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A tubular hyperfiltration membrane system was studied with tomato juice in a recirculation mode. Two aromatic polyamide thin film composite membranes (ZF 99) (1.3 m2) were examined. After 52 hr of operation with tomato juice one membrane exhibited a flux of 39.7 Lm?2hr?1 (72°C, 55.2 bar). Another membrane, after 717 hr, gave a flux of 41 Lm?2hr?1 (78°C, 41.4 bar) and natural tomato soluble solids (NTSS) rejection of 94 to >98%.  相似文献   

乳酸发酵番茄汁中间生产试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将筛选出的保加利亚乳杆菌(L. bulgaricus)和嗜热链球菌(Str. thermophilus)应用于乳酸发酵番茄汁的中试生产中。先在20升发酵罐内进行了两批试验,确立了初步的生产工艺流程,然后在500升发酵罐进行了进一步试验,获得了成功,生产出的乳酸发酵番茄汁pH为4.0~4.3,乳酸含量0.7%左右,加蔗糖3%,不添加防腐剂、香精、色素等化学物质。保存半年后经检测,其理化及微生物学指标均符合国家规定标准。申试结果为工业规模生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Tomato juice was canned and exposed to processing temperatures of 82°C., 102°C and 112°C. Serum viscosity was measured after 30, 60, and 120 min at each temperature. Heat treatment affected serum viscosity. A temperature of 82°C applied for 2 hr resulted in a 17-30% loss of serum viscosity depending on the cultivar. Treatment at 112°C applied for 2 hr caused 67-82% loss, again depending on the cultivar.  相似文献   

超高压番茄汁杀菌条件的优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过响应面法(RSM)建立了超高压杀灭番茄汁中枯草芽孢杆菌(B.subtilis)AS1.1380的二次多项数学模型,验证了模型的有效性。同时利用模型的响应面及其等高线对影响超高压杀菌的关键因子温度、压力和保压时间及其相互作用进行了深入的探讨。优化出杀灭番茄汁中6个数量级枯草芽孢杆菌AS1.1380的工艺参数为:温度33.5℃,压力469.2MPa,时间14.0min。  相似文献   

为减小真空冷却中液体飞溅并研究不同条件对降温速率的影响,采用控制变量法,通过改变容器的形状、顶部材料与孔径大小、物料的相对装载量、不同初始温度和冷却终温等条件,测定果汁降温过程的质量和温度变化,根据测试结果计算出不同变量下的无效失水率和降温速率。研究表明,降温速率大且无效失水量小的最佳工艺条件为使用相对装载量23.3%、容器顶盖材料为刚性材料、孔径5 mm的长方形容器,由初始温度80℃降至冷却终温为25℃,此时的无效失水率最小,降温速率最快。  相似文献   

本文报道了酸甜番茄汁、番茄汁汽水生产工艺研究,制定了这两种新产品的质量标准,并就生产过程的的注意事项进行了探讨,为增加风味各异的番茄制品和更好地利用我国丰富的番茄资源提供了商条新途径。  相似文献   

以热处理(100℃处理5 min)作为对照,评价超高压处理(25℃和400 MPa处理30 min)鲜榨番茄汁贮藏3个月期间的品质和风味变化规律。结果显示超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁在2个月的贮藏期内,菌落总数、霉菌和酵母菌数量均在国家食品卫生标准以内;pH值、PPO和POD活性逐渐降低;维生素C含量降低约24%,而热处理的鲜榨番茄汁中维生素C含量降低约96%;超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁风味更加接近于番茄的原有香气,而热处理引起风味的显著性变化。因此,超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁在2个月的贮藏期内品质和风味均优于传统热处理番茄汁。  相似文献   

番茄汁加工工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在番茄汁加工中分别给予85℃、65℃冷榨及100℃热烫的预热处理,并对不同预热处理的番茄汁进行了均质和不均质对比,结果发现:预热对出汁率、粘稠度及清液粘度均有显著影响,而均质主要影响番茄汁的维生素C(Vc)含量;预热和均质对粘稠度的交互作用显著;番茄汁的浆液分离和粘稠度呈高度负相关,而和清液粘度无任何相关;不同的预热温度与不同的均质处理相结合均有可能生产出品质良好的番茄汁。  相似文献   

Controlling viscosity is critical to efficient evaporation and pumping of citrus concentrates. Viscosity was reduced by a commercial homogenizer installed between the third and fourth stage of a pilot plant TASTE evaporator. Juice was concentrated to 65°Brix with and without homogenization. The results showed a 13% decrease in viscosity due to homogenization. Mean non-homogenized values were 279 mPa.s (s.d. = 7.5) on the 65°Brix control and 242 mPa.s (s.d. = 10) on the homogenized concentrate, both measured at 3.50 set1, which was calculated to be the shear rate for these samples within the third stage of this evaporator. This decrease in viscosity also reduced the energy consumption about 3 to 4% or produced a higher (2 to 3) °Brix concentrate. Homogenization did not significantly affect the juice color, acid, pulp or vitamin C.  相似文献   

主要研究一种强抗氧化性保健番茄原汁,能够抗衰老,延缓疲劳发生。通过对番茄原汁加工中的几个关键工艺步骤对产品抗氧化性影响的研究得出结论:68℃下对番茄原汁进行预热处理,单独使用茶多酚作为护色剂,95℃温度进行杀菌得到的番茄汁抗氧化能力最强。制备的保健番茄原汁口感醇厚,酸甜适口,颜色鲜艳。  相似文献   

