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Errors in the measurement of the mean velocity of pulsatile velocity waveforms with ungated phase-contrast techniques were studied theoretically and experimentally. Waveforms consisting of a constant and two sinusoidal components were analyzed. Variations in magnitude and phase of the vascular magnetic resonance (MR) signal resulted in errors, the severity of which increased when either factor increased. Magnitude variations always resulted in overestimation. The general shape of the waveform greatly influenced the error, with certain waveforms producing greater inherent error than others. Experimental measurements were performed, validating the predicted sensitivity of these errors to changes in imaging parameters, including TR and flow-encoding sensitivity. Errors generally became more severe with increased flow-encoding sensitivity. The theoretical and experimental results suggest that accurate mean velocity measurements in many vessels of the body--with acquisition times of less than 15 seconds--should be attainable with ungated imaging techniques and with careful selection of relevant imaging parameters.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the accuracy of 16-frame cine phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those of two breath-hold PC techniques in the measurement of renal artery blood flow. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro flow measurements were performed in a segment of harvested human artery embedded in gel. For the cine PC acquisition, respiratory motion was simulated. In eight subjects with recently obtained para-amino-hippurate-clearance renal blood flow data, renal artery flow measurements were subsequently performed with two breath-hold imaging techniques and with cine PC imaging during shallow respiration. RESULTS: Breath-hold sequences were significantly more accurate than conventional cine PC sequences both in vitro (P < .005) and in vivo (P < .05). Cine PC imaging tended to overestimate flow (in vivo mean, 24.47% +/- 9.94), reflecting artifactual enlargement of the apparent vessel size. CONCLUSION: Reliable blood flow measurements in the renal artery are possible with breath-hold PC MR imaging.  相似文献   

Shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) has made a revolution in the treatment of urolithiasis. Recent reports suggesting that stone features for SWL have changed during the last years have forced us to compare our initial and last 250 patients treated at our ESWL unit in terms of stone and patient characteristics. We found that the number of ureteric stones and small calyceal stones have increased significantly with time whereas the number of larger stones undergoing SWL has decreased significantly. We believe that this change in stone features is caused by the changing trends in the treatment of stone disease by incorporating other therapeutic options and modifying the SWL indications according to patient characteristics We also believe that prophylactic lithotripsy for asymptomatic calyceal stones still remains to be a debatable issue.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of the peroneus quartus (PQ) muscle, to demonstrate the morphology of this accessory muscle on magnetic resonance (MR) images, and to reassess the reported association of the PQ muscle with a hypertrophic peroneal tubercle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review was performed of 136 consecutive ankle MR imaging studies. The origins, insertions, and variations in size of the muscle and the dimensions of the peroneal tubercle and retrotrochlear eminence were recorded. RESULTS: The prevalence of the PQ muscle was 10% (14 of 136 cases). The accessory muscle and tendon unit descended medial and posterior to the peroneal tendons. The site of insertion was variable and included the calcaneus, peroneus longus tendon, peroneus brevis tendon; and cuboid bone. The calcaneus was the insertion site in 11 cases. The accessory tendon attached to the retrotrochlear eminence of the calcaneus. In the group with the PQ muscle, the retrotrochlear eminence was significantly taller (P < .01) than in the group without the PQ muscle. CONCLUSION: Contrary to previous reports, the peroneocalcaneal variant of the PQ muscle appears to insert in the retrotrochlear eminence of the calcaneus rather than the peroneal tubercle. The presence of the PQ muscle is associated with a prominent retrotrochlear eminence but not with an enlarged peroneal tubercle.  相似文献   

