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Cloud computing has established itself as an interesting computational model that provides a wide range of resources such as storage, databases and computing power for several types of users. Recently, the concept of cloud computing was extended with the concept of federated clouds where several resources from different cloud providers are inter-connected to perform a common action (e.g. execute a scientific workflow). Users can benefit from both single-provider and federated cloud environment to execute their scientific workflows since they can get the necessary amount of resources on demand. In several of these workflows, there is a demand for high performance and parallelism techniques since many activities are data and computing intensive and can execute for hours, days or even weeks. There are some Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMS) that already provide parallelism capabilities for scientific workflows in single-provider cloud. Most of them rely on creating a virtual cluster to execute the workflow in parallel. However, they also rely on the user to estimate the amount of virtual machines to be allocated to create this virtual cluster. Most SWfMS use this initial virtual cluster configuration made by the user for the entire workflow execution. Dimensioning the virtual cluster to execute the workflow in parallel is then a top priority task since if the virtual cluster is under or over dimensioned it can impact on the workflow performance or increase (unnecessarily) financial costs. This dimensioning is far from trivial in a single-provider cloud and specially in federated clouds due to the huge number of virtual machine types to choose in each location and provider. In this article, we propose an approach named GraspCC-fed to produce the optimal (or near-optimal) estimation of the amount of virtual machines to allocate for each workflow. GraspCC-fed extends a previously proposed heuristic based on GRASP for executing standalone applications to consider scientific workflows executed in both single-provider and federated clouds. For the experiments, GraspCC-fed was coupled to an adapted version of SciCumulus workflow engine for federated clouds. This way, we believe that GraspCC-fed can be an important decision support tool for users and it can help determining an optimal configuration for the virtual cluster for parallel cloud-based scientific workflows.  相似文献   

In the last years, scientific workflows have emerged as a fundamental abstraction for structuring and executing scientific experiments in computational environments. Scientific workflows are becoming increasingly complex and more demanding in terms of computational resources, thus requiring the usage of parallel techniques and high performance computing (HPC) environments. Meanwhile, clouds have emerged as a new paradigm where resources are virtualized and provided on demand. By using clouds, scientists have expanded beyond single parallel computers to hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines. Although the initial focus of clouds was to provide high throughput computing, clouds are already being used to provide an HPC environment where elastic resources can be instantiated on demand during the course of a scientific workflow. However, this model also raises many open, yet important, challenges such as scheduling workflow activities. Scheduling parallel scientific workflows in the cloud is a very complex task since we have to take into account many different criteria and to explore the elasticity characteristic for optimizing workflow execution. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive scheduling heuristic for parallel execution of scientific workflows in the cloud that is based on three criteria: total execution time (makespan), reliability and financial cost. Besides scheduling workflow activities based on a 3-objective cost model, this approach also scales resources up and down according to the restrictions imposed by scientists before workflow execution. This tuning is based on provenance data captured and queried at runtime. We conducted a thorough validation of our approach using a real bioinformatics workflow. The experiments were performed in SciCumulus, a cloud workflow engine for managing scientific workflow execution.  相似文献   

Scientific workflows have emerged as an important tool for combining the computational power with data analysis for all scientific domains in e-science, especially in the life sciences. They help scientists to design and execute complex in silico experiments. However, with rising complexity it becomes increasingly impractical to optimize scientific workflows by trial and error. To address this issue, we propose to insert a new optimization phase into the common scientific workflow life cycle. This paper describes the design and implementation of an automated optimization framework for scientific workflows to implement this phase. Our framework was integrated into Taverna, a life-science oriented workflow management system and offers a versatile programming interface (API), which enables easy integration of arbitrary optimization methods. We have used this API to develop an example plugin for parameter optimization that is based on a Genetic Algorithm. Two use cases taken from the areas of structural bioinformatics and proteomics demonstrate how our framework facilitates setup, execution, and monitoring of workflow parameter optimization in high performance computing e-science environments.  相似文献   

