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B.-Z. Maytal 《低温学》2006,46(1):21-29
Real gas choked mass flux is calculated for a frictionless stream expanding isentropically until it reaches the speed of sound and without phase changes. The other parameters associated with the choked state are the pressure, density, temperature ratios, and the speed of sound. Departure of the choked mass flux from the ideal gas model is discussed first in absolute terms and then in relative terms, using the Principle of Corresponding States, for gases with boiling points in the low temperature range. Reduced-stagnation pressures are examined up to values of 30 for hydrogen, neon, nitrogen, argon, methane, krypton, xenon, and R-14 and up to 100 for 4He. The corresponding reduced-stagnation temperatures go down to 1.4 and in some cases down to 1.2 for nitrogen and argon. Also discussed are the limiting values of stagnation parameters for which no phase change occurs in the choked state. Compared to the ideal gas, the mass flux may almost double and the critical pressure ratio may decrease by an order of magnitude. The relevance of results is discussed qualitatively and quantitatively for Joule-Thomson cryocooling.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic model of the helium flow in the cryogenic distribution line (QRL) used in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The study is focused on the return pumping line, which transports gaseous helium at low pressure and temperature over . Our aim is to propose a new real-time model of the QRL while taking into account the non-homogeneous transport phenomena. The flow model is based on 1D Euler equations and considers convection heat transfers, hydrostatic pressure and friction pressure drops. These equations are discretized using a finite difference method based on an upwind scheme. A specific model for the interconnection cells is also proposed. The corresponding simulation results are compared with experimental measurements of a heat wave along the line that results from a quench of a superconducting magnet. Different hypotheses are presented and the influence of specific parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

Fatigue response of APC-2 composite laminates at elevated temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The response of thermoplastic AS-4/PEEK composite laminates of two lay-ups, such as cross-ply and quasi-isotropy, subjected to tension–tension (T–T) fatigue loading at elevated temperatures was investigated. It is found that the ultimate strength of cross-ply laminate is higher than that of quasi-isotropic laminate at various temperatures, so does the fatigue strength. However, the slope of normalized stress vs. cycles curves in the quasi-isotropic laminates is higher than that of the cross-ply laminates at elevated temperatures. Finally, the simple semi-empirical predictive models in statistical analysis and multiple regressions are proposed and provided for design and application purposes.  相似文献   

The novel fiber CeraFib75 with a composition near to pure mullite was analyzed with respect to its potential for high-temperature applications. This mullite fiber free of glass phase was aimed to overcome the strength of commercial oxide fibers at high-temperatures. Tensile tests at room and high temperatures ranging from 900 to 1400 °C and creep tests were performed. Nextel™720, another crystalline mullite-alumina fiber, was tested as a reference. Microstructure and crystal phase analysis of the new fiber revealed mullite grains with traces of γ- and α-alumina in-between; it contains occasionally defects causing a reduced strength at room-temperature. Remarkably, at temperatures beyond 1200 °C, CeraFib75 presented a higher tensile strength than Nextel™720. During tensile tests at 1400 °C, an extended region of inelastic deformation was observed for CeraFib fibers only, which was related to a grain boundary sliding mechanism. Creep rates were of the same order of magnitude for both fibers.  相似文献   

Four film boiling modes including the silent film boiling and the noisy film boiling were discriminated experimentally. Each mode was classified through visual observation and transient pressure and temperature measurements near the heater. It was found that in subcooled He II there were two film boiling modes, which are the strongly subcooled and weakly subcooled film boiling modes. The variation of boiling state between these two modes could be visually observed well by use of a transparent heater. All mode of film boiling is clearly mapped in diagrams as a function of pressure, temperature and heat flux. It is elucidated that the existence of He I layer influences the development of the vapor layer.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of synthesis temperature on chemical composition and mechanical properties of X-ray amorphous boron-oxygen-hydrogen (B-O-H) films. These B-O-H films have been synthesized by RF sputtering of a B-target in an Ar atmosphere. Upon increasing the synthesis temperature from room temperature to 550 °C, the O/B and H/B ratios decrease from 0.73 to 0.15 and 0.28 to 0.07, respectively, as determined by elastic recoil detection analysis. It is reasonable to assume that potential sources of O and H are residual gas and laboratory atmosphere. The elastic modulus, as measured by nanoindentation, increases from 93 to 214 GPa, as the O/B and H/B ratios decreases within the range probed. Hence, we have shown that the effect of impurity incorporation on the elastic properties is extensive and that the magnitude of the incorporation is a strong function of the substrate temperature.  相似文献   

