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In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical heat transfer analysis has been performed in order to obtain the temperature distribution and the fin efficiency using the experimentally determined local heat transfer coefficients from the naphthalene sublimation technique and heat and mass transfer analogy. The influences of the fin material, fin thickness, and transversal tube pitch on the fin efficiency are studied for flat tube bank fin heat exchangers. The fin efficiency, obtained by a numerical method using the averaged heat transfer coefficient, is compared with that using the local heat transfer coefficient. The reliability of the generally used formula for fin efficiency is tested also, and then a modified fin efficiency formula with a new equivalent fin height is provided. The results show that the difference between the fin efficiency obtained by the numerical method using the local heat transfer coefficient and the fin efficiency using the averaged heat transfer coefficient is small, but the fin efficiency obtained by the generally used formula is lower than that obtained by the numerical method using the local heat transfer coefficient; the fin efficiency obtained by the modified formula matches very well with the fin efficiency obtained by the numerical method using the local heat transfer coefficient. The modified formula for the fin efficiency calculation is more reliable, and it can be applied directly to the design of a flat tube bank fin heat exchanger and also will be useful in engineering applications.  相似文献   

利用低气压环境模拟装置对开缝翅片管换热器在不同气压下的换热性能进行实验研究.研究结果表明:随着气压不断降低,换热器周围空气密度逐渐降低,换热器空气侧换热系数以及显热换热量逐渐降低,而空气含湿量随着气压降低逐渐升高,导致潜热换热量逐渐增加;当气压降至0.058 MPa以下时,换热器空气侧潜热换热量占主要部分,当气压为0.04 MPa时,换热器换热能力与常压下相比下降了36.63%.  相似文献   

纪律  李斌 《节能》2010,29(11):29-32
同时对普通翅片管和带有两个短肋的翅片管在均匀流场中、不同雷诺数下进行了流场和传热的数值模拟,分析了带有短肋的翅片管强化传热的机理。结果表明,由于翅片上带有的短肋和短肋后面的开孔,减少了翅片管管后流动的死滞区,提高了局部地区流体的流速,增加了扰动,从而起到了强化传热的作用。取入口雷诺数为20000时,加装短肋后可使总传热量增加5.1%,平均表面传热系数增加23.56%。随着雷诺数的增加,总换热量增加,强化传热效果也增强。  相似文献   

A steady-state three-dimensional numerical model was used to study the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of an offset strip fin heat exchanger. Water was the heat transfer medium, and the Reynolds number Redh ranged from 10 to 3500. Variations in the Fanning friction factor f and the Colburn heat transfer factor j relative to Redh were observed. General correlations for the f and j factors were derived, and these could be used to analyze fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of offset strip fins in the laminar, transition, and turbulent regions. Finally, three performance criteria (j/f, j/f1/3, and JF) were adopted, and the best performance criteria for the cases Pr = 7 and Pr = 50 were chosen to be JF and j/f1/3, respectively.  相似文献   

开缝翅片管换热器是在平直翅片管换热器基础上发展而来的强化传热管型,在空调、电站间接空冷系统等的传热设备中具有广阔的应用前景。为获得运行工况变化对双向开缝翅片管换热器传热与阻力特性的影响,进行了模化试验研究,获得了在进口水温相同的条件下,随着试件进口风温的升高,传热系数和空气侧流动阻力均减小的规律;在进口风温相同的情况下,随着进口水温的升高,对传热系数的影响不大,可以忽略不计,而空气侧流动阻力随之增大。  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods of improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper described the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having a wing fin (fin pitch: 4 mm, fin length: 65 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between outer fin surface and gas. The effects of condensate behavior in the fins on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, the equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary in the design of the heat exchanger were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 215–229, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20154  相似文献   