Over the last years, comparative genomics analyses have become more compute-intensive due to the explosive number of available genome sequences. Comparative genomics analysis is an important a prioristep for experiments in various bioinformatics domains. This analysis can be used to enhance the performance and quality of experiments in areas such as evolution and phylogeny. A common phylogenetic analysis makes extensive use of Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) in the construction of phylogenetic trees, which are used to infer evolutionary relationships between homologous genes. Each phylogenetic analysis aims at exploring several different MSA methods to verify which execution produces trees with the best quality. This phylogenetic exploration may run during weeks, even when executed in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. Although there are many approaches that model and parallelize phylogenetic analysis as scientific workflows, exploring all MSA methods becomes a complex and expensive task to be performed. If scientists determine a priorithe most adequate MSA method to use in the phylogenetic analysis, it would save time, and, in some cases, financial resources. Comparative genomics analyses play an important role in optimizing phylogenetic analysis workflows. In this paper, we extend the SciHmm scientific workflow, aimed at determining the most suitable MSA method, to use it in a phylogenetic analysis. SciHmm uses SciCumulus, a cloud workflow execution engine, for parallel execution. Experimental results show that using SciHmm considerably reduces the total execution time of the phylogenetic analysis (up to 80%). Experiments also show that trees built with the MSA program elected by using SciHmm presented more quality than the remaining, as expected. In addition, the parallel execution of SciHmm shows that this kind of bioinformatics workflow has an excellent cost/benefit when executed in cloud environments.  相似文献   

A growing number of data- and compute-intensive experiments have been modeled as scientific workflows in the last decade. Meanwhile, clouds have emerged as a prominent environment to execute this type of workflows. In this scenario, the investigation of workflow scheduling strategies, aiming at reducing its execution times, became a top priority and a very popular research field. However, few work consider the problem of data file assignment when solving the task scheduling problem. Usually, a workflow is represented by a graph where nodes represent tasks and the scheduling problem consists in allocating tasks to machines to be executed at a predefined time aiming at reducing the makespan of the whole workflow. In this article, we show that the scheduling of scientific workflows can be improved when both task scheduling and the data file assignment problems are treated together. Thus, we propose a new workflow representation, where nodes of the workflow graph represent either tasks or data files, and define the Task Scheduling and Data Assignment Problem (TaSDAP), considering this new model. We formulated this problem as an integer programming problem. Moreover, a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving it, named HEA-TaSDAP, is also introduced. To evaluate our approach we conducted two types of experiments: theoretical and practical ones. At first, we compared HEA-TaSDAP with the solutions produced by the mathematical formulation and by other works from related literature. Then, we considered real executions in Amazon EC2 cloud using a real scientific workflow use case (SciPhy for phylogenetic analyses). In all experiments, HEA-TaSDAP outperformed the other classical approaches from the related literature, such as Min–Min and HEFT.  相似文献   

The emergence of Grid computing technology has opened up an unprecedented opportunity for biologists to share and access data, resources and tools in an integrated environment leading to a greater chance of knowledge discovery. GeneGrid is a Grid computing framework that seamlessly integrates a myriad of heterogeneous resources spanning multiple administrative domains and locations. It provides scientists an integrated environment for the streamlined access of a number of bioinformatics programs and databases through a simple and intuitive interface. It acts as a virtual bioinformatics laboratory by allowing scientists to create, execute and manage workflows that represent bioinformatics experiments. A number of cooperating Grid services interact in an orchestrated manner to provide this functionality. This paper gives insight into the details of the architecture, components and implementation of GeneGrid.  相似文献   

The Cloud Computing paradigm focuses on the provisioning of reliable and scalable infrastructures (Clouds) delivering execution and storage services. The paradigm, with its promise of virtually infinite resources, seems to suit well in solving resource greedy scientific computing problems. The goal of this work is to study private Clouds to execute scientific experiments coming from multiple users, i.e., our work focuses on the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model where custom Virtual Machines (VM) are launched in appropriate hosts available in a Cloud. Then, correctly scheduling Cloud hosts is very important and it is necessary to develop efficient scheduling strategies to appropriately allocate VMs to physical resources. The job scheduling problem is however NP-complete, and therefore many heuristics have been developed. In this work, we describe and evaluate a Cloud scheduler based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The main performance metrics to study are the number of serviced users by the Cloud and the total number of created VMs in online (non-batch) scheduling scenarios. Besides, the number of intra-Cloud network messages sent are evaluated. Simulated experiments performed using CloudSim and job data from real scientific problems show that our scheduler succeeds in balancing the studied metrics compared to schedulers based on Random assignment and Genetic Algorithms.  相似文献   

Scientific workflows have become a standardized way for scientists to represent a set of tasks to overcome/solve a certain scientific problem. Usually these workflows consist of numerous CPU and I/O-intensive jobs that are executed using workflow management systems (WfMS), on clouds, grids, supercomputers, etc. Previously, it was shown that using k-way partitioning to distribute a workflow’s tasks between multiple machines in the cloud reduces the overall data communication and therefore lowers the cost of the bandwidth usage. A framework was built to automate this process of partitioning and execution of any workflow submitted by a scientist that is meant to be run on Pegasus WfMS, in the cloud, with ease. The framework provisions the instances in the cloud using CloudML, configures and installs all the software needed for the execution, partitions and runs the provided scientific workflow, also showing the estimated makespan and cost.  相似文献   

