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Disturbance shapes the structure and function of aquatic communities and ecosystems, but the dynamics of ice are a less studied dimension of the disturbance‐regime of rivers. We investigated effects of a river‐ice regime on organic‐matter dynamics and feeding ecology of aquatic insects. Samples of biofilm and aquatic insects for gut content analysis were collected monthly from Big Creek, a sixth ‐ order tributary of the Middle Fork Salmon River in central Idaho, USA, during winter 2010–2011. Our results indicate that river ice affects both quantity and quality of organic matter available to, and used by, consumers. Specifically, scour from December and February ice break‐up events reduced biofilm biomass by one‐half and one‐third, respectively, whereas quality (chlorophyll‐a: ash‐free dry mass) increased. Diets of scrapers, Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) and Bibiocephala (Blephariceridae), collector‐gatherers, Baetis (Baetidae), and collector‐filterers, Simulium (Simulidae) appeared to follow patterns of organic matter. Following ice break‐up events, diets of these taxa had increased proportions of diatom frustules, which are high‐quality food resources due to their relatively high nutrient content. Other taxa, such as collector‐gatherers, non‐Tanypodinae (Chironomidae), and the collector‐filterer, Arctopsyche grandis (Hydropsychidae), consistently consumed high proportions of diatom frustules and insect material, respectively, suggesting they were able to feed more selectively throughout winter. Our study indicates that ice regimes in temperate rivers can affect organic‐matter dynamics and feeding ecology of aquatic insects, a possibility that deserves additional investigation, particularly in light of potential changes to the ice regimes of rivers with changing climate .  相似文献   

Fallen timber (logs, large boughs) is recognized as having high ecological significance on forest floors. In floodplain forests, fallen timber potentially has even higher value for supporting biodiversity than upland forests because distinct faunal elements use the timber in the flooded and unflooded conditions. Invertebrates were sampled in logs of the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) that had been inundated 1 year earlier and compared with invertebrates in logs that had not been inundated for many years. The invertebrate fauna in river red gum logs was relatively depauperate, probably reflecting the variable, sub‐humid conditions on the floodplain. The abundance and taxon richness of invertebrates was highest in logs with greater structural complexity and heterogeneity due to extensive decay. Recent inundation slightly reduced taxon richness. The succession of log‐dwelling invertebrates was tracked though transitions between terrestrial fauna and aquatic fauna in a spring/summer flood cycle. Transition between the two faunae was rapid. Logs were colonized by aquatic invertebrates within 2 weeks of immersion by floodwaters and recolonized by terrestrial invertebrates within 4 weeks of emersion. This faunal dynamism highlights the need to consider the entire flood cycle in decisions about the management of fallen timber on floodplains for biodiversity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphic template of streams and rivers exerts strong controls on the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. However, relationships between stream geomorphology and ecosystem structure and function are not always clear and have not been investigated equally across spatial scales. In montane regions, rivers often alternate between canyon‐confined segments and unconfined floodplain segments. Yet, few studies have evaluated how this pattern influences aquatic ecosystems. Here, we compared five confined river segments to five paired floodplain segments in terms of allochthonous inputs, aquatic primary producer and invertebrate production, stream retentive capacity, and aquatic invertebrate community composition. We found that floodplains had a higher (up to 4×) retentive capacity, a greater richness (58%) of aquatic invertebrates, and a distinctly different invertebrate community, relative to confined segments. Contrary to our expectations, allochthonous inputs were approximately 2× greater for confined segments, and aquatic primary and invertebrate production exhibited no consistent differences between segment types. However, results did indicate that floodplains had greater overall community respiration than confined segments. Together, these findings suggest that floodplain and confined segments do indeed differ in terms of aquatic ecosystem structure and function but not entirely as expected. Confined segments had greater allochthonous inputs but a lower capacity to retain those inputs, whereas floodplains had a high capacity to retain transported organic matter and also a more diverse community of invertebrates and higher overall community respiration to ‘digest’ retained organic matter. If these findings are generalizable, then they would indicate that confined segments are sources for organic matter within river networks, whereas floodplains act as filters, removing and processing organic matter transported from upstream confined segments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streams and their adjacent riparian zones are increasingly viewed as interdependent systems linked by reciprocal exchanges of energy, organisms, and materials. We assessed potential associations between the emerging aquatic insect flux and transitions between agricultural land and forest fragments to better understand these stream‐riparian linkages in managed landscapes. We sampled stream environmental conditions and emerging insects at 28 sites distributed along three streams flowing through agriculture‐forest‐agriculture transitions in central Ohio, USA, in the summer of 2012. Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (ET) taxa had higher flux densities in forests (mean and 95% CI: 0.3 insects m?2 d?1 [0.1, 0.8]) compared to agriculture (mean and 95% CI: 0 insect m?2 d?1 [0, 0.1]; p = .004), and ET taxa were found in 67% of forested sites compared to only 15% of agricultural sites. In contrast, Dolichopodidae were more strongly associated with agricultural land (mean and 95% CI: 0.6 insect m?2 d?1 [0.3 to 1.2]) than forests (mean and 95% CI: 0.1 insects m?2 d?1 [0.1, 0.2]; p = .002). Although Chironomidae were the most numerically abundant, ET taxa were among the larger bodied insects and comprised >30% of the total biomass flux, illustrating the importance of taxonomic traits in mediating flux dynamics. Mechanisms driving emerging insect flux were related to substrate grain‐size distribution, channel width, and nutrient concentrations. Overall, our results demonstrate that small forest fragments are strongly related to the aquatic‐to‐terrestrial insect flux and thus have important implications for terrestrial biodiversity and food webs in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Energy and resource fluxes between terrestrial and aquatic habitats of river flood plains can have reciprocal influences on food webs. Floodplain spring brooks may contain high densities (>1 m−2) of juvenile fish even when aquatic food resources appear to be low. A likely explanation is the allochthonous energy subsidy from riparian vegetation (e.g. leaves, invertebrates). To quantify this relationship in a rich salmon river ecosystem, we measured the temporal and spatial flux of terrestrial invertebrate and aquatic food resources in relation to diets of the two most abundant salmonid species in two spring brooks within early (<20 years) and late (>50 years) successional riparia on an expansive coastal flood plain of the Kol River, Kamchatka. Standing crops of benthic invertebrates and density of drifting invertebrates (dry mass) were fairly low (<4 g m−2 and <1 mg m−3, respectively) at both sites, but annual average terrestrial invertebrate input among sites was 22.2 ± 0.1 mg m−2 day−1. On average 68% of the coho salmon diet was of terrestrial origin, contrasting with 13% for Dolly Varden char at both sites, thus showing resource partitioning. Diet varied temporally and spatially with prey availability. Specifically, larvae of a weevil (Curculionidae) feeding on willow catkins were a dominant diet item for coho in the spring but only at the early successional site; Dolly Varden also ate these weevils but aquatic invertebrates continued to dominate their diets, further demonstrating behavioural segregation. The results show the importance of channel‐floodplain connectivity to management and conservation of salmon rivers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric dam operation can alter discharge and temperature patterns, impacting fish populations downstream. Previous investigations into the effects of river regulation on fish have focused on a single species within a river, yet different results among studies suggest the potential for species‐specific impacts. Here, we compare the impacts of two different hydropeaking regimes relative to a naturally flowing river on three ecologically important members of the forage fish community: longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and trout‐perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus). Annual growth, estimated from otolith back‐calculations, was higher for each of the species in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river but did not differ between hydropeaking regimes. Condition was assessed using weight–length relationships and differed between rivers for each species, and between hydropeaking regimes for longnose dace and slimy sculpin. Survival of longnose dace and slimy sculpin was lower in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river, but comparable between rivers for trout‐perch. Annual growth was significantly related to mean summer discharge in the regulated river and to mean summer water temperature in the naturally flowing river for each species, and significantly different slopes among species indicate species‐specific responses to discharge and temperature alterations. This study demonstrates different biological responses among fish species within rivers to regulation in general, as well as to specific hydropeaking regimes. Future studies should focus on multiple species and multiple indicators of fish health to more fully characterize the impacts of river regulation on downstream fish communities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

