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Studies of diel patterns in 0+ fish assemblages in rivers are scarce and produce contradictory results. We compared day and night electrofishing samples at 29 sites on rivers of different sizes in the Czech Republic. Diel patterns of 0+ fish differed among sites, but were consistent within each river stretch. River size was negatively correlated with both the day : night ratio of abundance (day samples produced more 0+ fish in smaller streams, night samples produced more 0+ fish in larger rivers) and similarity between day and night assemblage. A higher day : night ratio of abundance and lower similarity between day and night samples were observed at shelter‐lacking habitats (beach) compared with shelter‐providing habitats (boulder bank and flooded terrestrial vegetation). Differences in 0+ fish size were not dependant on diel period, river size, habitat or species. Day‐only or night‐only samples provided only two‐third of the information provided by a combination of day and night samples. The effect of habitat type and river size on diel differences in electrofishing catches should be considered when deciding on 0+ fish sampling protocol. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recruitment of wood from the riparian zone to rivers and streams provides a complex habitat for aquatic organisms and can influence both aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem function. The Daly River in the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia is a highly seasonal, perennially flowing sand‐bed river where surveys of river wood aggregations at the reach scale (~2 km) in 2008 and 2009 recorded densities of 37–78 km?1 and identified distinct types of river wood aggregations: key pieces, standing trees, fallen trees, wrack and single pieces. After larger than average flows in the 2008/2009 wet season, between 46% and 51% of the surveyed river wood had moved. The distribution of wood age classes indicated continual recruitment and slow turnover of wood within the river. Surveys of fish and habitat characteristics at the mesohabitat scale (~100 m) showed fish species richness; diversity and fish abundance were not correlated to the proportion of wood present. Fish assemblage structure was associated with wood cover as well as other environmental variables such as stream width and depth. The importance of in‐stream wood also varied for different species and age classes of fish. This study documents the dynamic nature of river wood aggregations and their complex and variable distribution and suggests their importance as fish habitat in this tropical river. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microhabitat preferences of adult brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) were monitored for the purpose of determining design parameters for river restoration. The habitat preferences were evaluated during the summer period of minimum flows. Since 1995, field measurements have been performed in 52 reaches in 43 mountain and piedmont streams. The relationship between hydraulic characteristics and the values of maximum habitat suitability derived from velocity and depth habitat suitability curves (HSCs) was statistically determined. Trout in natural stream reaches showed a strong degree of dependence on depths, but in regulated streams, they were dependent on velocities. The representative habitat suitability curves for four depth intervals were extrapolated. From these outputs, the optimum depths of a microhabitat for river restoration measures and/or assessment of the influence of water withdrawals can be derived. The influence of geological regions on the shape of HSCs has not been proved; therefore, it is conceivable that after verification, the generalized HSCs may also be valid in other mountain and piedmont regions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We developed predictions of habitat quantity and quality for three life stages of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, across a range of stream sizes characterized by mean annual discharge of 1 to 50 m3 s?1. The physical habitat template was created by nesting a reach‐scale two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model (River2D) within a downstream hydraulic geometry system using published coefficients for low‐gradient and high‐gradient watersheds. This provided both longitudinal and transverse estimates of depth and velocity profiles that, when combined with habitat suitability curves for the life stages, resulted in predictions of habitat quantity (weighted usable area) and habitat quality (the proportion of the stream profile that provided useable habitat) for rainbow trout along the stream continuum. Habitat quantity increased asymptotically for all life history stages but increased more rapidly in the low‐gradient watershed. Habitat quality decreased non‐linearly for young‐of‐the‐year and peaked at intermediate stream sizes for juveniles in both low‐gradient and high‐gradient watersheds. Adult habitat quality peaked in the high‐gradient watershed but increased asymptotically in the low‐gradient watershed, presumably due to lower mean velocities at larger stream sizes. Incorporation of transverse variation in depth and velocity in our physical habitat template provides a more realistic representation of habitat quantity and quality than do earlier assessments based on simple modal estimates of depth and velocity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past and present Missouri River management practices have resulted in native fishes being identified as in jeopardy. In 1995, the Missouri River Benthic Fishes Study was initiated to provide improved information on Missouri River fish populations and how alterations might affect them. The study produced a baseline against