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As global climate change affects recharge and runoff processes, stream flow regimes are being altered. In the American Southwest, increasing aridity is predicted to cause declines in stream base flows and water tables. Another potential outcome of climate change is increased flood intensity. Changes in these stream flow conditions may independently affect vegetation or may have synergistic effects. Our goal was to extrapolate vegetation response to climate‐linked stream flow changes, by taking advantage of the spatial variation in flow conditions over a 200 km length of the San Pedro River (Arizona). Riparian vegetation traits were contrasted between sites differing in low‐flow hydrology (degree of stream intermittency) and flood intensity (stream power of the 10‐year recurrence flood). Field data indicate that increased stream intermittency would cause the floodplain plant community to shift from hydric pioneer trees and shrubs (Populus, Salix, Baccharis) towards mesic species (Tamarix). This shift in functional type would produce changes in vegetation structure, with reduced canopy cover and shorter canopies at drier sites. Among herbaceous species, annuals would increase while perennials would decrease. If flood intensities increased, there would be shifts towards younger tree age, expansion of xeric pioneer shrubs (in response to flood‐linked edaphic changes), and replacement of herbaceous perennials by annuals. Woody stem density would increase and basal area would decrease, reflecting shifts towards younger forests. Some effects would be compounded: Annuals were most prevalent, and tree canopies shortest, at sites that were dry and intensely flooded. Vegetational changes would feedback onto hydrologic and geomorphic processes, of importance for modeling. Increased flood intensity would have positive feedback on disturbance processes, by shifting plant communities towards species with less ability to stabilize sediments. Feedbacks between riparian vegetation and stream low‐flow changes would be homeostatic, with reduced evapotranspiration rates ameliorating declines in base flows arising from increased aridity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural river floodplains and adjacent wetlands grow typically a diverse and heterogeneous combination of herbs, shrubs and trees, which play an essential role in determining the total flow resistance. Hydrodynamic effects of trees in forested floodplains can provide the majority of flow resistance during flood events. Nevertheless, ground‐based techniques to acquire vegetation parameters are expensive and difficult to apply over long reaches. This paper presents a novel method of automated roughness parameterization of riparian woody vegetation by fusion of Quickbird multi‐spectral image with airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The data fusion approach includes: individual tree detection and estimation of vegetation metrics from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, assessment of predictive models for the vegetation parameters and spatial mapping of the vegetation parameters for the forest plants in the riparian corridor. The proposed method focuses on estimation of plant density (d), crown diameters (DC), tree height (h), stem diameter (DS), crown base height (cbh) and leaf area index (LAI). The procedure is tested along a 14‐km reach of the Sieve River (Tuscany, Italy) characterized by high woody plant density. Due to the complex study area, the data fusion approach explains with variable reliability the local vegetation properties (R2(DC) = 0.14, R2(h) = 0.84, R2(DS) = 0.25, R2(cbh) = 0.66). The generated structural parameter maps represent spatially explicit data layers that can be used as inputs to hydrodynamic models used to analyse flow resistance effects in different submergence conditions of vegetation. A simple flow resistance model was applied over a test area comparing the results of the proposed method and a traditional ground‐based approach. The modelling results showed that the new method is able to provide accurate output data to describe the interaction between water levels and bio‐mechanical characteristics of vegetation. The proposed methodology provides a fast, repeatable and accurate way of obtaining floodplain roughness, which enables regular updating of vegetation characteristics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The natural flow regime and the relationship between flows and riparian vegetation are described for sites on both the Blackwood River in south‐western Australia and the Ord River in north‐western Australia. Analysis of long‐term flow data showed the historic mean monthly river discharge for the Blackwood River is strongly seasonal and highly predictable with generally low variability each month. The Ord River showed a strong seasonality of flows with about 92% of the (total) yearly flow occurring between December and March. Flow variability was very high (e.g. coefficient of variation >100% for all months) but highly predictable, with this mostly attributed to low but constant dry‐season flows. Water depth, duration of flood events and the number of flood events per year show a significant correlation with aspects of the riparian vegetation within experimental vegetation plots. Results highlight the strong relationship between floristics, life form