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Chip type is determined by the coupled effects of workpiece material property, cutting speed, uncut chip thickness, feed rate, and tool edge geometry. The understanding of chip formation plays a critical role in studying surface integrity and optimization of machining process variables. Serrated chip, one of the major important chip type, is usually formed in hard cutting at high speed. In this study, a new analytical model has been proposed to better understand the formation of serrated chip, and the simulations have been acquired using ABAQUS/Explicit in machining AISI 1045 during different speeds (from 60 to 6000 m/min). The workpiece material property is modeled with the Johnson-Cook model, and the experiments have been conducted with AISI 1045 during speeds from 60 to 1200 m/min. It has been shown that flow stress is influenced simultaneously by the strain rate hardening and temperature softening. When the speed reaches very high, the temperature softening will fail, and the strain rate hardening will play a more important role. Also, it can be found that the hardening ratio increases when the cutting speed rises. The results of the simulations and experiments correlated well. The cutting force and thrust force both decrease as the cutting speed increases, and the difference between them will shrink when the machining speed reaches a high level.  相似文献   

The stress–strain state in chip is investigated by the finite-element method. In addition, the cutting process and the mechanics of chip formation are studied experimentally over the whole temperature range of metal cutting.  相似文献   

Elementary-chip formation in the machining of hard materials is considered. Formulas are presented for the geometric parameters of the elementary chip as a function of the machining conditions.  相似文献   

An analysis is proposed to study the mechanical fracture of the microscopic junctions which cause friction and wear in materials. The analysis applies the Griffith energy balance concept and the Rice line integral J to a junction model which is fractured when two opposite cracks advance under an external compressive and shear stress (mode I and mode II fracture).It is found from the model that the friction coefficient is proportional to γp/Hd, where γp is the fracture surface energy, H is the hardness of the material and d is the average junction size. For highly brittle materials the predicted junction size is about 10−9m, suggesting that the heat generated during friction must be due to the direct stimulation of surface atoms into random thermal vibration by the sudden release of elastic energy stored in a junction of molecular dimensions. In the case of ductile materials the predicted junction sizes are of the order of 10−4–10−5m, in good agreement with the wear particle diameters determined experimentally.  相似文献   

Advanced engineering ceramic materials such as silicon carbides and silicon nitride have been used in many engineering applications. The abrasive waterjet is becoming the most recent cutting technique of such materials because of its inherent advantages.In the present study, two elastic-plastic erosion models are adopted to develop an abrasive waterjet model for cutting brittle materials. As a result, two cutting models based on fracture mechanics are derived and introduced. The suggested models predict the maximum depth of cut of the target material as a function of the fracture toughness and hardness as well as the process parameters.It is found that both models predict the same depth of cut within a maximum of 11%, for the practical range of process parameters used in the present study. The maximum depth of cut predicted by the suggested models are compared with published experimental results for three types of ceramics. The effect of process parameters on the maximum depth of cut for a given ceramic material is also studied and compared with experimental work. The comparison reveals that there is a good agreement between the models' predictions and experimental results, where the difference between the predicted and experimental value of the maximum depth of cut is found to be an average value of 10%.Nomenclature C abrasive efficiency factor, see equation (16) - C 1,C 2 c 1/4/3, c2/4/3 - c 1,c 2 erosion models constants, see equations (1) and (2) - d a local effective jet diameter - d j nozzle diameter - d S infinitesimal length along the kerf - f 1 ( E ) function defined by equation (7) - f 2 ( E ) function defined by equation (8) - f 3 ( e ) function defined by equation (14) - g 1 ( E ) f 1( e )/f 3 2 ( e ) - g 2 ( e ) f 2( e /f 3 2 ( e ) - H Vickers hardness of the target material - h maximum depth of cut - K c fracture toughness of target material - k kerf constant - M linear removal rate, dh/dt - m mass of a single particle - abrasive mass flow rate - water mass flow rate - P water pressure - Q total material removal rate, see equation (11) - R abrasive to water mass flow rates - r particle radius - S kerf length - u traverse speed - V material volume removal rate (erosion rate) - V idealised volume removal by an individual abrasive particle - particle impact velocity - 0 initial abrasive particle velocity - x,y kerf coordinates - local kerf angle, Fig. 1 - E jet exit angle at the bottom of the workpiece, Fig. 1 - particle density - w water density On leave from: Mechanical Engineering Department, Suez Canal University, Egypt.On leave from: Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt.  相似文献   

The machining of composites is of great interest in manufacturing today. To that end, it is necessary to calculate the cutting forces required and to predict the surface quality obtained. In the present work, the cutting zone of a unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite is simulated by the SPH method. The calculation results—specifically, the equivalent stress and the strain distribution—are compared with results obtained previously by the finite-element method and also with experimental data. The good agreement with experimental data indicates that the SPH method may expediently be used in simulating the cutting of composites.  相似文献   

