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A recent approach to fracture modeling has combined the extended finite element method (XFEM) with cohesive zone models. Most studies have used simplified enrichment functions to represent the strong discontinuity but have lacked an analytical basis to represent the displacement gradients in the vicinity of the cohesive crack. In this study enrichment functions based upon an existing analytical investigation of the cohesive crack problem are proposed. These functions have the potential of representing displacement gradients in the vicinity of the cohesive crack and allow the crack to incrementally advance across each element. Key aspects of the corresponding numerical formulation and enrichment functions are discussed. A parameter study for a simple mode I model problem is presented to evaluate if quasi‐static crack propagation can be accurately followed with the proposed formulation. The effects of mesh refinement and mesh orientation are considered. Propagation of the cohesive zone tip and crack tip, time variation of the cohesive zone length, and crack profiles are examined. The analysis results indicate that the analytically based enrichment functions can accurately track the cohesive crack propagation of a mode I crack independent of mesh orientation. A mixed mode example further demonstrates the potential of the formulation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An overview of the extended/generalized finite element method (GEFM/XFEM) with emphasis on methodological issues is presented. This method enables the accurate approximation of solutions that involve jumps, kinks, singularities, and other locally non‐smooth features within elements. This is achieved by enriching the polynomial approximation space of the classical finite element method. The GEFM/XFEM has shown its potential in a variety of applications that involve non‐smooth solutions near interfaces: Among them are the simulation of cracks, shear bands, dislocations, solidification, and multi‐field problems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A mapping method is developed to integrate weak singularities, which result from enrichment functions in the generalized/extended finite element method. The integration scheme is applicable to 2D and 3D problems including arbitrarily shaped triangles and tetrahedra. Implementation of the proposed scheme in existing codes is straightforward. Numerical examples for 2D and 3D problems demonstrate the accuracy and convergence properties of the technique. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the numerical modelling of complete sliding contact and its associated singularity is carried out using the partition of unity finite element method. Sliding interfaces in engineering components lead to crack nucleation and growth in the vicinity of the contact zone. To accurately capture the singular stress field at the contact corner, we use the partition of unity framework to enrich the standard displacement‐based finite element approximation by additional (enriched) functions. These enriched functions are derived from the analytical expression of the asymptotic displacement field in the vicinity of the contact corner. To characterize the intensity of the singularity, a domain integral formulation is adopted to compute the generalized stress intensity factor (GSIF). Numerical results on benchmark problems are presented to demonstrate the improved accuracy and benefits of this technique. We conduct an investigation on issues pertaining to the extent of enrichment, accurate numerical integration of weak‐form integrals and the rate of convergence in energy. The use of partition of unity enrichment leads to accurate estimations of the GSIFs on relatively coarse meshes, which is particularly beneficial for modelling non‐linear sliding contacts. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of the extended finite element method in the context of quadtree/octree meshes. Particular attention is paid to the enrichment of hanging nodes that inevitably arise with these meshes. An approach for enforcing displacement continuity along hanging edges and faces is proposed and validated on various numerical examples (holes, material interfaces, and singularities) in both 2D and 3D. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extended finite element method was introduced in 1999 to treat problems involving discontinuities with no or minimal remeshing through appropriate enrichment functions. This enables elements to be split by a discontinuity, strong or weak, and hence requires the integration of discontinuous functions or functions with discontinuous derivatives over elementary volumes. A variety of approaches have been proposed to facilitate these special types of numerical integration, which have been shown to have a large impact on the accuracy and the convergence of the numerical solution. The smoothed extended finite element method (XFEM), for example, makes numerical integration elegant and simple by transforming volume integrals into surface integrals. However, it was reported in the literature that the strain smoothing is inaccurate when non‐polynomial functions are in the basis. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of a recently developed Linear smoothing procedure which provides better approximation to higher‐order polynomial fields in the basis. Some benchmark problems in the context of linear elastic fracture mechanics are solved and the results are compared with existing approaches. We observe that the stress intensity factors computed through the proposed linear smoothed XFEM is more accurate than that obtained through smoothed XFEM.  相似文献   

