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We propose a new method that eases the definition of integrity constraints in object-oriented conceptual modeling languages. The essence of the method is to represent constraints by special operations that we call constraint operations. The formal specification of these operations is the definition of the corresponding constraints. The method allows the specialization of constraints and the definition of exceptions. The main application of the method is for static constraints. However, a variant of it can also be applied for creation-time and deletion-time constraints, two particular classes of temporal constraints. The method can be adapted to any object-oriented language, and we show its adaptation to the UML. We also show that our method has several advantages over existing methods.  相似文献   

Constraint-based functional design verification for conceptual design   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In the early stages of mechanical product design, designers not only need to determine the physical structure of the design, but also need to verify that the design functions properly with the allowable values or ranges of values of the relevant design attributes. Existing work on design verification is either aimed at specific design problems, which are generally carried out at the downstream design stages, or aimed at deriving design behavior using a behavioral simulation approach. Functional design verification has largely been neglected by the research society. To tackle this problem, we propose a generic constraint-based approach that is based on a comprehensive functional design model. A number of strategies are proposed for the approach, including strategies for design variables reduction, variable dependency graph development, constraint propagation, and dynamic verification of a design over an assigned set of attributes (variables). The approach is implemented as part of a functional modeling design environment. A simple design verification case is presented to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

At the core of any engineering discipline is the use of measures, based on ISO standards or on widely recognized conventions, for the development and analysis of the artifacts produced by engineers. In the software domain, many alternatives have been proposed to measure the same attributes, but there is no consensus on a framework for how to analyze or choose among these measures. Furthermore, there is often not even a consensus on the characteristics of the attributes to be measured.In this paper, a framework is proposed for a software measurement life cycle with a particular focus on the design phase of a software measure. The framework includes definitions of the verification criteria that can be used to understand the stages of software measurement design. This framework also integrates the different perspectives of existing measurement approaches. In addition to inputs from the software measurement literature the framework integrates the concepts and vocabulary of metrology. This metrological approach provides a clear definition of the concepts, as well as the activities and products, related to measurement. The aim is to give an integrated view, involving the practical side and the theoretical side, as well as the basic underlying concepts of measurement.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to empirically evaluate OOmFPWeb, a functional size measurement procedure for Web applications. We analyzed four data sets from a family of experiments conducted in Spain, Argentina and Austria. Results showed that OOmFPWeb is efficient when compared to current industry practices. OOmFPWeb produced reproducible functional size measurements and was perceived as easy to use and useful by the study participants, who also expressed their intention to use OOmFPWeb in the future. The analysis further supports the validity and reliability of the technology acceptance model (TAM)-based evaluation instrument used in the study.  相似文献   

The use of functional size measurement (FSM) methods in software development organizations is growing during the years. Also, object oriented (OO) techniques have become quite a standard to design the software and, in particular, Use Cases is one of the most used techniques to specify functional requirements. Main FSM methods do not include specific rules to measure the software functionality from its Use Cases analysis. To deal with this issue some other methods like Kramer's functional measurement method have been developed. Therefore, one of the main issues for those organizations willing to use OO functional measurement method in order to facilitate the use cases count procedure is how to convert their portfolio functional size from the previously adopted FSM method towards the new method. The objective of this research is to find a statistical relationship for converting the software functional size units measured by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) function point analysis (FPA) method into Kramer-Smith's use cases points (UCP) method and vice versa. Methodologies for a correct data gathering are proposed and results obtained are analyzed to draw the linear and non-linear equations for this correlation. Finally, a conversion factor and corresponding conversion intervals are given to establish the statistical relationship.  相似文献   

顾勋梅  虞慧群 《计算机应用》2009,29(11):3107-3109
功能规模度量(FSM)方法通过量化用户功能需求(FUR)而得到软件功能规模。针对不同的功能规模度量方法都是使用不同的抽象来描述一个软件系统的问题,提出了一种通用的FSM模型。根据软件系统的抽象模型,首先对度量所涉及的数据组和事务进行了泛化,然后以IFPUG FPA为例详细说明了该通用模型和FPA之间的转换过程,最后给出了度量过程的算法描述。  相似文献   

During the layout design process, the spatial arrangement of components in an engineering system is developed in order to meet design goals and constraints. Proper organization of the information involved in this process enhances the quality of layout designs. The organization of information is accomplished through the use of the techniques and methods existing in the information management field. Using the object-oriented technique, a method was developed to guide the design of information management systems that support the layout design process. The method was developed in a case study involving, the layout design of automobile engine bay compoenents.  相似文献   

