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An adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique is proposed for level set simulations of incompressible multiphase flows. The present AMR technique is implemented for two‐dimensional/three‐dimensional unstructured meshes and extended to multi‐level refinement. Smooth variation of the element size is guaranteed near the interface region with the use of multi‐level refinement. A Courant–Friedrich–Lewy condition for zone adaption frequency is newly introduced to obtain a mass‐conservative solution of incompressible multiphase flows. Finite elements around the interface are dynamically refined using the classical element subdivision method. Accordingly, finite element method is employed to solve the problems governed by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, using the level set method for dynamically updated meshes. The accuracy of the adaptive solutions is found to be comparable with that of non‐adaptive solutions only if a similar mesh resolution near the interface is provided. Because of the substantial reduction in the total number of nodes, the adaptive simulations with two‐level refinement used to solve the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with a free surface are about four times faster than the non‐adaptive ones. Further, the overhead of the present AMR procedure is found to be very small, as compared with the total CPU time for an adaptive simulation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The level set method is a promising approach to provide flexibility in dealing with topological changes during structural optimization. Normally, the level set surface, which depicts a structure's topology by a level contour set of a continuous scalar function embedded in space, is interpolated on a fixed mesh. The accuracy of the boundary positions is therefore largely dependent on the mesh density, a characteristic of any Eulerian expression when using a fixed mesh. This article combines the adaptive moving mesh method with a level set structure topology optimization method. The finite element mesh automatically maintains a high nodal density around the structural boundaries of the material domain, whereas the mesh topology remains unchanged. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effect of the combination of a Lagrangian expression for a moving mesh and a Eulerian expression for capturing the moving boundaries.  相似文献   

The level set equation is a non‐linear advection equation, and standard finite‐element and finite‐difference strategies typically employ spatial stabilization techniques to suppress spurious oscillations in the numerical solution. We recast the level set equation in a simpler form by assuming that the level set function remains a signed distance to the front/interface being captured. As with the original level set equation, the use of an extensional velocity helps maintain this signed‐distance function. For some interface‐evolution problems, this approach reduces the original level set equation to an ordinary differential equation that is almost trivial to solve. Further, we find that sufficient accuracy is available through a standard Galerkin formulation without any stabilization or discontinuity‐capturing terms. Several numerical experiments are conducted to assess the ability of the proposed assumed‐gradient level set method to capture the correct solution, particularly in the presence of discontinuities in the extensional velocity or level‐set gradient. We examine the convergence properties of the method and its performance in problems where the simplified level set equation takes the form of a Hamilton–Jacobi equation with convex/non‐convex Hamiltonian. Importantly, discretizations based on structured and unstructured finite‐element meshes of bilinear quadrilateral and linear triangular elements are shown to perform equally well. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural optimization methods based on the level set method are a new type of structural optimization method where the outlines of target structures can be implicitly represented using the level set function, and updated by solving the so‐called Hamilton–Jacobi equation based on a Eulerian coordinate system. These new methods can allow topological alterations, such as the number of holes, during the optimization process whereas the boundaries of the target structure are clearly defined. However, the re‐initialization scheme used when updating the level set function is a critical problem when seeking to obtain appropriately updated outlines of target structures. In this paper, we propose a new structural optimization method based on the level set method using a new geometry‐based re‐initialization scheme where both the numerical analysis used when solving the equilibrium equations and the updating process of the level set function are performed using the Finite Element Method. The stiffness maximization, eigenfrequency maximization, and eigenfrequency matching problems are considered as optimization problems. Several design examples are presented to confirm the usefulness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a level‐set based topology optimization method incorporating a