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In this article a FE2 shell model for thin and thick shells within a first order homogenization scheme is presented. A variational formulation for the two-scale boundary value problem and the associated finite element formulation is developed. Constraints with 5 or 9 Lagrange parameters are derived which eliminate both rigid body movements and dependencies of the shear stiffness on the size of the representative volume elements (RVEs). At the bottom and top surface of the RVEs which extend through the total thickness of the shell stress boundary conditions are present. The periodic boundary conditions at the lateral surfaces are applied in such a way that particular membrane, bending and shear modes are not restrained. This is shown by means of a homogeneous RVE. The first of all linear formulation is extended to finite strain problems introducing transformation relations for the stress resultants and the material matrix. The transformations are performed at the Gauss points on macro level. Several boundary value problems including large deformations, stability and inelasticity are computed and compared with 3D reference solutions.  相似文献   

In the paper a non‐linear quadrilateral shell element for the analysis of thin structures is presented. The variational formulation is based on a Hu–Washizu functional with independent displacement, stress and strain fields. The interpolation matrices for the mid‐surface displacements and rotations as well as for the stress resultants and strains are specified. Restrictions on the interpolation functions concerning fulfillment of the patch test and stability are derived. The developed mixed hybrid shell element possesses the correct rank and fulfills the in‐plane and bending patch test. Using Newton's method the finite element approximation of the stationary condition is iteratively solved. Our formulation can accommodate arbitrary non‐linear material models for finite deformations. In the examples we present results for isotropic plasticity at finite rotations and small strains as well as bifurcation problems and post‐buckling response. The essential feature of the new element is the robustness in the equilibrium iterations. It allows very large load steps in comparison to other element formulations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A general methodology for topology optimization using the finite element method is described for shell structures. Four‐ and nine‐node Reissner–Mindlin shell elements with drilling degrees of freedom are used for the finite element response analysis. The artificial material model is used in the topology optimization and in particular, an isotropic multi‐layer shell model is introduced to allow the formation of holes or stiffening zones. In addition, a single design variable resizing algorithm is implemented based on the existing criterion which is found to be adequate for the artificial material model. Several benchmark tests are presented to show the overall performance of the proposed methodology. The strain energy variation together with the variation of the layout of the structure is monitored. Some detailed examples are provided with comparisons of the use of the four‐ and nine‐node elements and studies of critical solution parameters. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element formulation for refined linear analysis of multilayered shell structures of moderate thickness is presented. An underlying shell model is a direct extension of the first‐order shear‐deformation theory of Reissner–Mindlin type. A refined theory with seven unknown kinematic fields is developed: (i) by introducing an assumption of a zig‐zag (i.e. layer‐wise linear) variation of displacement field through the thickness, and (ii) by assuming an independent transverse shear stress fields in each layer in the framework of Reissner's mixed variational principle. The introduced transverse shear stress unknowns are eliminated on the cross‐section level. At this process, the interlaminar equilibrium conditions (i.e. the interlaminar shear stress continuity conditions) are imposed. As a result, the weak form of constitutive equations (the so‐called weak form of Hooke's law) is obtained for the transverse strains–transverse stress resultants relation. A finite element approximation is based on the four‐noded isoparametric element. To eliminate the shear locking effect, the assumed strain variational concept is used. Performance of the derived finite element is illustrated with some numerical examples. The results are compared with the exact three‐dimensional solutions, as well as with the analytical and numerical solutions obtained by the classical, the first‐order and some representative refined models. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A shear‐flexible isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell formulation using non‐uniform rational B‐splines basis functions is introduced, which is used for the demonstration of a coupling approach for multiple non‐conforming patches. The six degrees of freedom formulation uses the exact surface normal vectors and curvature. The shell formulation is implemented in an isogeometric analysis framework for computation of structures composed of multiple geometric entities. To enable local model refinement as well as non‐matching domains coupling, a conservative multi‐patch approach using Lagrange multipliers for structured non‐uniform rational B‐splines patches is presented. Here, an additional border frame mesh is used to couple geometries during structural analyses. This frame interface approach avoids the problem of excessive constraints when multiple patches are coupled at one point. First, the shell formulation is verified with several reference cases. Then the influence of the frame interface discretization and frame penalty stiffness on the smoothness of the results is investigated. The effects of the perturbed Lagrangian method in combination with the frame interface approach is shown. In addition, results of models with T‐joint interface connections and perpendicular stiffener patches are presented. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A non‐linear quadrilateral shell element for the analysis of thin structures is presented. The Reissner–Mindlin theory with inextensible director vector is used to develop a three‐field variational formulation with independent displacements, stress resultants and shell strains. The interpolation of the independent shell strains consists of two parts. The first part corresponds to the interpolation of the stress resultants. Within the second part independent thickness strains are considered. This allows incorporation of arbitrary non‐linear 3d constitutive equations without further modifications. The developed mixed hybrid shell element possesses the correct rank and fulfills the in‐plane and bending patch test. The essential feature of the new element is the robustness in the equilibrium iterations. It allows very large load steps in comparison with other element formulations. We present results for finite strain elasticity, inelasticity, bifurcation and post‐buckling problems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the first