文章针对日光温室环境下土壤空气换热器的换热特性进行了研究。首先通过监测土壤空气换热器沿程空气温度的全天变化,分析了试验工况下土壤空气换热器的动态换热过程及系统性能变化规律。研究结果表明,在试验工况下,土壤空气换热器系统的性能系数(COP)可高达24.1。在此基础上,通过建立土壤空气换热器的非稳态换热模型,模拟研究不同的入口风速对土壤空气换热器换热性能的影响。研究结果表明,当换热管入口空气温度相同时,随着入口风速的增加,土壤空气换热器进出口空气温度差逐渐减小,出口处空气温度与土壤温度差值逐渐增大,这意味着土壤空气换热器有效换热长度逐渐变长。在此过程中,土壤空气换热器系统的换热量和COP随着入口空气风速的增加呈现出先增后减的规律。通过模拟结果可知,当入口风速达到5.5 m/s时,土壤空气换热器系统的换热量与COP均达到最大值。  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(11-12):2131-2137
When an extended surface is needed on only one fluid side (such as in a gas-to-liquid exchanger) or when the operating pressure needs to be contained on one fluid side, a tube-fin exchanger may be selected, with the tubes being round, flat, or elliptical in shape. The paper is concerned with the performance evaluation of flat tube fin heat exchangers (TFHE), having different fin configurations and flat tubes. The thermal performance of each configuration is based on the ε-NTU method. The extensive experimental research data of Kays and London available in the form of graphs are translated into algebraic relations for developing computational models. From the present work, a generalized heat transfer correlations is proposed based on geometrical parameters for the effectiveness of the heat exchanger. The generalization is with respect to the different fin surface geometry and not with the different combination of hot and cold fluids. The correlation is limited in its applicability to gas to water heat exchangers only. Further, guidelines are proposed for an easy way of designing a TFHE using correlations based on geometrical parameters and the same is compared with traditional ε-NTU method.  相似文献   

The tube bank fin is commonly used to increase the area of the heat transfer surface with a small heat transfer coefficient of a heat exchanger. If vortex generators (VGs) are punched on the fin surface, the heat transfer performance of the fin can be improved. This paper focused on the effect of transversal tube pitch on the local heat transfer performance of the three-row flat tube bank fin mounted with VGs. On the fin surface, constructing the flow channel but without mounted VGs, the transversal tube pitch was greater, and the span averaged Nusselt number downstream was larger because fewer interactions of vortices would be generated from different VGs located upstream. When the area goodness factor was used as the criteria on the condition of one tube unit of heat exchanger for commonly used fin materials and fin thickness, the transversal tube pitch has considerable effect on the heat transfer enhancement of VGs. Large transversal tube pitch is more sensitive to fin material than to fin thickness.  相似文献   

The tube bank fin is commonly used to increase the area of the heat transfer surface with a small heat transfer coefficient of a heat exchanger. If vortex generators (VGs) are punched on the fin surface, the heat transfer performance of the fin can be improved. This paper focused on the effect of transversal tube pitch on the local heat transfer performance of the three-row flat tube bank fin mounted with VGs. On the fin surface, constructing the flow channel but without mounted VGs, the transversal tube pitch was greater, and the span averaged Nusselt number downstream was larger because fewer interactions of vortices would be generated from different VGs located upstream. When the area goodness factor was used as the criteria on the condition of one tube unit of heat exchanger for commonly used fin materials and fin thickness, the transversal tube pitch has considerable effect on the heat transfer enhancement of VGs. Large transversal tube pitch is more sensitive to fin material than to fin thickness.  相似文献   

An experimental study has been performed to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of a plate fin and tube heat exchanger. Existing transient and steady methods are inappropriate for the measurement of heat transfer coefficients of the thin heat transfer model. In this study, the lumped capacitance method based on liquid crystal thermography was adopted. The method is validated through impinging jet and plate flow experiments. The two experiments showed very good agreements with those of the well-known transient method with the thick acryl model. And the lumped capacitance method showed similar results regardless of the thickness of the polycarbonate model if the Bi of the fin is small enough. The method was also applied for the heat transfer coefficient measurements of a fin and tube heat exchanger. Quantitative heat transfer coefficients of the plate fin were successfully obtained.  相似文献   

风冷翅片管换热器传热特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以铜铝复合翅片管为研究对象,结合翅片管换热器传热性能分析,给出其传热过程的物理模型.通过流固界面传热耦合,利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件进行模拟,对翅片管在不同风速、风温下的翅片管换热过程中温度场的分布进行数值模拟,得到翅片管的肋片效率,翅片管传热系数等一系列数值.并建立了试验台对其进行验证,结果表明翅片管能满足溴冷机在风冷条件下作为吸收器的散热要求.  相似文献   

设计了一种矩形微槽群换热器,分别对单个槽和整个换热器传热过程进行了数值模拟。对不同流量以及不同热流下的流场和温度场进行模拟,并与理论分析结果比较,两者相吻合。分析结果表明,微换热器的热阻随着流量的增大而变小,温度变低。当流量为200 mg/s时,微换热器最高温升为47 K,表明当达到一定流量的时候,微换热器温升能控制在有效地范围内,能很好地保证微器件的工作状态。  相似文献   

