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该文利用粒子图像测速技术,通过风洞流场显示试验,观察了大跨平屋盖表面的分离泡现象,给出了不同来流工况下多个可视化平面的旋涡流线和涡量场分布。试验结果表明,当风向垂直于平屋盖迎风前缘时,屋盖顶面将出现典型的分离泡现象,涡量场的负向峰值出现在迎风前缘处,屋面风压力随离迎风前缘距离的增加而减小。均匀流场下流动将在迎风边缘产生分离而后再附,再附长度近乎横跨整个屋盖;而湍流场中的小尺度湍流促使分离剪切层较早地再附形成分离泡,且湍流度越大,旋涡再附长度越短。运用FLUENT模拟了平屋盖表面的分离泡,与流动显示试验结果吻合较好。通过多个可视化平面的综合分析得到分离泡的三维形态特征,建立了旋涡的演化、涡核位置与建筑物表面压力分布的内在联系,获得了若干有价值的结论。 相似文献
通过刚性模型风洞测压试验,对锥形涡及其诱导下的菱形马鞍屋盖表面风荷载进行了系统研究:⒈分析了锥形涡诱导下的屋盖表面平均、脉动风压分布特点;通过脉动风压谱,着重分析了马鞍迎风前缘(易损区域)的平均、脉动风压分布机理。⒉通过风压信息确定了锥形涡的特征参数(涡核位置、作用范围),给出了定量结果;分析了锥形涡涡轴的左右摇摆运动,分别从定性和定量方面建立了锥形涡涡轴的运动与屋面吸力脉动之间的关系。⒊用测点风压时程的三、四阶矩对风压的非高斯特性进行描述,给出划分高斯、非高斯区的标准,并在此基础上对马鞍屋盖表面进行了分区;分析了锥形涡作用下屋盖表面风压非高斯特性的产生机理。 相似文献
基于列车测压试验,以平层公铁桥梁和CRH2列车为背景,分析了风屏障对平层公铁桥上列车表面风压分布的影响,研究了有无风屏障时列车表面压力以及气动力的跨向相关性的变化规律。研究结果表明:设置风屏障后,列车迎风面与背风面、顶面和底面风压差随风屏障透风率的减小而减小,使得列车总体侧力和升力减小,风屏障透风率为20%时,列车表面脉动压力分布较均匀,有利于桥上列车运行时的安全与舒适。风屏障的防风效果不会随着风屏障高度的增加一直变好,透风率为40%时,风屏障存在一个最优高度3.5 m。风屏障透风率对列车迎风面以及顶面圆弧过渡段表面风压的影响明显大于高度。设置风屏障后,列车底面和背风面测点压力跨向相关性更好,风屏障的挡风效应增强了这两部分展向流场的一致性,使流体的脱落点更一致。随着跨向间距的增大,气动力的相关性越来越差,风屏障对气动力的跨向相关性较无风屏障时弱,设置风屏障时跨向间距超过5倍列车高,气动力完全不相关。 相似文献
为了研究细部构造(檐沟)对低矮房屋屋面风荷载的影响,在同济大学TJ-2风洞试验室对无屋脊硬山屋面、有屋脊硬山屋面、无屋脊出山屋面及有屋脊出山屋面这4种屋面分别做了有檐沟、无檐沟的刚性模型测压试验。试验结果表明:檐沟的存在对于减小屋面各区域的用于主体结构设计的平均风压和用于围护结构设计的极值风压大都有较好的作用,尤其是最不利的极值负风压,其减小的幅度最大达到30%。屋脊、出山和檐沟的共同存在会使屋面各区域的平均风压和极值风压都有不同程度的减小,特别是屋面负压敏感区域的极值负压得到了很大的缓和,减小幅度最大高达60%,从而使屋面各区域的极值负压趋于均匀,且随着它们高度的增加,这种效果更加明显,这对于房屋的抗风设计非常有利。 相似文献
该文通过风洞流场显示试验,观察了大跨平屋盖和马鞍屋盖表面的分离泡和锥形涡现象,给出了不同风向、不同屋盖表面的旋涡流线和涡量场分布;分析了风向角、屋盖曲率对于旋涡形态的影响。试验结果表明,当风向垂直于平屋盖迎风前缘时,屋盖表面将形成典型的分离泡现象,且分离泡的涡核位置恰好对应了涡量场的负向峰值。在斜向风作用下,平屋盖和以高点作为迎风点的马鞍屋盖表面将出现锥形涡。观察旋涡的平均流线和涡量场分布图,发现当来流沿两种屋盖对角线时,锥形涡截面形状接近圆形;当来流偏离屋盖对角线时,在靠近来流的一侧,锥形涡截面形状接近椭圆形;流场内负向涡量分布于壁面上,峰值集中在迎风前缘附近和旋涡周围。在相同的风向角下,曲率较大的马鞍表面锥形涡涡轴与屋盖迎风前缘所成角度较大,曲率较小的马鞍表面锥形涡涡轴与迎风前缘所成角度较小。此外,旋涡的瞬时流线图表明,锥形涡是一种瞬时变化的流体现象,其形态和位置在每个瞬时都不相同。 相似文献
提出采用整体平均风压系数、第1阶振型广义力和屋面各区域最不利极值风压系数的干扰因子分别综合反映干扰效应对平屋面平均风荷载、脉动风荷载和极值风压的影响,采用刚性模型测压风洞试验,对被单个相同形体建筑所干扰的平屋面表面风压进行测量,研究改变建筑物之间的相对位置和风向角,平屋面整体平均风压系数和屋面第1阶振型广义力和最不利极值风压系数干扰因子的变化规律。研究结果表明:屋面整体平均风压系数干扰因子与第1阶振型广义力干扰因子分布规律相似;施扰物在受扰物的迎风上游,遮挡效应引起的缩小效应显著;沿与风向垂直方向,施扰物与受扰物并列布置时,放大干扰效应显著;斜风向条件下的干扰效应比0#x000b0;风向的影响范围大;干扰效应对屋面角部最不利极值风压影响显著,但对屋面中心区域的影响较小。 相似文献
考虑风向的极值风速估计是准确估算建筑结构风荷载的基础,但迄今为止人们针对这一问题的研究还不够深入,尤其是各风向极值风速的相关性问题研究较少。该文首先对Cook提出的独立风暴法进行了改进,提高了风气候数据利用率,同时也使得研究各风向极值风速间的相关性成为可能;然后,通过分析不同风向极值风速之间的尾部相关性表明了良态风气候下不同风向的极值风速的渐进独立性,并开发了一种新的考虑风向的极值风速估计方法;最后,通过南京地区各风向极值风速计算进一步讨论了该文方法的进步之处。 相似文献