In this publication a multiscale homogenization model for moisture transport in wood is developed and validated. The model aims at prediction of macroscopic transport properties of clear wood samples from their microstructure and the physical properties of a few microscale constituents. In the first part of this two-part paper, the theoretical background and fundamentals of the model were presented, and its specification for the estimation of macroscopic thermal conductivities was shown. In this second part the model is applied to steady state moisture diffusion below the fiber saturation point. The model starts on a scale of about 50 μm, where the wood cells form a honeycomb-like structure. In a first homogenization step the effective moisture transport behavior of the cell structure is determined from moisture diffusion properties of the cell walls and the (moist) air in lumens, respectively. Further homogenization steps account for the larger vessels that exist in hardwood species, the annual rings which are a succession of layers with different densities, and finally wood rays, that form pathways in the radial direction throughout the stem. The model validation rests on experiments as in the case of heat conduction: The macroscopic diffusion coefficients predicted by the multiscale homogenization model for tissue-specific composition data (input data set II) are compared to corresponding experimentally determined tissue-specific diffusion coefficients under steady state conditions (experimental data set). As for thermal conductivity, the good agreement of model predictions and test data underlines the suitability of the presented multiscale model.  相似文献   

This two-part paper covers the development and validation of a multiscale homogenization model for macroscopic transport properties of wood. The starting point is the intrinsic structural hierarchy of wood, which is accounted for by several homogenization steps. Starting on a length scale of a few nanometers the model ends up with macroscopic properties by including the morphology of the intermediate hierarchical levels. In this first part this is done for thermal conductivity, based on a six-level homogenization scheme. The used homogenization technique is continuum micromechanics in terms of self-consistent and Mori-Tanaka schemes. Model validation rests on statistically and physically independent experiments: the macroscopic thermal conductivity values predicted by the multiscale homogenization model on the basis of tissue-independent (universal) phase conductivity properties of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and water (input data set I) for tissue-specific data (input data set II) are compared to corresponding experimentally determined tissue-specific conductivity values (experimental data set).  相似文献   

The kinetics of GnP dispersion in polypropylene melt was studied using a prototype small scale modular extensional mixer. Its modular nature enabled the sequential application of a mixing step, melt relaxation, and a second mixing step. The latter could reproduce the flow conditions on the first mixing step, or generate milder flow conditions. The effect of these sequences of flow constraints upon GnP dispersion along the mixer length was studied for composites with 2 and 10 wt.% GnP. The samples collected along the first mixing zone showed a gradual decrease of number and size of GnP agglomerates, at a rate that was independent of the flow conditions imposed to the melt, but dependent on composition. The relaxation zone induced GnP re-agglomeration, and the application of a second mixing step caused variable dispersion results that were largely dependent on the hydrodynamic stresses generated.  相似文献   

We present the first principles calculations of the thermodynamical properties of magnesium hydride (MgH2) over a temperature range of 0–1000 K. The phonon dispersions are determined within the density functional framework and are used to calculate the free energy of MgH2 within the quasiharmonic approximation (QHA) at each cell volume and temperature T. Using the free energies the thermal equation of state (EOS) is derived at several temperatures. From the thermal EOS structural parameters such as the equilibrium cell volume (V0) and elastic properties, namely, bulk modulus (K0) and its pressure derivative are computed. The free energies are also used to calculate various thermodynamical properties within QHA. These include internal energy E, entropy S, specific heat capacity at constant pressure CP, thermal pressure Pthermal(VT) and volume thermal expansion ΔV/V (%). The good agreement of calculated values of S and CP with experimental data exhibits that QHA can be used as a tool for calculating the thermodynamical properties of MgH2 over a wide temperature range. Pthermal(V,T) increases strongly with T at all the volumes but it is a slowly varying function of volume for T = 298–500 K. According to Karki [B.B. Karki, Am. Miner. 85 (2000) 1447] such volume based variations can be neglected and so it is possible to estimate the thermal EOS only with the knowledge of the measured Pthermal(VT) versus temperature at ambient pressure and isothermal compression data at ambient temperature. Temperature dependence of ΔV/V(%) shows that V0 increased with increase in temperature. However, the percentage decrease in K0 superseded this percentage increase in V0 even at temperatures moderately higher than 298 K. Therefore, we suggest application of temperature (T > 298 K) as an approach to enhance the hydrogen storage capacity of MgH2 because of its better compressibility at these temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of FeCr (M7C3–M23C6) particles on the wear resistance of a CuSn alloy was investigated under 125 N load, and 300–475 K temperature interval. Sliding tests were performed to investigate the wear behavior of FeCrp-reinforced CuSn metal–matrix composites (MMCs) against DIN 5401 in a block-on-ring apparatus. The CuSn/FeCrp MMCs, which were prepared by addition of 5, 10, 15 and 20 vol.% of FeCrp, were produced by powder metallurgy and the size of the particles was taken as 16 μm. The powders were uniaxially cold compacted by increasing pressure up to 250 Mpa. The dry sliding wear tests were carried out in an incremental manner, i.e. 300 m per increment and 3500 m total sliding length. The wear-test results were used for investigation of the relationship between weight loss, microstructure, surface hardness, friction coefficient, particle content and thermal conductivity. Finally, it was observed that FeCrp reinforcement is beneficial in increasing the wear resistance of CuSn MMCs. FeCr particles in MMCs also tend to reduce the extent of plastic deformation in the subsurface region of the matrix, thereby delaying the nucleation and propagation of subsurface microcracks  相似文献   

