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气溶胶喷墨打印是近年来新出现的一种打印技术。通过将形成的墨水气溶胶喷射至基底表面而成膜,使得气溶胶喷墨打印对墨水的黏度要求低、打印分辨率好、适用墨水的范围广。文章对气溶胶喷墨打印技术的基本原理、在有机器件制备方面的应用以及将来的改进等方面进行了简介和评价。  相似文献   

印刷有机电子元器件的出现不仅将造就折叠式和柔性计算机屏幕和电视机,还将促成“智能型”纸张和塑料制品的问世。  相似文献   

于超  陈琛  吴丹  姜欣  段羽 《液晶与显示》2021,(1):158-175
喷墨打印作为一种非接触式、无需掩膜的数字印刷技术,被广泛应用于印刷电路板、光伏组件和显示器件等领域.近年来,金属卤化物钙钛矿作为一种新型的直接带隙离子型半导体材料,受到科研工作者们的广泛关注与研究.利用喷墨打印技术可以对钙钛矿墨滴的分配和沉积过程进行精确调控,为钙钛矿光电器件迈向产业化提供了一种可行的工艺路线.本文从喷...  相似文献   

柔性电极是柔性电子的基础组成部分,而低成本快速制备高性能柔性电极是柔性电子发展的基础问题之一。基于银基无颗粒银基油墨,利用低成本的家用喷墨打印机实现了柔性聚酰亚胺衬底上的导电电极的打印制备。经过热烧结处理后,得到了的柔性电极展示出优良导电性,良好的柔性弯曲特性和较强的附着力可作为柔性电路板实现良好的电连接,在此基础上实现了电容性柔性触摸按键。本文对制备低成本、易操作的柔性电路及柔性电子器件具有参考价值。  相似文献   

以酒石酸银为原料、1,2丙二胺为络合剂、无水乙醇为溶剂制备了无颗粒银基导电墨水,将该墨水棒涂于玻璃、PET、PI和相纸基板,在加热板上130℃固化5 min获得银膜,通过XRD、FTIR、TG-DSC、FE-SEM和四探针测电阻率方法对合成的酒石酸银粉体、导电墨水和银膜进行表征。结果表明:导电墨水的分解温度远低于银前驱体的分解温度;在不同基板上的银薄膜表现出不同的形貌和颗粒尺寸,其中相纸基板上的电阻率最低为6.7×10~(–6)?·cm。喷墨打印银线条于PI基板,130℃固化5 min后,银线条宽度约100μm,表面平整光滑且微观组织致密,在柔性印刷方向有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

柔性电子设备的快速发展对薄膜晶体管(TFT)提出了低功耗、耐弯折和可低温制备的要求.其中,栅极绝缘层是核心材料之一.溶液法制备有机栅极绝缘层具有低成本、柔韧性强的优点,适合大面积加工.本文采用喷墨打印法实现了聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)墨水的印刷成膜,采用XPS分析了不同退火温度处理的印刷PVP薄膜成分差异,并测试了PVP...  相似文献   

喷墨打印作为一种工序简单、低成本、无掩模、非接触、承印基板和墨水材料选择广的数字化制备工艺,广泛应用于多种领域.利用喷墨打印技术,以PEDOT∶PSS为空穴注入层,PF-SO为发光层,并蒸镀Ba和Al电极,实现像素化蓝光OLED器件的制备.通过精确调控打印喷头驱动参数调整墨滴喷射特性,并调控墨水张力、粘度等参数,获得平...  相似文献   

阎德劲 《电子工艺技术》2021,42(5):271-273,306
针对传统射频电路板加工周期长、工艺流程复杂等问题,创新性地采用压电喷墨3D打印技术打印射频天线多层电路板,开展了打印材料、打印参数及打印工艺对成型效果的研究.经测试,打印的样件在外形尺寸、打印线路精度,以及驻波损耗等电性能方面均能达到设计指标要求.论证了压电喷墨3D打印技术可有效用于射频多层电路的快速制造和快速验证,为...  相似文献   

