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双面光伏组件采用固定支架运行方式时,在保持支架前、后排间距不变的情况下,当双面光伏组件的安装倾角不同时,组件背面接收的太阳辐射量不同,从而导致光伏电站总发电量也会不同。采用PVsyst软件模拟了不同安装倾角时双面光伏组件背面接收的太阳辐射量增益及光伏电站首年发电量情况,以便在有限的占地面积下充分利用双面光伏组件背面发电的特性,以期为今后光伏电站的设计方案比选、设计优化等工作提供依据。  相似文献   

深入研究了不同种类光伏组件在不同天气条件下的发电特性以及相同种类不同厂家光伏组件的发电特性。实验结果表明不同种类太阳电池在不同季节的发电特性存在明显差异。晶体硅和CIGS(铜铟镓硒)电池冬季发电量明显高于硅薄膜电池,最多可多发电10%左右;随时间推移,三者之间的差异先逐渐减小后增加,到夏季硅薄膜反超多晶硅和CIGS,最多可多发电20%左右。同时,结合光辐照度、温度、湿度等天气资料,测试结果表明:晶体硅和CIGS更适合辐照量高、温度低、湿度小的中国北部地区;硅薄膜在辐照度不高、温度高、湿度大的中国南部大部分地区具有更高发电量。  相似文献   

针对双面光伏组件与光伏跟踪系统相结合的应用进行了研究,分析了不同安装形式、不同安装位置、不同地面类型时,双面光伏组件的发电特性。研究结果可为日后光伏跟踪项目的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

李永鑫  苑海涛 《太阳能》2020,(10):63-67
以战石沟光伏电站的运行数据为基础,采用对照实验的方法,验证双玻双面光伏组件在降雪天气时和降雪后的运行情况.数据结果显示,相比于单面光伏组件,在降雪天,双玻双面光伏组件的可利用小时数的平均增幅为57.92%;降雪后第2天,双玻双面光伏组件的可利用小时数的平均增幅为12.92%,总平均增幅为27.39%.双玻双面光伏组件在...  相似文献   

根据简化的太阳能电池模型,结合IEC60891关于任意条件下光伏组件的短路电流和开路电压的校正公式,提出了一种光伏组件输出功率估算模型。利用该模型估算了光伏组件在晴天、阴天、多云天气的输出功率,并与户外测试平台上实测组件的输出功率数据进行对比分析,验证了所提出的估算模型具有良好的精度与稳定性。  相似文献   

光伏发电系统采用固定支架运行方式时,一般依据系统所在地的经、纬度,太阳辐射量,气象资料,冬至日的阴影遮挡时间等边界条件计算出光伏组件的最佳安装倾角。研究了在保持总占地面积不变、交流并网功率无要求、满足项目投资内部收益率的情况下,可通过降低光伏组件的最佳安装倾角来增加光伏阵列的直流装机容量,从而提高光伏发电系统的发电量。  相似文献   

高扬 《太阳能》2013,(9):63-64
光伏电站运行中,光伏组件的清洁方法目前仍无规范进行明确规定与说明,导致相关专业设计及维护无从下手.本文参考近年来国内光伏电站工程中应用的清洁方法,说明目前对于光伏组件上积雪积灰的处理方式,并对每种方式的清洁水量和周期提供可参考数据,以方便工程设计和运行及促进绿色能源的发展.  相似文献   

针对光伏组件退化过程呈现的非单调、随机特性以及对组件剩余寿命自适应预测的需求,建立基于维纳(Wiener)过程的退化模型,在此基础上,提出一种结合退化轨迹自适应更新光伏组件剩余寿命的方法。首先,构建基于Wiener过程的光伏组件功率退化模型,刻画组件退化过程的非单调性以及组件退化过程的时间不确定性和个体差异性;然后,基于光伏组件的退化轨迹,联合贝叶斯更新和期望最大化(EM)算法对模型参数进行实时自适应更新,并在此基础上预测光伏组件的剩余寿命分布。最后,通过比较不同方法下光伏组件剩余寿命预测值的误差,验证所提方法的可行性与优越性。  相似文献   

