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基于货币识别的智能自助服务系统是以智能信息处理技术为核心、机电一体化技术为基础、讦算机网络应用技术为背景的高新技术产品。该系统主要由前台智能自助式终端以及后台综合管理平台组成。该系统具有自动化、信息化、智能化、自助化、网络化等特点。本文重点叙述该系统已完成的第一期项目——联通绿色自助服务系统的的设计与实现方法。  相似文献   

为了满足游客自助游的需要,使游客能够对旅游中的衣食住行及路线问题进行合理的规划,以Android手机系统为平台,并结合A-GPS、二维码、无线互联网、智能语音等技术,以泰山景区为例设计出一种自助旅游应用系统,同时系统着重突出外文版应用,方便外籍游客。系统运行界面简洁友好,便于操作,具有很大的推广和应用价值。  相似文献   

根据社区居民的洗车需求,结合社区的实际情况以及洗车的工作流程,设计了一种社区智能自助洗车机。系统硬件设计部分主要进行了自助洗车机的结构设计;基于STM32实现了供水管水压检测、高压泵电流检测和温度检测、无线通信、RFID读卡等设计;基于CPLD实现了实现多路开关量的采集以及多路外设的控制设计。软件部分着重对刷卡方式自助洗车的工作流程进行了介绍。该系统具备车辆智能检测与引导、车辆全方位高效清洗、支持多种支付方式、可长时间工作以及智能管理与控制等优点。从而满足了社区居民的快速自助洗车需求。  相似文献   

基于数据的旅游管理决策支持系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对复杂环境下的旅游管理决策问题, 对基于数据的智能决策支持系统进行研究. 首先提出了综合多种智能技术的决策支持系统体系结构, 对系统涉及到的3S、大型决策表分解等关键技术进行了分析; 然后从旅游信息类别、时空模式、旅游规划与导航, 以及旅游状态和安全事故预测预警等方面给出了系统采用的数据分析方法, 并给出了系统的多个应用实例.  相似文献   

借助信息化技术,实现便捷、动态、智能的导游导览是智慧校园信息化建设的重要任务之一.基于微信公众平台对校园智能导游系统进行设计,建立了移动导游系统结构模型和系统整体方案,实现了访客动态实时的校园自助导游导览过程.  相似文献   

罗建亮  孟利民 《计算机仿真》2021,38(6):286-289,395
针对目前自助系统应用中所遇到的功耗高、成本高、丢包率较大、时延较长等问题,设计了一种层次型嵌入式自助系统,系统的硬件部分主要由多个不同的模块组成.为了向用户提供更好的连续性服务,需要通过终端、网络的实时状态进行各个模块之间的智能切换,研究了一种以用户为中心多终端融合的智能切换方法,在系统接收到用户的切换请求时,采用终端协同选择算法确定需要进行切换的模块,实现层次型嵌入式自助系统模块智能切换.仿真结果表明,所提方法能够确保自助系统的服务质量,满足服务连续性与接入方式的多样性.  相似文献   

智能自助服务系统以智能自助式终端为窗口,提供集缴费、购卡、购物、公话、票务、公共信息查询等于一体的集成自助服务,是同时承载信息流、商品流、现金流的自助式电子商务服务系统。本文阐述了该系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

给出了一个智能旅游行程导航的系统架构、关键技术和系统的设计与实现.系统结合Oracle Spatial空间数据库与MapXtreme技术,综合运用位置服务、地理信息系统、数据挖掘等技术,根据旅游者的类别、个人偏好、特征和需求等信息,为游客提供智能化、个性化的旅游用户信息管理服务、智能行程规划服务和智能导航、救援等.  相似文献   

本文从智能挂号系统的设计及工作原理进行了阐述。智能挂号系统与医院HIS系统相结合,患者通过自助选择即可完成挂号看病。  相似文献   

近年来,国内自助旅游市场发展很快,因而基于物联网开发一款旅游向导系统很有必要。系统由手持设备模块和景点模块组成,以ARM9和MSP430F149为硬件核心,控制nRF24L01射频芯片实现短距离无线传输和景点的自动触发功能,在嵌入式操作系统上显示图形用户界面并进行相关操作。测试表明:系统可以给景点的自助游客带来很大便利。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,近年来自主旅游的旅客越来越多,旅客依照个人意愿外出旅游,不受任何约束,这将成为一种潮流。这是因为私家车不再是奢侈品,拥有私家车旅游者呈现指数型增长,私家车的出现解决旅游中最重要的一个要素一“行”,给游者带来了很大方便,同时这又为旅游业的发展带来了新的动力。考虑到以上事实,建立基于GIS自助旅游信息系统是很有必要的,这将为驾私家车出游的游客带来了很多的方便,同时刺激了旅游业,为解决旅游业发展慢的现状提供了可能性。  相似文献   

Recently, great advances have been made in intelligent mobile robot technology, advances which will provide autonomous travelling ability to robots, allowing them to surmount stairs and other obstacles. In this paper, we present an active adaptive crawler mechanism and a visual navigating system, developed to achieve practical speed for industrial use of the mobile robot. By using a crawler-type mechanism, the active adaptive suspension mechanism maintains vehicle stability and achieves good climbing capability without increasing weight. Further, we have developed technology for an intelligent navigating mechanism, to guide the robot as it passes through a building. Once the robot is provided with an inner layout plan of the respective building, it can achieve practical mobile speed for industrial use.  相似文献   