Using wind tunnel experiments, wind loads on the flat roofs of low-rise buildings with rounded leading edges were investigated under the effects of separation bubbles and conical vortices. First, pressure distributions on the flat roofs were presented. Second, total uplift forces and overturning moments were calculated by the introduction of area-averaged pressures. Third, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of fluctuating pressure were obtained by proper orthogonal decomposition. Finally, wind pressure characteristics at the rounded edges were examined. The results indicate that after the use of a rounded leading edge, suctions induced by separation bubble and conical vortices increase near the chamfer, decrease beneath the vortices, and stay invariant far from the leading edge. The area involved and the energy of pressure fluctuation decrease, with the largest decrease occurring on a flat roof with a larger fillet radius under conical vortices. In addition, the maximum decreases in peak total uplift forces and overturning moments reach 11% and 62%, respectively, and appear at skewed flows. The maximum suction and low-frequency spectral peak of pressure fluctuations at the rounded leading edge may exceed those at the neighboring region. As the fillet radius increases, the maximum suction and low-frequency pressure fluctuation energy at the chamfer decrease. 相似文献
建筑表面风压的三维数值模拟 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
本文采用数值模拟方法预测由近地三维流动风引起的建筑物的表面风压。文中运用一种扩展的k-ε紊流封闭模型,导得了稳态流动风的统一形式的控制微分方程。采用控制容积法对微分方程作了离散,SIMPLEC压力校正迭代算法实现了非线性离散化方程的求解。实例计算与分析比较表明,本文的模拟方法改善了对建筑物侧风面和顶面风压值的预测 相似文献
结构风工程研究的现状和展望 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
结构风工程问题研究是风工程学科形成的起源。经过半个世纪的发展,已经奠定了结构风工程的理论基础,可以满足一般结构的抗风设计要求。21世纪结构长大化、高耸化以及外形复杂化的趋势使结构风工程研究面临新的挑战,需要对现行的理论和方法进行精细化的改进和发展,同时开展有效风振控制方法的研究,为解决大型复杂结构的风工程问题作好准备。 相似文献
The numerical simulation of time-dependent, 2-D compressible boundary-layer flow containing a region of separation is studied. The separation is generated by the introduction of an adverse pressure gradient along the freestream boundary. In order to validate the numerical method, a low Mach-number laminar separation bubble flow is considered, which enables an extensive comparison with incompressible results. The generation of an adverse pressure gradient along the freestream boundary can be realized in various ways. An imposed decelerating flow boundary is compared with a suction technique. The effects of the strength of the pressure gradient and the presence of small upstream perturbations on the separation bubble are also investigated. The time-averaged characteristics of the flow are in good quantitative agreement with incompressible approximate theories predicting the condition for separation. The appearance of self-excited vortex shedding in unperturbed flows under a sufficiently strong adverse pressure gradient is consistent with incompressible flow simulations reported in the literature. The satisfactory result achieved in the calculation of the low-Mach-number flow encourages the application of the numerical method to flows with strong compressibility effects. 相似文献
