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Minimumshift keying modulation seems to be very attractive for digital transmission systems in particular because an only small degradation can be expected on non linear channels. In the first part of this paper, some general features of the signal are recalled. After a theoretical method for the calculation of the bit error rate in presence of inter symbol interference is described; the results are compared with experimental values, obtained with a modulator demodulator build incnet laboratories in Lannion.  相似文献   

Bit synchronizers are used in satellite data communications systems to restore the data rate. They provide means to data detection. The paper concerns the theoretical analysis supported by the simulation and the pratical measurements of a digital self bit synchronizer implemented with standart ttl logic. This self bit synchronizer is composed of a non linear element which delivers from the sampled and quantized pcm signal a spectral line at frequency twice the data rate. This spectral line is filtered by a digital phase locked loop and is used to drive a digital matched filter data detector. Theoretical and experimental results show a very small mean acquisition time (about 4 or 5 bit duration) and a degradation lower than 2 dB for snr ranging from +2 dB to +12 dB.  相似文献   

This paper gives the variance of the phase recovered by a conventional quadriphase Costas loop in 16 Qam modulation in the presence of a selective fading, represented as a three rays simplified model. The power spectral density of the phase error is computed using a spectral estimation technique. The phase error variance is evaluated for different values of the fade depth, the location of the maximum attenuation in the frequency band and the delay of the reflected ray. Finally the relation between the performance degradation and phase noise is given, assuming a gaussian p.d.f. of the phase error.  相似文献   

In this paper, a flexible and efficient method for analyzing the electromagnetic field to nonuniform multiwire aerial lines coupling is proposed. This analysis in based upon the finite- difference time- domain (fdtd) algorithm. The transient responses of nonuniform lines excited by different waves obtained by this method are compared with those of Spice and literature. The good agreement between all the simulation results validates the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The primary effect of the field continuously capted by aGpr is the production of a class which limits the contrast of the reflections on the targets. The target response becomes illegible sight the influence of certain disturbances which are due to the reflections caused by certain parasitic elements which are randomly distributed in the soil and the dispersion phenomenon. We present in this paper an approach based on a μ-wave modulation which allowed stage this problem. The technique suggested makes it possible to do a classification of capted signals. It will be shown that the frequency of modulation fm must be higher than a cut-off frequency fc which depends on the electric parameters of the ground. In a second part of this paper, we show how to improve quality of the radargram of a systemGpr by a simple convolution between the collected signal and a wavelet with a defined parameters.  相似文献   

This paper presents the study of a four phase remodulation demodulator which is part of a microwave signal regenerator for communications payload or data relay satellites. At first, 3.87 GHz biphase (bpsk) balanced modulator has been produced, using planar technology with slotlines and microstrip lines engraved on an Epsilam-type substrate, and two beam-lead Schottky diodes. Under modulation, carrier and even harmonic rejection of better than 50 dB is obtained, with insertion losses lower than 2 dB. A fourphase (qpsk) modulator is also produced using two bpsk modulators. Each phase state is achieved at ± 1.3° with 5.2 dB of insertion losses and a residual amplitude modulation of ± 0.14 dB. Carrier and even harmonic rejection of 45 dB is obtained.  相似文献   

J. Almhana  J. Paillé  C. Bozzo 《电信纪事》1984,39(7-8):323-332
The authors describe a fast, parallel and static data flow architecture that is used for Fast Riccati Operator (Fro)design. This operator has a cellular, regular structure easy to integrate, and is intended to resolve with high speed execution the matrix Riccati equation for filtering purpose. To evaluate its performances, two solving algorithms, Lindquist and quasilinéarisation, are represented and simulated by data flow Petri nets, defined for this purpose. Simulation results are compared to real needs in search and tracking situations.  相似文献   

Being now a mainstream communication, Internet is subject to many kinds of anomalies (failures, flash-crowds, attacks). In order to compare the statistics of normal traffic with traffic with anomalies, we collect both regular and anomalous traffic. The traffic is collected on the Renater network by the Metrosec project and we produce both Denial of Service (DoS) attacks with real attack softwares (TFN2k, TRIN00) aimed at various services (ICMP, SYN, UDP, TCP), and flash-crowd anomalies. We propose a multiresolution, non-Gaussian model with long memory and the corresponding estimators. It models, jointly at all aggregation levels, normal traffic, and also traffic containing anomalies. We show that the model enables to detect the anomalies in the traffic and distinguish between flash-crowd and Dos types of anomaly.  相似文献   

The authors compare two different estimators of the crosscorrelation function and show that they give equivalent estimators in the frequency domain. They calculate the first and second order moments of the estimator of the cross-spectral-density (DSPC)due to the statistical errors and the quantification of inputs. From these general formulas, they perform numerical calculations for a particular case and they compare them to practical measurements. They show the interesting fact, that the variance of the statistical errors on the dspc is inferior by estimating its phase than by estimating its module. Furthermore, the quantification of the inputs may influence the variance of the phase of the DSPC estimated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the generation of short pulses of the three quarter wave shift distributed feedback (3Qws-dfb) laser by using switching gain technique. We have used the temporal domain model (Tdm) which is a multimode spatio-temporal model that considers simultaneously all the modes of the overall intra-cavity field as well as the two following nonlinear effects, the spectral hole burning (Shb) and the gain saturation. Obtained results showed that a 3Qws-dfb laser can generate short pulses in accordance with Fourier criteria. These results show that 3Qws-dfb lasers are potential candidates as monomode optical sources for long distance high bit rate telecommunications.  相似文献   

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