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北京的危旧房改造,以1990年4月30日北京市政府作出的关于加快北京市危旧房改造的决定为开始,到现在已走过七个年头。几年来,在市、区政府及有关方面的共同努力下,危旧房改造取得了相当大的成绩,城市面貌发生了很大变化,市政设施得到了改善,许多居民住上了新居,大多数开发单位挣了钱,还增加了市、区政府的税收。但是,原本一举多得的好事,随着时间的推移,最近两年似乎干不下去了,有人干脆说“危改走进了死胡同”。危改到底怎么了?下面我以东城区危旧房改造为例,谈谈我对危改推不动的看法和进一步搞好危改工作的建议,供…  相似文献   

从北京市人民政府获悉,到2005年北京基本完成城区现有危旧房改造。据介绍,北京市危房改造工作将以旧城区和关厢地区为重点,5年改造危房300万平方米,每年保证完成60万平方米的改造任务,力争到2005年基本完成城区现有危旧房改造。 2001年北京市将调整危改组织方式,在开发性危改、市政公益性事业危改和居民自主危改中,引入市场机制,政府出资搞市政工程,居民按优惠政策购买住房,通过公开竞争招标方式选择开发企业进行房屋建设。要把危旧房改造与房改、经济适用房建设、市政工程建设和保护历史文化名城紧密结合起来。在加大政府投入的同时,鼓励居民和其所在单位出资进行危旧房改造。继续完善经济适用住房政策,合理安排建设规模和进度,每年开工建设150万平方米左右,合理确定户型标准并理顺房价,完善经济适用住房销售政策,切实解决中低收入家庭的居住问题。加强住宅建设,每年竣工800万平方米以上,到2005年,使城镇居民人均住房使用面积达到18平方米。同时,进一步发展住房二级市场,加快开放住房三级市场,促进房改房上市销售,有效控制房价,改善居民的居住条件。加强居住区物业管理,逐步实现房屋、设施、设备、环境管理专业化、社会化和产业化,为北京居民创造安全、方便、优美、舒适的生活居住环境。  相似文献   

贲勇 《城市开发》2003,(8):22-23
旧城区的危旧房改造,是城市开发建设的一个重要方面,国有房地产开发企业是城市危旧房改造的主要力量。结合我们对北京市丰台区右外开阳里小区和东城区建国门内南小街住宅区一期的危旧房改造项目的实践,可以引发对旧城区危改的一些思考。一、“危改”是造福于民的政府工程北京建  相似文献   

北京市东城区旧城内的居住用房大部分是解放前修建的,许多房屋出现了裂缝、倾斜、下沉等问题,许多地区被划为危改区,新的危房不断出现。随着近年来历史文化名城保护规划、历史文化保护区保护规划、皇城保护规划和挂牌保留院落的公布实施,一方面是大量居住在危旧平房中的居民们对改善住房条件和生活环境的迫切呼声,一方面是各方面专家对旧城保护加强的要求。东城区政府为此有针对性的实施危旧房改造。东城区自1990年开始危旧房改造工作以来,经历了开发带危改、市政带危改和房改带危改二个演变过程。目前,东城区共立项58个危改片。58个…  相似文献   

我刚参加工作的时候,报道任务就是规划建设方面.当时面对的情况就是:1993年版总体规划批准、旧城改造在加速,市政府提出了10年将旧城改造完毕的计划.从1990年到1995年北京市经历过两次危改,第一次是1990年到1995年,10年完成危旧房改造;还有2000年提出的要5年完成危旧房改造,到2002年9月停止.  相似文献   

从北京市 2 0 0 1年城建工作会议上了解到 2 0 0 1年北京城建工作要以危旧房改造、环境治理和交通建设为重点 ,集中力量搞好 6 0项重大工程建设。据统计 ,北京 8个城近郊区危改片现有居民 34 .7万户 ,房屋总量 934万平方米 ,其中 ,三、四、五类危旧房 75 5万平方米 ,占房屋总量的 80 .8%。市委、市政府决定在“十五”期间基本完成城区现有危旧房改造。 2 0 0 1年危改量计划超过 6 0万平方米。在道路建设方面 ,重点形成由快速道路系统、城市主干道系统和中心区路网三大道路体系。快速道路系统是以二、三、四环和公路一环以及 10条联络线组成…  相似文献   