This work is an experimental investigation of the dynamics and control of the laminar separation bubbles which are typically
present on the suction surface of an aerofoil at a large angle of attack. A separation bubble is produced on the upper surface
of a flat plate by appropriately contouring the top wall of the wind tunnel. First, a basic (unforced) separation bubble is
obtained to set a benchmark for further experiments. Parametric study is done where the reference velocity is decreased to
quantify its effect on the aspect ratio of the bubble. It is found that with decrease in Reynolds number, the height of the
bubble increases at a greater rate than the length. This feature could be useful in characterising separation bubbles especially
from the point of view of low Reynolds number aerofoil design. Artificial disturbance is introduced at two different initial
amplitudes (infinitesimal and finite) upstream of separation location and hotwire anemometry is used to trace the wave packet
as it is advected downstream. The evolution of wave packets is seen to take place in two distinct stages. Finite amplitude
forcing causes periodic quenching of the bubble. Interestingly, even an infinitesimally small forcing is seen to modify and
thereby control the separation bubble. 相似文献
新型“大气泡能”概念武器在水下爆炸能产生大气泡,对船体总纵强度造成很大影响,有可能使舰体发生纵向折断或倾覆。为研究这种作用,建立了舰船静置爆炸气泡时总纵弯曲强度的理论计算方法。采用静置爆炸气泡的假设,将气泡产生的浮力损失和压力差转化为等效载荷,计算气泡作用后船体的总纵弯矩和剪力并进行强度校核。以某舰艇为例进行计算,结果表明,爆炸气泡作用下船体的剪力和弯矩比静浮状态增大很多,船体发生纵向折断破坏的危险性也随之增大。 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2014,25(4):1177-1184
A 3D Discrete Element Method simulation model for a single bubble was developed in order to investigate the capture of hydrophobic particles. The bubble was considered stationary at the centre of the working space. Particle–particle and particle–bubble contacts were simulated using a linear spring-dashpot model. Gravitational, buoyancy, drag and hydrophobic forces were taken into account. The hydrophobic force was estimated through a single exponential decay law which depends on a pre-exponential parameter K and a decay length λ. It was observed that when λ was less than 10 nm, the number of the particles that were collected was independent of the strength of the hydrophobic force. In contrast, for values of λ within the range of 10–500 nm, the capture efficiency increased significantly with the strength of the hydrophobic force and λ. We have also demonstrated how these two parameters affect the particle trajectory around the bubble and thus produce a significant difference in particle collection when the strength and range of the hydrophobic force were varied. 相似文献