which to evaluate future changes in Missouri River operating criteria. The objective was to evaluate population structure and habitat use of benthic fishes along the entire mainstem Missouri River, exclusive of reservoirs. Here we use the data from this study to provide a recent‐past baseline for on‐going Missouri River fish population monitoring programmes along with a more powerful method for analysing data containing large percentages of zero values. This is carried out by describing the distribution and habitat use of 21 species of Missouri River benthic fishes based on catch‐per‐unit area data from multiple gears. We employ a Bayesian zero‐inflated Poisson model expanded to include continuous measures of habitat quality (i.e. substrate composition, depth, velocity, temperature, turbidity and conductivity). Along with presenting the method, we provide a relatively complete picture of the Missouri River benthic fish community and the relationship between their relative population numbers and habitat conditions. We demonstrate that our single model provides all the information that is often obtained by a myriad of analytical techniques. An important advantage of the present approach is reliable inference for patterns of relative abundance using multiple gears without using gear efficiencies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The assemblage of stream habitat types can drive biofilm composition and activity in headwater streams, thereby influencing rates of ecosystem function. However, the influence of human‐induced alterations to the distribution of benthic habitat such as construction, land‐use changes and restoration on biofilm‐mediated processes has not been well studied. We measured nutrient uptake of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate, as well as gross primary production and community respiration in three streams in Michigan, USA, each with an upstream reference and a downstream restored reach. The restoration included a 10‐m sediment trap, paired with 40–60 m of gravel and boulder added downstream and designed to retain sediment, stabilize banks and provide spawning habitat for trout. We sampled four times in the six stream reaches from May 2006 to September 2007. Across streams, restored reaches reflected the structural manipulation with increased predominance of coarse inorganic sediments, higher gas exchange rate and increased transient storage. However, nutrient uptake and community respiration rates were different between reaches at only one site. The ecosystem response by this stream was driven by the large differences in coarse inorganic habitat between reference and restored reaches. We conclude that restorations of benthic habitat which are visually conspicuous, such as creation of settling pools and gravel‐filled reaches, did not universally affect stream ecosystem function. Initial conditions and magnitude of change may be key factors to consider in explaining functional responses, and predicting the influence of habitat restoration on ecosystem function remains a challenge. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) based distance weighted models were applied to determine critical areas of agricultural influence in nine agriculturally dominated, prairie subcatchments in southern Manitoba, Canada. Models were generated using a range of coefficients to represent nutrient overland and in‐stream attenuation between agricultural source areas and stream sampling stations. Coefficients were also used to represent increased attenuation during overland travel through areas with natural vegetation. Water samples collected at intervals throughout the open water season were used to establish associations between areas of influence and in‐stream total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in each season and under different flow conditions. Critical areas of influence varied seasonally with areas of influence expanding with individual rainfall events. Inclusion of natural vegetated areas on the landscape resulted in substantial increases in model power for only one scenario. Agriculture in areas within approximately 100 m of the stream channel appears to be the most critical driver of in‐stream nutrient conditions during most seasons and under most flow conditions. Best management practices, such as vegetated buffer strips, should be most effective in controlling nutrient losses to southern Manitoba streams when situated within stream corridor, as opposed to upland areas, which appear to have minimal impact on in‐stream conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined diel changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) under summer low‐flow conditions for six streams selected across a gradient of agricultural land use intensity (21%–73% cropland). Trends in concentration [dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration] and optical properties of DOM showed a high degree of synchrony. During a 24‐h period, DOC changed by between 2.9 and 4.3 mg L?1. For all sites, the highest DOC was observed during dark periods and the lowest concentration during light periods. DOM sampled during daylight hours was more complex (humic) as determined using specific absorbance. DOM source, measured using fluorescence spectroscopy, usually varied during the 24‐h period, but few similarities in temporal fluorescence trends were identified between sites. Human landscape alterations appear to have little direct influence on the temporal nature of diel DOM dynamics in our study region. However, our results indicate that landscape characteristics are likely more broadly important in defining the magnitude temporal change in DOC. Woodland areas were negatively correlated with early afternoon DOC (r2 = 0.89, p = 0.005), positively correlated with diel percent change in DOC (r2 = 0.87, p = 0.007) and positively with diel change in discharge (r2 = 0.64, p = 0.054). Together, these results indicate the likely influence of differing riparian transpiration rates and changing subsurface inputs on DOC loading. Reduced DOC and discharge rates during daylight hours resulted in a mean underestimation of DOC export rate by 61% for early afternoon versus early morning sampling. Variation in the dominant source of DOM entering theses streams was strongly related to agricultural land use, and DOM in high cropland streams was more microbially derived. In addition, high cropland streams also exhibited the lowest minimum dissolved oxygen concentrations, a pattern related to high rates of productivity at these sites. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The introduction of weirs into stream ecosystems resulted in modifications of serial continuity and in the decline of riverine fish species. Successful river restoration requires information on the ecological functionality of fish bypass channels that are considered an ecological improvement according to the European Water Framework Directive. In this study, we compared the functionality of three nature‐oriented fish passes as compensatory habitats and migration corridors for fishes. Fish passes differed significantly from upstream and downstream reaches of the weirs, revealing higher current speed, lower water depth, smaller channel width and greater habitat variability. Following these structural differences, they provided key habitats for juvenile, small and rheophilic fishes that are typically underrepresented in highly modified water bodies. All fish passes were used as migration corridors, with increased fish movements during high discharge and at spawning periods. Because river stretches with high variability of current speed and water depth are scarce in highly modified water bodies, fish passes can play an important role as compensatory habitats and should thus be considered more intensively in habitat assessments and river restoration. Ideally, fish bypasses should mirror the natural discharge dynamics and consider all occurring fish species and sizes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages in rivers of the Midwestern United States are an important component of the region's natural resources and biodiversity. We characterized the physical environment and presence of dams in a series of reaches in three eastern Iowa rivers tributary to the Mississippi River and related these characteristics to the fish assemblages present. Some physical characteristics were similar among the 12 study reaches, whereas others differed substantially. We found a total of 68 species across the 12 study reaches; 56 in the Turkey River, 51 in the Maquoketa River and 50 in the Wapsipinicon River. Seventeen species could be described as ‘downstream‐distributed’; 15 being found only in the lowest reach of one or more rivers and the other two being found only in the lowest reaches or two or more contiguous reaches including the lowest reach. Two species could be described as ‘upstream‐distributed’, being found only in an uppermost reach. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination illustrated similarities among reaches, and five physical variables were significantly correlated with assemblage similarities. Catchment area and number of dams between reaches and the Mississippi River were strongly correlated with assemblage similarities, but the directions of their effects were opposite. Catchment area and number of dams were confounded. The collective evidence to date suggests that the pervasiveness of dams on rivers significantly alters fish assemblages, making underlying patterns of species change and relationships with naturally varying and human‐influenced physical characteristics along a river's course difficult to discern. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Hungry Horse Dam on the South Fork Flathead River, Montana, USA, has modified the natural flow regimen for power generation, flood risk management and flow augmentation for anadromous fish recovery in the Columbia River. Concern over the detrimental effects of dam operations on native resident fishes prompted research to quantify the impacts of alternative flow management strategies on threatened bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) habitats. Seasonal and life‐stage specific habitat suitability criteria were combined with a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic habitat model to assess discharge effects on usable habitats. Telemetry data used to construct seasonal habitat suitability curves revealed that subadult (fish that emigrated from natal streams to the river system) bull trout move to shallow, low‐velocity shoreline areas at night, which are most sensitive to flow fluctuations. Habitat time series analyses comparing the natural flow regimen (predam, 1929–1952) with five postdam flow management strategies (1953–2008) show that the natural flow conditions optimize the critical bull trout habitats and that the current strategy best resembles the natural flow conditions of all postdam periods. Late summer flow augmentation for anadromous fish recovery, however, produces higher discharges than predam conditions, which reduces the availability of usable habitat during this critical growing season. Our results suggest that past flow management policies that created sporadic streamflow fluctuations were likely detrimental to resident salmonids and that natural flow management strategies will likely improve the chances of protecting key ecosystem processes and help to maintain and restore threatened bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the upper Columbia River Basin. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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