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通过对几种汽车用钢板的实验研究总结了锥杯值与薄板的顶压值、rm值、n值、屈服点和抗拉强度的对应关系,阐述了锥杯试验方法在汽车深中钢板成形性评价方面的意义,以及对于实际生产的指导作用.  相似文献   

通过不同的加工工艺制备具有不同晶粒尺寸和织构的AZ31镁合金板材,通过室温埃里克森试验研究了工艺因素对提高镁合金板材室温成形性能的影响。结果表明:增大晶粒尺寸,减弱基面织构,可以改善镁合金轧板在变形过程中产生的在轧制方向的硬取向,增大镁合金轧板的延伸率,从而提高镁合金室温成形性能;用异步轧制工艺(轧制和退火温度为400℃、异速比为1.5)制备的试样晶粒尺寸增大到20μm、(0002)极图最大极密度仅为2,室温杯突实验测得IE值达到了5.71,显著提高了材料室温成形性能。  相似文献   

研究了铸态、挤压态及热处理态AZ31B镁合金的力学性能和耐蚀性能,选出性能最优的AZ31B镁合金,植入动物下颌骨处进一步研究其在体内的降解行为及其降解产物对动物体的影响。研究结果表明,AZ31B镁合金经过挤压和固溶时效处理可以提高其力学性能和耐腐蚀性能.将处理后的AZ31B镁合金植入兔下颌骨后发现,材料降解未对动物体造成不良影响,并且降解过程不会影响下颌骨骨折固定的稳定性。因此,可降解AZ31B镁合金有望用于制作下颌骨骨折后的内固定系统。  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金非等温拉深性能的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
针对AZ31镁合金等温拉深性能差的问题,提出了AZ31镁合金的非等温拉深工艺.通过平底杯形冲头拉深试验研究了不同冲头温度和板料温度对AZ31镁合金非等温拉深性能的影响,确定了使AZ31镁合金具有最佳拉深性能的板料和冲头温度范围.实验结果表明,除了板料和冲头温度之外,拉深速度和润滑条件对AZ31镁合金的非等温拉深性能也有重要影响.  相似文献   

AZ31B镁合金板材冲压性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地研究了AZ31B镁合金板材的冲压性能.通过室温和中高温拉伸实验研究了AZ31B镁合金板材的基本冲压性能,如σb、σs、σs/σb、σ、n、γ和△γ等性能指标;通过模拟成形实验研究了杯突值、弯曲性能、拉深性能、扩孔性能以及成形极限图FLD等,为制定冲压成形工艺提供参考依据.研究表明,AZ31B镁合金板材的冲压性能室温下较低而中高温则较好.  相似文献   

研究了工业态热轧AZ31B镁合金板材的基本成形性能,其室温塑性较差且存在各向异性,而在应变温度为400-490℃,应变速率为1×10-4~1×10-3s-1的实验条件下均表现出良好的超塑性.其最大断裂延伸率达到216%,应变速率敏感指数达0.36.因此,对不具有典型等轴细晶的工业态热轧AZ31B镁合金板材,无需经过复杂的预先热处理,同样可以得到良好的超塑性,更具有经济实用价值.  相似文献   

叙述了AZ31镁合金在组织、性能等方面的特点,介绍了主要合金元素对AZ(Mg-Al-Zn)系镁合金组织和性能的影响;综述了该合金的研究现状,提出了该合金发展和应用前景.  相似文献   

热处理对AZ31B镁合金轧板组织和性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了AZ31B镁合金轧板经不同温度、时间退火后的组织和性能及其再结晶行为。结果表明,热轧板材在退火过程中主要发生再结晶;退火后,强度略有下降,但伸长率明显提高;在523K下退火,保温60min,可获得平均晶粒直径为10μm的细晶组织,其抗拉强度为258MPa,断裂伸长率为22.3%,综合性能较好。热轧态板材呈脆性准解理断裂,退火后转变为韧性断裂。  相似文献   

选择AZ3l变形镁合金,设计了实心棒材、矩形和圆形截面薄壁空心型材试样,对坯料加热、模具预热、润滑剂、挤压比、挤压速度及挤压力等工艺问题与工艺参数,进行了系统的试验研究.总结了成形规律和确定工艺参数的方法,对生产应用将起到重要的参考作用.  相似文献   

