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This article presents a wind plant control strategy that optimizes the yaw settings of wind turbines for improved energy production of the whole wind plant by taking into account wake effects. The optimization controller is based on a novel internal parametric model for wake effects called the FLOw Redirection and Induction in Steady‐state (FLORIS) model. The FLORIS model predicts the steady‐state wake locations and the effective flow velocities at each turbine, and the resulting turbine electrical energy production levels, as a function of the axial induction and the yaw angle of the different rotors. The FLORIS model has a limited number of parameters that are estimated based on turbine electrical power production data. In high‐fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations of a small wind plant, we demonstrate that the optimization control based on the FLORIS model increases the energy production of the wind plant, with a reduction of loads on the turbines as an additional effect. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a wind plant modeling and optimization tool that enables the maximization of wind plant annual energy production (AEP) using yaw‐based wake steering control and layout changes. The tool is an extension of a wake engineering model describing the steady‐state effects of yaw on wake velocity profiles and power productions of wind turbines in a wind plant. To make predictions of a wind plant's AEP, necessary extensions of the original wake model include coupling it with a detailed rotor model and a control policy for turbine blade pitch and rotor speed. This enables the prediction of power production with wake effects throughout a range of wind speeds. We use the tool to perform an example optimization study on a wind plant based on the Princess Amalia Wind Park. In this case study, combined optimization of layout and wake steering control increases AEP by 5%. The power gains from wake steering control are highest for region 1.5 inflow wind speeds, and they continue to be present to some extent for the above‐rated inflow wind speeds. The results show that layout optimization and wake steering are complementary because significant AEP improvements can be achieved with wake steering in a wind plant layout that is already optimized to reduce wake losses. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind turbine controllers are commonly designed on the basis of low‐order linear models to capture the aeroelastic wind turbine response due to control actions and disturbances. This paper characterizes the aeroelastic wind turbine dynamics that influence the open‐loop frequency response from generator torque and collective pitch control actions of a modern non‐floating wind turbine based on a high‐order linear model. The model is a linearization of a geometrically non‐linear finite beam element model coupled with an unsteady blade element momentum model of aerodynamic forces including effects of shed vorticity and dynamic stall. The main findings are that the lowest collective flap modes have limited influence on the response from generator torque to generator speed, due to large aerodynamic damping. The transfer function from collective pitch to generator speed is affected by two non‐minimum phase zeros below the frequency of the first drivetrain mode. To correctly predict the non‐minimum phase zeros, it is essential to include lateral tower and blade flap degrees of freedom. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated exciting potential for wind plant control systems to improve the cost of energy of wind plants. Wind plant controls seek to improve global wind plant performance over control systems in which each turbine optimizes only its individual performance by accounting for the way wind turbines interact through their wakes. Although these technologies can be applied to existing wind plants, it is probable that the maximum benefit would be derived by designing wind plants with these capabilities in mind. In this paper, we use system engineering approaches to perform coupled wind plant controls and position layout optimizations of a model wind plant. Using several cost metrics, we compare the results of this optimization to the original plant and to plants in which the control or layout is optimized separately or sequentially. Results demonstrate that the benefit of this coupled optimization can be substantial, but it depends on the particular constraints of the optimization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Kumar  K. Stol 《风能》2010,13(5):419-432
As wind turbines are becoming larger, wind turbine control must now encompass load control objectives as well as power and speed control to achieve a low cost of energy. Due to the inherent non‐linearities in a wind turbine system, the use of non‐linear model‐based controllers has the potential to increase control performance. A non‐linear feedback linearization controller with an Extended Kalman Filter is successfully used to control a FAST model of the controls advanced research turbine with active blade, tower and drive‐train dynamics in above rated wind conditions. The controller exhibits reductions in low speed shaft fatigue damage equivalent loads, power regulation and speed regulation when compared to a Gain Scheduled Proportional Integral controller, designed for speed regulation alone. The feedback linearization controller shows better rotor speed regulation than a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) at close to rated wind speeds, but poorer rotor speed regulation at higher wind speeds. This is due to modeling inaccuracies and the addition of unmodeled dynamics during simulation. Similar performance between the feedback linearization controller and the LQR in reducing drive‐train fatigue damage and power regulation is observed. Improvements in control performance may be achieved through increasing the accuracy of the non‐linear model used for controller design. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An observational case study of a wind ramp event at Enel Green Power North America's wind plant in Oklahoma is presented. Using coordinated measurements collected by the Texas Tech University Ka‐band radars, dual‐Doppler‐synthesized wind fields are merged with data from a meteorological tower and 32 operational turbines to document the evolution and impact of the wind ramp on turbine behavior and performance over a 1 h period. During the event, average power output for turbines within the dual‐Doppler analysis domain increases from 18.3% of capacity to 98.9% of capacity, emphasizing the abrupt impact wind ramp events can have on the electrical grid. The presented measurements and analyses highlight the insights remote sensing technologies can offer towards documenting transient wind ramps and assisting modeling efforts used to forecast such events. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of mesoscale modeling to reproduce the power deficits associated with wind turbine wakes in an offshore environment is analyzed. The study is based on multiyear (3 years) observational and modeling results at the Horns Rev wind farm. The simulations are performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting mesoscale model configured at a high horizontal resolution of 333 m over Horns Rev. The wind turbines are represented as an elevated momentum sink and a source of turbulent kinetic energy. Composites with different atmospheric conditions are extracted from both the observed and simulated datasets in order to inspect the ability of the model to reproduce the power deficit in a wide range of atmospheric conditions. Results indicate that mesoscale models such as Weather Research and Forecasting are able to qualitatively reproduce the power deficit at the wind farm scale. Some specific differences are identified. Mesoscale modeling is therefore a suitable framework to analyze potential downstream effects associated with offshore wind farms. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When the installed capacity of wind power becomes high, the power generated by wind farms can no longer simply be that dictated by the wind speed. With sufficiently high penetration, it will be necessary for wind farms to provide assistance with supply‐demand matching. The work presented here introduces a wind farm controller that regulates the power generated by the wind farm to match the grid requirements by causing the power generated by each turbine to be adjusted. Further, benefits include fast response to reach the wind farm power demanded, flexibility, little fluctuation in the wind farm power output and provision of synthetic inertia. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stability of the electrical grid depends on enough generators being able to provide appropriate responses to sudden losses in generation capacity, increases in power demand or similar events. Within the United States, wind turbines largely do not provide such generation support, which has been acceptable because the penetration of wind energy into the grid has been relatively low. However, frequency support capabilities may need to be built into future generations of wind turbines to enable high penetration levels over approximately 20%. In this paper, we describe control strategies that can enable power reserve by leaving some wind energy uncaptured. Our focus is on the control strategies used by an operating turbine, where the turbine is asked to track a power reference signal supplied by the wind farm operator. We compare the strategies in terms of their control performance as well as their effects on the turbine itself, such as the possibility for increased loads on turbine components. It is assumed that the wind farm operator has access to the necessary grid information to generate the power reference provided to the turbine, and we do not simulate the electrical interaction between the turbine and the utility grid. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the physical capability of double‐fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines for inertial support of frequency response. Frequency stability is modeled using the DFIG electromechanical and generator controller dynamics, and a destabilizing effect is demonstrated in low‐inertia systems. To improve response, a synchronous reference frame DFIG controller is proposed that acts by following low‐frequency grid dynamics and adds a fast acting proportional plus integral (PI)‐controlled frequency‐responsive component to existing qd current commands. The proposed controller is derived in a straightforward manner using only the DFIG dynamic equations and is designed using pole/zero placement techniques. Laboratory experiments using a micro‐scale DFIG wind turbine with hub‐emulating flywheel prove better capability for transient frequency regulation even under extreme load change. The result is a DFIG controller that balances the appearance of transients in electrical and mechanical systems. Value is achieved in providing immediate continuous inertial response to support load change. The proposed frequency response can improve the use of existing physical inertia from wind turbines.  相似文献   

Zhongyou Wu  Yaoyu Li  Yan Xiao 《风能》2020,23(4):1118-1134
For region‐2 operation of wind turbines in practice, the optimal torque gain can deviate from the nominal value because of the variations in turbine and wind conditions. The extremum‐seeking control (ESC) has shown its potential as a model‐free region‐2 control solution in some recent work; however, the ESC with rotor power feedback suffers from undesirable convergence under fluctuating wind. In this paper, we propose to use an estimated power coefficient as the objective function for the torque‐gain ESC, where the hub‐height free‐stream wind speed (FSWS) is estimated with the nacelle anemometer measurement on the basis of the so‐called nacelle transfer function (NTF) between the nacelle anemometer and met‐tower measurement. A sensitivity analysis is performed to quantify the impact of the wind speed estimation error on the estimation of power coefficient. An ESC integrated interregion switching scheme is proposed to avoid the load increase. Simulation results show that, compared with the power feedback‐based ESC, the proposed method can greatly improve the convergence rate of ESC under fluctuating wind, even under relatively large wind speed estimation error. Evaluation for the fatigue loads of wind turbine shows that the proposed control strategy induces mild increase of the wind turbine load.  相似文献   