服役中光伏组件受到内部老化及外界环境影响,组件寿命衰减过程呈高度的非线性、随机性。针对光伏组件衰退机理及其过程,分析光伏组件衰退过程、衰退因子及其对光伏组串电池组件特性的影响,提出基于指数衰减的太阳电池衰退电路模型,并利用退化模型定量分析衰退因子对寿命预测指标输出功率的影响;进而,选取等效串联电阻和输出功率作为光伏组件寿命预测指标,提出综合输出功率和等效串联电阻的联合高斯随机过程寿命预测方法,并分析核函数和数据特性对寿命预测的影响。仿真与实例验证表明:所提寿命预测模型具有精度高、鲁棒性强的优点。  相似文献   

随着光伏发电技术不断进步,单面光伏组件与双面光伏组件的价差不断缩小。得益于发电量增益大,双面光伏组件在实际项目中受到愈来愈多的青睐。当光伏发电项目采用单面或双面光伏组件时,光伏组件的最佳安装倾角成为一个重要的考虑因素。选取了3个太阳能资源等级地区,利用PVsyst对在这3个地区建设的光伏电站分别采用单面和双面光伏组件时的安装倾角与光伏电站首年发电量及光伏组件正面接收的太阳辐照量之间的关系进行了仿真模拟。得到以下结论:1)以光伏电站首年发电量最大为衡量标准时,双面光伏组件的最佳安装倾角大于或等于有阴影遮挡的单面光伏组件的最佳安装倾角,但小于无阴影遮挡的单面光伏组件的最佳安装倾角。2)就单面光伏组件而言,无阴影遮挡条件下增加光伏组件安装倾角带来的发电量增益高于有阴影遮挡安装条件时。3)在无阴影遮挡情况下,在一定范围内增大单面光伏组件的安装倾角可以相应提升其发电量;相对于双面光伏组件,无阴影遮挡的单面光伏组件通过适当提高其安装倾角所获得的发电量增益较小,且增大安装倾角,光伏阵列之间的间距也需要相应增加,这会增大用地量,从而增加项目总成本。因此,在实际项目中,尽可能采用双面光伏组件是一个较为理想的选择。  相似文献   

我国有丰富的太阳能资源,太阳能光伏发电已不再仅仅用于小功率电源系统,而且广泛用于通信、交通、石油、农村电气化、民用产品等各个领域。1998年我国生产的太阳能光伏发电系统的主要部件——光伏组件产量只有2MWp左右,仅相当于世界总产量的1.3%,到2002年产量已达到100MWp左右,截至到2003年底在我国使用光伏组件装机的太阳能电站达到55MWp。保证太阳能光伏发电系统的质量不仅取决于系统的设计,  相似文献   

光伏组件在低辐照度下的性能测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,光伏发电技术已得到越来越广泛的应用,人们更加关注光伏组件在实际使用中的性能。为了准确评估光伏组件的各项电性能参数,最新颁布的国家标准采用了IEC(国际电工委员会)标准,其中增加了低辐照度(200W/m~2、25℃、  相似文献   

目前,光伏系统的安装服务公司及投资者都希望有关设备(亦即他们的投资项目)可以顺利运行25年,而且在整个寿命周期内能发挥最高的效率。但由于组件性能会随着时间而退化(一般来说,  相似文献   

光伏建筑一体化组件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
谢富昌 《太阳能》2003,(4):9-10
光伏建筑一体化组件(BIPV),指该材料本身通过阳光照射后有够产生电力,同时又是建筑整体装饰的一部分;它是解决世界目前所面临的环境污染和能源危机的最直接最有效的途径。 光伏电池组件与城市建筑结合,为大规模地利  相似文献   

我国有丰富的太阳能资源,太阳能光伏发电已不再仅仅用于小功率电源系统,而且广泛用于通信、交通、石油、农村电气化、民用产品等各个领域。1998年我国生产的太阳能光伏发电系统的主要部件——光伏组件产量只有2MW。左右,仅相当于世界总产量的1.3%,到2002年产量已达到100MW。左右,截至到2003年底在我国使用光伏组件装机的太阳能电站达到55MWp。保证太阳能光伏发电系统的质量不仅取决于系统的设计,还取决于构成系统各部件产品的质量。光伏组件作为太阳能光伏发电系统的主要部件,其产品的质量就显得尤为重要。为保证该产品的质量,国家制定了相关的检测标准.本文就光伏组件产品质量的检测作一介绍.  相似文献   