Functional gecko-mimetic adhesives have attracted a lot of research interest in recent years. In this paper, the physical adhesion behavior of (5, 5)@(10, 10) double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) on an Au substrate is investigated by performing detailed, fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The effects of adhesion temperature, tube length, and peeling velocity on the binding energy, normal adhesion force, lateral shearing friction, and adhesion time are thoroughly analyzed. The simulation results indicate that the binding energy (per unit length) of the DWCNT–Au adhesive system is −26.7 × 10−2 eV/Å, which is 7.2% higher than that of single-walled counterparts. The tip-surface adhesion force for a single DWCNT is calculated to be 1.4 nN, and thus the adhesive strength of a DWCNT array is about 1.4 × 101–1.4 × 103 N/cm2 (corresponding to an aerial density of 1010–1012 tubes/cm2). Two distinctive friction modes, namely (i) sliding friction (by the nanotube wall) and (ii) sticking friction (by the nanotube tip), are elucidated in term of the phase relationship of atomic friction forces. Moreover, the effective Young’s moduli of double- and single-walled CNTs are obtained using MD simulations combined with Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. The calculation results show good agreement with previously reported numerical and experimental results.  相似文献   

In this research, the effects of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) on thermo-elastic properties of carbon fiber (CF)/epoxy composite for the reduction of thermal residual stresses (TRS) using micromechanical relations were studied. In the first step, micromechanical models to calculate the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and Young's modulus of CNF/epoxy and CNF/CF/epoxy nanocomposites were developed and compared with experimental results of the other researchers. The obtained results of the CTE and Young's modulus of modified Schapery and Halpin-Tsai theories have good agreement with the experimental results. In the second step, the classical lamination theory (CLT) was employed to determine the TRS for CNF/CF/epoxy laminated nanocomposites. Also, the theoretical results of the CLT were compared with experimental results. Finally, reduction of the TRS using the CLT for different lay-ups such as cross ply, angle ply, and quasi-isotropic laminates were obtained. The results demonstrated that the addition of 1% weight fraction of CNF can reduce the TRS that the most reduction occurred in the unsymmetric cross-ply laminate by up to 27%.  相似文献   

Samples of LixWO3 with x = 0.05-0.7 were synthesized at 700 °C for 7 days using appropriate amounts of Li2WO4, WO3 and WO2 in evacuated sealed silica tubes. The products reveal different phases of perovskite tungsten bronze (PTB). An interesting phenomenon observed for the PTB phases is the gradual change in colours when they are exposed at room temperature ambient conditions (in air). This effect has been investigated using X-ray powder diffraction, infrared absorption and optical reflectivity methods for the powdered samples before and after 30 and 90 days in air. The spectra of the samples with x = 0.25-0.5 are dominated by a peak with maximum around 16,000 cm−1 in the Kubelka Munk spectra which is related to the cubic LixWO3 phase. The peak intensity increases with increasing x. After 30 days of exposure in air this peak disappeared for x < 0.5 samples due to a diffusion of Li from LixWO3. X-ray and IR data show a gradual transformation into the lower symmetric phases (PTBcubic ⇒ PTBtetragonal ⇒ PTBorthorhombic ⇒ PTBmonoclinic). The results suggest that Li is attracted by O2 to the surface forming Li2O which further reacts with H2O and CO2 in air. The in air altered samples regain their original colour when reheated at 500 °C in vacuum.  相似文献   