Liver cell volume and intracellular ion concentrations are maintained within a narrow physiologic range by regulated changes in membrane ion permeability. These studies of homozygous HTC hepatoma cells, a model liver cell line, evaluate the relationship between cell volume and membrane ion permeability, and assess the possibility that cell swelling allows the efflux of the intracellular osmolite taurine through the opening of a conductive pathway. Cell swelling induced by exposure to hypotonic solutions (203 mOsm) caused a rapid increase in cell volume, followed by recovery toward basal values. Volume recovery was inhibited by Cl- depletion or by exposure to the putative Cl- channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropyl-amino) benzoic acid (NPPB) (25 micromol/L). Swelling increased the efflux rates of 36Cl (181% +/- 15%, P < .01) and 125I (310% +/- 21%, P < .01). In whole cell patch clamp recordings, cell swelling induced by 1) exposure to hypotonic solution or 2) intracellular perfusion with hypertonic sucrose-containing solutions activated an anion-selective current which was outwardly rectified and showed time-dependent inactivation at depolarizing potentials. The current density at -80 mV increased proportionally with increases in the transmembrane osmotic gradient from basal values of -1 pA/pF to maximal values of 70 pA/pF with 100 mmol/L sucrose in the pipette. Basal taurine permeability was low, but cell swelling increased the efflux of [1,2-3H]taurine to 1,587% +/- 172% of basal levels (P < .05). Intracellular perfusion with hypertonic solutions activated currents carried by anionic taurine, with an estimated taurine/Cl- permeability ratio of .88 +/- .17 for whole cell currents. These studies demonstrate that the HTC membrane anion permeability is closely coupled to changes in cell volume, and that the recovery from swelling depends upon activation of anion-selective conductance pathways permeable to both Cl- and taurine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report is to describe a new use of MR imaging in coarctation of the aorta. The specific question addressed was how well collateral blood flow in intercostal arteries, as determined by phase-contrast MR angiography, correlated with findings during surgery or catheterization in patients with coarctation of the aorta. CONCLUSION: Phase-contrast MR angiography is an excellent technique for detecting the presence or absence of collateral blood flow in the intercostal arteries of patients with coarctation of the aorta. Knowing whether collateral blood flow is present in patients with narrowing of the juxtaductal aorta should help assess the clinical hemodynamic significance of the coarctation.  相似文献   

The nature and MRI appearance of injuries to the muscle including delayed onset muscle soreness, muscle contusion, muscle strain, and compartment syndromes are described and examples shown. The nature of degenerative disease of tendon (tendinosis) is discussed and representative examples of the MRI appearance of various stages are illustrated. The role of MR in the clinical management of these disorders is discussed where appropriate.  相似文献   

The ability to track motion from cine phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance (MR) velocity measurements was investigated using an in vitro model. A computer-controlled deformable phantom was used for the characterization of the accuracy and precision of the forward-backward and the compensated Fourier integration techniques. Trajectory accuracy is limited by temporal resolution when the forward-backward technique is used. With this technique the extent of the calculated trajectories is underestimated by an amount related to the motion period and the sequence repetition time, because of the band-limiting caused in the cine interpolation step. When the compensated Fourier integration technique is used, trajectory accuracy is independent of temporal resolution and is better than 1 mm for excursions of less than 15 mm, which are comparable to those observed in the myocardium. Measurement precision is dominated by the artifact level in the phase-contrast images. If no artifacts are present precision is limited by the inherent signal-to-noise ratio of the images. In the presence of artifacts, similar in magnitude to those observed in vivo, the reproducibility of tracking a 2.2 x 2.2 mm2 region of interest is better than 0.5 mm. When the Fourier integration technique is used, the improved accuracy is accompanied by a reduction in precision. We verified that tracking three-dimensional (3D) motion from velocity measurements of a single slice can lead to underestimations of the trajectory if there is a through-plane component of the motion that is not truly represented by the measured velocities. This underestimation can be overcome if volumetric cine phase-contrast velocity data are acquired and full three-dimensional analysis is performed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To graphically display the time dependency of contrast enhancement of liver tumors at examination with dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A temporal reconstruction image was generated by obtaining a line of interest drawn on a single image through the liver and the tumor and reformatted over a sequence of temporal images. This calculated image expressed the temporal evolution of the line, including nontumoral liver and tumor, with regard to three variables: signal intensity, enhancement, and velocity. This allowed a visually integrated analysis of 95 hepatic lesions studied with dynamic single-section MR imaging after contrast material administration. RESULTS: Temporal reconstruction images were obtained for all the dynamic studies. Five patterns of enhancement based on signal intensity and velocity variations coupled with morphologic information were found: wall, diffusion, moderate enhancement, marked progressive, and early intense patterns. CONCLUSION: Temporal reconstruction of liver tumors after contrast material administration can be used to analyze, describe, and report the dynamics of lesion enhancement with morphologic and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