对航空用高温TA12钛合金板材在室温和高温条件下进行杯突和扩孔试验.结果表明:室温条件下,TA12钛合金板材的杯突值IE为3.0 mm左右,扩孔率仅为3%左右;在880℃条件下,杯突值IE增加到4.4 mm,扩孔率提高到13%左右.说明TA12钛合金板材的室温胀形能力和翻边成形性能较差,在高温条件下能够有一定的改善.  相似文献   

Isothermal Gas Forming of Mg Alloy AZ31 Sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been reports on sheet forming of Mg alloy in industry via the punch and die method;this paper is probably the first formal one for studying the sheet formability of AZ31 employing pressurized gas to press the sheet into a female die cavity at various elevated temperatures.The results indicate it is feasible to form a rectangular box via pressurized gas from extruded sheets of 0.5 and 1.7 mm thick.The formed box has 1:2 depth over width ratio,which should be large enough when dealing with realistic industrial sheet forming parts.Presently,forming a sheet of 0.5 mm thick is considered a technical challenge by industry,and it is conquered as demonstrated in this paper.Gas forming technique applied to Mg alloy is unprecedented and shows potential for industrial utilization.  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金双向挤压有限元模拟与实验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用有限元软件Deform-3D模拟和实验相结合的方法对AZ31镁合金双向挤压过程进行分析.研究发现,有限元模拟能真实反映镁合金挤压变形过程中的变形行为、应力应变分布状态以及不同工艺参数对挤压力的影响,并对挤压变形过程中的墩粗阶段、转角剪切阶段和挤压比变形区域的显微组织进行了分析与讨论.  相似文献   

In this paper, repeated unidirectional bending (RUB), was applied to improve the texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets so as to enhance their stamping properties. The samples undergoing RUB were annealed at different temperatures. The mechanical properties, formability, textural components and microstructure of the samples before and after RUB were characterized and compared. It was found that the basal textural component was reduced dramatically by RUB, and that (12ˉ12) and (12ˉ11) textural components ap...  相似文献   

在相同的工艺参数下制备了AZ31和Mg 10Gd 2Y-0.4Zr稀土镁合金微弧氧化膜层.利用SEM、XRD和EDS对两种陶瓷膜层的组成、微观形貌和元素组成进行了表征;通过电化学测试和盐雾试验评价了两种陶瓷膜层的耐蚀性能;利用显微硬度仪研究了两种陶瓷膜的显微硬度.结果表明:两种陶瓷层的厚度、表面形貌和致密性相似;陶瓷膜由MgO和Mg2SiO4组成,其中MgO为主晶相;与AZ31镁合金陶瓷膜相比,稀土镁合金陶瓷膜中的MgO含量增多,Mg2SiO4含量减少;两种镁合金表面陶瓷化后的耐蚀性和硬度大大提高,AZ31镁合金陶瓷膜耐蚀性优于稀土镁合金陶瓷膜,稀土镁合金陶瓷膜的硬度高于AZ31镁合金陶瓷膜.  相似文献   

For the purpose of improving the strength of this dissimilar joint,the present study was carried out to investigate the improvement in intermetallic layer by using a third material foil between the faying edges of the friction stir welded and hybrid welded Al6061-T6/AZ31 alloy plates.The difference in microstructural and mechanical characteristics of friction stir welded and hybrid welded Al6061-T6/AZ31 joint was compared.Hybrid buttwelding of aluminum alloy plate to a magnesium alloy plate was successfully achieved with Ni foil as filler material,while defect-free laser-friction stir welding(FSW) hybrid welding was achieved by using a laser power of 2 kW.Transverse tensile strength of the joint reached about 66% of the Mg base metal tensile strength in the case of hybrid welding with Ni foil and showed higher value than that of the friction stir welded joint with and without the third material foil.This may be due to the presence of less brittle Ni-based intermetallic phases instead of Al12Mg17.  相似文献   

Channel die compression and initial textures are used to activate different deformation mechanisms in a fine-grained magnesium alloy AZ31. The σ-εcurves, microstructures and, particularly, textures are analyzed to reveal different deformation mechanisms and to compare with those of coarse grained samples. Dominant double-prismatic slip, {1012} twinning and basal slip are detected in three types of samples, respectively, which is similar to those of coarse grained samples. The detrimental effect of shear band formation or {1011} twinning is limited in fine grained microstructure. In addition to the higher flow stress at low temperature an early decrease in flow stress at higher temperature is also found in fine-grained samples in comparison with their coarse-grained counterparts. This softening is ascribed to the early dynamic recrystallization or grain boundary glide.  相似文献   