A model for the performance of generic crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules is proposed. The model represents the output power of the module as a function of module temperature and in-plane irradiance, with a number of coefficients to be determined by fitting to measured performance data from indoor or outdoor measurements. The model has been validated using data from 3 different modules characterized through extensive measurements in outdoor conditions over several seasons. The model was then applied to indoor measurement data for 18 different PV modules to investigate the variability in modeled output from different module types. It was found that for a Central European climate the modeled output of the 18 modules varies with a standard deviation (SD) of 1.22%, but that the between-module variation is higher at low irradiance (SD of 3.8%). The variability between modules of different types is thus smaller than the uncertainty normally found in the total solar irradiation per year for a given site. We conclude that the model can therefore be used for generalized estimates of PV performance with only a relatively small impact on the overall uncertainty of such estimates resulting from different module types.  相似文献   

Authors have evaluated the life cycle of a thin-film CdS/CdTe PV module to estimate the energy payback time (EPT) and the life-cycle CO2 emissions of a residential rooftop PV system using the CdS/CdTe PV modules. The primary energy requirement for producing 1 m2 of the CdS/CdTe PV module was similar to a-Si PV module at annual production scale of 100 MW. EPT was calculated at 1.7–1.1 yr, which was much shorter than the lifetime of the PV system and similar to that of a-Si PV modules. The life-cycle CO2 emissions were also estimated at 14–9 g-C/kWh, which was less than that of electricity generated by utility companies.  相似文献   

赖文辉 《太阳能》2011,(9):19-20
光伏发电系统是由能把太阳光能直接转换为电能的部件和子系统构成。其中的光伏阵列是将入射的太阳辐射能直接转换为直流电能的单元,太阳电池板组成的阵列与光伏阵列连接箱连接,电流经连接箱汇流后输出到逆变器或直接应用环节。太阳电池板组成的光伏阵列约占光伏发电系统总成本的70%,如何保护光伏阵列和充分提高  相似文献   

The high cost of photovoltaic (PV) energy has imposed extensive research efforts in order to provide alternatives to the conventional crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV technology. Thin film PV modules based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) is considered one of the most promising alternatives for mass production of low-cost PV. In parallel to the development of new module technologies, there is an increasing interest for using concentrating optics in PV systems in order to increase radiation onto the modules. By replacing the relatively expensive PV absorbers with low-cost concentrators there is a potential reduction of overall system costs. The reflector types considered in this study are based on the compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) and the planar reflector. These are low-concentrating devices with concentration ratios of 1–4. With the CPC as well as the planar reflector, the illumination on the PV module will be non-uniform, with local light intensities that are considerably larger than the average 4 suns. For conventional c-Si modules, this is detrimental to module performance. It is demonstrated in the present work that modules based on thin film technology are better candidates for reflector applications. The principles of design and fabrication of CIGS thin film PV modules for low-concentrating systems are discussed, and experimental results from measurements of CIGS modules under concentrated illumination are evaluated.  相似文献   

Photovoltaics cost has been declining following a 70% learning curve. Now the challenge is to bring down the cost of solar electricity to make it competitive with conventional sources within the next decade. In the long run, the module efficiencies tend to reach 80% of the champion cell efficiencies. Using a semiempirical methodology, it has been shown earlier that while the triple junction a-Si:H thin film technology is competitive, CIGS and CdTe thin film module technologies are highly competitive and presently offer the best approach for significantly exceeding the cost/performance levels of standard and non-standard crystalline Si PV technologies. Since 2006, the production of thin film solar cell in the U.S. has surpassed that of c-Si. At present, the production of CIGS PV modules lags considerably behind that of CdTe PV modules. This is mainly because of its complexity. Scale-up issues related to various CIGS preparation technologies such as co-evaporation, metallic precursor deposition by magnetron sputtering and non-vacuum techniques such as ink-jet printing, electroplating or doctor-blade technology followed by their selenization/sulfurization are discussed so as to assist the CIGS technology to attain its full potential. Besides the welcome announcements of large volume production, it is essential to achieve the production cost below $1/Wp in the near term and attain production speeds comparable to CdTe production speeds. Comparable production speeds are expected to be achieved within the next decade. This will enable reduction of CIGS module production costs to ∼65¢/Wp that would be comparable to the CdTe module projected production cost. Additionally CIGS will have a higher efficiency premium.  相似文献   

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