We describe two MR angiographic methods of diagnosing subclavian steal in each of three patients. By using phase-directional information from a single two-dimensional phase-contrast sequence, we were able to show that the direction of flow in the affected vertebral artery was reversed. The same vertebral artery showed no signal on a 2-D time-of-flight sequence with a concatenated presaturation pulse applied above each section.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the role of contrast enhancement using a three-dimensional (3D) phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance (MR) sequence (3D PC-MRA) and to assess the value of a dynamic MR perfusion study of the kidneys to determine the hemodynamic relevance of unilateral renal artery stenosis (RAS). Seventeen patients with unilateral RAS were examined on a standard 1.0 T imaging system using a phase shift and magnitude sensitive 3D PC sequence (TR=160 ms, TE=9 ms, venc. 30 cm/s). Following the initial pre-contrast 3D PC-MRA a dynamic first pass perfusion study was performed using a Turbo-FLASH 2D sequence (TR=4.5 ms, TE=2.2 ms, TI=400 ms) after bolus injection of 0.15 mmol gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA)/kg body weight. The 3D PC-MRA was then repeated during infusion of 0.15 mmol Gd-DTPA/kg body weight. Evaluation by three independent readers was based on maximum intensity projection images. Source images were rendered on request. Signal intensity (SI) over time curves of the renal cortex were obtained from the dynamic perfusion study and analyzed for maximum signal enhancement as well as temporal relationship to the aortic SI curve. Results from 3D PC-MRA revealed a sensitivity (pre-/post-contrast) of 100%/89%, specificity of 76%/63%, positive predictive value of 80%/69 %, negative predictive value of 90%/78%, and accuracy of 85%/75% (p=0.07). Interobserver agreement was kappa=0.61/kappa=0.47 (pre/post Gd-DTPA), respectively. Increased signal-to-noise was present in all segments of the renal arteries post contrast (p=0.0003). This came along with image degradation due to aliasing and elevated SI of venous flow that partially obscured the renal arteries. Dynamic SI curves showed a significantly decreased maximum SI in RAS (p=0.01-0.001). A temporal delay of cortical signal intensity enhancement could not be confirmed in this setting. Gd-enhanced 3D PC-MRA did not yield a superior diagnostic value in the diagnosis of RAS compared to pre-contrast measurements. Dynamic perfusion imaging of the kidneys, in combination with 3D PC-MRA, can contribute additional information in suspected unilateral RAS.  相似文献   

Because the visibility of homeless persons congregating in urban areas has increased since the 1980's, the relationship between homelessness and mental illness has caused more and more concern. A multitude of epidemiological surveys have been organized in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and mainly in United States, and have attempted to evaluate scientifically the psychiatric morbidity of this population. This literature review reveals disparity of epidemiological methods in assessing the type and extent of mental illness among homeless adults. The lack of consensual definition of homelessness, the choice of different settings in which the research is organized (street, health centres, shelters), and the use of diverse instruments of psychiatric evaluation (diagnosis by clinician, by scale or by structured diagnostic interview) lead to a great disparity of the results. Thus, 1/3 of the homeless adults had prior history of psychiatric hospitalisation. Rates of psychosis range to 70% and it is estimated that 4% to 74% of the homeless persons suffer from affective disorders. Substance abuse disorder remains a problem for a significant number of these individuals, with a high frequency of dual diagnosis. Such divergent data highlight the anglo-saxon debate between those who accuse desinstitutionnalisation as a reason of homelessness, and those who blame the socioeconomic background.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the female pelvis with a local coil (multiple phased array coils) has been reported. With this method, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is improved so that high-resolution images can be obtained. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging has been reported to be useful in diagnosing uterine neoplasms. However, dynamic MR imaging is done in only limited imaging planes. When multisection dynamic MR imaging with fast gradient-echo sequences is combined with the use of a local coil, high-resolution images can be obtained throughout the entire uterus during a single breath-hold. This pictorial essay illustrates the appearance of the normal uterus and malignant uterine neoplasms on high-resolution multisection dynamic MR images obtained with a Helmholtz-type surface coil.  相似文献   