目的 研究有针、无针搅拌摩擦加工对AZ31镁合金薄板的微观组织和力学性能的影响。方法 通过搅拌摩擦加工技术(FSP)以不同的转速对AZ31镁合金薄板进行加工,采用拉伸试验机、金相显微镜、UMT摩擦磨损试验机、维氏硬度机对无针搅拌加工后的AZ31镁合金加工表面的晶粒形貌、拉伸性能、磨损性能和硬度进行研究分析,并与同转速有针搅拌进行比较。结果 无针条件下与同转速下的有针搅拌相比,焊缝表面更加细密、美观,无针加工下焊缝的抗拉强度最大为242MPa,测得的维氏硬度最大为97.6HV,且焊缝的平均摩擦因数最小,为0.31。结论 无针时FSP镁合金焊缝的抗拉强度随刀具转速的提高而增大;焊缝的硬度与镁合金母材相比有明显的提高,且随刀具转速的提高,维氏硬度值逐渐降低;无针条件下获得的AZ31镁合金焊缝的平均摩擦因数随刀具转速的增加而增大,与同转速时有针条件下获得的焊缝的平均摩擦因数相比,无针时获得的焊缝平均摩擦因数明显更高;无针时获得的焊缝表面的晶粒尺寸随转速的增加而增大。  相似文献   

为了进一步提高镁合金转化膜防腐性能的影响,将铈基转化复合于在AZ31B镁合金植酸转化膜表面,制备了一种铈基一植酸复合转化膜,应用析氢实验、Tafel分析方法及SEM、EDS对AZ31B镁合金不同转化膜的防腐性能及表面微观结构及成份进行了研究。结果表明复合转化膜表面主要由C、O、P、Ce、Mg及Al元素所组成,复合转化膜相比于植酸转化膜及铈基转化膜具有更好的致密性,从而复合转化膜相比于植酸转化膜及铈基转化膜具有更好的防腐性能。  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金基材非平衡磁控溅射镀膜工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中频孪生靶非平衡磁控溅射技术在AZ31镁合金基底上制备出氮化硅薄膜。利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、电子探针、X射线衍射仪等研究了氮气流量比率对氮化硅薄膜的成分、微观结构的影响。通过对薄膜力学性能和抗腐蚀性能的检测分析了氮化硅薄膜对AZ31镁合金基底表面改性的作用。结果表明:中频孪生非平衡磁控溅射技术制备的薄膜为非晶态富N氮化硅。随着氮气流量比率的增加,薄膜的沉积速率降低,Si含量减少。在AZ31镁合金基底上制备氮化硅薄膜有效提高了基底的力学性能和抗腐蚀性能,显微硬度得到显著提高,腐蚀电流密度降低了3个数量级,并且薄膜与基底之间的结合力良好。  相似文献   

High-speed rolling (HSR) is known to improve the workability of Mg alloys significantly, which makes it possible to impose a large reduction in a single pass without fracture. In the present study, dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behavior and microstructural and textural variations of Mg alloy AZ31 during a HSR process were investigated by conducting rolling with different imposed reductions in the range of 20%–80% at a high rolling speed of 470 m/min and 400 °C. High-strain-rate deformation during HSR suppresses dislocation slips but promotes twinning, which results in the formation of numerous twins of several types, i.e., {10–12} extension twins, {10–11} and {10–13} contraction twins, and {10–11}–{10–12} double twins. After twinning, high strain energy is accumulated in twin bands because their crystallographic orientations are favorable for basal slips, leading to subsequent DRX at the twin bands. Accordingly, twinning activation and twinning-induced DRX behavior play crucial roles in accommodating plastic deformation during HSR and in varying microstructure and texture of the high-speed-rolled (HSRed) sheets. Area fraction of fine DRXed grains formed at the twin bands increases with increasing rolling reduction, which is attributed to the combined effects of increased strain, strain rate, and deformation temperature and a decreased critical strain for DRX. Size, internal strain, and texture intensity of the DRXed grains are smaller than those of unDRXed grains. Therefore, as rolling reduction increases, average grain size, stored internal energy, microstructural inhomogeneity, and basal texture intensity of the HSRed sheets gradually decrease owing to an increase in the area fraction of the DRXed grains.  相似文献   

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