Two issues in the extended finite element method (XFEM) are addressed: efficient numerical integration of the weak form when the enrichment function is self‐equilibrating and blending of the enrichment. The integration is based on transforming the domain integrals in the weak form into equivalent contour integrals. It is shown that the contour form is computationally more efficient than the domain form, especially when the enrichment function is singular and/or discontinuous. A method for alleviating the errors in the blending elements is also studied. In this method, the enrichment function is pre‐multiplied by a smooth weight function with compact support to allow for a completely smooth transition between enriched and unenriched subdomains. A method for blending step function enrichment with singular enrichments is described. It is also shown that if the enrichment is not shifted properly, the weighted enrichment is equivalent to the standard enrichment. An edge dislocation and a crack problem are used to benchmark the technique; the influence of the variables that parameterize the weight function is analyzed. The resulting method shows both improved accuracy and optimum convergence rates and is easily implemented into existing XFEM codes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents mathematical derivation of enrichment functions in the extended finite element method for numerical modeling of strong and weak discontinuities. The proposed approach consists in combining the level set method with characteristic functions as well as domain decomposition and reproduction technique. We start with the simple case of a triangular linear element cut by one interface across which displacement field suffers a jump. The main steps towards the derivation of enrichment functions are as follows: (1) extension of the subfields separated by the interface to the whole element domain and definition of complementary nodal variables; (2) construction of characteristic functions for describing the geometry and physical field; (3) determination of the sets of basic nodal variables; (4) domain decompositions according to Step 3 and then reproduction of the physical field in terms of characteristic functions and nodal variables; and (5) comparison of the piecewise interpolations formulated at Steps 3 and 4 with the standard extended finite element method form, which yields enrichment functions. In this process, the physical meanings of both the basic and complementary nodal variables are clarified, which helps to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions. Enrichment functions for weak discontinuities are constructed from deeper insights into the structure of the functions for strong discontinuities. Relationships between the two classes of functions are naturally established. Improvements upon basic enrichment functions for weak discontinuities are performed so as to achieve satisfactory convergence and accuracy. From numerical viewpoints, a simple and efficient treatment on the issue of blending elements is also proposed with implementation details. For validation purposes, applications of the derived functions to heterogeneous problems with imperfect interfaces are presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An adaptive method within the extended finite element method (XFEM) framework which adapts the enrichment function locally to the physics of a problem, as opposed to polynomial or mesh refinement, is presented. The method minimizes a local residual and determines the parameters of the enrichment function. We consider an energy form and a ‘strong’ form of the residual as error measures to drive the algorithm. Numerical examples for boundary layers and solid mechanics problems illustrate that the procedure converges. Moreover, when only the character of the solution is known, a good approximation is obtained in the area of interest. It is also shown that the method can be used to determine the order of singularities in solutions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensions of a new technique for the finite element modelling of cracks with multiple branches, multiple holes and cracks emanating from holes are presented. This extended finite element method (X‐FEM) allows the representation of crack discontinuities and voids independently of the mesh. A standard displacement‐based approximation is enriched by incorporating discontinuous fields through a partition of unity method. A methodology that constructs the enriched approximation based on the interaction of the discontinuous geometric features with the mesh is developed. Computation of the stress intensity factors (SIF) in different examples involving branched and intersecting cracks as well as cracks emanating from holes are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A unifying procedure to numerically compute enrichment functions for elastic fracture problems with the extended finite element method is presented. Within each element that is intersected by a crack, the enrichment function for the crack is obtained via the solution of the Laplace equation with Dirichlet and vanishing Neumann boundary conditions. A single algorithm emanates for the enrichment field for multiple cracks as well as intersecting and branched cracks, without recourse to special cases, which provides flexibility over the existing approaches in which each case is treated separately. Numerical integration is rendered to be simple—there is no need for partitioning of the finite elements into conforming subdivisions for the integration of discontinuous or weakly singular kernels. Stress intensity factor computations for different crack configurations are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the linear free flexural vibration of cracked functionally graded material plates is studied using the extended finite element method. A 4-noded quadrilateral plate bending element based on field and edge consistency requirement with 20 degrees of freedom per element is used for this study. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of simply supported and clamped square and rectangular plates are computed as a function of gradient index, crack length, crack orientation and crack location. The effect of thickness and influence of multiple cracks is also studied.  相似文献   