part of this contribution, a brief theoretical revision of the mechanical and variational foundations of a Failure‐Oriented Multiscale Formulation devised for modeling failure in heterogeneous materials is described. The proposed model considers two well separated physical length scales, namely: (i) the macroscale where nucleation and evolution of a cohesive surface is considered as a medium to characterize the degradation phenomenon occurring at the lower length scale, and (ii) the microscale where some mechanical processes that lead to the material failure are taking place, such as strain localization, damage, shear band formation, and so on. These processes are modeled using the concept of Representative Volume Element (RVE). On the macroscale, the traction separation response, characterizing the mechanical behavior of the cohesive interface, is a result of the failure processes simulated in the microscale. The traction separation response is obtained by a particular homogenization technique applied on specific RVE sub‐domains. Standard, as well as, Non‐Standard boundary conditions are consistently derived in order to preserve objectivity of the homogenized response with respect to the micro‐cell size. In the second part of the paper, and as an original contribution, the detailed numerical implementation of the two‐scale model based on the finite element method is presented. Special attention is devoted to the topics, which are distinctive of the Failure‐Oriented Multiscale Formulation, such as: (i) the finite element technologies adopted in each scale along with their corresponding algorithmic expressions, (ii) the generalized treatment given to the kinematical boundary conditions in the RVE, and (iii) how these kinematical restrictions affect the capturing of macroscopic material instability modes and the posterior evolution of failure at the RVE level. Finally, a set of numerical simulations is performed in order to show the potentialities of the proposed methodology, as well as, to compare and validate the numerical solutions furnished by the two‐scale model with respect to a direct numerical simulation approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The non‐conventional exact geometry shell elements based on the Timoshenko–Mindlin kinematics with five displacement degrees of freedom are proposed. The term ‘exact geometry (EXG)’ reflects the fact that coefficients of the first and second fundamental forms of the reference surface and Christoffel symbols are taken exactly at every Gauss integration point. The choice of only displacements as fundamental shell unknowns gives an opportunity to derive strain–displacement relationships, which are invariant under rigid‐body shell motions in a convected curvilinear coordinate system. This paper presents a newly developed family consisting of three hybrid and one displacement‐based four‐node EXG shell elements. To avoid shear and membrane locking and have no spurious zero energy modes, the ANS concept is employed. The ANS interpolations satisfy exactly the plate compatibility equation for in‐plane strains. As a result, all EXG shell elements developed pass membrane and bending plate patch tests and exhibit a superior performance in the case of distorted coarse mesh configurations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new computational model developed to solve two‐dimensional incompressible viscous flow problems in external flow fields. The model based on the Navier–Stokes equations in primitive variables is able to solve the infinite boundary value problems by extracting the boundary effects on a specified finite computational domain, using the pressure projection method. The external flow field is simulated using the boundary element method by solving a pressure Poisson equation that assumes the pressure as zero at the infinite boundary. The momentum equation of the flow motion is solved using the three‐step finite element method. The arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method is incorporated into the model, to solve the moving boundary problems. The present model is applied to simulate various external flow problems like flow across circular cylinder, acceleration and deceleration of the circular cylinder moving in a still fluid and vibration of the circular cylinder induced by the vortex shedding. The simulation results are found to be very reasonable and satisfactory. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cell‐based smoothed discrete shear gap method (CS‐FEM‐DSG3) based on the first‐order shear deformation theory (FSDT) was recently proposed for static and dynamic analyses of Mindlin plates. In this paper, the CS‐FEM‐DSG3 is extended to the C0‐type higher‐order shear deformation plate theory (C0‐HSDT) and is incorporated with damping–spring systems for dynamic responses of Mindlin plates on viscoelastic foundations subjected to a moving sprung vehicle. At each time step of dynamic analysis, one four‐step procedure is performed including the following: (1) transformation of the weight of a four‐wheel vehicle into the sprung masses at wheels; (2) dynamic analysis of the sprung mass of wheels to determine the contact forces; (3) transformation of the contact forces into loads at nodes of plate elements; and (4) dynamic analysis of the plate elements on viscoelastic foundations. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed method are verified by comparing its numerical solutions with those of other available numerical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new Molecular Dynamics Finite Element Method (MDFEM) with a coupled mechanical‐charge/dipole formulation is proposed. The equilibrium equations of Molecular Dynamics (MD) are embedded exactly within the computationally more favourable Finite Element Method (FEM). This MDFEM can readily implement any force field because the constitutive relations are explicitly uncoupled from the corresponding geometric element topologies. This formal uncoupling allows to differentiate between chemical‐constitutive, geometric and mixed‐mode instabilities. Different force fields, including bond‐order reactive and polarisable fluctuating charge–dipole potentials, are implemented exactly in both explicit and implicit dynamic commercial finite element code. The implicit formulation allows for larger length and time scales and more varied eigenvalue‐based solution strategies. The proposed multi‐physics and multi‐scale compatible MDFEM is shown to be equivalent to MD, as demonstrated by examples of fracture in carbon nanotubes (CNT), and electric charge distribution in graphene, but at a considerably reduced computational cost. The proposed MDFEM is shown to scale linearly, with concurrent continuum FEM multi‐scale couplings allowing for further computational savings. Moreover, novel conformational analyses of pillared graphene structures (PGS) are produced. The proposed model finds potential applications in the parametric topology and numerical design studies of nano‐structures for desired electro‐mechanical properties (e.g. stiffness, toughness and electric field induced vibrational/electron‐emission properties). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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