I sampled five sites above and below a dam in the central North Island of New Zealand on five to six occasions to examine the effects on benthic substrates, periphyton and invertebrate communities of (i) degree of flow regulation and (ii) flushing of sediment stored behind a dam. A series of volcanic eruptions during the course of this study provided the opportunity to investigate the effects of a period of high sediment delivery on this regulated river. The operation of the dam prior to sluicing of stored sediment appeared to have little impact on substrate size distribution or fine suspendable sediment levels. Periphyton biomass was markedly higher below than above the dam when sampling was preceded by a period of stable baseflow, but over all sampling dates biomass and inorganic content of periphyton did not appear to be related to degree of flow regulation. The taxonomic richness, biomass and density of invertebrate communities were lowest directly below, rather than above, the dam on most dates, and the site below the dam differed significantly from some of the downstream sites. However, changes in invertebrate abundance and diversity generally did not follow the expected gradient of flow regulation impacts except for the mayfly Deleatidium. Multiple regression analyses implicated substrate size and the biomass and inorganic content of periphyton as significant predictor variables for invertebrate density, biomass and taxonomic richness on sampling dates not influenced by recent sediment flushes, whereas degree of flow regulation was a significant predictor for densities of the dominant chironomid Cricotopus. The volcanic eruption led to deposition of fine silt that had passed through the dam with the residual flow and coarser sediments released during subsequent dam flushes. Flushing of stored sediment during large floods increased levels of sand and gravel directly below the dam and upstream of a large island in the middle reaches of the river, and also appeared to increase scouring of periphyton and associated invertebrates downstream. Overall, invertebrate communities in the study reach appeared to be structured more by periphyton accrual patterns, changes in substrate composition, the occurrence of large floods and natural longitudinal gradients than degree of flow regulation. These findings suggest that site‐specific and large‐scale factors can obscure generalized reach‐scale patterns expected along regulated rivers. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Basis for the protection and management of tropical lakes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Management of lakes for the protection of water quality, aquatic life and other uses must be approached somewhat differently in the tropics from how it is approached at temperate latitudes. More than half of all tropical lakes are accounted for by natural river lakes or reservoirs. Therefore, degradation of water quality in rivers will have direct negative effects on the majority of lakes in the tropics. Also, regulation of rivers, which is one result of river impoundment, is a potential cause of damage to river lakes. Tropical lakes are more sensitive than temperate lakes to increases in nutrient supply and show higher proportionate changes in water quality and biotic communities in response to eutrophication. Tropical lakes are especially prone to loss of deep‐water oxygen, and in order to maintain ecological stasis therefore require more stringent regulation of organic and nutrient loading than temperate lakes. Nutrient containment must be more strongly oriented toward nitrogen, the most probable limiting nutrient in tropical lakes, than has been the case at temperate latitudes. However, phosphorus control is also important. Nitrogen management may be more feasible in the tropics because of high temperature, which is one of the critical conditions for efficient denitrification. Planktonic and benthic communities of the tropics bear a close resemblance, both in composition and diversity, to those of temperate latitudes; there is no parallel to the latitudinal gradient in biodiversity that is characteristic of terrestrial ecosystems. Foci of biodiversity, which require special attention, include the endemic species of ancient lakes and the diverse fish communities of very large rivers. The latter are an especially valuable untapped economic resource, but face severe impairment due to hydrological regulation and pollution of rivers. Effective management programs for tropical lakes will focus on interception of nutrients, protection of aquatic habitats from invasive species, and minimization of hydrological changes in rivers to which lakes are connected. In the absence of protective management, tropical lakes will decline greatly in their utility for water supply, production of commercially useful species, and recreation.  相似文献   

珠三角中小河流水环境污染问题日益突出,水生态环境受到极大影响。结合珠三角地区河道水生态环境现状,对水生态修复对策进行了初探,包括加强源头控制、完善城镇污水收集及处理、面源污染治理、开展重点区域水生态系统修复、建设滨水区及加强系统管理等措施。最后简要介绍了茅洲河界河综合治理工程案例,该工程充分考虑了两岸排涝、堤防、道路交通、截污治污和岸线美化等内容,工程设计遵循自然、人水和谐的理念,可为中小河流水生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