Security is increasingly critical for various scientific workflows that are big data applications and typically take quite amount of time being executed on large-scale distributed infrastructures. Cloud computing platform is such an infrastructure that can enable dynamic resource scaling on demand. Nevertheless, based on pay-per-use and hourly-based pricing model, users should pay attention to the cost incurred by renting virtual machines (VMs) from cloud data centers. Meanwhile, workflow tasks are generally heterogeneous and require different instance series (i.e., computing optimized, memory optimized, storage optimized, etc.). In this paper, we propose a security and cost aware scheduling (SCAS) algorithm for heterogeneous tasks of scientific workflow in clouds. Our proposed algorithm is based on the meta-heuristic optimization technique, particle swarm optimization (PSO), the coding strategy of which is devised to minimize the total workflow execution cost while meeting the deadline and risk rate constraints. Extensive experiments using three real-world scientific workflow applications, as well as CloudSim simulation framework, demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of our algorithm.  相似文献   

Cloud Computing is a promising paradigm for parallel computing. However, as Cloud-based services become more dynamic, resource provisioning in Clouds becomes more challenging. The paradigm, with its promise of virtually infinite resources, seems to suit well in solving resource greedy scientific computing problems. In a Cloud, an appropriate number of Virtual Machines (VM) is created and allocated in physical resources for executing jobs. This work focuses on the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model where custom VMs are launched in appropriate hosts available in a Cloud to execute scientific experiments coming from multiple users. Finding optimal solutions to allocate VMs to physical resources is an NP-complete problem, and therefore many heuristics have been developed. In this work, we describe and evaluate two Cloud schedulers based on Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques, particularly Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The main performance metrics to study are the number of serviced users by the Cloud and the total number of created VMs in online (non-batch) scheduling scenarios. We also perform a sensitivity analysis by varying the specific-parameter values of each algorithm to evaluate the impact on the performance of the two objective metrics. The intra-Cloud network traffic is also measured. Simulated experiments performed using CloudSim and job data from real scientific problems show that the use of SI-based techniques succeeds in balancing the studied metrics compared to Genetic Algorithms.  相似文献   

Most of the existing scientific workflow systems rely on proprietary concepts and workflow languages. We are convinced that the conventional workflow technology that is established in business scenarios for years is also beneficial for scientists and scientific applications. We are therefore working on a scientific workflow system based on business workflow concepts and technologies. The system offers advanced flexibility features to scientists in order to support them in creating workflows in an explorative manner and to increase robustness of scientific applications. We named the approach Model-as-you-go because it enables users to model and execute workflows in an iterative process that eventually results in a complete scientific workflow. In this paper, we present main ingredients of Model-as-you-go, show how existing workflow concepts have to be extended in order to cover the requirements of scientists, discuss the application of the concepts to BPEL, and introduce the current prototype of the system.  相似文献   

Efficient data-aware methods in job scheduling, distributed storage management and data management platforms are necessary for successful execution of data-intensive applications. However, research about methods for data-intensive scientific applications are insufficient in large-scale distributed cloud and cluster computing environments and data-aware methods are becoming more complex. In this paper, we propose a Data-Locality Aware Workflow Scheduling (D-LAWS) technique and a locality-aware resource management method for data-intensive scientific workflows in HPC cloud environments. D-LAWS applies data-locality and data transfer time based on network bandwidth to scientific workflow task scheduling and balances resource utilization and parallelism of tasks at the node-level. Our method consolidates VMs and consider task parallelism by data flow during the planning of task executions of a data-intensive scientific workflow. We additionally consider more complex workflow models and data locality pertaining to the placement and transfer of data prior to task executions. We implement and validate the methods based on fairness in cloud environments. Experimental results show that, the proposed methods can improve performance and data-locality of data-intensive workflows in cloud environments.  相似文献   

