developing a bimanual haptic interface is to display high-precision three-directional forces at all 10 fingertips of both hands of the operator. By installing two five-fingered robot hands and two robot arms, we construct a bimanual haptic interface. A haptic interface that consists of robot hands and robot arms can provide multi-point contact between the operator and a virtual environment. However, there is the risk that robot hands and robot arms will collide while an operator is manipulating the haptic interface. To solve this problem, we also propose a collision avoidance control law for the multi-fingered bimanual haptic interface. Finally, to determine the validity of the proposed interface, we carry out several experiments. These results show the validity and great potential of the proposed bimanual haptic interface. 相似文献