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In hearts with a common arterial trunk (truncus arteriosus), there is almost always an inverse development of the aortic arch and the ductus arteriosus. Truncus with a normal aortic arch and a patent ductus is a rare echocardiographic and surgical finding. In this report, we describe 2 neonates in whom truncus arteriosus with a normal aortic arch and a medium or large patent ductus was diagnosed by preoperative echocardiography (without catheterization) and confirmed intraoperatively.  相似文献   

Coil occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus with 5-loop coils was undertaken in 10 patients without coil embolizations, and with 90% immediate occlusion and 100% occlusion at follow-up. We conclude that 5-loop coil occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus is safe and effective.  相似文献   

Aneurysm of the nonpatent ductus arteriosus in the newborn is a rare, but potentially fatal condition. Of reported ductal aneurysm up to 1969, diagnosis was made at autopsy only. We report here to our knowledge for the first time on a two week old infant with correct preoperative angiographic diagnosis followed by a successful surgical cure.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the initial New Zealand experience of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure in adults and children. METHODS: Twenty-three children beyond infancy and four adults with isolated patent ductus arteriosus were selected for transcatheter umbrella closure. Rashkind umbrellas were placed across the patent ductus arteriosus through a percutaneously inserted long venous sheath using the Mullins technique. RESULTS: In 25 of the 27 patients a Rashkind umbrella was placed accurately. In two patients the umbrella could not be placed accurately: in one the procedure was abandoned uneventfully and in one the umbrella embolised to the right pulmonary artery necessitating surgical removal of the device and patent ductus arteriosus closure. There were no other significant complications. A second umbrella insertion is planned in two children for a significant residual leak at 1-year follow up. CONCLUSIONS: Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure is a low risk and usually effective alternative to surgical closure for the majority of patients beyond infancy.  相似文献   

Controlled-release coils have become available recently for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Transcatheter closure of patent arterial ducts was attempted in 13 patients, ranging in age from 5 months to 15 years, mean 4.1 years. Implantation of controlled-release PDA coils was attempted via the femoral artery through 5 Fr catheters in all cases except one, in whom both the femoral arterial and venous routes were used. The procedure was successful in 10 of the 13 patients. In these, the pulmonary artery systolic pressure ranged between 25 and 42 mmHg and the duct diameter varied from 1.5 to 6 mm at its narrowest point. Six of the patients received a single coil. Two coils were inserted in three patients and three coils in one patient. In three patients the ducts were too large for safe release of the coils, despite attempted implantation of up to three coils simultaneously. These coils were easily withdrawn into the catheter. Immediately at the end of the procedure, the duct was completely occluded in nine of the 10 patients, and in one patient there was a small residual flow. The procedure time varied between 35 min and 2.5 h, mean 81 min and the fluoroscopy time varied from 5 to 78 min, mean 25 min. None of the patients experienced hemorrhage, diminished lower extremity pulse, hemolysis or infection. In one patient, a 5 mm coil embolized into the right pulmonary artery soon after release. It was retrieved with a snare, then 8 mm and a 5 mm coil were implanted satisfactorily in the arterial duct. At follow-up by color Doppler echocardiography, the duct was completely occluded in all patients. Transcatheter closure of patent arterial ducts by controlled-release PDA coils is effective and safe. Even when more than one coil is inserted, it is still cheaper than transcatheter umbrella closure. This method is therefore of great value, particularly in less affluent countries.  相似文献   

The Cuban recombinant vaccine against the hepatitis B virus was applied to a group of individuals over 65 from a geriatric home in Havana City. Dose of 20 ìg were administered within a scheme from 0.1 to 6 months in order to study its immunogenicity, which was evaluated at 2, 7, and 12 months after the first dose. 47.1% of protective titres and geometrical mean of 6.04 UI/L were obtained after 60 days. 100% of seroconversion (UI/L) and seroprotection (10 UI/L) and geometric mean of 136.93 UI/L were obtained when the immune response was evaluated on the 7th month. Finally, after a year, seroconversion and seroprotection were also of 100%, and the geometric mean was of 204.61 UI/L. It was proved the high immunogenic power of this vaccine, which makes it recommendable to protect this age group from the hepatitis B virus.  相似文献   

We have used the "S" Quattro Turbo to treat four neglected dorsal interphalangeal joint dislocations. At an average follow up period of 45 months, there was a mean increase in the range of movement of the PIP joints by 74 degrees and of the IP joint of the thumb or DIP joints by 45 degrees. We recommend this technique for treating dorsal dislocations of the interphalangeal joints of more than 3 weeks duration.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of mefenamic acid (MA), 2 mg/kg, were studied in 17 preterm infants with symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus. They were given this dosage orally at 24 h intervals. There were marked inter-individual differences in some of the pharmacokinetic parameters after the first dose; peak plasma concentration (Cmax) varied from 1.2 to 6.1 micrograms/mL with a mean of 3.8 micrograms/mL, time to reach Cmax (tmax) varied from 2 to 18 h with a mean of 7.7 h and plasma half-life (t1/2) varied from 3.8 to 43.6 h with a mean of 18.7 h. The group of infants (10/17) who had ductus closure after the first dose had significantly lower clearance (P < 0.01), longer t1/2 (P < 0.01) and higher 24 h plasma concentration (P < 0.001) compared to the group of infants (7/17) who had no ductus closure after the first dose. It appeared that the plasma concentration of MA had to be above 2.0 micrograms/mL and maintained at this concentration for at least 12 h for MA associated with ductus closure in preterm infants to take effect. In view of the inter-individual variation of plasma MA concentration and the effective plasma concentration, we suggest that measurement of the plasma concentration should be done 24 h after the first dose. This might be useful for safe and effective therapy for infants with ductus closure failure after the first dose.  相似文献   