本文介绍了银网格透明电极的基本结构,并给出了方块电阻和透光率的理论计算。然后总结了该电极的制作方法,比较了每种方法的优缺点。我们用喷墨打印制作了一组平行线条状银电极并讨论了润湿性与线宽的关系。然后又用凹印的方法制备了正方形网格状的透明银电极,结果表明银网格透明电极在不久的将来可能取代ITO成为新一代透明电极,并可以应用在OLED、触摸屏、有机太阳能电池等器件上。  相似文献   

有机薄膜晶体管在大面积柔性显示、柔性电子存储等方面具有广阔的潜在应用前景。喷墨印刷技术由于具有工艺简单、成本低廉、微图形数字化、与柔性衬底兼容等优点而成为一种有效的制造有机电子器件工艺方法。文章综述了近年来基于喷墨印刷技术制备有机薄膜晶体管的研究进展,探讨了在制造过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

文章介绍了高精度数码喷墨打印技术的设备,材料和打印工艺及其在印刷电子上的应用。重点介绍了纳米银墨水的结构、性能、烧结条件和电性能以及打印性能及其在制备导电线路上的应用,探讨了喷头孔径及基材的表面性能对打印线路的影响。最后,介绍了挠性PCB的打印。  相似文献   

文章讲述了印制电路板中炭黑类埋置电阻喷墨打印油墨。制作的油墨黏度经黏度计测得0.087 Pa·s。TGA(热重分析)的分析结果显示油墨的固化条件为180℃、4 h。研究了固化后的埋置电阻油墨性能,包括电阻性能,玻璃化温度Tg,电阻温度系数TCR和热膨胀系数CTE等。该性能参数说明了固化后的埋置电阻油墨能够很好地与市面上大部分的印制电路板的兼容。最后,使用扫描电镜SEM观察到了炭黑颗粒在粘接剂树脂中的分布情况。  相似文献   

For the solution processing of organic photovoltaics on an industrial scale, the exclusion of halogenated solvents is a necessity. However, the limited solubility of most semiconducting polymer/fullerene blends in non-halogenated solvents results in ink formulations with low viscosities which poses limitations to the use of roll-to-roll compatible deposition processes, such as inkjet printing. We propose to add polystyrene as a rheological modifier to increase the viscosity of bulk heterojunction (BHJ) non-halogenated inks. The printing and performance of P3HT/PCBM photoactive layer inks are characterized as a function of polystyrene concentration and three different molecular weights. Addition of 1 wt% polystyrene provided a near two-fold gain in viscosity, with the largest viscosity gains coming from the polymer with the highest molecular weight. However, this coincided with greater viscoelastic behavior, which reduced the jetting performance of the inks. Differences in solvent compatibility of the polystyrene/P3HT/PCBM ternary blend resulted in phase separation upon layer drying, whereby polystyrene segregated to the layer-air interface to form an isolated domain or network like topology. Nevertheless, a 1.7-fold increase in dynamic viscosity was obtained for devices with printed BHJ layers containing polystyrene at the expense of a 20% reduction in OPV performance. The improved viscosity and good printing behavior achieved with small additions of polystyrene demonstrates its potential to overcome the limited viscosity resulting from typical non-halogenated ink formulations for semiconducting polymers. These results offer a step forward to the industrialization of inkjet printing as an effective deposition technique for functional layers of organic electronics.  相似文献   

概述了Ag纳米油墨,Cu纳米油墨和合金纳米油墨等印制电子用油墨的开发现状和课题以及利用ITO纳米油墨的透明导电膜形成。  相似文献   

总结了开发一种简便快捷的可印制在挠性基板上于低温条件实现烧结形成高导电性线路的自还原型银导电墨水的制备方法。该导电墨水通过混合二乙醇胺溶液和银氨溶液制备得到。印制在塑料基材上后,在75℃下固化形成导电线路。这是因为在碱性环境与高于50℃的温度下,二乙醇胺可分解生成甲醛并自发地与银氨溶液发生反应。随后还原出银原子并让其吸附在基材上形成银薄膜。用该方法印制得到的银线其导电率可达到金属银导电率的20%,通过继续改进可应用于各种印制电子技术中。  相似文献   