A modeling approach based on automatic differentiation and micromechanics incremental schemes for coupled fields composite materials is presented in this work. In the multi-sites framework, the micromechanics incremental schemes presented herein are able to account for the anisotropic behavior of the constituents, the morphological and the topological textures and the strong contrast between the properties of the individual phases of these composite materials. By applying automatic differentiation to these micromechanics incremental schemes, the first order and high order sensitivities of the effective material properties can be easily computed in the same analysis. An application on three-phase magneto-electro-elastic composite material is presented in the framework of mono-site micromechanics to show the effectiveness of this composite materials modeling approach. The details on the implementation of this modeling approach in the multi-sites framework will be discussed in a future work. The composite materials modeling methodology reported here may be used for material microstructure sensitive design in material by design strategies.  相似文献   

Boron suboxide (B6O) was synthesized by reacting boron and boric acid (H3BO3) at pressures between 1 and 10 GPa, and at temperatures between 1300 and 1400 °C. The B6O samples prepared were icosahedral with diameters ranging from 20 to 300 nm. Well-crystallized and icosahedral crystals with an average size of ∼100 nm can be obtained at milder reaction conditions (1 GPa and 1300 °C for 2 h) as compared to previous work. The bulk B6O sample was stable in air at 600 °C and then slowly oxidized up to 1000 °C. The relatively mild synthetic conditions developed in this study provide a more practical synthesis of B6O, which may potentially be used as a substitute for diamond in industry as a new superhard material.  相似文献   

To acquiring more insights into the relationship between the morphology and magnetic properties of magnetic nanocrystallites, uniform flowerlike Ni nanostructures with different branch lengths were fabricated via a simple solvothermal reduction route based on a series of comparative experiments. The formation mechanism of the Ni flowers was proposed. Moreover, the magnetic properties of the products were evaluated. Results indicate that the morphology of the Ni particles strongly depends on reaction temperature, and the branch length of the flowerlike Ni particles strongly depends on the initial concentration of Ni2+ ions. The flowerlike Ni particles with a longer branch length show higher coercivity value, which may be attributed to the peculiar microstructure. We believe the present research may provide an ideal example for the synthesis of assembled magnetic nanostructures with controllable morphology and magnetic properties.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to investigate the interlaminar fracture and damage behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) woven laminates loaded in a mixed-mode bending (MMB) apparatus at cryogenic temperatures. The finite element analysis (FEA) is used to determine the mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness of MMB specimen at room temperature (RT), liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) and liquid helium temperature (4 K). A FEA coupled with damage is also employed to study the damage distributions within the MMB specimen and to examine the effect of damage on the mixed-mode energy release rate. The technique presented can be efficiently used for characterization of mixed-mode interlaminar fracture and damage behavior of woven laminate specimens at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

It is well known that during the operating condition of any metallic structural system the dynamic crack growth speed is in the order of 1–2 km/s. Industrial finishes like coating which form the integral part of manufacturing is adopted to improve fracture toughness of metals. These coated samples coated with thin films are mechanically tested by Charpy V-notch impact tester for estimating dynamic fracture toughness. Coatings improve the wear and corrosion resistance of materials; they tend to reduce the strength of materials, because of the increased residual stresses due to the coating process. Defects cannot be precluded from these coated and treated components; strength of those components in the presence of these defects can be analyzed by fracture mechanics approach. An attempt has been made to analyze the effectiveness of coating methods like electroplating, PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition), coating thickness and the service temperature on the fracture behaviour of metals. Experiments have been carried out on EN8 steel and aluminium for different temperatures and the later samples were corroded for 2400 h and tested for corrosion resistance. The specimen preparation and experimentations were carried out according to the ASTM standard E-23. Finite element analysis was done by FRANC 2D (Fracture Analysis Code) for estimating the stress intensity factor at different crack lengths along with influence of temperature and corrosion. PVD coated samples of Al–N (aluminium nitride) and nano-crystalline layer of Ti–Al–N (titanium aluminium nitride) showed improved dynamic fracture toughness properties. The same set of samples showed decrease in stress intensity factors and excellent corrosion resistance compared to conventional Ni (nickel) and Cr (chromium) coated samples. Mechanical behaviour of selected metals under heat affected zone is of also discussed in this paper, the study aims at both coated and uncoated cases. Performances of metals in cryogenic condition are also paid attention in this paper.  相似文献   

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