In this work, we present an automatic code generation process from conceptual models. This process incorporates the use of design patterns in OO-Method, an automated software production method, which is built on a formal object-oriented model called OASIS. Our approach defines a precise mapping between conceptual patterns, design patterns and their implementation. Design patterns make the code generation process easy because they provide methodological guidance to go from the problem space to the solution space. In order to understand these ideas, we introduce a complete code generation process for conceptual models that have dynamic specialization relationships. This proposal can be incorporated into CASE tools, making the automation of the software production process feasible.  相似文献   

An international standard has now been established for evaluating the quality of software products. However there is no equivalent standard for evaluating the quality of conceptual models. While a range of quality frameworks have been proposed in the literature, none of these have been widely accepted in practice and none has emerged as a potential standard. As a result, conceptual models continue to be evaluated in practice in an ad hoc way, based on common sense, subjective opinions and experience. For conceptual modelling to progress from an “art” to an engineering discipline, quality standards need to be defined, agreed and applied in practice. This paper conducts a review of research in conceptual model quality and identifies the major theoretical and practical issues which need to be addressed. We consider how conceptual model quality frameworks can be structured, how they can be developed, how they can be empirically validated and how to achieve acceptance in practice. We argue that the current proliferation of quality frameworks is counterproductive to the progress of the field, and that researchers and practitioners should work together to establish a common standard (or standards) for conceptual model quality. Finally, we describe some initial efforts towards developing a common standard for data model quality, which may provide a model for future standardisation efforts.  相似文献   

Since 1984 the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) has produced and maintained a set of standards and technical documents about a functional size measurement methods, known as IFPUG, based on Albrecht function points. On the other hand, in 1998, the Common Software Measurement International Consortium (COSMIC) proposed an improved measurement method known as full function points (FFP). Both the IFPUG and the COSMIC methods both measure functional size of software, but produce different results. In this paper, we propose a model to convert functional size measures obtained with the IFPUG method to the corresponding COSMIC measures. We also present the validation of the model using 33 software projects measured with both methods. This approach may be beneficial to companies using both methods or migrating to COSMIC such that past data in IFPUG can be considered for future estimates using COSMIC and as a validation procedure.  相似文献   

A framework for empirical evaluation of conceptual modeling techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a framework for the empirical evaluation of conceptual modeling techniques used in requirements engineering. The framework is based on the notion that modeling techniques should be compared via their underlying grammars. The framework identifies two types of dimensions in empirical comparisons—affecting and affected dimensions. The affecting dimensions provide guidance for task definition, independent variables and controls, while the affected dimensions define the possible mediating variables and dependent variables. In particular, the framework addresses the dependence between the modeling task—model creation and model interpretation—and the performance measures of the modeling grammar. The utility of the framework is demonstrated by using it to categorize existing work on evaluating modeling techniques. The paper also discusses theoretical foundations that can guide hypothesis generation and measurement of variables. Finally, the paper addresses possible levels for categorical variables and ways to measure interval variables, especially the grammar performance measures.  相似文献   

Currently available programming and database systems are insufficient for engineering applications. The authors contend that a logical progression from a formal conceptual model of the engineering domain to a computational model will lead to new programming paradigms capable of directly supporting engineering applications in a rigorous, concise manner. A formal domain model devised by the authors, theHybrid Model (HM) of design information, is briefly introduced. It is an extension of axiomatic set theory and is discussed in detail elsewhere. HM forms the basis ofDesigner, a prototype-based object-oriented programming language supporting a signature-based canonical message-passing mechanism and multiple inheritance. Designer is implemented using the Scheme programming language. Because Designer satisfies a formal conceptual model, and because it is based on a formally specified language, its robustness and logical validity are superior to those of other languages not founded on formal principles. Designer combines concepts of functional and object-oriented programming to provide the formal rigor and flexibility to capture the complex and strongly interrelated information that designers use. Examples demonstrate how Designer represents design information. The results of the authors' research indicate that Designer can capture design information (including aspects of functional requirements and design intent) effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

Computer support for conceptual structural design is still ineffective. This is due, in part, to the fact that current computer applications do not recognize that structural design and architectural design are highly interdependent processes, particularly at the early stages. The goal of this research is to assist structural engineers at the conceptual stage with early digital architectural models. This paper presents a geometric modeling framework for facilitating the engineers’ interactions with architectural models in order to detect potential structural problems, uncover opportunities, respect constraints, and ultimately synthesize structural solutions interactively with architectural models. It consists of a process model, a representation model and synthesis algorithms to assist the engineer on demand at different stages of the design process. The process model follows a top-down approach for design refinements. The representation model describes the structural system as a hierarchy of entities with architectural counterparts. The algorithms rely on geometric and topologic relationships between entities in the architectural model and a partial structural model to help advance the synthesis process. A prototype system called StAr (Structure-Architecture) implements this framework. A case study illustrates how the framework can be used to support the conceptual structural design process.  相似文献   