structure and population dynamics with stream hydrology. On the Blackwood River, species richness and cover of shrubs reduced with increased duration and frequency of flooding, while cover of exotic species and annual herbs increased with increased flooding. Germination of tree seedlings was not influenced by flood regime but size class of tree species increased with flooding frequency. On the Ord River, species richness was not influenced by flooding regime. However, cover of perennial grasses increased with flooding frequency whilst cover of shrubs decreased. There was no relationship between flooding and seedling establishment whilst tree size class decreased with increased flooding. The methods described here can be used to compare the response of different components of the riparian vegetation to different fluvial regimes (e.g. because of impoundment and abstraction). This technique can be expanded for the management of riparian zones and planning rehabilitation programmes. It may also be useful for improving the ecological knowledge base for setting environmental flows in regulated systems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The San Pedro River in the southwestern United States retains a natural flood regime and has several reaches with perennial stream flow and shallow ground water. However, much of the river flows intermittently. Urbanization‐linked declines in regional ground‐water levels have raised concerns over the future status of the riverine ecosystem in some parts of the river, while restoration‐linked decreases in agricultural ground‐water pumping are expected to increase stream flows in other parts. This study describes the response of the streamside herbaceous vegetation to changes in stream flow permanence. During the early summer dry season, streamside herbaceous cover and species richness declined continuously across spatial gradients of flow permanence, and composition shifted from hydric to mesic species at sites with more intermittent flow. Hydrologic threshold values were evident for one plant functional group: Schoenoplectus acutus, Juncus torreyi, and other hydric riparian plants declined sharply in cover with loss of perennial stream flow. In contrast, cover of mesic riparian perennials (including Cynodon dactylon, an introduced species) increased at sites with intermittent flow. Patterns of hydric and mesic riparian annuals varied by season: in the early summer dry season their cover declined continuously as flow became more intermittent, while in the late summer wet season their cover increased as the flow became more intermittent. Periodic drought at the intermittent sites may increase opportunities for establishment of these annuals during the monsoonal flood season. During the late summer flood season, stream flow was present at most sites, and fewer vegetation traits were correlated with flow permanence; cover and richness were correlated with other environmental factors including site elevation and substrate nitrate level and particle size. Although perennial‐flow and intermittent‐flow sites support different streamside plant communities, all of the plant functional groups are abundant at perennial‐flow sites when viewing the ecosystem at broader spatial and temporal scales: mesic riparian perennials are common in the floodplain zone adjacent to the river channel and late‐summer hydric and mesic annuals are periodically abundant after large floods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive desnagging (removal of large woody debris and living riparian vegetation) and associated river improvement works were conducted in rivers of southeastern Australia (Victoria and New South Wales) between at least 1886 and 1995. Swamp drainage, large woody debris removal and vegetation clearing were strongly supported by legislation, government funding and institutional arrangements in both states. As a result, large amounts of large woody debris were removed from rivers, regenerating indigenous vegetation was cleared from within designed alignment widths and, ironically, huge numbers of exotic trees, especially willows, were planted. The environmental impacts of desnagging have only been documented on a few impacted rivers but have included increased flow velocity, spatially extensive bed degradation, massive channel enlargement and loss of fish habitat. Recognition of the need for more integrated land and water management, and new research on the hydraulic, geomorphic, biogeographic and ecological significance of large woody debris and the values of indigenous riparian vegetation during the 1980s led to a major shift in river rehabilitation. We have drawn on our own and other published research to further develop a set of guidelines for the incorporation of large woody debris into river rehabilitation plans. Our guidelines extend those recently prepared for southeastern Australia and address site selection, where to place timber, the amount to be introduced, how to distribute it, techniques of introduction and woody debris sources. However, in the long term, riparian vegetation rehabilitation within the potential recruitment zone is essential to supply large woody debris. Given that our results demonstrate that very large woody debris makes a significant contribution to the total loading, it will be a very long time (>100 years) before natural recruitment can be recreated. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from a semiarid watershed of the southwestern United States (Verde River basin, Arizona) indicated that abundance and species richness of mixed deciduous riparian forests varied in a curvilinear and quantifiable fashion as a function of stream flow parameters. Three indicators of riparian abundance—foliage area, stem basal area and stand width—increased most significantly with growing season flow volume, a surrogate indicator of riparian water availability. Tree species richness varied in a bell curve fashion with flood size, with the greatest richness occurring at streams with intermediate flood magnitudes. These instream flow models have management implications for riparian habitats. They suggest that flow volume (and the related attributes of water-table recharge and floodplain soil wetting) is the primary factor regulating riparian vegetation abundance in the Verde River watershed, and provide a first approximation of the extent of riparian loss expected from flow diversion or other types of flow reduction.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of a 100‐year flood in May 1999 on community composition and large woody debris standing stock in an alpine floodplain (Isar, Germany). Detailed pre‐flood data sampled from 1993 to 1998 are compared with the situation directly after the flood. In those parts of the Isar floodplain mainly covered with pioneer vegetation prior to flooding, the coverage of unvegetated gravel bars increased by 22% following the flood. However, the flood did not remove larger amounts of older successional vegetation stages (willow thickets, floodplain forest). No significant changes in the benthic invertebrate fauna were recorded. The lowest densities of riparian ground beetles (Carabidae) within the study were recorded one month after the flood. Two months later, the ground beetle densities increased to the highest values ever recorded, indicating the ground beetle's high potential for recolonization. These results highlight the degree of resilience of both the aquatic and the riparian invertebrate fauna. The flood also caused a significant increase in large woody debris standing stock; in one section the number of logs increased tenfold and the volume increased by a factor of 20, leading to the assumption that most woody debris in alluvial flood‐plains is provided by catastrophic events. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aridland riparian forests are undergoing compositional changes in vegetation and wildlife communities due to altered hydrology. As flows have been modified, woody vegetation has shifted from native‐tree dominated to non‐native and shrub encroached habitats. Squamate vertebrates such as lizards and snakes are important food web links in riparian ecosystems of the Sonoran Desert. However, little is known about how these communities might respond as riparian forests transition from native tree dominated habitats to open xeroriparian woodlands. We used pitfall arrays deployed across three types of riparian forest to document reptile community patterns, measure vegetation, and produce species‐habitat models. Riparian forests differed on the basis of habitat composition and physiognomy. Two types, cottonwood‐willow (Populus‐Salix) and mesquite (Prosopis) stands, were characterized by high woody species richness. The third type, non‐native saltcedar (Tamarix) stands, had high densities of woody debris and greater canopy coverage. Results show that lizards were common and abundances greatest in cottonwood‐willow, especially for arboreal species. Species‐habitat models for three of five lizard species indicated a negative association to saltcedar‐invaded habitat and no species appeared to select saltcedar‐dominated habitat. Mesquite was an intermediate habitat between upland and riparian, and supports high species diversity. A wildfire in the cottonwood‐willow forest disproportionately affected abundance of ground‐foraging whiptail (Aspidoscelis) lizards; whereas, abundance of arboreal spiny (Sceloporus) species was unchanged. Expected drivers from climate and water use could transition cottonwood forests to other woody‐dominated types. Our results suggest that mesquite woodlands would provide higher quality habitat for riparian reptiles compared to non‐native saltcedar stands.  相似文献   

To reliably estimate water levels and velocities in vegetated rivers and floodplains, flow resistance models based on physical plant properties are advantageous. The purpose of this study is (1) to assess the suitable parameterization of woody riparian vegetation in estimating the drag forces, (2) to address the effect of plant scale on the drag estimates and reconfiguration, and (3) to evaluate the applicability of three recently developed flow resistance models. Experiments on four tree species in a towing tank together with detailed characterization of tree properties were carried out to establish a novel dataset. Despite the variability in the tree height (0.9 m-3.4 m), the stem, leaf and total areas proved to be suitable characteristic dimensions for estimating the flow resistance at different scales. Evaluations with independent data revealed that the tested models produced reasonable results. The performance of the models was controlled by the parameter values used rather than the model structure or the plant scale.  相似文献   

