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Pool boiling heat transfer from nano-porous surface immersed in a saturated FC-72 dielectric fluid has been experimentally studied at atmospheric pressure (101 kPa). The data obtained from nano-porous surface (Anodisc 25) of thickness about 70 μm made from aluminum oxide (Al2O3) obtained from Whatman, were compared to that of a plain surface (aluminum) of thickness about 105 μm. From the experimental data obtained it was evident that there is a reduction of about 30% in the incipient superheat for the applied power for nano-porous surface over plain surface. SEM photographs of the nano-porous coating were taken for determining the size of the pores.  相似文献   

The flow patterns and pool boiling heat transfer performance of copper rectangular fin array surfaces immersed in saturated FC-72 were experimentally investigated. The effects of the geometry parameters (fin spacing and fin length) on boiling performance were also examined. The test surfaces were manufactured on a copper block with a base area of 10 mm × 10 mm with three fin spacing (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 2.0 mm) and four fin lengths (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 4.0 mm). All experiments were performed in the saturated state at 1 atmospheric condition. A plain surface was used as the reference standard and compared with the finned surfaces. The photographic images showed different boiling flow patterns among the test surfaces at various heat fluxes. The test results indicated that closer and higher fins yielded a greater flow resistance that against the bubble/vapor lift-off in the adjacent fins. Moreover, as the heat flux approached to critical heat flux (CHF), numerous vapor mushrooms periodically appeared and extruded from the perimeter of the fin array, causing dry-out in the center of the fin array. Closer and higher fins provide more heat transfer. The results also showed that overall heat transfer coefficient decayed rapidly as the fin spacing decreased or the fin length increased. The maximum value of CHF on the base area was 9.8 × 105 W m−2 for the test surface with a 0.5 mm fin spacing and a 4.0 mm fin length, which has a value five times greater than that of the plain surface.  相似文献   

Synthetic jet is a novel flow technique which synthesizes stagnant air to form a jet, and is potentially useful for cooling applications. The impingement heat transfer characteristics of a synthetic jet are studied in this work. Toward that end, the behavior of the average heat transfer coefficient of the impinged heated surface with variation in the axial distance between the jet and the heated surface is measured. In addition, radial distribution of mean and rms velocity and static pressure are also measured. The experiments are conducted for a wide range of input parameters: the Reynolds number (Re) is in the range of 1500–4200, the ratio of the axial distance between the heated surface and the jet to the jet orifice diameter is in the range of 0–25, and the length of the orifice plate to the orifice diameter varies between 8 and 22 in this study. The maximum heat transfer coefficient with the synthetic jet is found to be upto 11 times more than the heat transfer coefficient for natural convection. The behavior of average Nusselt number is found to be similar to that obtained for a continuous jet. The exponent of maximum Nusselt number with Re varies between 0.6 and 1.4 in the present experiments, depending on the size of the enclosure. A direct comparison with a continuous jet is also made and their performances are found to be comparable under similar set of conditions. Such detailed heat transfer results with a synthetic jet have not been reported earlier and are expected to be useful for cooling of electronics and other devices.  相似文献   

An analytical approach for heat transfer modelling of jet impingement boiling is presented. High heat fluxes with values larger than 10 MW/m2 can be observed in the stagnation region of an impinging jet on a red hot steel plate with wall temperatures normally being associated with film boiling. However, sufficiently high degrees of subcooling and jet velocity prevent the formation of a vapor film, even if the wall superheat is large. Heat transfer is governed by turbulent diffusion caused by the rapid growth and condensation of vapor bubbles. Due to the high population of bubbles at high heat fluxes it has to be assumed that a laminar sublayer cannot exist in the immediate vicinity of a red hot heating surface. A mechanistic model is proposed which is based on the assumption that due to bubble growth and collapse the maximum turbulence intensity is located at the wall/liquid interface and that eddy diffusivity decreases with increasing wall distance.  相似文献   