Ontologies for conceptual modeling: their creation, use, and management   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Although ontologies have been proposed as an important and natural means of representing real world knowledge for the development of database designs, most ontology creation is not carried out systematically. To be truly useful, a repository of ontologies, organized by application domain is needed, along with procedures for creating and integrating ontologies into database design methodologies. This research proposes a methodology for creating and managing domain ontologies. An architecture for an ontology management system is presented and implemented in a prototype. Empirical validation of the prototype demonstrates the effectiveness of the research.  相似文献   

Current CAD tools are not able to support the conceptual design phase, and none of them provides a consistency analysis for sketches produced by architects. This phase is fundamental and crucial for the whole design and construction process of a building. To give architects a better support, we developed a CAD tool for conceptual design and a knowledge specification tool. The knowledge is specific to one class of buildings and it can be reused. Based on a dynamic and domain-specific knowledge ontology, different types of design rules formalize this knowledge in a graph-based form. An expressive visual language provides a user-friendly, human readable representation. Finally, a consistency analysis tool enables conceptual designs to be checked against this formal conceptual knowledge.In this article, we concentrate on the knowledge specification part. For that, we introduce the concepts and usage of a novel visual language and describe its semantics. To demonstrate the usability of our approach, two graph-based visual tools for knowledge specification and conceptual design are explained.  相似文献   

BackgroundSource code size in terms of SLOC (source lines of code) is the input of many parametric software effort estimation models. However, it is unavailable at the early phase of software development.ObjectiveWe investigate the accuracy of early SLOC estimation approaches for an object-oriented system using the information collected from its UML class diagram available at the early software development phase.MethodWe use different modeling techniques to build the prediction models for investigating the accuracy of six types of metrics to estimate SLOC. The used techniques include linear models, non-linear models, rule/tree-based models, and instance-based models. The investigated metrics are class diagram metrics, predictive object points, object-oriented project size metric, fast&&serious class points, objective class points, and object-oriented function points.ResultsBased on 100 open-source Java systems, we find that the prediction model built using object-oriented project size metric and ordinary least square regression with a logarithmic transformation achieves the highest accuracy (mean MMRE = 0.19 and mean Pred(25) = 0.74).ConclusionWe should use object-oriented project size metric and ordinary least square regression with a logarithmic transformation to build a simple, accurate, and comprehensible SLOC estimation model.  相似文献   

The process of constructing expert systems (ESs), programs that approximate how domain experts solve problems in their specialized fields, is not at all as systematic, efficient, and verifiable as it should be. A reason is that no rigorous error-prevention interviewing method exists for structuring and testing ESs while building them. Often domain experts do implicitly ask of themselves analytical questions such as ‘Is that claim of mine always true?’ Another kind of expert — one specializing in logic analysis — explicitates, collects, and systematizes the fund of generic questions, such as ‘Are these sub-goals sufficient steps to the pre-established goal-category?’ There is a great need to make a method of interviewing, interlaced with testing and organizing, available to all domain experts and ES programmers via an interactive program. This program, which can generically be called a LAP (Logic Aids Program), plays the role of a domain-independent logic-assistant.  相似文献   

A bottom-up method for creating a hierarchy of entity-relationship diagrams (HERD) from a given, flat ER diagram (ERD) is proposed. The hierarchy consists of simple and interrelated diagrams—ER structures—with external relationships to other structures. The HERD-tree diagram, which provides the most general view of the conceptual schema, is located at the top of the hierarchy. The method is based on packaging operations, which group entities and relationships according to certain criteria. These operations are applied in several steps on a given (presumably large-scale) ERD. We describe the new constructs, which are added to the ER model to enable the creation of HERD, and a bottom-up method for creating HERD. We also evaluate HERD from the point of view of user comprehension and preference, based on an experimental comparison to flat ERDs.
Peretz ShovalEmail:

The objective of this paper is to explain our approach called “Work Flow Methodology for Analysis and Conceptual Data Base Design of Large Scale Computer Based Information System”. The user fills in, through the different steps of the methodology and in the light of the definition of dynamic adaptive system, a number of forms which relate the topological dimension to the time dimension for each application of a given system. In addition, we obtain the “Unit Subschema” which defines the responsibilities of issuing and authorization of receiving information at the proper time. Finally, we apply our methodology to the Registration System in Kuwait University.  相似文献   

A frequency‐weighted parameter extraction method based on the performance evaluation criterion weighted error spectral power ratio is proposed. Performance of models extracted using the normalized mean square error are compared to the performances of models extracted using the WESPR. The results show an increase in performance with a decrease in model complexity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2010.  相似文献   

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