从北京市建委获悉,北京市建委提出“九五”期间北京市住宅建设工作目标。 一、全面完成“九五”住宅建设计划,五年新建住宅3750万平方米,使城市居民人均住房达到15平方米。 二、加快危房改造步伐,拆除危旧房300万平方米,动迁居民8—10万户,加快实施18片重点危改片改造。 三、基本解决人均居住面积在4平方米以下低收入职工的住房困难。  相似文献   

前言1 随着我国加入和北京申办WTO年奥运会的成功,北京已掀起了2008一个新的建设高潮。作为“十五”(~年)计划重点项目的市20012005区危旧房改造也进入了一个高速发展的新阶段。目前,该项工作已进行了一年有余,此次市区危旧房改造工程项目之多、动迁改造规模之大、危改速度之快,是自世纪年代北京实2090施大规模危旧房改造以来前所未有的。不可否认,危旧房改造对改善人民的居住条件、提高城市交通和市政等基础设施的现代化水平,以及保持社会稳定等方面都起到了积极的作用,尤其是“房改带危改”的改造方式,使得龙潭西里、金鱼池…  相似文献   

房改危改相结合 旧城改造走新路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京是历史文化名城 ,在城市现代化建设的过程中 ,危旧房改造是城市建设的一个重要组成部分 ,也是一项十分紧迫的任务。它对于建设现代化国际大都市 ,完善首都城市功能 ,促进城市基础设施建设 ,改善居民住房条件 ,提高居住水平 ,推进住房制度改革 ,都具有重要意义。一、10年来 ,我市危旧房改造工作基本情况80年代后期 ,北京市开始在菊儿胡同(一期)和小后仓等项目上进行危旧房屋改造的探索。到1990年 ,市政府作出了加快危旧房改造步伐的决定 ,全市危旧房改造工作全面展开 ,并取得显著成效。10年来 ,全市已累计开工建设危改小区1…  相似文献   

本文是北京市房地产管理局危旧房改造技术政策研究课题小组完成的《北京市危旧房改造技术政策研究》综合报告的第五部分,扼要地分析评述了“菊儿胡同”、“小后仓”和“德宝改建小区”的试点经验,可供各城市参考。  相似文献   

本文结合笔者参与危旧房改造的工作实践,对政府规划建设安置房过程中的风险控制进行了初步分析。从现阶段在危旧房改造过程的风险关系分析出发,作者对政府规划建设安置房过程中的质量风险控制、投资风险控制、进度风险控制阐述了自己的见解和主张,并针对性地提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

在城市更新的发展进程中,北京旧城不断出现的社会隔离和居住空间分异的现象,以及由此引发的一系列社会问题,受到政府、社会团体及广大居民的密切关注,旧城合理更新成为学术界研究的重要问题之一。文章以北京旧城的改造更新为研究对象,从住区规划与社会和谐两个角度,探讨实施混合居住模式对旧城改造的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,建筑的生态环境品质开始日益受到人们的关注。生态建筑成为利用不同地区自然生态环境,为人类提供更好的居住条件的新型建筑类型。其中,低技术生态建筑是一个重要的研究类型。本文即对低技术生态建筑的形态设计相关问题进行了分析。将结低技术生态建筑分为景多种不同的形态模式,并对对低技术生态建筑的未来发展予以合理的展望。  相似文献   

张轲 《时代建筑》2014,(4):106-111
文章指出对胡同乃至北京旧城而言,对胡同文化最大的威胁不仅是恣意延展的商业开发,同时也是生长于此的大批原有居民的离去。老住户被迫遗弃胡同的现象持续上演,亟需一种应对策略以鹭住这里曾有的充满生机的居住传统。"微胡同"是张轲领导的标准营造在北京大栅栏杨梅竹斜街进行的一次改造实践,意图在继承传统胡同亲密性的同时,创造可供多人居住的超小型社会住宅,为胡同保护与有机更新提供一种新方式。  相似文献   

姜海玉 《山西建筑》2010,36(24):29-30
对当前北京旧城保护情况进行了分析,以祈年大街路西危改工程为例,从现状分析,保护原则,规划布局及保护区高度控制几个方面进行了论述,提出了旧城保护应遵循“有机更新”的方法,进而对北京旧城保护提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

