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政府办公自动化系统的设计、实现和应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
政府办公自动化是电子政务系统的一个重要组成部分,实现政府办公自动化是提高办公质量和效率、促进政务公开的一个重要手段。以国家质量监督检验检疫总局办公自动化系统为原型,阐述了政府办公自动化系统的设计和实现方法,描述了系统的功能和特点,介绍了推广应用措施和效果。  相似文献   

We consider a system which consists of one operating element and cold redundant elements of the same type. System failures are partially eliminated by repair and partially by replacement of the faulty element with a normally operating standby element (if no such element is available, the system fails). A comprehensive analysis of system failure probability is performed.Translated from Kibernetika, No. 1, pp. 94–98, January–February, 1991.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new robust fault tolerant control architecture based on a disturbance observer. The control architecture is composed of a nominal controller and a rotor's fault observer capable to identify and estimate motors' degradation performance. Besides, is designed for a quadrotor vehicle and validated in critical and noncritical motors' failures. For both failure cases, each motor performance is analyzed to counteracted the failure and restore the system stability. If the practical stability is not recovered (critical case) a control reconfiguration is performed for safe landing. Experimental tests are carried out in real time to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture when confronting the stability of the system with aggressive disturbances or uncertainties.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the theory development portion of action research can be made more rigorous. The process of theory formulation is an essential part of action research, yet this process is not well understood. A case study demonstrates how units of analysis and techniques from grounded theory can be integrated into the action research cycle in order to add rigor and reliability to the theory formulation process.  相似文献   

This paper presents the simulation study of “Host based autonomous Mobile Address Translation” using NCTUns simulator. It is a network layer, end-to-end vertical handover solution, based upon modification of “Mobile IP with address Translation”. Vertical handover approaches generally require new network elements, a new layer in TCP/IP stack, or fixing a protocol at a particular layer. To enhance handover experience, recent approaches focus on reducing signalling, localizing the registration, creating hierarchies, using proxy, preparing handover in advance, predicting target network, or exploiting multicasting and path extension techniques. These approaches, however, demand change in the network infrastructure to support mobility and limit the scope of mobility. Despite end-to-end signalling, the Host based autonomous Mobile Address Translation scheme ensures minimum service disruption and distinctly allows global mobility of the mobile node without requiring any modification in the network. We have simulated the mobility of a multi-interface mobile node in a heterogeneous network environment composed of WiFi (IEEE802.11a, IEEE802.11b) and WiMAX (IEEE802.16e) access networks. Performance of the scheme is evaluated taking into account wide range of end-to-end delays between mobile node and the correspondent node, various speeds of the mobile node and different packet loss rates of the network. Based on our detailed simulation study, it has been observed that this scheme offers reduced service disruption time, packet loss and packet latency. The service disruption time is found to be significantly low (typically in the range of 10 ms) compared to that of Mobile IP (which is in the order of 100 ms); this makes this new scheme perfectly suitable for real time applications. Low service disruption time consequently reduces the packet loss by manyfold and the packet latency remains unaffected during and after handover due to translation of address at the source. The results suggest that this protocol is a viable vertical handover solution due to its simplicity, scalability, low overhead and ready deployability.  相似文献   

TextFlow: towards better understanding of evolving topics in text   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how topics evolve in text data is an important and challenging task. Although much work has been devoted to topic analysis, the study of topic evolution has largely been limited to individual topics. In this paper, we introduce TextFlow, a seamless integration of visualization and topic mining techniques, for analyzing various evolution patterns that emerge from multiple topics. We first extend an existing analysis technique to extract three-level features: the topic evolution trend, the critical event, and the keyword correlation. Then a coherent visualization that consists of three new visual components is designed to convey complex relationships between them. Through interaction, the topic mining model and visualization can communicate with each other to help users refine the analysis result and gain insights into the data progressively. Finally, two case studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of TextFlow in helping users understand the major topic evolution patterns in time-varying text data.  相似文献   

Replication is the key to providing high availability, fault tolerance, and enhanced performance in a cluster of workstations (COWs). However, building such a system remains as a difficult and challenging task, mainly due to the difficulty of maintaining data consistency among replicas and the lack of easy and efficient tools supporting the development procedure. In this paper we propose an active replication scheme in which data consistency can be maintained. Based on the active replication scheme, we present an object-oriented design pattern and a constructing tool to simplify the design and implementation of service replications in COWs.  相似文献   

Computer vision is concerned with extracting information about a scene by analyzing images of that scene. Performing any computer vision task requires an enormous amount of computation. Exploiting parallelism appears to be a promising way to improve the performance of computer vision systems. Past work in this area has focused on applying parallel processing techniques to image-operator level parallelism. In this article, we discuss the parallelism of computer vision in the control level and present a distributed image understanding system (DIUS).In DIUS, control-level parallelism is exploited by a dynamic scheduler. Furthermore, two levels of rules are used in the control mechanism. Meta-rules are concerned mainly with which strategy should be driven and the execution sequence of the system; control rules determine which task needs to be done next. A prototype system has been implemented within a parallel programming environment, Strand, which provides various virtual architectures mapping to either a shared-memory machine, Sequent, or to the Sun network.  相似文献   

This paper describes an interpretive case study of the processes of strategy formation and implementation for three computer-based information systems developed by a central government agency in a Third World country and aimed at the monitoring and control of development projects in the country. Technical implementation of the first two systems was achieved, but there was little emphasis on organizational implementation and the systems were largely ineffective in use; the third system may suffer a similar fate. The systems reflected symbolic concern of the political centre for development activities at the local level, and can be considered to have reproduced the dominance of the centre, at the cost of system effectiveness. The theoretical framework for the case study was based on structuration theory, which was used both to guide field research and as a method of analysis of the field data. The theory provides a subtle way of linking social action and social structure in connection with computer-based IS, in terms of aspects of meaning, power relations, and values.  相似文献   