The Western Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project will divert water from the upper Yangtze River and its tributaries,the Dadu River and Yalong River,to the upper Yellow River.The project may ease the water shortage in the Yellow River Basin.However,it may also have some effects on the ecosystem in the upper Yangtze River Basin.Benthic invertebrates play an important role in the river ecosystem,particularly in the circulation of materials and nutrition.Benthic invertebrates are widely used to quickly assess river ecosystems because of their rapid response to changes in the water environment.The diversity of benthic invertebrates is closely associated with the aquatic habitat area.This study examined this interaction by sampling the benthic invertebrates in an expanding area.The conclusions are that the diversity of benthic invertebrates begins to decrease when the aquatic habitat area is reduced to 45% of the original area,and decreases dramatically when the aquatic habitat area is reduced to 10% of the original area.The aquatic habitat area should be kept at more than 45% of the original area in order to maintain the significant diversity of benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Movement of invertebrates among large rivers, tributaries, and floodplain lakes or dispersal of adult aquatic insects from riverine or floodplain habitats may provide important subsidies to food webs in receiving habitats. Intensive sampling at habitat interfaces and artificial labelling are two approaches to assess freshwater invertebrate dispersal, but these are difficult to implement at a landscape scale. Natural chemical tracers have been used to track dispersal of fishes and marine invertebrates, but the potential applicability of stable isotope ratios as natural tracers of invertebrate dispersal in freshwater environments has not been assessed. We evaluated stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes (δD and δ18O) as natural markers of source environment and dispersal of macroinvertebrates in the middle Mississippi River, tributaries and floodplain wetlands. Water and invertebrates were collected from 12 sites during 2007–2008. Water δD and δ18O differed among the river, its tributaries, and floodplain wetlands and were strongly correlated with invertebrate δD and δ18O. Variability in invertebrate δ18O rendered it ineffective as an indicator of invertebrate source environment. Mean δD of Mississippi River invertebrates differed from δD of invertebrates from floodplain wetlands; δD distinguished invertebrates from these two environments with >80% accuracy. Neither δD nor δ18O of aquatic insects changed following emergence from their natal site. Preservation method (ethanol or freezing) did not affect invertebrate δD or δ18O. Invertebrate δD may be a useful natural tracer of natal environment and dispersal in the Mississippi River‐floodplain ecosystem and other freshwater systems where spatial variation in water δD is present. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

平原区中小河流蜿蜒流长,一般穿越村庄较多,河道沿线排水口众多,承担周边村庄及农田的排水任务。中小河流大多没有治理,行洪能力不足,水体污染严重,缺乏生机活力的水生态系统。以顺义方氏渠为例,分析了平原区中小河流的主要特征,针对现状河流存在的问题,从河道基本功能恢复、水体微循环、健康河道环境提升等方面对平原区中小河流综合治理思路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Daily fluctuating flows in regulated rivers can lead to extensive areas of substrate that experience drying and wetting. I investigated the longitudinal and lateral patterns of benthic invertebrates in the regulated peaking Magpie River and neighbouring natural rivers. Nearly half of all invertebrates collected in the Magpie River originated from the upstream reservoir. Both lentic and lotic invertebrates, however, decreased in abundance to natural levels 5–8 km downstream. Closest to the dam, lotic invertebrates were twice as abundant as those found in natural rivers. In natural rivers Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera and Trichoptera were more common in the shallow and slower areas along transects. The opposite was true in the regulated Magpie where densities increased with water depth and velocity, particularly for the dominant groups Diptera and Trichoptera. The abundance of worm‐like organisms (e.g. Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Naididae) and snails (Basommatophora) increased considerably in the varial zone. There were 10 times more Odonata and Plecoptera in the natural rivers, but lateral trends were not evident in either type of river. The influence of sampling location along transects on the interpretation of the community composition can be clearly seen in a resampling of the data. This study illustrates the presence of longitudinal and lateral gradients, and this knowledge needs to be incorporated into the design of research or monitoring programmes. Failing to do so could jeopardize decisions with the management of our flowing waters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As anthropogenic impacts on riverine ecosystems expand, both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are influenced over large spatiotemporal scales. We predicted how riparian bird communities changed in response to long‐term changes in floodplain landscapes such as woodland expansion (i.e. rapid increases in vegetation cover on gravel bars and the progress of vegetation succession due to a decrease in the frequency and magnitude of flood disturbance). To test the hypothesis that woodland expansion after dam construction reduces the abundance of gravel bar‐nesting birds and increases the abundance of forest‐nesting birds, we estimated historical changes between past and present bird abundances using species distribution models across multiple rivers that were either unregulated or regulated by dams. We created past and present vegetation maps from remote sensing images and used