For the purpose of cooling electronic components with high heat flux efficiently, some experiments were conducted to study the flow boiling heat transfer performance of FC-72 on silicon chips. Micro-pin-fins were fabricated on the chip surface using a dry etching technique to enhance boiling heat transfer. Three different fluid velocities (0.5, 1 and 2 m/s) and three different liquid subcoolings (15, 25 and 35 K) were performed, respectively. A smooth chip (chip S) and four micro-pin-finned chips with the same fin thickness of 30 μm and different fin heights of 60 μm (chip PF30–60) and 120 μm (chip PF30–120), respectively, were tested. All the micro-pin-finned surfaces show a considerable heat transfer enhancement compared to the smooth one, and the critical heat flux increases in the order of chip S, PF30–60 and PF30–120. For a lower ratio of fin height to fin pitch and/or higher fluid velocity, the fluid velocity has a positive effect on the nucleate boiling curves for the micro-pin-finned surfaces. At the velocities lower than 1 m/s, the micro-pin-finned surfaces show a sharp increase in heat flux with increasing wall superheat, and the wall temperature at the critical heat flux (CHF) is less than the upper limit, 85 °C, for the reliable operation of LSI chips. The CHF values for all surfaces increase with fluid velocity and subcooling. The maximum CHF can reach nearly 150 W/cm2 for chip PF30–120 at the fluid velocity of 2 m/s and the liquid subcooling of 35 K.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the important studies in the area of impingement heat transfer with or without phase change, with emphasis on the research conducted at Beijing Polytechnic University mainly with circular jets. Heat transfer characteristics of single phase jets are discussed in detail. Comment is presented on boiling heat transfer of impinging jets for steady and transient states. Some special colling configurations of two-phase jets are also introduced.  相似文献   

With electronic packages becoming more dense and powerful, traditional methods of thermal energy removal are reaching their limits. One method of direct contact cooling capable of removing high heat fluxes while still being compact in size is spray impingement cooling, but its heat transfer behavior is not understood well enough to enable systematic, practical system design. This work presents the results of a large parametric study of spray cooling using a number of different nozzle patterns. It was found that nozzles that use the fluid most efficiently to remove thermal energy were limited by low peak heat fluxes and that the highest peak heat fluxes were obtained when phase change was avoided. Multiple nozzle arrays allowed for higher peak heat fluxes but used fluid inefficiently due to interactions between neighboring sprays. In general, the geometric pattern of the nozzle arrays had little effect on overall heat transfer performance.  相似文献   

The present paper is an attempt to summarize the results obtained on the modelling of the shoulder of flux phenomenon in the case of impinging jets on very hot plates. First, the phenomenon of shoulder of flux is described through literature results. Then, a physical approach of this phenomenon is given. The modelling of the shoulder of flux is based on the assumption of the existence of periodic bubble oscillations at the wall surface due to the jet hydrodynamic fragmentation. The modelling is carried out for the shoulder of flux region as well as for the first minimum and for the minimum film boiling points. These two points mark the beginning and the end of the shoulder of flux region.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted here to investigate subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of FC-72 on a heated micro-pin-finned silicon chip flush-mounted on the bottom of a horizontal rectangular channel. In the experiments the mass flux is varied from 287 to 431 kg/m2 s, coolant inlet subcooling from 2.3 to 4.3 °C, and imposed heat flux from 1 to 10 W/cm2. Besides, the silicon chips contain three different geometries of micro-structures, namely, the smooth, pin-finned 200 and pin-finned 100 surfaces. The pin-finned 200 and 100 surfaces, respectively, contain micro-pin-fins of size 200 μm × 200 μm × 70 μm (width × length × height) and 100 μm × 100 μm × 70 μm. The measured data show that the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficient is reduced at increasing inlet liquid subcooling but is little affected by the coolant mass flux. Besides, adding the micro-pin-fin structures to the chip surface can effectively raise the single-phase convection and flow boiling heat transfer coefficients. Moreover, the mean bubble departure diameter and active nucleation site density are reduced for rises in the FC-72 mass flux and inlet liquid subcooling. Increasing coolant mass flux or reducing inlet liquid subcooling results in a higher mean bubble departure frequency. Furthermore, larger bubble departure diameter, higher bubble departure frequency, and higher active nucleation site density are observed as the imposed heat flux is increased. Finally, empirical correlations for the present data for the heat transfer and bubble characteristics in the FC-72 subcooled flow boiling are proposed.  相似文献   

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