60 cases of immuno-sterility (treated group) were treated with Guyin Decoction, and were compared with 25 control cases treated by Western medicine. The results showed that in the treated group 19 cases were cured, 32 improved and 9 failed respond, while in the control group 6 were cured, 8 improved and 11 failed. The decoction had significant effect on serum IgA and IgG.  相似文献   

It is known that cellular signals produced in response to an inappropriate spindle formation cause the cell to be arrested at metaphase (M) in the cell cycle. We report here that the 42-kDa isoform of MAPK (ERK2) was tyrosyl-phosphorylated and activated in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) in interphase but not in M-arrested HeLa cells. However, the basal level of activity of M-arrested cells was higher than that of interphase, although the overall tyrosyl phosphorylation content was small. Further, the EGF receptor and its associated proteins GTPase-activating protein and phospholipase C were phosphorylated in M-arrested cells to a lower extent than they were in interphase. This implies that in spite of its high level of basal activity, the scarcity of MAPK activation in mitosis in response to EGF stems from an early impairment of phosphorylation of the receptor and neighboring proteins. The biological significance of these results underlies the importance of keeping the cell sheltered from extracellular signals when it undergoes division.  相似文献   

Between January 1980 and December 1994, seventeen premature infants weighing less than 2500 g underwent surgical management for the isolated patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Indometacine therapy for closure of PDA was not effective for all these patients. In terms of the body weight at birth, they were divided into two groups; Group I (G-I) consisted of ten patients with birth weight less than 1000 g and Group II (G-II) of seven patients weighing more than 1000 g. The age at operation was 22.1 +/- 15.4 days in the G-I and 14.3 +/- 11.4 days in the G-II. The ductus was ligated in all patients but one of the G-II, in whom it was divided. There were five (50%) hospital deaths in the G-I and none in the G-II. The causes of death in the G-I were related to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in two and infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), acute renal failure, and broncho-esophagial fistula in each. The age at operation tended to be older in nonsurvivors rather than in survivors in the G-I (28.0 +/- 16.8 days vs. 16.2 +/- 14.0 days, respectively, but the difference did not reach significance). Before surgery, all patients in the G-I required mechanical ventilator support and nine of them were associated with IRDS. In contrast, only two patients in the G-II needed mechanical ventilation preoperatively. The postoperative period of intubation was also significantly longer in the G-I than in the G-II (51.6 +/- 35.2 days vs. 2.2 +/- 1.5 days, respectively, p < 0.05). In conclusions, the surgery for PDA can be safely performed even in small premature babies weighing less than 1000 g. When medical therapy for PDA is not effective in the premature patients, the surgical management should be considered as early as possible before their conditions become worse due to such critical complications as NEC, IRDS, and renal failure.  相似文献   

Jackson screwing detachable coils, developed for arterial and venous embolization, have been successfully employed recently for the percutaneous occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Special screwing detachable coils were designed for closure of the PDA, and the experience gained by their use is described in this report. Occlusion was attempted in 29 patients with a minimal ductal diameter of 0.9-4.2 mm. Coils were successfully placed in all 29 patients. One coil, which embolized 10 min after detachment, was retrieved. In 26 patients (89%), complete closure was achieved. Only 35 coils were placed in 29 patients. Residual shunts in three patients are minimal, detectable only on color-flow mapping. Screwing detachable coils for closure of PDA are safe and effective for occlusion of PDA with a minimal diameter < 4.2 mm. Embolization of the coil is very rare. A high closure rate is achieved with a low number of placed coils.  相似文献   

Authors report their results with transcatheter closure of patent arterial duct during a period of 1 year. Thirty patients underwent the procedure at the mean age of 5.22 yrs (range 5 mos-22.3 yrs) and mean bodyweight of 19.1 kg (range 5.8-73 kg). There were 9 males and 21 females. The diagnosis of the patent arterial duct was established by physical examination and noninvasive techniques. The procedures were attempted in all patients above 5 kg bodyweight with patent arterial duct and normal pulmonary artery pressure, irrespective of the shunt-size. All procedures were performed under general anesthesia in one session with the diagnostic cardiac catheterisation. Transcatheter closure was successful in 29 patients. In one patient the device embolized into the left pulmonary artery, snaring was unsuccessful, surgical closure of the patent duct and removal of the device took place uneventfully. Control aortography 15 minutes after the coil placement showed insignificant residual shunt through the patent duct in 8 patients (27%), while echocardiography at 1 month proved complete closure in all. The patients were followed by noninvasive methods. No mortality was observed. Authors emphasize the low risk and cost-effectiveness of the procedure. They stress the importance of the patients selection. Authors applied the technique for the first time and introduced it to the regular patient-care practice in Hungary.  相似文献   

Transaxillary muscle-sparing patent ductus arteriosus closure performed as same-day surgery is described in 10 patients. This approach provides a superb cosmetic result while obviating the need for thoracostomy tube placement.  相似文献   

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