硬脆材料切削加工负切削力现象的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉和  张弘韬 《中国机械工程》1999,10(11):1207-1210
以辉长岩为例,采用聚晶金刚石刀具进行硬脆材料切削加工试验,,在时域和频域内对切削力信号进行数字信号分析处理,提出硬脆材料切削力可分成切削趋势量和切削力随机量两部分;硬脆材料的组成结构特点和切削中刀具的振动是硬脆材料切削力出现负值现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

谢晋  韦凤  田牧纯一 《光学精密工程》2009,17(11):2771-2778
针对微纳米级功能V槽微细加工及评价困难的问题,采用单点金刚石切削方法在超精密机床上对光学玻璃进行V槽的微纳尺度加工,且利用非接触激光检测技术展现V槽的加工形貌。研究目的是分析V槽的微纳米尺度加工的可行性以及找出如何评价V槽加工精度的方法。首先,采用单点金刚石在光学玻璃上进行V槽的微纳尺度切削试验。然后,利用3D激光超精密检测仪器检测加工的V切痕,构建微V槽切痕的形貌图,建立V槽形状误差PV值和V槽尖角圆弧半径的评价模式。最后,分析在微纳尺度加工中切除深度与V槽角度的形成机理以及切削深度对V槽形状误差及其尖角圆弧半径的作用机制。结果表明,在亚微米级尺度加工中存在一个脆/塑性域切除加工状态转变的临界切削深度。在塑性域切削中,金刚石刀具尖角形状可以复制到工件表面,形成深度小于0.386μm、形状误差PV值约0.103μm、尖角半径约为0.182μm的V槽。此外,V槽形状误差PV值在塑性域切除加工中始终保持不变,但在脆性域切除加工中随着切削深度增大而逐渐剧烈加大。而且,V槽尖角圆弧半径在塑性域切削中随着切削深度减小而减小,但为了获得完整的V槽轮廓还需被控制在V槽成型临界界线以下。因此,在处理非接触激光检测的3D数据的基础上,V槽形状误差PV值和尖角圆弧半径可以用来评价V槽微纳尺寸加工的加工精度和微细程度。  相似文献   

Rotary ultrasonic machining of brittle materials, such as glass, ceramics, silicon, and sapphire, has been explored in a large number of experimental and theoretical investigations. Mechanistic models have been developed to predict the material removal rate or cutting force in the rotary ultrasonic machining of brittle materials. However, most merely describe the rotary ultrasonic machining process of drilling holes in brittle materials. There are no reports on the development of a cutting force model for flat surface rotary ultrasonic machining, i.e., rotary ultrasonic face milling. This paper presents a mathematical model for the cutting force in the rotary ultrasonic face milling of brittle materials under the assumption that brittle fracture removal is the primary mode of material removal. Verification experiments are conducted for the developed cutting force model and show that the trends of input variables for the cutting force agree well with the trends of the developed cutting force model. The developed cutting force model can be applied to evaluate the cutting force in the rotary ultrasonic face milling of brittle materials.  相似文献   

Elliptic ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding has been proven to be a high-efficiency machining technique for some brittle materials. This paper aims to investigate the chip generating characteristics in grinding of brittle materials with vertical elliptic vibration assistance. Vertical elliptic ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding for precision machining brittle polysilicon is suggested and tested. The mechanism of chip generation and characteristics of surfaces in ductile mode, machined by ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding, are investigated. As a result, when microgrinding by ultrasonic vibration, it was confirmed that the continuous chips generated by ductile mode can be more easily be fully developed.  相似文献   

何庆稀 《机电工程》2007,24(8):64-66
为了研究45钢高速加工中切屑形成机理,建立了高速加工的正交切削有限元模型,研究了45钢高速切削有限元建模过程中的Johnson-Cooks材料模型,刀屑接触模型及切屑分离准则等关键技术.利用建立的有限元模型对45钢的高速切削过程中的切屑成形进行了数值模拟,并研究了不同切削速度对切屑锯齿化程度的影响规律,得到了不同切削速度下的切屑锯齿化程度.  相似文献   

On the basis of slip-line fields, a system for chip formation with a developed plastic-deformation zone is proposed. Equations are derived for the plastic-zone boundaries.  相似文献   

It is desirable to minimize burr formation for improving part quality. This paper presents an investigation on the burr formation mechanism in micro cutting by taking into consideration the stress distribution around the cutting edge arc. The influences of the uncut chip thickness and the cutting edge radius on burr formation were investigated. Poisson burr is attributed to the side flow of the stagnation material at the bottom of the cutting edge arc. The stress distribution at the cutting edge arc has great influence on Poisson burr formation. The burr height decreases to the minimum value and then increases with reducing the uncut chip thickness due to the change of the maximum stress distribution. An optimum machining strategy also is suggested in micro milling of snake-shaped groove microstructure.  相似文献   

难加工材料在高速切削时切屑变形试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对0Cr18Ni9在高速切削条件下产生切屑变形的试验,研究高速切削难加工材料时切屑变形现象及规律.  相似文献   

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