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Recent years have shown a shift in the focus of sustainable development from eco‐efficiency (minimizing negative impacts) towards eco‐effectiveness (optimizing positive impacts). Currently, a focus on circular models can be identified; Cradle to Cradle and circular economy are main examples of such models. However, the current number and variety of models and tools focusing on circular systems are limited with regard to packaging development. This paper explores packaging development models and tools in relation to circular systems, in order to identify the current status of the circularity focus. A range of identified models and tools is structured into two categories (generative and evaluative tools) which cover three types (protocols, diagrams and evaluations). This is in line with the distinction between early and later phases of development and the cumulative nature of environmental lock‐in. Protocol‐type models and tools come in different forms, such as principles, guidelines and checklists (e.g. Cradle to Cradle and DfE). Aside from these, eight diagram‐type models are analysed, focusing on packaging development, sustainable development and sustainable packaging development. In contrast to generative design tools, evaluation‐type models and tools (e.g. LCA) are most useful in the later stages of development processes. Resulting from the analysis of the models and tools, three types of integration – integrated product‐packaging development, the cross‐functional integration of actors and the front‐end integration of sustainability considerations – are appropriate for the development of product‐packaging combinations for circular systems. This leads to an agenda which shapes research directions towards achieving this development. © 2016 The Authors Packaging Technology and Science Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Packaging plays an important role in ensuring food safety and quality, and the development of active packaging, especially antimicrobial packaging, enables actively inhibiting/killing the microorganisms causing food spoilage and thus extending the product's shelf life. A survey of the publications revealed that generally 50% shelf life extension is possible. The goal of this study is to assess the overall environmental performance of the food and packaging system considering the effect of food loss reduction by using active packaging. A comparative life cycle assessment has been carried out, focusing on a case study: essential oil component‐enabled packaging for fresh beef. Different scenarios were set up to contrast the situations of food using conventional packaging (current situation) and food using novel active packaging (containing active coating). Additionally, a sensitivity analysis has been integrated, aiming to identify the breakeven point of the balance. In the scenarios using the best‐performance active packaging, it was shown that a breakeven point can be achieved across the four impact categories evaluated, including global warming, fossil energy demand, acidification potential and eutrophication potential. It is expected that the obtained results would serve as guidelines for active packaging development striving for a positive eco‐profile of the food and packaging system. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Packaging is necessary in a world dominated by marketing‐based economies, which rely on it for the safe delivery of profitable products. It is different from many other functions because packaging has two faces and each face demands a special marketing approach. Also necessary to appreciate is that in the very marketing of all products packaging plays a vital part, yet it is still often treated as a necessary evil and is often used on an expediency basis by product manufacturers. Even the packaging manufacturers themselves still fall into the trap of providing what is asked for instead of designing what is really needed. To describe packaging as in a world of its own is no pretension, for wherever natural or manufactured products are produced, packaging is needed to contain, preserve and protect them in the journey to the market place. Food, drink, clothing, light engineering goods, china and glass, medicines and household chemicals—in all those industries it is packaging made of paper and board, glass, plastic and metal that serves them. The importance of properly designed packaging lies in the fact that it must meet the need for protection of the product from the hazards of damage and deterioration. At the same time it must also provide identification and attractive presentation and meet the appropriate environmental criteria, Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

戴宏民 《包装学报》2014,6(2):22-26
QFDE是一种流程合理、可执行性强的绿色设计方法,但因缺乏科学的环境影响评价指标及方法,以及采用定性分配权重,故难于寻求产品和生产工艺生态特性的改进。使用重视环境影响评价的LCA对QFDE进行改进,能改善QFDE对环境影响评价的不足,成为符合EuP生态设计需要、优化产品生态环境特性的生态设计方法。在介绍了QFDE的概念,并对其流程和不足以及LCA的生态环境影响指标进行详细分析的基础上,探讨了采用LCA改进后的QFDE进行食品和包装机械生态设计的方法、步骤及举措。  相似文献   

廖倩滢  张珺  易自力  李有志 《包装工程》2022,43(19):120-127
目的 对南荻生态包装箱和传统木质胶合板包装箱的全生命周期进行环境影响比较分析,探索前者对后者的生态替代性。方法 文中基于生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA),使用ReCiPe 2016方法对2种包装箱的18种环境影响类型展开全生命周期的LCA研究。结果 南荻生态包装箱全生命周期环境影响单一分值为3.08 Pt,包装箱生产、运输和废弃物处置阶段占比分别为68%、8%、24%;传统木质胶合板包装箱全生命周期环境影响单一分值为3.61 Pt,包装箱生产、运输和废弃物处置阶段占比分别为75%、6%、19%;前者较之后者每功能单位减少14.7%的环境影响。结论 结果表明南荻生态包装箱整体环境表现优于传统木质胶合板包装箱,南荻刨花板用量的减少带来的环境效益最大,循环利用包装箱及其生物质,以及改进包装箱尺寸设计也是减少化石资源消耗的可能途径。在洞庭湖造纸业全面退出情境下,研究为决策者在技术和环境层面选择南荻的利用方式提供了依据。  相似文献   