Printing processes are employed to create three-dimensional transparent structures which serve as multimode optical waveguides in intelligent systems. The additive manufacturing techniques deliver integrated elements for optical signal transmission in optical communications and novel optronic sensor systems. These networks of sources, sensors and detectors consist of polymers and rely entirely on the conversion of light for space resolved measurements. Measured quantities are temperature, strain and chemical concentration in application scenarios such as structural health monitoring and the life sciences.Results show the suitability of flexographic and inkjet printing to generate parabolic shaped waveguides with a minimum lateral dimension of 50 μm and maximum height of 110 μm. We describe the geometrical properties of printed waveguides as basis for further integration of functional elements.End facets of waveguides serve as interfaces to adjacent functional elements. We compare the capabilities of several processes for end facet preparation of printed polymer waveguides. Stress-induced cleaving is presented as a highly effective procedure with a root mean square surface roughness smaller than 60 nm.  相似文献   

All-inkjet-printed thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been demonstrated in literature using mainly laboratory inkjet equipment, simple one-channel layout and only a low number of manufactured TFT devices. We report on the development and the up-scaling of the manufacturing of all-inkjet-printed TFT arrays using industrial inkjet equipment. The manufacturing of the TFTs was carried out in ambient condition without the need for cleanroom environments or inert atmospheres and at a maximum temperature of 150 °C enabling the use of flexible polymer films as substrate. Arrays of 924 TFTs were manufactured on an area of about DIN A4 (297 × 420 mm2). This allows the consideration of statistics, e.g. to determine the process yield as a function of device design and layout. We present process yields for all-inkjet-printed TTFs up to 82% demonstrating the potential of the developed all-inkjet-printing process.  相似文献   

《Organic Electronics》2014,15(7):1586-1591
Polymorphs of vanadyl-phthalocyanine (VOPc) films were realized on the polymer-modified substrates. Balanced ambipolar transport was observed in the Phase II of VOPc film on the PMMA modified substrate, while only electron transport was obtained on PVA layer. The different transport behavior is believed to be original from their crystalline structures, which may lead to their different energy-band structures.  相似文献   

双栅(DualGate)MOS场效应管所具有的完全对称的独特结构带来一系列电学特性变化引起了人们广泛的研究兴趣。本文利用格林函数法,采用合理的边界条件,得出DGMOS体硅的二维电势解析表达式,并由此导出适用于亚微米沟道DGMOS管阈值电压的解析表达式。阈值电压模型与有关实验数据符合甚好。对于进一步深入探讨DGMOS管的体反型(VolumeInversion)效应及其引起的电学特性变化,本模型提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   

The work presented demonstrates the utilization of micro-contact printing of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of gold nanoparticles (NPs) to pattern the porous thin metallic film composing the top electrode of an ultra-fast capacitive relative humidity sensor based on miniaturized parallel-plates electrodes. The rest of the device, which occupies an area of only 0.0314 mm2, is fabricated by inkjet printing stacked individual drops of functional materials, namely gold NPs for the bottom electrode and a polymeric humidity sensing layer, on a polymeric foil. Compared to other printing methods, the use of microcontact printing to pattern the top electrode enables the additive transfer of a solvent-free metallic layer that does not interact chemically with the sensing layer, permitting the thinning of the latter without risk of short-circuits between electrodes, and broadening the range of usable sensing materials for detection of other gases. Thinning the sensing layer yields to ultra-fast response devices with high values of capacitance and sensitivity per surface area. The fabrication process is compatible with low heat-resistant polymeric substrates and scalable to large-area and large-scale fabrication, foreseeing the development of low-cost vapor sensing sheets with high space–time resolution, where every sensor would correspond to a pixel of a large array.  相似文献   

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