The development of a more reliable method of measuring the wind field upstream of a turbine (light detection and ranging) has enabled the implementation of feedforward‐related control strategies to enhance the control performance of wind turbines. By incorporating wind speed measurements, the controller is able to anticipate upon future events and thereby improve structural load mitigation and power regulation of the wind turbine. This work aims to experimentally verify the benefits of using predictive and feedforward‐based control strategies over industry standard control solutions. To achieve this, both a feedforward and a model predictive control strategy are presented, which have been validated on an experimental wind turbine in a wind tunnel. Both the model predictive controller and feedforward algorithm have shown superior performance over a baseline controller in terms of rotor speed regulation under wind speed disturbances. The experiment confirmed that a phase advantage in the control input of the predictive controller led to this performance increase. It has also been found that knowledge of just the current wind speed can already significantly increase the control performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind turbines arranged in a wind plant impact each other through their wakes. Wind plant control is an active research field that attempts to improve wind plant performance by coordinating control of individual turbines to take into account these turbine–wake interactions. In this paper, high‐fidelity simulations of a two‐turbine fully waked scenario are used to investigate several wake mitigation strategies, including modification of yaw and tilt angles of an upstream turbine to induce wake skew, as well as repositioning of the downstream turbine. The simulation results are compared through change relative to a baseline operation in terms of overall power capture and loading on the upstream and downstream turbine. Results demonstrated improved power production for all methods. Analysis of control options, including individual pitch control, shows potential to minimize the increase of, or even reduce, turbine loads.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large‐eddy simulation (LES) has been used previously to study the effect of either configuration or atmospheric stability on the power generated by large wind farms. This is the first study to consider both stability and wind farm configuration simultaneously and methodically with LES. Two prevailing wind directions, two layouts (turbines aligned versus staggered with respect to the wind) and three stabilities (neutral and moderately unstable and stable) were evaluated. Compared with neutral conditions, unstable conditions led to reduced wake losses in one configuration, to enhanced wake losses in two and to unchanged wake losses in one configuration. Conversely, stable conditions led to increased wake losses in one, decreased wake losses in two and unchanged wake losses in one configuration. Three competing effects, namely, rates of wake recovery due to vertical mixing, horizontal spread of wakes and localized regions of acceleration caused by multiple upstream wakes, were identified as being responsible for the observed trends in wake losses. The detailed flow features responsible for these non‐linear interactions could only be resolved by the LES. Existing analytical models ignore stability and non‐linear configuration effects, which therefore need to be incorporated. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind resource assessments are used to estimate a wind farm's power production during the planning process. It is important that these estimates are accurate, as they can impact financing agreements, transmission planning, and environmental targets. Here, we analyze the challenges in wind power estimation for onshore farms. Turbine wake effects are a strong determinant of farm power production. With given input wind conditions, wake losses typically cause downstream turbines to produce significantly less power than upstream turbines. These losses have been modeled extensively and are well understood under certain conditions. Most notably, validation of different model types has favored offshore farms. Models that capture the dynamics of offshore wind conditions do not necessarily perform equally as well for onshore wind farms. We analyze the capabilities of several different methods for estimating wind farm power production in 2 onshore farms with non‐uniform layouts. We compare the Jensen model to a number of statistical models, to meteorological downscaling techniques, and to using no model at all. We show that the complexities of some onshore farms result in wind conditions that are not accurately modeled by the Jensen wake decay techniques and that statistical methods have some strong advantages in practice.  相似文献   

This article presents the development of the Control-oriented, Reconfigurable, and Acausal Floating Turbine Simulator (CRAFTS). CRAFTS has a modular, hierarchical model architecture that enables rapid and accurate simulation of wind turbines. The architecture facilitates the incorporation of model variants, and its system reconfiguration features help simulate multiple design variants. CRAFTS also supports the integration of models developed on a causality-free platform (e.g., Modelica®) with existing causal models. This article focuses on the validation of a land-based wind turbine models against OpenFAST, an industry-standard platform, for several test cases. Closed-loop scenarios are also tested using the standard ROSCO controller and compared against OpenFAST. In addition, a nonlinear controller developed in our prior work is also evaluated. The test cases demonstrate the user-friendly and computationally efficient capabilities of CRAFTS to facilitate control co-design, assist in incorporating multiphysics models, be adaptable to design variants, and allow for rapid simulations to validate models and evaluate controllers.  相似文献   

Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems are able to measure the speed of incoming wind before it reaches a wind turbine rotor. These preview wind measurements can be used in feedforward control systems designed to reduce turbine structural loads. However, the degree to which such preview‐based control techniques can reduce loads by reacting to turbulence depends on how accurately the incoming wind field can be measured. This study examines the accuracy of different measurement scenarios that rely on coherent continuous‐wave or pulsed Doppler LIDAR systems, in terms of root‐mean‐square measurement error, to determine their applicability to feedforward control. In particular, the impacts of measurement range, angular offset of the LIDAR beam from the wind direction, and measurement noise are studied for various wind conditions. A realistic simulation case involving a scanning LIDAR unit mounted in the spinner of a MW‐scale wind turbine is studied in depth, with emphasis on preview distances that provide minimum measurement error for a specific scan radius. Measurement error is analyzed for LIDAR‐based estimates of point wind speeds at the rotor as well as spanwise averaged blade effective wind speeds. The impact of turbulence structures with high coherent turbulent kinetic energy on measurement error is discussed as well. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonlinear model predictive control of wind turbines using LIDAR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LIDAR systems are able to provide preview information of wind disturbances at various distances in front of wind turbines. This technology paves the way for new control concepts in wind energy such as feedforward control and model predictive control. This paper compares a nonlinear model predictive controller with a baseline controller, showing the advantages of using the wind predictions in the optimization problem to reduce wind turbine extreme and fatigue loads on tower and blades as well as to limit the pitch rates. The wind information is obtained by a detailed simulation of a LIDAR system. The controller design is evaluated and tested in a simulation environment with coherent gusts and a set of turbulent wind fields using a detailed aeroelastic model of the wind turbine over the full operation region. Results show promising load reduction up to 50% for extreme gusts and 30% for lifetime fatigue loads without negative impact on overall energy production. This controller can be considered as an upper bound for other LIDAR assisted controllers that are more suited for real time applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Keye Su  Donald Bliss 《风能》2020,23(2):258-273
This study investigates the potential of using tilt‐based wake steering to alleviate wake shielding problems experienced by downwind turbines. Numerical simulations of turbine wakes have been conducted using a hybrid free‐wake analysis combining vortex lattice method (VLM) and an innovative free‐wake model called constant circulation contour method (CCCM). Simulation results indicate tilting a horizontal axis wind turbine's shaft upward causes its wake to ascend, carrying energy‐depleted air upward and pumping more energetic replacement air into downstream turbines, thereby having the potential to recover downstream turbine power generation. Wake cross section vorticity and velocity distributions reveal that the wake upward transport is caused by the formation of near‐wake streamwise vorticity components, and furthermore, the wake velocity deficit is weakened because of the skewed wake structure. Beyond the single turbine wake simulation, an inline two‐turbine case is performed as an assessment of the wake steering influence on the two‐turbine system and as an exploratory work of simulating turbine‐wake interactions using the hybrid free‐wake model. Individual and total turbine powers are calculated. A comparison between different tilting angles suggests turbine power enhancement may be achieved by tilting the upstream turbine and steering its wakes away from the downstream turbine.  相似文献   

A numerical framework for simulations of wake interactions associated with a wind turbine column is presented. A Reynolds‐averaged Navier‐Stokes (RANS) solver is developed for axisymmetric wake flows using parabolic and boundary‐layer approximations to reduce computational cost while capturing the essential wake physics. Turbulence effects on downstream evolution of the time‐averaged wake velocity field are taken into account through Boussinesq hypothesis and a mixing length model, which is only a function of the streamwise location. The calibration of the turbulence closure model is performed through wake turbulence statistics obtained from large‐eddy simulations of wind turbine wakes. This strategy ensures capturing the proper wake mixing level for a given incoming turbulence and turbine operating condition and, thus, accurately estimating the wake velocity field. The power capture from turbines is mimicked as a forcing in the RANS equations through the actuator disk model with rotation. The RANS simulations of the wake velocity field associated with an isolated 5‐MW NREL wind turbine operating with different tip speed ratios and turbulence intensity of the incoming wind agree well with the analogous velocity data obtained through high‐fidelity large‐eddy simulations. Furthermore, different cases of columns of wind turbines operating with different tip speed ratios and downstream spacing are also simulated with great accuracy. Therefore, the proposed RANS solver is a powerful tool for simulations of wind turbine wakes tailored for optimization problems, where a good trade‐off between accuracy and low‐computational cost is desirable.  相似文献   

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