habitat quantities as explanatory variables in the species distribution models. As we hypothesized, the estimated abundance of gravel bar‐nesting birds decreased and that of forest‐nesting birds increased because of woodland expansion in some regulated rivers. This suggests that anthropogenic alterations of riverine conditions (e.g. dam construction) can affect terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. riparian bird communities) through changes in floodplains (e.g. woodland expansion). In addition, our findings highlight the efficacy of combining spatial and temporal analyses when examining long‐term ecological dynamics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terrestrial arthropod communities remain poorly described for riparian ecosystems of the arid southwestern United States, and the effects of extensive river regulation and habitat alteration on these potentially important invertebrates are largely unknown. Beginning in 1991, surface‐active arthropods were trapped at two riparian sites along the Rio Grande, in central New Mexico, for 2 years. One site was then experimentally flooded from mid‐May to mid‐June for each of the next 3 years to simulate historic, low intensity flooding, after which arthropod collections were continued. These primary sites, located outside the riverside levee, and isolated from flooding for about 50 years prior to the experiment, were compared with a naturally flooded site and a second non‐flooded reference. Experimental flooding and observations of the naturally flooded site indicated that flooding did not affect total taxonomic richness, nor richness of spiders, beetles or ants. However, flooding may have slightly increased the number of carabid beetle taxa present. Flooding altered the overall composition for all taxa, insects, beetles and carabid beetles. Spider taxa composition may be insensitive to flooding, while ant responses were not clear. Abundance of terrestrial isopods and spiders decreased after flooding, while overall beetle abundance did not change. Abundance of crickets and carabid beetles increased, but the response was delayed until after the second flood. Changes in taxa composition and abundance after experimental flooding were generally consistent with arthropod community structure observed at a nearby naturally flooded site. This similarity suggests that reorganization of the terrestrial arthropod community may follow restoration of flooding to this riparian ecosystem. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River regulation and water management practices have led to alteration of the flood regimes of all large rivers in Germany. To investigate its influence on the terrestrial arthropod fauna, a comparative study was carried out on the distribution of ground beetles (Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae) at the potamal sections of three large rivers in northern Germany, the Rivers Weser, Elbe and Oder. The three rivers differ markedly in their flood dynamics, mainly owing to weirs and polder management practices, but also owing to natural conditions in their headwaters. In total, 45 sites were examined with a total capture of 46 727 carabid beetles and 38 066 adult spiders, representing 178 and 209 species, respectively. Using multivariate TWINSPAN analyses we found that the ground beetle species assemblages clearly varied according to the different flood regimes. By contrast, the spiders differentiate well between sites of different habitat structure. In particular, the river margins hosted a specialized carabid fauna, and the alluvial Quercus–Ulmus forests were habitat for some rare and endangered carabid and spider species. Whereas the fauna of the strongly regulated River Weser was impoverished regarding stenotopic hygrophilous species, the fauna of the more natural Rivers Elbe and Oder depended very much on the duration and timing of the flooding, as well as on the local micro‐topographical situation. It is concluded that low lying areas behind dykes of the Elbe, or in polders of the Oder, which become frequently inundated by river or ground water, are extremely valuable for invertebrate conservation. The data suggest that careful polder management may support suitable habitat creation for riparian species, as long as the inundation scheme corresponds to natural flood dynamics conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water discharge regulation can affect food availability, accessibility and vulnerability and thus, the trophic habitat suitability for lotic salmonids. To analyse brown trout habitat suitability, we therefore combined the relative importance of the food availability (overall abundance of benthic and drifting invertebrates), with the potential food vulnerability (accessibility, conspicuousness and ease of handling), the latter depending on both physical habitat characteristics (flow patterns and structural complexity of habitat) and invertebrate traits (size and other biological traits). We considered the trophic patterns of trout at two spatial scales: the reach scale (unregulated reach versus regulated reach) and the macrohabitat scale (e.g. riffles and pools). Discharge regulation reduced trout abundance, biomass, and temperature‐independent growth rates. In the regulated reach, trout had a lower total prey consumption, a higher consumption of terrestrial invertebrates