The workflow paradigm has become the standard to represent processes and their execution flows. With the evolution of e-Science, workflows are becoming larger and more computational demanding. Such e-Science necessities match with what computational Grids have to offer. Grids are shared distributed platforms which will eventually receive multiple requisitions to execute workflows. With this, there is a demand for a scheduler which deals with multiple workflows in the same set of resources, thus the development of multiple workflow scheduling algorithms is necessary. In this paper we describe four different initial strategies for scheduling multiple workflows on Grids and evaluate them in terms of schedule length and fairness. We present results for the initial schedule and for the makespan after the execution with external load. From the results we conclude that interleaving the workflows on the Grid leads to good average makespan and provides fairness when multiple workflows share the same set of resources.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more computer-based scientific experiments need to handle massive amounts of data. Their data processing consists of multiple computational steps and dependencies within them. A data-intensive scientific workflow is useful for modeling such process. Since the sequential execution of data-intensive scientific workflows may take much time, Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMSs) should enable the parallel execution of data-intensive scientific workflows and exploit the resources distributed in different infrastructures such as grid and cloud. This paper provides a survey of data-intensive scientific workflow management in SWfMSs and their parallelization techniques. Based on a SWfMS functional architecture, we give a comparative analysis of the existing solutions. Finally, we identify research issues for improving the execution of data-intensive scientific workflows in a multisite cloud.  相似文献   

An important challenge for the adoption of cloud computing in the scientific community remains the efficient allocation and execution of data-intensive scientific workflows to reduce execution time and the size of transferred data. The transferred data overhead is becoming significant with emerging scientific workflows that have input/output files and intermediate data products ranging in the hundreds of gigabytes. The allocation of scientific workflows on public clouds can be described through a variety of perspectives and parameters, and has been proved to be NP-complete. This paper proposes an evolutionary approach for task allocation on public clouds considering data transfer and execution time. In our framework, a solution is represented using an allocation chromosome that encodes the allocation of tasks to nodes, and an ordering chromosome that defines the execution order according to the scientific workflow representation. We propose a multi-objective optimization that relies on a cloud cost model and employs tailored evolution operators. Starting from a population of possible solutions, we employ crossover and mutation operators on both chromosomes aiming at optimizing the data transferred between nodes as well as the total workflow runtime. The crossover operators combine parts of solutions to reduce data overhead, whereas the mutation operators swamp between parts of the same chromosome according to pre-defined rules. Our experimental study compares between the proposed approach and current state-of-the art approaches using synthetic and real-life workflows. Our algorithm performs similarly to existing heuristics for small workflows and shows up to 80 % improvements for larger synthetic workflows. To further validate our approach we compare between the allocation and scheduling obtained by our approach with that obtained by popular scientific workflow managers, when real workflows with hundreds of tasks are executed on a public cloud. The results show a 10 % improvement in runtime over existing schedulers, caused by a 80 % reduction in transferred data and optimized allocation and ordering of tasks. This improved data locality has greater impact as it can be employed to improve and study data provenance and facilitate data persistence for scientific workflows.  相似文献   

The emergence of Cloud Computing as a model of service provisioning in distributed systems instigated researchers to explore its pros and cons on executing different large scale scientific applications, i.e., Workflows. One of the most challenging problems in clouds is to execute workflows while minimizing the execution time as well as cost incurred by using a set of heterogeneous resources over the cloud simultaneously. In this paper, we present, Budget and Deadline Constrained Heuristic based upon Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) to schedule workflow tasks over the available cloud resources. The proposed heuristic presents a beneficial trade-off between execution time and execution cost under given constraints. The proposed heuristic is evaluated for different synthetic workflow applications by a simulation process and comparison is done with state-of-art algorithm i.e. BHEFT. The simulation results show that our proposed scheduling heuristic can significantly decrease the execution cost while producing makespan as good as the best known scheduling heuristic under the same deadline and budget constraints.  相似文献   

A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.  相似文献   

Next-generation scientific applications feature complex workflows comprised of many computing modules with intricate inter-module dependencies. Supporting such scientific workflows in wide-area networks especially Grids and optimizing their performance are crucial to the success of collaborative scientific discovery. We develop a Scientific Workflow Automation and Management Platform (SWAMP), which enables scientists to conveniently assemble, execute, monitor, control, and steer computing workflows in distributed environments via a unified web-based user interface. The SWAMP architecture is built entirely on a seamless composition of web services: the functionalities of its own are provided and its interactions with other tools or systems are enabled through web services for easy access over standard Internet protocols while being independent of different platforms and programming languages. SWAMP also incorporates a class of efficient workflow mapping schemes to achieve optimal end-to-end performance based on rigorous performance modeling and algorithm design. The performance superiority of SWAMP over existing workflow mapping schemes is justified by extensive simulations, and the system efficacy is illustrated by large-scale experiments on real-life scientific workflows for climate modeling through effective system implementation, deployment, and testing on the Open Science Grid.  相似文献   

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