A recently completed processing system aimed at real-time image analysis using a data-flow network of powerful processors is described. The system has many unique features, including a new language Fith, which combines high efficiency with an advanced programme environment offering both rapid execution and rapid algorithm development and tuning. The paper describes Dipod and outlines the experience gained during its commissioning at RSRE.  相似文献   

A document collection consisting of 240 articles on theoretical high energy physics is analyzed by an empirical clustering procedure in which bibliographic coupling, obtained by computer, is used to measure the relatedness of articles. Meaningful groups of documents were produced. The clustering process is adapted to future use in the computer-generation of a classification scheme.  相似文献   

This paper describes the work undertaken in the Scholarly Ontologies Project. The aim of the project has been to develop a computational approach to support scholarly sensemaking, through interpretation and argumentation, enabling researchers to make claims: to describe and debate their view of a document's key contributions and relationships to the literature. The project has investigated the technicalities and practicalities of capturing conceptual relations, within and between conventional documents in terms of abstract ontological structures. In this way, we have developed a new kind of index to distributed digital library systems. This paper reports a case study undertaken to test the sensemaking tools developed by the Scholarly Ontologies project. The tools used were ClaiMapper, which allows the user to sketch argument maps of individual papers and their connections, ClaiMaker, a server on which such models can be stored and saved, which provides interpretative services to assist the querying of argument maps across multiple papers and ClaimFinder, a novice interface to the search services in ClaiMaker.  相似文献   

电子政务审批系统的设计和实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对电子政务中应用的工作流技术以及IBM的工作流管理系统MQ Worknow做了简要介绍,提出了使用MQ Workflow作为工作流建模和执行平台,设计和实现了一个基于Web的网上审批系统,并将Web Senrice技术融合进来,实现了工作流系统对Web服务的调用。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the interplay between intentionality of stakeholders, organizational power and information systems (IS) implementation in the context of an European firm implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning system. We found that the implementation coincided with significant restructuring of power relations within the firm. We also found that the intentions of various stakeholders came to bear in terms of how organizational power got manifested. Our findings suggest a complex interplay between individual intentions and organizational power. Specifically, our study contributes to the literature by providing insights into the systemic nature of organizational power regarding IS implementations and how it relates to individual intentions.  相似文献   

一种电源智能测试仪的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了以PIC单片机为核心处理器的新型LED液晶显示器驱动电源智能测试仪的设计及实现方案。实现了设定电流、测电压、测电流、测频率,多通道数据传输等工作模式。支持两种供电模式下对LED液晶显示器的4路输出的10种状态智能检测。并能通过RS485总线将测试数据发送给上位机进行分析。实际工程应用的结果表明该方案设计可行、功能完善、可靠性高,设备现已投入使用。  相似文献   

ALINEA, which was introduced almost 30 years ago, remains certainly the most well-known feedback loop for ramp metering control. A theoretical proof of its efficiency at least when the traffic conditions are rather mild is given here, perhaps for the first time. It relies on tools stemming from the new model-free control and the corresponding ‘intelligent’ proportional controllers. Several computer experiments confirm our theoretical investigations.  相似文献   

Research on the organizational implementation of information technology (IT) and social power has favoured explanations based on issues of resource power and process power at the expense of matters of meaning power. As a result, although the existence and importance of meaning power is acknowledged, its distinctive practices and enacted outcomes remain relatively under‐theorized and under‐explored by IT researchers. This paper focused on unpacking the practices and outcomes associated with the exercise of meaning power within the IT implementation process. Our aim was to analyze the practices employed to construct meaning and enact a collective ‘definition of the situation’. We focused on framing and utilizing the signature matrix technique to represent and analyze the exercise of meaning power in practice. The paper developed and illustrated this conceptual framework using a case study of a conflictual IT implementation in a challenging public sector environment. We concluded by pointing out the situated nature of meaning power practices and the enacted outcomes. Our research extends the literature on IT and social power by offering an analytical framework distinctly suited to the analysis and deeper understanding of the meaning power properties.  相似文献   

研究了一种TD-LTE-Advanced系统中基于同步信号的帧定时同步算法,对该算法进行仿真和分析,并提出算法实现方案。然后,根据精度、面积、功耗、可扩展性等需求,确定了ASIC实现策略以及实现方案,并对帧同步和FFT模块进行了ASIC的详细设计实现。最后经过仿真、验证和逻辑综合,得出ASIC设计能够达到预期功能目标。该方案在功耗和面积上有一定的优势,本文ASIC设计的面积比同类模块小8.8%,功耗低9.3%。  相似文献   

The design and implementation of a scheme for large ordered indices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consider a very large ordered collection of indices for an index organization of a dynamically changing random access file. In this paper, we propose a technique for compressing keys from the collection of indices into the minimal set, and hence reducing tremendously the storage space requirement. A set of criteria is given for considering whether the application of this compression technique on keys can meet the minimal space requirement. We also propose the storage structure design for these compressed indices with a view to tackling the key redundancy problem, supporting a general algorithm for retrieving the keys and minimizing costs for updating and maintenance of indices. Finally, we give a comparison between the use of ON KEY interruption implemented in PL/1 and the use of the key compression technique and the hierarchical tree structure as our alternative in dealing with indexed sequential files.  相似文献   

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