The authors introduce a dynamic, non-invasive MR method for the examination of liquorspaces and liquor flow in 221 patients. This method is suitable not only for a dynamic imaging of liquor-flow but also for the semi-quantitative evaluation of flow through the aqueduct. This later measurement can help to select the shuntresponsive NPH cases as well. Cine MR examination along with the routine protocol seems to be most helpful in the differential-diagnostics of different hydrocephalus cases.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of contrast material-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in objective assessment of prostatic cryosurgery and the role of MR imaging in the modification of prostatic cryosurgical technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight consecutive patients with localized (T1-3, N0, M0) prostatic adenocarcinoma treated with prostatic cryosurgery underwent MR imaging without contrast enhancement before cryosurgery and unenhanced and gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging within 1-3 weeks after cryosurgery. The first 20 patients also underwent MR imaging at 3 months after cryosurgery. MR imaging findings were correlated with those from transrectal ultrasound-directed prostatic staging biopsy. RESULTS: Cryonecrotic prostate was identified as avascular regions characterized by absolute signal void on contrast-enhanced images. With progressive modification of cryosurgical technique, complete cryoablation of the prostate was achieved in the latter nine of the 38 patients. When cryoablation was considered complete according to MR imaging criteria, findings invariably correlated with those at biopsy, with no residual prostate tissue or tumor. CONCLUSION: Gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging of the prostate after cryosurgery provides a highly accurate means of monitoring success. Objective MR imaging findings allow modifications to the technology and technique, resulting in optimal therapeutic results with prostatic cryosurgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe the MR appearance of acute appendicitis and to determine the value of MR imaging for diagnosis of acute appendicitis. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty-five children (28 girls, 17 boys), 7-16 years old (mean age, 13 years old), with clinically diagnosed acute appendicitis underwent independently graded compression sonography by two radiologists. MR imaging was performed when sonography revealed acute appendicitis (observer 1, 16 [36%] patients; observer 2, 18 [40%] patients), was inconclusive (observer 1, two [4%] patients; observer 2, one [2%] patient), and was interpreted as normal (observer 1, two [4%] patients; observer 2, one [2%] patient) (n = 20). Axial T1-weighted turbo spin-echo sequences, T2-weighted turbo spin-echo sequences in the axial and coronal planes, and fat-suppressed short inversion time inversion recovery turbo spin-echo sequences in the axial plane (4-mm slice thickness) were obtained and evaluated independently by two radiologists. The ability to see acute appendicitis with MR imaging was evaluated, the appearance and morphologic changes were described, and the most accurate sequence was determined. All children in whom MR imaging was performed underwent surgery. RESULTS: MR imaging revealed acute appendicitis in all cases (100%) by both observers. On T2-weighted ultra turbo spin-echo images, acute appendicitis appeared with a markedly hyperintense center, a slightly hyperintense thickened wall, and markedly hyperintense periappendiceal tissue. Unenhanced axial T2-weighted spin-echo imaging was the most sensitive sequence. CONCLUSION: In this study group, MR imaging was a valuable technique for depiction of acute appendicitis.  相似文献   

MR images of the neck were prospectively studied in 19 patients with hyperparathyroidism. Fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence was performed in addition to T1- and T2-weighted spin echo (SE) sequences. FLASH images were obtained with 320/12/20 degrees (TR/TE/flip angle) using presaturation technique. TE of 12 ms was chosen to eliminate high signal of fat tissue. In the evaluation of detectability, a combination of T1-weighted SE and FLASH images (T1WI + FLASH) was compared with a combination of T1- and T2-weighted SE images (T1WI + T2WI). MR imaging correctly depicted 20 of 30 abnormal glands on both T1WI + FLASH and T1WI + T2WI. FLASH imaging effectively eliminated high signal of fat tissue. Nineteen abnormal glands demonstrated higher signal than surrounding tissues on FLASH images, whereas 12 glands were high-intense on T2-weighted SE images. We conclude that FLASH imaging provides improved tissue contrast and anatomic delineation and, thus, may replace T2-weighted SE imaging in the neck.  相似文献   

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