The expected recovery of the natural conditions of large regulated rivers over the distance downstream from a dam is limited by relative tributary size according to the Serial Discontinuity Concept; however, geomorphology may also influence the recovery process. We examined the woody vegetation of the riparian zone in seven river segments distributed along the regulated reach of the Tiétar River in central‐western Spain, which flows through two distinct geomorphic templates. Whereas the annual runoff has decreased by 30% on average along the entire studied reach following the construction of the Rosarito Dam and the initiation of field irrigation in the region, the magnitude and frequency of the peak flows decreased by 30% immediately downstream from the dam but recovered the natural values with the distance downstream. We evaluated the recovery patterns toward the natural riparian conditions by comparing woody species composition, diversity and distribution of vegetation patches established prior to and after dam completion. Our results did not indicate a recovery gradient of any of the analysed vegetation attributes downstream from the dam. Instead, we found that the difference in the slope of the stream channel and banks, the width of the valley and the size of substratum particles among the surveyed patches were factors that significantly mediated dam and tributary effects on vegetation and influenced the degree of vegetation recovery. Hence, the maintenance of the intensity of the flow alteration scheme by the numerous water withdrawals and the low tributary contributions, coupled with differential geomorphological characteristics along the reach, overwhelmed the natural tendency for the river to restore its natural conditions with distance downstream. Improving water management and, particularly, restoring endangered riparian ecosystems require a detailed understanding of existing and potential woody species behaviour across the geomorphological settings of rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Submerged vegetation has a significant impact on water flow velocity. Current investigations include the impact through adding drag resistance and increasing bottom roughness coefficient, which cannot elucidate the characters of real submerged vegetation. To evaluate the effects of submerged vegetation on water currents at different velocities, a laboratory experiment was conducted using three kinds of vegetations. The effective heights of these vegetations on varying flow velocities were evaluated. An equation describing the relationship between the normalized resistance of the submerged plants and the Reynolds number based on the plant effective height was then established and used to calculate the hydraulic resistance parameters of submerged plants in different stages of growth.  相似文献   

Rivers and their floodplains worldwide have changed dramatically over the last century because of regulation by dams, flow diversions and channel stabilization. Floodplains no longer inundated by river flows following dam‐induced flood reduction comprise large areas of bottomland habitat, but the effects of abandonment on plant communities are not well understood. Using a hydraulic flow model, geomorphic mapping and field surveys, we addressed the following questions along the Bill Williams River, Arizona: (i) What per cent of the bottomland do abandoned floodplains comprise? and (ii) Are abandoned floodplains quantitatively different from adjacent xeric and riparian surfaces in terms of vegetation composition and surface sediment? We found that nearly 70% of active channel and floodplain area was abandoned following dam installation. Abandoned floodplains along the Bill Williams River tend to be similar to each other yet distinct from neighbouring habitats: they have been altered physically from their historic state, leading to distinct combinations of surface sediments, hydrology and plant communities. Abandoned floodplains may transition to xeric communities over time but are likely to retain some riparian qualities as long as there is access to relatively shallow ground water. With expected increases in water demand and drying climatic conditions in many regions, these surfaces and associated vegetation will continue to be extensive in riparian landscapes worldwide. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dams may impact the health of downstream riparian vegetation communities through flow modifications such as decreased flood frequency and duration. Without historical vegetation data, however, it is difficult to relate changes in vegetation composition to hydrology patterns downstream of dams. We studied bottomland hardwood forests downstream of Toledo Bend Dam on the Sabine River in Texas and Louisiana to determine their sensitivity to minor changes in river hydrology with a particular focus on floods. Current riparian vegetation was characterized within three topographic zones at three selected sites below the dam. Using 80 years of hydrologic records from two gauging stations downstream of the dam, we evaluated trends in flood frequency, flood duration, peak discharge and total flood discharge in those periods before (1926?1965) and after (1971?2005) dam construction, as well as related flood stage to floodplain elevations to link topography to flood frequency. Plant species diversity in this system is highly dependent on minor changes in elevation, and the