陈尚伟  杨瑞 《食品科学》2004,25(6):29-31
对经45、32、24和16目筛网过筛所得番茄汁液的流变性质进行了研究。采用旋转式粘度计测定了番茄汁的剪切速率-剪应力数据。通过剪切速率-剪应力实验数据的关联发现,番茄汁液的流变行为可用Bingham模型表征。确定了不同温度和不同网目下番茄汁液的稠度指数和屈服应力。同时也建立了不同网目下番茄汁液的表观粘度与温度函数关系的关联式。  相似文献   



The present work has evaluated the time-dependent and steady-state shear rheological properties of tomato juice.  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of this research was to characterize the chemical properties of tomato juice fermented with bifidobacterial species. Tomato juice was prepared from fresh tomatoes and heated at 100 °C prior to fermentation. Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, and Bifidobacterium infantis were inoculated in tomato juice and kept at 35 to 37 °C for up to 6 h. Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) was added to tomato juice prior to fermentation. The analyses for brix, total titratable acidity (TTA), pH, color, and lycopene content were conducted to characterize tomato juices fermented with bifidobacterial species. Heat treatment of tomato juice did not cause any significant changes in brix, pH, and TTA. Only the redness of tomato juice was significantly increased, as the heating time increased to 30 min. The tomato juices fermented with B. breve and B. longum exhibited significant decreases in pH (3.51 and 3.80, respectively) and significant increases in TTA (13.50 and 12.50, respectively) (P < 0.05). B. infantis did not cause any significant change in the chemical properties of tomato juice. The addition of FOS further improved the fermentation of tomato juice by bifidobacterial species. The lycopene contents of tomato juice were significantly increased from 88 to 113 μg/g by heat treatment at 100 °C (P < 0.05), however did not exhibit any significant change after fermentation with bifidobacterial species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this study we investigated the inactivation of endogenous pectin methylesterase (PME) in tomato juice during combined high-hydrostatic pressure (ambient to 800 MPa) and moderate temperature (60 to 75 °C) treatments under isobaric and isothermal processing conditions. PME inactivation rates increased with increasing processing temperature, with the highest rate obtained during processing at 75 °C and ambient pressure. Inactivation rates were dramatically reduced as soon as processing pressure was raised. High inactivation rates were again attained when processing pressure exceeded a value of about 700 MPa. Such a behavior was described by considering two parallel mechanisms of inactivation, each one following first order kinetics with its own kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

韩凯  任琳  王宇 《肉类研究》2011,25(1):24-26
介绍针对西式肉糕的原辅料和加工过程进行改进后的一种番茄汁羊肉糕的制作工艺流程.对羊肉的搅拌、番茄汁的制作以及番茄汁羊肉糕的烤制等工艺进行研究,开发并制作出一种具有美观外形和独特风味的新型西式番茄汁羊肉糕.  相似文献   

番茄汁饮料品质改良技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘志伟  孟立  姜华年 《食品科学》2005,26(7):149-151
本文探讨了番茄汁饮料加工过程中的几个关键技术点:1.番茄的破碎方法对番茄汁粘度的影响;2.防止产品分层不稳定现象;3.口感的改良及其最佳配方工艺参数的确定。结果表明,采用85℃、30s热破碎榨汁工艺,0.3%茶多酚作护色剂,以8%蔗糖,0.25%柠檬酸,0.13%复合稳定剂,65%原汁含量为配方组成,可得到品质优良的番茄汁饮料产品。  相似文献   

超高压和高温短时杀菌对樱桃汁品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了超高压(high pressure processing,HPP,550 MPa/2 min)和高温短时(high temperature short time,HTST,95 ℃/15 s)杀菌对樱桃汁中微生物、总酚、维生素C、花色苷、抗氧化能力以及感官品质的影响,并分析了4 ℃贮藏樱桃汁品质变化。结果表明:樱桃汁经过HPP和HTST杀菌后细菌总数小于100 CFU/mL、霉菌和酵母菌未检出,两者对樱桃汁均具有较好的杀菌效果;两种方式杀菌后樱桃汁中绿原酸和矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷含量显著降低(p<0.05),HPP樱桃汁中绿原酸与矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷保留率分别为95.4%±8.0%和77.7%±13.8%,显著高于HTST樱桃汁(p<0.05)。HPP对樱桃汁果胶、总酚、维生素C、天竺葵素-3,5二葡萄糖苷含量无影响,儿茶酚含量提高了4.6%;HTST降低了樱桃汁果胶、总酚、儿茶酚、维生素C、天竺葵素-3,5二葡萄糖苷的含量;两种果汁抗氧化能力无显著变化(p>0.05)。HPP樱桃汁在香气、滋味、颜色方面比HTST樱桃汁具有更好的感官品质。4 ℃冷藏期间,两种樱桃汁中细菌总数缓慢升高,但霉菌与酵母菌仍未检出;HPP樱桃汁中总酚、绿原酸、儿茶酚、维生素C、矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷含量以及抗氧化能力均高于HTST樱桃汁。因此,HPP樱桃汁保持了更好的品质。  相似文献   

以青梅、番茄为原料,添加有益健康的菊粉,进行复合乳酸菌发酵,采用4因素3水平正交试验,并通过综合平衡法修正,确定试验最佳工艺为:青梅汁和番茄汁配比2.5:1,果汁总含量40%,菊粉5%,蔗糖7%,CMC-Na 0.1%,乳酸菌接种量5%,保加利亚乳杆菌:嗜热链球菌:植物性乳杆菌=1:1:3,45 ℃发酵6 h,4 ℃冷藏20 h。产品呈明黄,色彩鲜艳,口感酸甜爽口,无明显分层沉淀,具有青梅及发酵制品特有的香味。  相似文献   

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