生态包装的生态设计原则及方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
戴宏民  戴佩华  周均 《包装工程》2013,34(17):117-120
以欧盟新绿色壁垒EUP 要求进口的用能产品(含包装)须进行生态设计并获得更高的环保指标为启示,分析了生态包装的特点、定义,论述了生态包装的结构设计原则,在此基础上,提出了由产品生态辨识、产品生态诊断、制定产品生态指标、产品生态评价等4 个步骤组成的生态设计方法。  相似文献   

Packaging and the role it plays in supply chain efficiency are overlooked in most design and development research. An opportunity exists to meet the needs of supply chains to increase efficiency. This research presents three propositions on how to reduce the gap between supply chain needs and satisfaction in interaction with the product and packaging system. It also proposes a supply chain focused packaging design and development method to better satisfy supply chain needs placed on packaging. An extensive literature review was conducted, and a Tetra Pak derived case study was developed. The propositions were formulated and became the basis for improving Tetra Pak's existing packaging design and development method by better integrating supply chain needs. This was accomplished by using an expanded operational life cycle perspective that includes the entire supply chain. The resulting supply chain focused packaging design, and development method enables improved supply chain efficiency while considering the product, the processes and cost. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fault tree analysis is commonly used to assess the reliability of potentially hazardous industrial systems. The type of logic is usually restricted to AND and OR gates, which makes the fault tree structure coherent. In non‐coherent structures not only components' failures but also components' working states contribute to the failure of the system. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of such fault trees can present additional difficulties when compared with the coherent versions. It is shown that the binary decision diagram (BDD) method can overcome some of the difficulties in the analysis of non‐coherent fault trees. This paper presents the conversion process of non‐coherent fault trees to BDDs. A fault tree is converted to a BDD that represents the system structure function (SFBDD). An SFBDD can then be used to quantify the system failure parameters but is not suitable for the qualitative analysis. Established methods, such as the meta‐products BDD method, the zero‐suppressed BDD (ZBDD) method and the labelled BDD (L‐BDD) method, require an additional BDD that contains all prime implicant sets. The process using some of the methods can be time consuming and is not very efficient. In addition, in real‐time applications the conversion process is less important and the requirement is to provide an efficient analysis. Recent uses of the BDD method are for real‐time system prognosis. In such situations as events happen, or failures occur, the prediction of mission success is updated and used in the decision‐making process. Both qualitative and quantitative assessments are required for the decision making. Under these conditions fast processing and small storage requirements are essential. Fast processing is a feature of the BDD method. It would be advantageous if a single BDD structure could be used for both the qualitative and quantitative analyses. Therefore, a new method, the ternary decision diagram (TDD) method, is presented in this paper, where a fault tree is converted to a TDD that allows both qualitative and quantitative analyses and no additional BDDs are required. The efficiency of the four methods is compared using an example fault tree library. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

缓冲包装材料经济性与环境影响评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过梳理国内外文献,准确掌握不同材质缓冲包装材料的经济性与环境影响程度,为绿色经济缓冲包装材料的设计与应用提供参考和借鉴。方法在对常见的缓冲包装进行分类的基础上,分别从缓冲包装材料的经济性和环境影响等2个方面对纸制缓冲包装材料和塑料缓冲包装材料进行评价分析。结论常用的缓冲包装材料在加工过程和使用过程均会造成资源浪费和环境污染。纸制缓冲包装材料加工工艺成熟价格稳定,塑料缓冲包装受原材料价格波动影响较大。新型缓冲包装材料植物纤维类缓冲材料作为环境友好型材料,符合缓冲包装材料力学性能要求,推行使用可以减缓目前状况,具有发展潜力和研究意义。  相似文献   

The primary objective of closed-loop supply chains (CLSC) is to improve the maximum economic benefit from end-of-use products. Nevertheless, the literature within this stream of research advocates that closing the loop also helps to mitigate the undesirable environmental footprint of supply chains. Therefore, closed-loop supply chains are assumed to be sustainable supply chains almost by definition. In this paper we analyse if and when this assumption holds. We illustrate our findings based on the Electric and Electronic Equipment (EEE) supply chain. For all phases of the supply chain, i.e. manufacturing, usage, transportation and end-of-life activities, we assess the magnitude of the environmental impacts, based on a single environmental metric, namely the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). Given the environmental hot-spots in the Electric and Electronic Equipment supply chain, we propose useful extensions for existing CLSC optimisation models to ensure that closed-loop supply chains are at the same time sustainable supply chains.  相似文献   

