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报导了脊形波导InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs应变量子阱激光器的特性和实验结果,激光器阀值电流最低为9mA,典型值为15mA,线性输出光功率大地120mW,微分量子效率典型值为60%,50℃,80mW恒定功率条件下老化实验结果表明;该条件下激光器寿命超过1000小时。  相似文献   

利用选择性部分无序技术获得了单片外延片上不同区域的多量子阱在结构与性质上的差异,在国内首次利用该法处理的外延片制作了脊波导结构激光器/调制器集成器件,实现了调制器单元对输出光强的调制。在5.6V调制电压下获得了大于20dB的消光比。  相似文献   

为了在光开关器件的局部区域实现量子阱混合,选用1~2MeV、1×1013~5×1013cm-2的P+离子注入到InGaAs/InGaAsP分别限制多量子阱(SCH-MQW)激光器结构,在700oC下快速热退火90s。发现光致发光谱的峰值位置发生蓝移9~89nm。蓝移的大小随着注入能量和剂量的增大而增大,并且能量比剂量对蓝移的影响更大。  相似文献   

姚宏颖  王子宇 《高技术通讯》2006,16(10):1006-1009
采用电吸收调制器(EAM)作为电光调制器件,实现了基于电时分复用(ETDM)工作方式的40Gbit/s光发射单元,并采用SDH 42.836(Gbit/s标准数据库)对其进行了测试实验.在42.836Gbit/s数据率下,其输出光信号消光比达10dB以上,光眼图信噪比约11.4,抖动方均根值1.3~1.4ps;在G.652光纤中传输1km后,消光比大于9dB,光眼图信噪比约7.1,抖动方均根值为1.4~1.5ps,这些技术指标达到了实用要求.  相似文献   

用固态源MBE技术生长了AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb多量子阱材料,研究了通过改变多量子阱AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb中的结构参数,如多量子阱中InGaAsSb的阱宽,AlGaAsSb的垒宽及垒层中Al组分和阱层中的In组分,多量子阱中的阱数等,来提高AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb多量子阱的PL强度。  相似文献   

在T=77K,测量了GaAs多量子阱的光电流,发现在v=1312cm^-1附近存在一个强电流峰,并且在这强电流峰附近的高波数区还有几个弱峰,强电流峰是量子阱中基态电子向第一激发态跃迁形成的,而弱峰与最子阱势垒以上的电子干涉有关。  相似文献   

分析了光阱吸收比对雾度测量的影响,推导出光阱吸收比给测量带来的系统误差的计算公式。  相似文献   

提出了一种光时分复用 (OTDM )系统中完全基于电吸收调制器的光分插复用器(O ADM ) ,该复用器具有简单的结构和灵活上下话路的能力。然后对实现这种O ADM所需要的关键技术进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

采用了H3PO4/H2O2系化学腐蚀液对GSMBE外延的InGaAs/InP和InAIAs/InP材料湿法腐蚀特性进行了研究,研究了不同浓度和配比对于腐蚀速率和形貌影响.结果表明该腐蚀液体系具有良好的均匀性,腐蚀速率随浓度呈指数关系,表面形貌基本不受浓度影响.在增加腐蚀液中双氧水含量时,腐蚀速率先增大后减小,表面形貌良好;增加磷酸浓度腐蚀速率亦有增大趋势,表面出现尖锥状小丘.并对腐蚀液配比变化对腐蚀特性影响及腐蚀机理进行了讨论分析.  相似文献   

高分辨率X射线衍射技术被用来分析基于InP衬底的应变的InGaAs和InAlAs单层材料和应变补偿的InGaAs/InAlAs超晶格材料.通过倒空间mapping得到的单层材料的错向角大约为10-3度,可以忽略不计.通过摇摆曲线得到了单层材料的组分和体失配度,接着单层材料的结果被用来分析在相同的条件下利用MBE技术生长的超晶格材料.利用倒空间mapping精确得到了超晶格的平均垂直失配度和各层的厚度,通过X射线模拟软件得到的超晶格材料的模拟曲线和实测曲线吻合的很好.  相似文献   

给出了InGaAsMSM光探测器与InP基InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT两种器件单片集成实现的OEIC光接收机的设计方法与测试结果。该光接收机采用单电源供电,由一级放大器,两级源级跟随器和一个反馈电阻组成,当光接收机工作在2.5Gbit/s时,跨阻可达53dBΩ,采用+5V电源供电,功耗仅为160mW,可有效地应用在光纤通信接收系统中。  相似文献   

Zero-magnetic-field spin splitting in InGaAs/GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells was investigated theoretically. The sp3s* empirical tight-binding method has been employed. It has been found that the splitting is much larger in InGaAs wells than that in GaAs wells. The origin of the splitting due to the structure inversion asymmetry was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

采用非对称X结耦合器代替传统的Y分支器,研制了GaAsMach-Zehnder型2×2光开光,得到了小于-22.4dB的串音比和12V左右的开关电压,器件的波导传输损耗小于7dB/cm。预计该器件可广泛应用于GaAs开关列阵及高速光调制等领域。  相似文献   

InGaAs/InP是制作光电器件与微波器件的重要材料。离子注入InGaAs/InP做掺杂或制作高阻层是人们十分关注的研究课题。采用Fe^+注入InGaAs/InP得到了电阻率升高的好结果。用Be^+注入制作了新结构HPT的基区。研制成功了在1.55μm波长工作的InGaAs/InP新结构光电晶体管,在0.3μW入射光条件下,光电增益为350。  相似文献   

The nature of oval defects in compositionally graded InGaAs/GaAs buffer layers has been investigated by means of Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Cathodoluminescence (CL). CL spectra show that emissions from within the defects have energies lower than that from the defect-free regions, thus demonstrating that the defects are richer in In than the surrounding matrix. No In particles have been detected within the defect core. TEM investigations reveal that the defects form in the topmost strained regions close to the surface and originate from stacking faults.  相似文献   

Highly ordered three-dimensional periodic arrays of In0.40Ga0.60As quantum wires (QWRs) on GaAs (311)A and GaAs (331)A have been achieved by molecular beam epitaxy and revealed by high-resolution X-ray diffraction. Polarization dependent photoluminescence measurements demonstrated high optical anisotropy of 40% in (331)A QWRs and 16% in (311)A QWRs. Such a difference in polarization value could be caused by the differences in geometry, ordering, and high piezoelectric field between (331)A and (311)A samples.  相似文献   

T Mozume  N Georgiev 《Thin solid films》2000,380(1-2):249-251
We report here a photoluminescence (PL) study of AlAsSb/InGaAs/AlAsSb single quantum wells (SQWs) that are lattice-matched to InP substrates grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The group V species used, the interface termination procedures, and Si doping are shown to markedly influence the PL spectra of the SQWs: (1) the undoped SQWs grown using dimer group V species combined with As interface termination show sharp PL spectra, which correspond to a direct transition between the confined electrons and holes of InGaAs; (2) the PL peak is broadened and shifted towards a longer wavelength as a result of Sb interface termination; and (3) when the AlAsSb or InGaAs layers are highly doped to 1×1019 cm−3, the PL spectra become very broad. These results are most probably attributable to the enhanced exchange reaction between As and Sb, and also to the diffusion of In and Ga at the interfaces resulting from Si high doping and the use of tetramer group V species.  相似文献   

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