boundary tracking mesh generating method and nonlinear programming. Because the boundary tracking mesh is always conformed to the structural boundary, good approximation to the boundary is maintained during optimization; therefore, structural design problems are solved completely without grayscale material. Previously, we introduced the boundary tracking mesh generating method into level‐set based topology optimization and updated the design variables by solving the level‐set equation. In order to adapt our previous method to general structural optimization frameworks, the incorporation of the method with nonlinear programming is investigated in this paper. To successfully incorporate nonlinear programming, the optimization problem is regularized using a double‐well potential. Furthermore, the sensitivities with respect to the design variables are strictly derived to maintain consistency in mathematical programming. We expect the investigation to open up a new class of grayscale‐free topology optimization. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated using several numerical examples targeting two‐dimensional compliant mechanism and metallic waveguide design problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops two aspects improving crack propagation modelling with the X‐FEM method. On the one hand, it explains how one can use at the same time a regular structured mesh for a precise and efficient level set update and an unstructured irregular one for the mechanical model. On the other hand, a new numerical scheme based on the X‐FEM method is proposed for dynamic elastic–plastic situations. The simulation results are compared with two experiments on PMMA for which crack speed and crack path are provided. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to solve two‐phase flows using the finite element method. On one hand, the algorithm used to solve the Navier–Stokes equations provides the neccessary stabilization for using the efficient and accurate three‐node triangles for both the velocity and pressure fields. On the other hand, the interface position is described by the zero‐level set of an indicator function. To maintain accuracy, even for large‐density ratios, the pseudoconcentration function is corrected at the end of each time step using an algorithm successfully used in the finite difference context. Coupling of both problems is solved in a staggered way. As demonstrated by the solution of a number of numerical tests, the procedure allows dealing with problems involving two interacting fluids with a large‐density ratio. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the contribution of mesh adaptation to high‐order convergence of unsteady multi‐fluid flow simulations on complex geometries. The mesh adaptation relies on a metric‐based method controlling the L p‐norm of the interpolation error and on a mesh generation algorithm based on an anisotropic Delaunay kernel. The mesh‐adaptive time advancing is achieved, thanks to a transient fixed‐point algorithm to predict the solution evolution coupled with a metric intersection in the time procedure. In the time direction, we enforce the equidistribution of the error, i.e. the error minimization in L norm. This adaptive approach is applied to an incompressible Navier–Stokes model combined with a level set formulation discretized on triangular and tetrahedral meshes. Applications to interface flows under gravity are performed to evaluate the performance of this method for this class of discontinuous flows. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we first discuss the moving least‐square approximation (MLS) method. In some cases, the MLS may form an ill‐conditioned system of equations so that the solution cannot be correctly obtained. Hence, in this paper, we propose an improved moving least‐square approximation (IMLS) method. In the IMLS method, the orthogonal function system with a weight function is used as the basis function. The IMLS has higher computational efficiency and precision than the MLS, and will not lead to an ill‐conditioned system of equations. Combining the boundary integral equation (BIE) method and the IMLS approximation method, a direct meshless BIE method, the boundary element‐free method (BEFM), for two‐dimensional elasticity is presented. Compared to other meshless BIE methods, BEFM is a direct numerical method in which the basic unknown quantity is the real solution of the nodal variables, and the boundary conditions can be applied easily; hence, it has higher computational precision. For demonstration purpose, selected numerical examples are given. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approximate level set method for three‐dimensional crack propagation is presented. In this method, the discontinuity surface in each cracked element is defined by element‐local level sets (ELLSs). The local level sets are generated by a fitting procedure that meets the fracture directionality and its continuity with the adjacent element crack surfaces in a least‐square sense. A simple iterative procedure is introduced to improve the consistency of the generated element crack surface with those of the adjacent cracked elements. The discrete discontinuity is treated by the phantom node method which is a simplified version of the extended finite element method (XFEM). The ELLS method and the phantom node technology are combined for the solution of dynamic fracture problems. Numerical examples for three‐dimensional dynamic crack propagation are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a FEM with mesh‐separation‐based approximation technique that separates a standard element into three geometrically independent elements. A dual mapping scheme is introduced to couple them seamlessly and to derive the element approximation. The novel technique makes it very easy for mesh generation of problems with complex or solution‐dependent, varying geometry. It offers a flexible way to construct displacement approximations and provides a unified framework for the FEM to enjoy some of the key advantages of the Hansbo and Hansbo method, the meshfree methods, the semi‐analytical FEMs, and the smoothed FEM. For problems with evolving discontinuities, the method enables the devising of an efficient crack‐tip adaptive mesh refinement strategy to improve the accuracy of crack‐tip fields. Both the discontinuities due to intra‐element cracking and the incompatibility due to hanging nodes resulted from the element refinement can be treated at the elemental level. The effectiveness and robustness of the present method are benchmarked with several numerical examples. The numerical results also demonstrate that a high precision integral scheme is critical to pass the crack patch test, and it is essential to apply local adaptive mesh refinement for low fracture energy problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite element solver for the simulation of steady non‐Newtonian flow problems, using a regularized Bingham model, with adaptive mesh refinement capabilities. The solver is based on a stabilized formulation derived from the variational multiscale framework. This choice allows the introduction of an a posteriori error indicator based on the small scale part of the solution, which is used to drive a mesh refinement procedure based on element subdivision. This approach applied to the solution of a series of benchmark examples, which allow us to validate the formulation and assess its capabilities to model 2D and 3D non‐Newtonian flows.  相似文献   

Structural shape and topology optimization using level set functions is becoming increasingly popular. However, traditional methods do not naturally allow for new hole creation and solutions can be dependent on the initial design. Various methods have been proposed that enable new hole insertion; however, the link between hole insertion and boundary optimization can be unclear. The new method presented in this paper utilizes a secondary level set function that represents a pseudo third dimension in two‐dimensional problems to facilitate new hole insertion. The update of the secondary function is connected to the primary level set function forming a meaningful link between boundary optimization and hole creation. The performance of the method is investigated to identify suitable parameters that produce good solutions for a range of problems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach, called the moving element method, for the dynamic analysis of train‐track systems. By discretizing the rail beam on viscoelastic foundation into elements that ‘flow’ with the moving vehicle, the proposed method eliminates the need for keeping track of the vehicle position with respect to the track model. The governing equations are formulated in a co‐ordinate system travelling at a constant velocity, and a class of conceptual elements (as opposed to physical elements) are derived for the rail beams. In the numerical study, four cases of moving vehicle are presented taking into consideration the effects of moving load and rail corrugation. The method is shown to work for varying vehicle velocity and multiple contact points, and has several advantages over the finite element method. The numerical solutions compare favourably with the results obtained by alternative methods. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a three‐dimensional (3D) grayscale‐free topology optimization method using a conforming mesh to the structural boundary, which is represented by the level‐set method. The conforming mesh is generated in an r‐refinement manner; that is, it is generated by moving the nodes of the Eulerian mesh that maintains the level‐set function. Although the r‐refinement approach for the conforming mesh generation has many benefits from an implementation aspect, it has been considered as a difficult task to stably generate 3D conforming meshes in the r‐refinement manner. To resolve this task, we propose a new level‐set based r‐refinement method. Its main novelty is a procedure for minimizing the number of the collapsed elements whose nodes are moved to the structural boundary in the conforming mesh; in addition, we propose a new procedure for improving the quality of the conforming mesh, which is inspired by Laplacian smoothing. Because of these novelties, the proposed r‐refinement method can generate 3D conforming meshes at a satisfactory level, and 3D grayscale‐free topology optimization is realized. The usefulness of the proposed 3D grayscale‐free topology optimization method is confirmed through several numerical examples. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical method for simulating fluid–elastic solid interaction with surface tension is presented. A level set method is used to capture the interface between the solid bodies and the incompressible surrounding fluid, within an Eulerian approach. The mixed velocity–pressure variational formulation is established for the global coupled mechanical problem and discretized using a continuous linear approximation in both velocity and pressure. Three ways are investigated to reduce the spurious oscillations of the pressure that appear at the fluid–solid interface. First, two stabilized finite element methods are used: the MINI‐element and the algebraic subgrid method. Second, the surface integral corresponding to the surface tension term is treated either by the continuum surface force technique or by a surface local reconstruction algorithm. Finally, besides the direct evaluation method proposed by Bruchon et al., an alternative method is proposed to avoid the explicit computation of the surface curvature, which may be a source of difficulty. These different issues are addressed through various numerical examples, such as the two incompressible fluid flow, the elastic inclusion embedded into a Newtonian fluid, or the study of a granular packing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对结构与无限大声场的声振耦合系统中结构的双材料拓扑优化问题进行了研究。采用有限元与边界元方法分别对结构和声场进行离散。基于分段常数水平集(piecewise constant level set,PCLS)方法,构造了结构的刚度阵、质量阵与阻尼阵。优化目标选为最小化结构指定位置的振幅平方,采用伴随变量法进行灵敏度分析。引入二次罚函数方法来实现体积约束,基于灵敏度信息对优化参数进行重新定义,克服了参数的问题依赖性。数值结果表明优化设计可以显著降低结构的振幅,证实了优化方法的有效性。不同算例下体积约束在相同优化参数下均得到很好满足,说明了重新定义参数的优越性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a level set‐based topology optimization method targeting metallic waveguide design problems, where the skin effect must be taken into account since the metallic waveguides are generally used in the high‐frequency range where this effect critically affects performance. One of the most reasonable approaches to represent the skin effect is to impose an electric field constraint condition on the surface of the metal. To implement this approach, we develop a boundary‐tracking scheme for the arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) mesh pertaining to the zero iso‐contour of the level set function that is given in an Eulerian mesh, and impose Dirichlet boundary conditions at the nodes on the zero iso‐contour in the ALE mesh to compute the electric field. Since the ALE mesh accurately tracks the zero iso‐contour at every optimization iteration, the electric field is always appropriately computed during optimization. For the sensitivity analysis, we compute the nodal coordinate sensitivities in the ALE mesh and smooth them by solving a Helmholtz‐type partial differential equation. The obtained smoothed sensitivities are used to compute the normal velocity in the level set equation that is solved using the Eulerian mesh, and the level set function is updated based on the computed normal velocity. Finally, the utility of the proposed method is discussed through several numerical examples. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The finite cell method (FCM) is an immersed domain finite element method that combines higher‐order non‐boundary‐fitted meshes, weak enforcement of Dirichlet boundary conditions, and adaptive quadrature based on recursive subdivision. Because of its ability to improve the geometric resolution of intersected elements, it can be characterized as an immersogeometric method. In this paper, we extend the FCM, so far only used with Cartesian hexahedral elements, to higher‐order non‐boundary‐fitted tetrahedral meshes, based on a reformulation of the octree‐based subdivision algorithm for tetrahedral elements. We show that the resulting TetFCM scheme is fully accurate in an immersogeometric sense, that is, the solution fields achieve optimal and exponential rates of convergence for h‐refinement and p‐refinement, if the immersed geometry is resolved with sufficient accuracy. TetFCM can leverage the natural ability of tetrahedral elements for local mesh refinement in three dimensions. Its suitability for problems with sharp gradients and highly localized features is illustrated by the immersogeometric phase‐field fracture analysis of a human femur bone. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last 2 years, a multidomain formalism for structural dynamics based on a multi‐time‐step algorithm and local linear modal reduction was proposed by Gravouil, Combescure, Herry & Faucher. In the first part of this paper, we extended modal reduction to subdomains undergoing finite rigid‐body rotations. Here, we focus on the consequences of local modal projection (either linear or geometrically non‐linear) on the treatment of interface problems between subdomains. In particular, we address the issues of the invertibility and efficiency of the solution process. We illustrate our propositions with specific interpretations of the examples presented in Part 1 and present an additional example to demonstrate the properties of special sets of modes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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