proportion of wetland‐dependent species changes rapidly with only a few centimeters difference in elevation. Although 50% of trees, shrubs and herbs in the sloughs were wetland adapted, their numbers were only 21% in the levees (74–284 cm higher in elevation) and 14% in the mid‐floodplains. Since dam construction, total flood discharge and duration at the most upstream gauge on the Sabine River decreased by 49%. At both gauges, mean discharge was also altered with higher summer flows. Patterns of tree regeneration point to less recruitment by wetland‐dependent species in the years following dam construction. These results suggest that minor changes in flood magnitude might limit occurrence of wetland species to the lowest topographic zones and illustrate the need to analyse sensitivity of plants to minor changes in flood characteristics when historical data for the vegetation community are lacking. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

河岸植被覆盖影响下的河流演化动力特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨树青  白玉川  徐海珏  黄哲 《水利学报》2018,49(8):995-1006
河岸植被对河道的水流运动、主槽稳定及河湾迁移等均有重要的影响,尤其是在洪水期河流的演化过程中。为分析不同密度植被护岸对河流动力过程的影响响应,本文采用自然模型实验,通过改变河岸植被种植密度及单双岸布设方式,模拟河岸有无植被种植的河流演化过程。给定相同的造床流量、坡降、泥沙粒径等水沙边界条件,设定控制变量为河岸植被覆盖率,分别为0%,20%,40%,80%。实验结果表明:(1)单岸植被覆盖其主流稳定性较两岸植被覆盖为差;(2)河岸植被越密集,水流对河床的局部扰动越强烈,河演达到稳定状态周期越长;(3)两岸植被覆盖的蜿蜒河道其稳定曲率随植被覆盖率增大而减小,较大的水流剪切力会造成较大的河湾迁移。  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation development and macroinvertebrate assemblages were studied in 16 streams formed between 35 and 230 years ago, following glacial recession in Glacier Bay National Park, southeast Alaska. Riparian vegetation established most rapidly in streams where flow variation in downstream reaches was buffered by a lake. Riparian vegetation development was positively correlated with lower bank stability, but was independent of stream age. Roots and branches of riparian vegetation trailing into streams (trailing riparian habitat—TRH) were shown to be an important habitat for a number of macroinvertebrate taxa. In young and unstable streams, TRH was colonized mainly by Plecoptera whereas in more stable lake‐influenced streams Simuliidae dominated. Significant coarse woody debris (CWD) accumulations were not observed until after approximately 130 years of stream development had occurred when certain channel features, such as gravel bars, were stabilized by dead wood. Where dead wood was present, opportunistic wood taxa were abundant, even in the younger streams. However, a xylophagous species, Polypedilum fallax, was not recorded until streams were over 100 years old. Two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) using presence/absence of macroinvertebrate taxa on TRH, initially divided streams into lake and non‐lake systems, but subsequent divisions were consistent with differences in stream age. TWINSPAN of macroinvertebrate assemblages on dead wood again highlighted differences in stream age. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that bed stability and stream age were the most important environmental variables influencing macroinvertebrate distribution on TRH. Trailing riparian habitat was most abundant in moderately unstable streams where it facilitates invertebrate colonization. CWD contributes markedly to channel stabilization, provides habitat for invertebrate xylophages, and confers additional habitat complexity. Maximum levels of CWD are predicted to occur in non‐lake streams after approximately 300 years, but at least a further 100 years will be required in stable streams below lakes where dead wood entrainment is not enhanced by flooding, channel migration and bank undercutting. A conceptual model summarizing the role of TRH and CWD on stream development in Glacier Bay is presented. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effects of stream enhancement on habitat conditions in five spring‐fed urban streams in Christchurch, New Zealand, were investigated. Stream enhancement consisted of riparian planting at three sites, and riparian planting and channel modifications at two sites, where a concrete dish channel and a timber‐lined channel were removed, and natural banks reinstated. Sites were surveyed prior to enhancement activities and 5 years after, and changes in riparian conditions (composition, horizontal and vertical cover), instream conditions (bank modifications, inorganic and organic material on the streambed), and hydraulic conditions (wetted perimeter, cross‐sectional area, depths and velocities) quantified. Enhanced sites generally had higher marginal vegetation cover, as well as increased overhanging riparian vegetation, reflecting planting of Carex sedges close to the water. Bed sediments changed at some sites, with the greatest change being replacement of a concrete channel with gravel and cobble substrate. Bryophyte cover declined at this site, reflecting loss of stable habitat where these plants grew. Bed sediments changed less at other sites, and cover of fine sediments increased in some enhanced sites, presumably from sediment runoff from nearby residential development. Filamentous algal cover decreased at one stream where shade increased, but increased in another stream where the removal of timber‐lined banks and creation of a large pond decreased shade. Stream enhancement increased variability in velocity at three of the five sites, but overall changes to stream hydraulics were small. Although enhancement activities altered the physical conditions of the streams, major changes occurred only to riparian vegetation and bank conditions. Lack of other major changes to instream physical conditions most likely reflected the limited range of channel morphology alterations undertaken. Moreover, the flat topography of Christchurch and naturally low stream discharge further constrained changes to instream physical conditions from enhancement activities. Sediment inputs from continuing urban development also negated the effects of adding coarse substrates. These over‐arching factors may constrain the success of future stream enhancement projects within Christchurch. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