As one of the most vigorous industries in the new era, China's tourism industry has undergone changes in just a few de- cades. However, it is not difficult to find that the mainstream travel website on the network are hotels and air ticket booking as the core. Few websites provide users with the auxiliary function of travel decision. This makes it difficult for people to quickly and con- veniently understand the current tourism hotspots and provide appropriate travel plans. With the rapid development of information technology, Internet technology and computer technology, WebGIS is entering people's life and gradually becoming a topic of con- cern for Web applications. Network geographic information system is also becoming a popular information tool. Therefore, this pa- per establishes a tourism information decision system based on WebGIS, which will start from the perspective of geographic infor- mation system and carry out information optimization based on ant colony algorithm. It uses WebGIS to realize the function of que- ry and analysis of tourism spatial information and provide users with intelligent travel route planning.  相似文献   

建立智慧型社会保障服务体系,是政府惠民工程的重要组成部分之一。以精确的人员基本信息库建设、经办业务下延、银行自助服务、网上自主经办等方面为依托,充分利用信息化手段打造一体化的社保经办体系,将业务经办突破时间、空间限制,构建完整的智慧社保服务体系。经信息系统上线近二年的实时运行,证明运用现代信息技术建立多层次、多渠道、差异化的服务体系,极大地提高了服务效率,产生了良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

王睿峰 《物联网技术》2013,(10):76-78,81
信息化是“十二五”规划的主轴,智慧化已经成为趋势。文中对旅游行业的现状进行了分析,得出了旅游智慧化的必然性;然后介绍了智慧旅游的概念及技术;最后从旅游行业的管理部门、景区、酒店和旅行社等四个主要应用群体出发,提出了智慧旅游的解决方案。  相似文献   

自从安卓手机操作系统发布以来,它便以开放性、不受束缚、丰富的硬件、方便开发等优势风靡全世界,我们利用安卓手机平台,开发了一款旅游社交平台软件,该软件采用安卓Sdk4.0进行开发,采用了C/S模式,可以节省网络资源,简单,易用,服务器端采用Java Web开发,数据库采用了免费的Mysql。它可以给用户提供你最想要的旅游栏目,让你置身于朋友的海洋之中,从此出行旅游更加方便。  相似文献   

盲人是人类社会中的弱势群体,且呈逐年增加的趋势。为盲人提供安全可靠、智能高效的出行保障,是社会进步的重要标志。分类介绍了国内外智能导盲杖、穿戴式导盲设备、手持式导盲仪、基于智能终端的导盲系统、移动式导盲机器人的研究成果。总结了导盲机器人环境感知、定位与导航、人机交互共性关键技术的研究现状。结合最新的云平台和移动通讯等技术展望了导盲机器人的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

旅游业的快速发展和用户分享内容的激增使得旅游领域的信息过载问题日益突出,如何帮助游客在快速制定个性化游览路线的同时提升旅行体验,成为当前旅游路线规划问题研究的关键。首先,给出旅游路线规划问题的形式化定义;然后,将文献中的旅游路线规划求解方法分为基于精确数学建模的求解、基于用户生成内容的求解两大类,对各类方法的关键技术和存在的主要问题进行了较为详细的考察;最后,给出一个旅游路线规划系统整体架构,对其中存在的重点和难点问题进行了分析,为旅游路线规划问题的研究提供理论支持的同时指明了下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

Machine Learning (ML) is one of the intelligent methods shown promising results in the classification and prediction of structural domains. It is a large amount of money for the prediction area's sport to be increasingly expanding and needs a good prediction accuracy related to the cause bet. Sport tourism sports, to participate in leisure and entertainment purposes, will be driven. Activities. However, passive sports tourism visited the sport; are traveling for leisure or leisure activities. Sports tourism is an area that has experienced rapid growth in global tourism. Sports tourism, nostalgic sports tourism, active sports tourism, and passive Sports Tourism: Sports tourism can be divided into four types. At a phenomenal growth rate of the sports tourism industry, it has now attracted these travelers' facilities to increase your sports-related business time—the impact of sports tourism in support of tourism development. The sum of the questionnaire is used to collect information from Aqaba residents. It is to do multiple regression analysis to verify the hypothesis of the study. While the social impact variable does not significantly impact, it indicates that the current research results, two independent variables support tourism development that has a significant impact. From his empirical data and other research, he is about the launch of motivation and sports tourism. The front to answer the question, equipped with plan expectations and itinerary, and a specific network is a sporting event. It determines the travel; after the actual realization of this trip, it means nothing in terms of decided to participate. The correct access to data on sports and tourism competitiveness, it also, to determine an effective way of the corresponding policy, is necessary to provide the relevant local government's criteria.  相似文献   

The accelerating interaction between technology and tourism has changed radically the efficiency and effectiveness of tourism organizations, as well as how consumers interact with organizations. In this study, a Web based intelligent framework for travel agencies is proposed that offers customers a fast and reliable response service in a less costly manner. The proposed framework integrates case-based reasoning (CBR) system with a well-known multi criteria decision making (MCDM) technique, namely Analytic Hierarchy Process, to enhance the accuracy and speed in case matching in tourism destination planning. The integration of two techniques enables taking advantages of their strengths and complements each other’s weaknesses. A case study is performed to demonstrate how this framework can facilitate intelligent decision support by retrieving best-fitted responses for customers.  相似文献   

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