基于LCA-模糊综合评价商品包装合理性评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用环境工程学的生命周期评价法和系统工程学的层次分析法从包装产品的功能实用性、环境协调性、经济适用性3个影响因素出发,建立了递阶层次结构的评价指标体系,并赋予权重;在此基础上运用三级模糊评价方法对包装合理性进行综合评价,并给出实例分析.结果表明:采用此方法对包装合理性进行评价可以综合考虑环境、经济和功能3方面因素的影响,建立系统全面的评价指标体系,从而得到客观公正的评价结果.实例分析结果显示纸塑铝复合牛奶包装比塑料牛奶包装具有更高的合理性.  相似文献   

目的解决目前绿色包装研究领域对绿色包装生态发展模式研究尚不充分,缺乏经过企业实践检验的绿色包装发展模式研究的现实问题。方法以浙江大胜达包装股份有限公司为例,在企业中进行绿色包装管理创新并进行总结提炼。结果构建了由"2个体系"和"4个关键环节"构成的基于产品全生命周期的纸包装绿色发展模式的整体架构,并在企业中进行了绿色包装管理创新实践。实施后企业年利润总额较实施前增长14.8%,万元产值综合能耗下降11.8%,废水排放量和固废排放量较实施前分别减少17.41%和24.11%,对环境生态和人体健康有害的氨、四氯乙烯的排放量则较项目开始之初分别减少了17.73%和25%。结论提出了基于产品全生命周期的纸包装企业绿色生态发展模式,实施绿色包装管理创新之后,企业的经济效益和环境效益明显得到了大幅提升。  相似文献   

目的 研究定制猫眼彩盒的生产对环境的影响,为此类型包装材料对环境的影响评估以及生产工艺改进提供参考。方法 采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法定性、定量分析其对环境(9个环境因素)的影响,在e-Footprint软件上,在线完成全部生命周期评价,包括建模、计算分析、数据质量评估和LCA结果发布。结果 该类型产品对初级能源消耗、水资源消耗和气候变化的影响较大。每个彩盒消耗0.71 MJ初级能源和0.35 kg水,排放0.05 kg影响气候变化的气体。其中,白卡纸和定制猫眼膜的初级能源消耗占比分别为37%和35%,水资源消耗的79%来自白卡纸生产,影响气候变化气体的排放占比分别为29%和25%。结论 通过优化白卡纸和定制猫眼膜材料、结构以及生产工艺流程,可降低定制猫眼彩盒的能源消耗(含初级能源和水资源),减少温室效应气体的排放。  相似文献   

A streamlined (simplified) life cycle assessment of a conventional wooden pallet and an all‐weather, washable, re‐usable and fully recyclable plastic bulk transit packaging system used to transport empty yoghurt pottles, has been conducted using surrogate/proxy data from the Environmental Priorities Strategy (EPS) 2000 Default Method. This paper accounts for the life cycle inventory for each material used in the two transit packaging systems and their associated fabrication processes. The life cycle assessment was simplified by ignoring common factors such as the common nylon strap of both packaging systems, the common in‐house transportation, and the manufacture and maintenance of capital equipment. The system boundaries and assumptions made are also discussed. The functional unit adopted was the Environmental Load Units (ELU) of the EPS 2000 Default Method. The grand overall ELU for the wooden pallet and plastic packaging system are computed by considering the weight of the material, the volume of inventory and the distance travelled. The ELU of the wooden pallet was 18.455, while that for the plastic packaging was 4.574 at a 96.5% level of certainty. In the case of the wooden pallet, truck transport, the corrugated cardboard boxes and the LDPE liner and shrinkwrap impacted the environment most, while for the plastic packaging system truck transport and the LDPE liner were significant. The plastic packaging has a lower environmental impact than the wooden pallet for various reasons. It is lighter in weight, has more re‐usable parts and can transport more yoghurt pottles per trip. It has a long service life and is virtually fully recyclable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

产品可持续设计的类型及其价值   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
余森林 《包装学报》2010,2(3):46-49
从“生产体系”和“消费体系”剖析了可持续设计的内涵,论述了废物再利用设计、产品生命周期设计、产品与服务设计及产品与社会和谐设计4种可持续设计类型的内容与价值,并比较了它们之间的异同。  相似文献   

冯智劼  侯倩  毛国柱  赵林 《包装工程》2013,34(23):48-53
对中散包装与危险品包装生命周期进行了评价研究。利用Simapro 软件对2 种固体危险货物包装形式———一般包装(瓦楞纸箱)和中型散装容器(纤维板箱IBC)进行了生命周期分析,并将结果进行了对比。可以看出中型散装容器与一般包装相比优势明显,在分析所涉及的11 个环境类别的影响上均小于一般包装,其中,差距最大的为臭氧层耗竭损害,仅为一般包装的60%,最小的为酸化/ 富营养化,为一般包装的90%。结果显示IBC 优势明显,在大量货物运输的过程中,若2 种包装类型均能达到运输效果,应选取对环境影响较小的IBC 进行运输。  相似文献   