The rules and laws enforced in France in 1977 regarding the policy of old housing renewal have extended public intervention to the whole housing stock built before 1948. It came as a complement to the 1962 Malraux Law which exclusively concerned old city centres whose architectural value was preserved. Has the objective put forward to improve old housing by maintaining their residents (tenants and owner occupiers) been reached? The public policy of old housing renewal and its consequences on social occupancy are analysed in their relation to the ownership structure and to the property strategies of the actors who finance this rehabilitation. The paper examines Nord-Pas-de-Calais, one of the regions in France where the old housing stock is the lowest in quality. As for the social changes in the occupancy of these neighbourhoods, our 1995 study confirmed the results obtained in 1988. Four years after the end of the improvement programmes, these neighbourhoodshave retained a residential function for working-class occupants. However, two new trends emerged. On the one hand, despite a better integration of old housing in the policies implemented by local authorities since the 1982-83 decentralisation law, the incentive role of state aids to renewal is increasingly limited. On the other hand, property disinvestment has only been partially reduced. Some housing units remain unimproved and some buildings remain unoccupied. The housing supply is higher than the demand. Ownership of old housing is undermined by demand for housing estates in suburban areas.  相似文献   

In the decades following the Second World War, Swedish cities experienced extensive urban renewal projects that continue to shape the country’s contemporary built environment. Many Swedish cities saw large-scale demolitions starting in the 1950s. The demolitions increased during the 1960s and 1970s, when the government implemented the so-called Million Programme (1965–1974). The declared target of the housing policy was to raise housing standards, create healthy living conditions and lessen the housing shortage through the construction of modern housing. In the 1980s, the preservation and modernization of dwellings replaced the clearance policy. The 1990s brought a new demolition wave, which subsided in the 2000s. This paper reviews the renewal processes and various phases of demolition activity in Swedish post-war cities from the perspective of housing policy and planning. The research analysis is based on the literature and statistics.  相似文献   

During the 1980s the British government made a number of attempts to involve the private sector in the administration and financing of housing renewal initiatives in inner city areas. One of the most significant of these was the Neighbourhood Revitalisation Services (NRS) initiative which was based on the Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) concept developed in the United States. This paper traces the history of housing renewal policy in England leading up to the development of the NRS initiative. It then compares the NHS projects developed in the United States with the English NRS model and discusses the key differences. The performance of both the pilot NRS projects and the expanded programme of government‐funded NRS schemes is then examined in detail with particular emphasis upon the objective of involving private sector organisations in housing renewal. In conclusion the paper discusses the reasons why the NRS initiative failed to meet these objectives including those stemming from the differing housing and financial policy contexts in England and the United States. Ways are also suggested in which attempts to involve the private sector might be more successful in the future.  相似文献   

Traditionally, French social housing was housing low‐paid workers with a regular job. The very poor were in private dilapidated housing. Today a new pattern is emerging: the very poor and the deprived are in the most dilapidated fraction of social housing. Far from improving their social integration, dilapidated social housing estates are stigmatizing them. Social tenants are still second‐class citizens.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands the regeneration of post-war urban districts is closely intertwined with the role of housing associations. This is hardly surprising, given that the housing associations have such a large share of the market (usually over 50%; sometimes nearly 100%) in many early post-war urban districts. This has caused a growing concentration of low-income households in those urban areas and a selective migration by middle- and high-income households from the city to the suburb. Official government policy on housing and urban renewal is directed at a redifferentiation of the urban housing stock. Specifically, the policy promotes more owner-occupation, larger and higher-quality homes, and a greater percentage of homes with a garden. This implies the demolition of social housing estates and selling social housing. The position of housing associations in the regeneration of Dutch post-war urban districts is somewhat enigmatic. On the one hand, national government is expecting them to take initiative and invest in urban renewal; on the other, government is urging them to cut down their market share. How are housing associations coping with this paradoxical challenge? And what are the current national policies about the position of housing associations? Aedes (the umbrella organisation of Dutch housing associations) and the Dutch Ministry of Housing have agreed upon the so-called great transition of housing associations. Here we explain and critique this great transition, which will hamper the current regeneration of Dutch urban districts. As an alternative we present the new transition.  相似文献   

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