含植物河道曼宁阻力系数的研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
唐洪武  闫静  肖洋  吕升奇 《水利学报》2007,38(11):1347-1353
含植物河道的水流阻力不仅仅来源于边壁,传统的曼宁公式不能够直接用来计算这种河道的糙率。本文基于水流阻力等效原则,首次提出了一系列等效水力参数的概念,建立了等效综合曼宁糙率系数和等效植物附加曼宁系数的计算公式,并给出了能否使用水深代替水力半径的判别参数。使用刚性圆柱棒进行水槽试验,对植物在非淹没和淹没条件下的曼宁系数进行了计算和比较。试验结果验证了理论分析提出的关于判别参数的结论,并且表明使用水深计算的糙率在植物非淹没条件下可以用来表示植物引起的附加阻力。本文提出的等效综合曼宁糙率系数计算公式包含了植物的物理特性,因此具有普遍的应用价值,可以用来进行实际工程中糙率的计算。  相似文献   

Models that link ecological responses to hydrologic changes are important for assessing the effects of flow regulation on aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Based on the Recruitment Box Model, a graphical model used to prescribe environmental flows for cottonwood (Populus spp.) recruitment, we designed a simulation model to represent the influence of river flow dynamics on seedling recruitment of riparian pioneer woody plants. The model simulates the influence of temporal patterns of river stage on dispersal, germination, initial recruitment and over‐winter survival of first‐year seedlings of riparian pioneer shrubs and trees. We used the model to simulate seedling recruitment patterns for five species (Acer saccharinum, Betula nigra, Populus deltoides, Salix nigra and Salix exigua) on the Wisconsin River (Wisconsin, USA) under three flow scenarios: historic (1935–2002), simulated natural (1915–1975) and simulated regulated flows (1915–1975). Simulation results agreed well with field‐observed relative differences among years (1997–2000) in seedling densities for the five focal species. Simulated successful recruitment years were highly synchronous among species, but species differed in their sensitivity to flows at different times during the growing season, consistent with among‐species differences in seed dispersal timing. Comparison of simulated natural and regulated flows for 1915–1975 showed that flow regulation decreased monthly flow variability, increased late summer to winter baseflow and reduced the magnitude of spring peaks. Simulated recruitment and over‐winter survival of tree seedlings of all species was enhanced under the regulated flow scenario, likely due to increased summer baseflow and reductions in peak flood magnitude. Our analyses show the utility of extending the Recruitment Box Model to include multiple species of riparian shrubs and trees, and the effects of post‐colonization flows on their recruitment success. However, some key functional relationships between flow patterns and woody seedling demography (e.g. shear stress thresholds for seedling mortality) have not been adequately quantified and merit further study. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王祥斌  吴龙华 《人民长江》2019,50(5):160-165
为研究挺水植被在水流作用下发生的弯曲变形对水流阻力影响,通过明渠水槽实验对不同水流条件下单株挺水植被的弯曲变形状态及其水流阻力进行了观测分析。研究结果表明,挺水植被从完全直立转变为挺水弯曲摇摆状态时,水流阻力随着植被弯曲变形程度加剧而增加;当植被由挺水状态转为淹没状态时,水流阻力显著降低;当植被处于弯曲摇摆的淹没状态时,水流阻力同样会随着植被弯曲变形程度的加剧而增加;但是,当植被的弯曲变形增加到使得植被处于完全倒伏时,水流阻力反而会减少。研究成果有助于平衡河流生态治理与汛期泄洪的关系。  相似文献   

With river regulation, water withdrawal is common, reducing instream flows. The opposite alteration, flow augmentation, is less common and could reveal a mechanistic coordination between flow regime, channel form, and riparian ecosystems. The Little Bow River, a naturally intermittent prairie stream in Southern Alberta, has experienced flow augmentation since the late 1890s, and the Little Bow/Highwood Project of 2004 enabled a tripling of diversion flows from 2.9 to 8.5 m3/s. We investigated the subsequent responses by assessing the channel form and riparian vegetation based on aerial photographs taken in 2000 versus 2010, and riparian birds were assessed between 2005 and 2013 to investigate associations with riparian vegetation. Following recent flow augmentation, the mean channel width increased from 12.2 to 13.5 m, while sinuosity was relatively unchanged. Streamside zones with true willows (especially Salix exigua and Salix bebbiana) increased from 7 to 11% of the river corridor, and the facultative riparian wolf willow (Elaeagnus commutata) zones increased from 16 to 20%, while grassy zones decreased from 64 to 52%. Avian species richness and Shannon–Wiener index increased, while species evenness was relatively unaltered, suggesting an increase of rarer bird species in response to the increased habitat structure and diversity following the expansion of riparian shrubs and woodland. This study revealed responses to the recent flow augmentation over the first decade of implementation, and alterations following flow augmentation would likely continue for decades until the river and riparian zones adjust to the new flow regime. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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