Medication packaging is essential to provide patients with guidance and correct use of their medicines for effective treatment. This research aims to increase knowledge about the medication packaging innovation process and its uptake towards patient‐centered packaging design. The study applied a qualitative research approach based on data from 25 in‐depth interviews with stakeholders involved in medication packaging design. The empirical data analysis revealed four themes that can improve and advance user‐centered packaging design: medication packaging innovation process, medication packaging functions and features, medication packaging design constraints, and patient‐centered medication packaging design. The findings suggest that medication packaging design is strongly affected by an emphasis on protective and safety packaging functions rather than on patients' needs. Packaging innovation usually is constrained by rigid incremental development processes, where compliance with regulations, extensive documentation, avoidance of manufacturing complexity, and considerations on cost prevail. These findings are discussed in relation to the three most evident trade‐offs for patient‐centered design: protection versus openability, utility versus cost, and complexity of manufacturability versus complexity of use. This research contributes with valuable input and additional evidence about the necessary shift to a user‐centered approach in a field that has not been design driven. This input complements previous research and provides an opportunity for industry decision makers and policy makers to lead patient‐centered packaging design that can benefit patients and relieve overloaded health care systems.  相似文献   

巩桂芬  李想 《包装工程》2021,42(5):134-141
目的 研究木包装箱在全生命周期过程中对环境的影响,对比钢边箱和传统木箱对环境的影响.方法 通过全生命周期分析软件eBalance分析2款木包装箱从产品生产、物流运输到使用后的废物管理整个生命周期的物耗、能耗及向环境中的排放,对其数据清单进行分类、特征化和归一化计算,得到木包装箱3个流程的主要环境影响类型和对应指标值.结果 传统木箱在产品生产、物流运输和废物管理流程的LCIA加权综合指标分别为6.87514×10?9,1.93549×10?12,5.20×10?13,其中胶合板生产在产品生产过程中的占比为99.86%,胶合板处理在废物管理过程中的占比为99.82%;钢边箱在产品生产、物流运输和废物管理流程的LCIA加权综合指标分别为6.53463×10?9,3.57256×10?13,2.96531×10?13,其中胶合板生产在产品生产过程中的占比为97.43%,胶合板处理在废物管理过程中的占比为99.38%;钢边箱对环境影响的总量比传统木箱小约5%.结论 木包装箱全生命周期的环境影响主要体现在胶合板的生产和废物管理过程中,木包装箱在设计、生产加工、运输、废弃物处理等方面都有较大的改进余地,钢边箱比传统木箱更具有环境友好性,对木包装箱绿色化的生产设计具有参考意义.  相似文献   

叶军 《包装工程》2021,42(12):298-304
目的 基于用户情感体验的酱油包装营销方式,完成具体的酱油包装营销方案.方法 在分析酱油产业现状的基础上,探讨需求端与企业端对酱油包装营销的竞争驱动因素,并将用户情感体验融入酱油包装营销价值,着重阐述基于用户情感体验的具体实践方案"我的妈呀——感恩母亲"酱油包装营销的全过程策略与实施内容.结论 在酱油包装营销中融入用户情感体验,无论对酱油品牌影响还是产品销量的提升都有益.融入用户情感体验在酱油市场竞争中起到了非常重要的作用.同时通过实践案例,紧密围绕用户情感体验,创新地尝试了将用户转换为产品包装核心设计者,并采用小批量定制生产包装模式.这对酱油包装营销起到一定的指导和参考作用.  相似文献   

目的 在兼顾环境影响和经济效益的基础上,运用科学的分析手段为烟草商业物流可降解薄膜优选及包装工艺升级提供决策参考。方法 本文从可降解薄膜的力学性能及其包装方式入手,以生命周期评价法所确定的可降解薄膜环境影响潜值和相关经济指标作为基础数据,运用基于松弛测度的非径向、非角度的数据包络分析模型(SBM-DEA)开展烟草商业物流可降解薄膜包装的环境绩效评价及冗余度分析。结果 根据8种可降解薄膜的力学性能确定了3种包装方式,不同包装薄膜的生命周期环境影响潜能总值从大到小依次为C、D、E、LDPE、A、B、G、F、H。根据环境绩效测算所确定的可降解薄膜包装优选方案为A+缠绕包装I和G+缠绕包装I。结论 生命周期环境影响评价有助于全面分析可降解薄膜的环境友好性,可降解薄膜的缠绕包装具有突出的环境绩效优势,工艺升级和包装效率改进是提升烟草商业物流可降解薄膜包装环境绩效的入手点。  相似文献   

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