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Bicontinuous cubic phases offer advantageous routes to a broad range of applied materials ranging from drug delivery devices to membranes. However, a priori design of molecules that assemble into these phases remains a technological challenge. In this article, a high-throughput synthesis of lipidoids that undergo protonation-driven self-assembly (PrSA) into liquid crystalline (LC) phases is conducted. With this screening approach, 12 different multi-tail lipidoid structures capable of assembling into the bicontinuous double gyroid phase are discovered. The large volume of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data uncovers unexpected design criteria that enable phase selection as a function of lipidoid headgroup size and architecture, tail length and architecture, and counterion identity. Surprisingly, combining branched headgroups with bulky tails forces lipidoids to adopt unconventional pseudo-disc conformations that pack into double gyroid networks, entirely distinct from other synthetic or biological amphiphiles within bicontinuous cubic phases. From a multitude of possible applications, two examples of functional materials from lipidoid liquid crystals are demonstrated. First, the fabrication of gyroid nanostructured films by interfacial PrSA, which are rapidly responsive to the external medium. Second, it is shown that colloidally-dispersed lipidoid cubosomes, for example, for drug delivery, are easily assembled using top-down solvent evaporation methods.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic lipids aggregate in aqueous solution into a variety of structural arrangements. Among the plethora of ordered structures that have been reported, many have also been observed in nature. In addition, due to their unique morphologies, the hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, very high internal interfacial surface area, and the multitude of possible order?order transitions depending on environmental changes, very promising applications have been developed for these systems in recent years. These include crystallization in inverse bicontinuous cubic phases for membrane protein structure determination, generation of advanced materials, sustained release of bioactive molecules, and control of chemical reactions. The outstanding diverse functionalities of lyotropic liquid crystalline phases found in nature and industry are closely related to the topology, including how their nanoscopic domains are organized. This leads to notable examples of correlation between structure and macroscopic properties, which is itself central to the performance of materials in general. The physical origin of the formation of the known classes of lipidic lyotropic liquid crystalline phases, their structure, and their occurrence in nature are described, and their application in materials science and engineering, biology, medical, and pharmaceutical products, and food science and technology are exemplified.  相似文献   

A simple process to clad conventional monofilament fibers with low‐molecular‐weight liquid crystals (LCs) stabilized by an outer polymer sheath is demonstrated. The fibers retain the responsive properties of the LCs but in a highly flexible/drapable format. The monofilament core makes these fibers much more rugged with a magnified response to external stimuli when compared to previously reported LC‐core fibers produced by electrospinning or airbrushing. The microscopic structure and the optical properties of round and flattened fibers are reported. The sensitivity of the response of individual fibers can be tuned over a broad range by varying the composition of the LCs. Complex fabrics can be easily woven from fibers that respond to different external stimuli, such as temperature variation, chemical concentrations, and pressure. The fabrics can be fashioned into garments that can sense and report the state of health of the wearer or the status of their environment.  相似文献   

Orientation control of ordered materials would not only produce new physical phenomenon but also facilitate the development of fancy devices. Discotic liquid crystals (DLCs) form 1D charge transport pathway by self‐organizing into columnar nanostructures via π–π stacking. However, controlling the electrical properties in such nanostructures with some direct and instant way is a formidable task for their high viscosity and insensitivity to external stimuli. Herein, the arbitrary control over electrical conductivity of such columnar nanostructures is achieved with UV light by incorporating DLCs with molecular motors. Highly ordered DLC microstripe arrays are generated on desired substrate through a capillary bridge dewetting strategy. The conductivity of the microstripes could be continuously modulated by 365 nm light due to the influence of molecular motion under UV irradiation on the electron orbital overlap of columnar nanostructures. This is so because the disorder degree of the DLC molecules is associated with the intensity of UV light and the doping concentration of molecular motors. Moreover, the device shows memory effect and reversible conductivity change. The DLC microstripe arrays are very promising for the applications in UV detectors, memory devices, optical switches, and so on.  相似文献   

Biomimetic camouflage, i.e., using natural cell membranes for drug delivery, has demonstrated advantages over synthetic materials in both pharmacokinetics and biocompatibility, and so represents a promising solution for the development of safe nanomedicine. However, only limited efforts have been dedicated to engineering such camouflage to endow it with optimized or additional properties, in particular properties critical to a “smart” drug delivery system, such as stimuli‐responsive drug release. A pH‐responsive biomimetic “platesome” for specific drug delivery to tumors and tumor‐triggered drug release is described. This platesome nanovehicle is constructed by merging platelet membranes with functionalized synthetic liposomes and exhibits enhanced tumor affinity, due to its platelet membrane–based camouflage, and selectively releases its cargo in response to the acidic microenvironment of lysosomal compartments. In mouse cancer models, it shows significantly better antitumor efficacy than nanoformulations based on a platesome without pH responsiveness or those based on traditional pH‐sensitive liposomes. A convenient way to incorporate stimuli‐responsive features into biomimetic nanoparticles is described, demonstrating the potential of engineered cell membranes as biomimetic camouflages for a new generation of biocompatible and efficient nanocarriers.  相似文献   

Topological phases play a novel and fundamental role in matter and display extraordinary robustness to smooth changes in material parameters or disorder. A crossover between topological material and quantum information may lead to inherent fault‐tolerant quantum simulations and quantum computing. Quantum features may be preserved by being encoded among topological structures of physical evolution systems. This requires stimulation, manipulation, and observation of topological phenomena at the single quantum particle level, which has not, however, yet been realized. It is asked whether the quantum features of single photons can be preserved in topological structures. The boundary states are experimentally observed at the genuine single‐photon level and the performance of the topological phase is demonstrated to protect the quantum features against diffusion‐induced decoherence in coupled waveguides and noise decoherence from the ambient environment. Compatibility between macroscopic topological states and microscopic single photons in the ambient environment is thus confirmed, leading to a new avenue to “quantum topological photonics” and providing more new possibilities for quantum materials and quantum technologies.  相似文献   

Biological composites display exceptional mechanical properties owing to a highly organized, heterogeneous architecture spanning several length scales. It is challenging to translate this ordered and multiscale structural organization in synthetic, bulk composites. Herein, a combination of top‐down and bottom‐up approach is demonstrated, to form a polymer‐ceramic composite by macroscopically aligning the self‐assembled nanostructure of polymerizable lyotropic liquid crystals via 3D printing. The polymer matrix is then uniformly reinforced with bone‐like apatite via in situ biomimetic mineralization. The combinatorial method enables the formation of macrosized, heterogeneous composites where the nanostructure and chemical composition is locally tuned over microscopic distances. This enables precise control over the mechanics in specific directions and regions, with a unique intrinsic–extrinsic toughening mechanism. As a proof‐of‐concept, the method is used to form large‐scale composites mimicking the local nanostructure, compositional gradients and directional mechanical properties of heterogeneous tissues like the bone‐cartilage interface, for mechanically stable osteochondral plugs. This work demonstrates the possibility to create hierarchical and complex structured composites using weak starting components, thus opening new routes for efficient synthesis of high‐performance materials ranging from biomaterials to structural nanocomposites.  相似文献   

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