Problems of multiple scales of interest or of locally nonsmooth solutions may often involve heterogeneous media. These problems are usually very demanding in terms of computations with the conventional finite element method. On the other hand, different enriched finite element methods such as the partition of unity, which proved to be very successful in treating similar problems, are developed and studied for homogeneous media. In this work, we present a new idea to extend the partition of unity finite element method to treat heterogeneous materials. The idea is studied in applications to wave scattering and heat transfer problems where significant advantages are noted over the standard finite element method. Although presented within the partition of unity context, the same enrichment idea can also be extended to other enriched methods to deal with heterogeneous materials. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents and exercises a general structure for an object‐oriented‐enriched finite element code. The programming environment provides a robust tool for extended finite element (XFEM) computations and a modular and extensible system. The programme structure has been designed to meet all natural requirements for modularity, extensibility, and robustness. To facilitate mesh–geometry interactions with hundreds of enrichment items, a mesh generator and mesh database are included. The salient features of the programme are: flexibility in the integration schemes (subtriangles, subquadrilaterals, independent near‐tip, and discontinuous quadrature rules); domain integral methods for homogeneous and bi‐material interface cracks arbitrarily oriented with respect to the mesh; geometry is described and updated by level sets, vector level sets or a standard method; standard and enriched approximations are independent; enrichment detection schemes: topological, geometrical, narrow‐band, etc.; multi‐material problem with an arbitrary number of interfaces and slip‐interfaces; non‐linear material models such as J2 plasticity with linear, isotropic and kinematic hardening. To illustrate the possible applications of our paradigm, we present 2D linear elastic fracture mechanics for hundreds of cracks with local near‐tip refinement, and crack propagation in two dimensions as well as complex 3D industrial problems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents fracture mechanics analysis using the wavelet Galerkin method and extended finite element method. The wavelet Galerkin method is a new methodology to solve partial differential equations where scaling/wavelet functions are used as basis functions. In solid/structural analyses, the analysis domain is divided into equally spaced structured cells and scaling functions are periodically placed throughout the domain. To improve accuracy, wavelet functions are superposed on the scaling functions within a region having a high stress concentration, such as near a hole or notch. Thus, the method can be considered a refinement technique in fixed‐grid approaches. However, because the basis functions are assumed to be continuous in applications of the wavelet Galerkin method, there are difficulties in treating displacement discontinuities across the crack surface. In the present research, we introduce enrichment functions in the wavelet Galerkin formulation to take into account the discontinuous displacements and high stress concentration around the crack tip by applying the concept of the extended finite element method. This paper presents the mathematical formulation and numerical implementation of the proposed technique. As numerical examples, stress intensity factor evaluations and crack propagation analyses for two‐dimensional cracks are presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonlinear fracture analysis of rubber‐like materials is computationally challenging due to a number of complicated numerical problems. The aim of this paper is to study finite strain fracture problems based on appropriate enrichment functions within the extended finite element method. Two‐dimensional static and quasi‐static crack propagation problems are solved to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Complex mixed‐mode problems under extreme large deformation regimes are solved to evaluate the performance of the proposed extended finite element analysis based on different tip enrichment functions. Finally, it is demonstrated that the logarithmic set of enrichment functions provides the most accurate and efficient solution for finite strain fracture analysis. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We show both theoretically and numerically a connection between the smoothed finite element method (SFEM) and the virtual element method and use this approach to derive stable, cheap and optimally convergent polyhedral FEM. We show that the stiffness matrix computed with one subcell SFEM is identical to the consistency term of the virtual element method, irrespective of the topology of the element, as long as the shape functions vary linearly on the boundary. Using this connection, we propose a new stable approach to strain smoothing for polygonal/polyhedral elements where, instead of using sub‐triangulations, we are able to use one single polygonal/polyhedral subcell for each element while maintaining stability. For a similar number of degrees of freedom, the proposed approach is more accurate than the conventional SFEM with triangular subcells. The time to compute the stiffness matrix scales with the in case of the conventional polygonal FEM, while it scales as in the proposed approach. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the SFEM are studied with a few benchmark problems in 2D and 3D linear elasticity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this note, we make a few comments concerning the paper of Hughes and Akin (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 15 , 733–751 (1980)). Our primary goal is to demonstrate that the rate of convergence of numerical solutions of the finite element method with singular basis functions depends upon the location of additional collocation points associated with the singular elements. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new algorithm to define a stable Lagrange multiplier space to impose stiff interface conditions within the context of the extended finite element method. In contrast to earlier approaches, we do not work with an interior penalty formulation as, e.g. for Nitsche techniques, but impose the constraints weakly in terms of Lagrange multipliers. Roughly speaking a stable and optimal discrete Lagrange multiplier space has to satisfy two criteria: a best approximation property and a uniform inf–sup condition. Owing to the fact that the interface does not match the edges of the mesh, the choice of a good discrete Lagrange multiplier space is not trivial. Here we propose a new algorithm for the local construction of the Lagrange multiplier space and show that a uniform inf–sup condition is satisfied. A counterexample is also presented, i.e. the inf–sup constant depends on the mesh‐size and degenerates as it tends to zero. Numerical results in two‐dimensional confirm the theoretical ones. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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