高胜利  马宁  张胜刚  李俊 《节能》2009,28(4):21-23
采用实验研究的方法,分别对针翅管、平直翅片管和光管在同一风洞实验台上进行实验。采用管内电加热法模拟第二类边界条件,管内流体加热,管外空气横掠模拟第三类边界条件,实验的管外雷诺数范围为Re=5000—35000。实验结果表明:光管在第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.048倍,翅片管在第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.073倍,针翅管第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.1倍,且这个比例关系与Re的变化无关。  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupies 60% of the power generation demand, considerable improvement of thermal efficiency is required. This paper describes the heat transfer characteristics of finned tube banks used for the heat exchanger in thermal power generation that were clarified by testing serrated finned tube banks with different fin heights for improved higher heat transfer and conventional spiral finned tube banks with different fin height. Then an equation to predict the heat transfer coefficient which is necessary for the design of the heat exchanger was proposed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 194–208, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20111  相似文献   

Delta winglets are known to induce the formation of streamwise vortices and increase heat transfer between a working fluid and the surface on which the winglets are placed. This study investigates the use of delta winglets to augment heat transfer on the tube surface of louvered fin heat exchangers. It is shown that delta winglets placed on louvered fins produce augmentations in heat transfer along the tube wall as high as 47% with a corresponding increase of 19% in pressure losses. Manufacturing constraints are considered in this study whereby piercings in the louvered fins resulting from stamping the winglets into the louvered fins are simulated. Comparisons of measured heat transfer coefficients with and without piercings indicate that piercings reduce average heat transfer augmentations, but significant increases still occur with respect to no winglets present.  相似文献   

The solar energy flux distribution on the outer wall of the inner absorber tube of a parabolic solar collector receiver is calculated successfully by adopting the Monte Carlo Ray-Trace Method (MCRT Method). It is revealed that the non-uniformity of the solar energy flux distribution is very large. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of coupled heat transfer characteristics in the receiver tube is calculated and analyzed by combining the MCRT Method and the FLUENT software, in which the heat transfer fluid and physical model are Syltherm 800 liquid oil and LS2 parabolic solar collector from the testing experiment of Dudley et al., respectively. Temperature-dependent properties of the oil and thermal radiation between the inner absorber tube and the outer glass cover tube are also taken into account. Comparing with test results from three typical testing conditions, the average difference is within 2%. And then the mechanism of the coupled heat transfer in the receiver tube is further studied.  相似文献   

In recent years, the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods for improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper describes the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having straight fins (fin length: 65 mm or 100 mm, fin pitch: 2.5 mm or 4 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of the heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between the outer fin surface and gas. The effects of fin length and fin pitch on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary for heat exchanger design were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 230– 247, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20153 Copyright © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed to evaluate the frosting behavior of a fin–tube heat exchanger under frosting conditions. Empirical correlations of the heat transfer coefficients for the plate and tube surfaces and a diffusion equation for the frost layer are used to establish the model. The correlations for the heat transfer coefficients, derived from various experimental data, were obtained as functions of the Reynolds number and Prandtl number. The proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental data for the frost thickness, frost accumulation, and heat transfer rate. The numerical results agree well with the experimental data. It is also found that this model can be applied to evaluate the thermal performance of a common fin–tube heat exchanger under frosting conditions.  相似文献   

Experimental studies were conducted to investigate the air-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of a novel louvered fins and flat tube heat exchangers. A series of tests were conducted for 9 heat exchangers with different fin space and fin length, at a constant tube-side water flow rate of 2.8 m3/h. The air side thermal performance data were analyzed using the effectiveness-NTU method. Results were presented as plot of Colburn j factor and friction factor f against the Reynolds number in the range of 500–6500. The characteristics of the heat transfer and pressure drop of different fin space and fin length were analyzed and compared. In addition, the curves of the heat transfer coefficients vs. pumping power per unit heat transfer area were plotted. Finally, the area optimization factor was used to evaluate the thermal hydraulic performance of the louvered fins with differential geometries. The results showed that the j and f factors increase with the decrease of the fin space and fin length, and the fin space has more obvious effect on the thermal hydraulic characteristics of the novel louvered fins. __________ Translated from Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2007, 41(3): 380–383 [译自: 上海交通大学学报]  相似文献   

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