and a higher diet diversity than in the unregulated reach, indicating that trout were food‐limited. However, the potential availability of food supplies per individual trout was similar for the two reaches. Thus, trout prey consumption in the regulated reach should have been predominantly affected by the decrease in both the availability of large invertebrates in the drift and their vulnerability in the total food supplies. There were no macrohabitat‐specific differences in the total prey consumption and in the potential food availability within each reach. However, brown trout diets differed between the macrohabitats of each reach, in relation to differences in potential invertebrate vulnerability. Therefore, the potential vulnerability of invertebrates to predation was more relevant in the ecological evaluation of salmonid habitat suitability than the total food availability. The analysis at the macrohabitat scale provided a better understanding of the switches in brown trout diet and enabled a finer and more realistic analysis of trout feeding patterns. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deviation from a river's natural flow regime is considered to be one of the most serious and continuing threats to lotic ecosystems. Peaking hydroelectric facilities, which are designed to adjust the level of power generation in accordance with hourly energy demand, can dramatically alter flows and temperatures and ultimately lead to changes in the quantity and quality of habitat available to fish. In this study, we examine the spatial distribution of river fishes, benthic invertebrates and organic matter along lateral and longitudinal gradients in two hydropeaking and eight natural Lake Superior tributaries in Ontario, Canada. This study demonstrates that (i) hourly variation in flow, caused by hydropeaking, results in a varial zone that supports significantly fewer fish than the adjacent permanently wetted channel and (ii) strong longitudinal gradients in fish biomass, particularly for sedentary species such as slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), exist in regulated rivers, and fish biomass is up to four times greater at sites directly below the peaking dams than at sites further downstream or in nearby natural rivers. Gradients in the spatial distribution of fishes closely follow changes in food resources such as benthic organic matter and invertebrates, suggesting that these gradients are driven by spatial shifts in food availability and are ultimately caused by gradients in abiotic habitat variables. Monitoring and assessment efforts should take into account that lateral and longitudinal gradients exist in regulated rivers, and this understanding must be incorporated into sampling programmes. Failing to do so could alter the interpretation of river productivity, integrity and health. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are central elements in many landscapes because of their shape, diversity and function as filters and corridors. They are also among the environments most disturbed and threatened by humans. Human-induced changes in riparian vegetation and flora were assessed by comparing free-flowing and regulated rivers in northern Sweden. Although riparian vegetation structure is rather uniform along free-flowing rivers, it varies distinctly along regulated rivers because of different water-level fluctuations in storage reservoirs, run of the river impoundments and unimpounded but regulated reaches. The total species richness of vascular plants per river in the riparian zone was similar between four free-flowing and four regulated rivers in northern Sweden. However, species richness per 200 m long site was considerably lower, and almost all groups of species were more species-poor per site in the regulated rivers due to perturbations caused by regulation. Both free-flowing and regulated rivers showed an increase in the species richness of ruderal plants towards the coast. In contrast, the species richness of natural plants showed different longitudinal patterns in the two types of rivers, and differences were largest along the middle reaches of the rivers. The reasons why responses in vegetation and flora to human perturbation varied downstream along regulated rivers are not known, but factors such as different disturbance patterns, irregular distribution of remnants of former riparian soils and vegetation and differences in regional plant species richness and plant dispersal along the river corridor may be important.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of river fragmentation by dams on hydrochory (i.e. plant dispersal by water) and on plant distribution by comparing two adjacent rivers in northern Sweden, one free‐flowing and the other regulated. We collected stranded drift material from both rivers in order to quantify the drift material and its species content. We also estimated the floristic continuity along the two rivers by comparing the drift flora with the riparian flora further upstream. The drift amount deposited on the riverbank, its species richness and its contribution to the species pool were higher in the free‐flowing than in the regulated river. The floristic continuity was also higher in the free‐flowing than in the regulated river. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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