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We report a bone marrow transplant which was HLA matched, with major and minor ABO and minor RhD incompatibility (anti-RhD antibody) between the donor and recipient. When engraftment occurred, the recipient developed an anti-RhD antibody of donor origin detected by direct and indirect antiglobulin tests (DAT, IAT) and showed signs of mild hemolytic anemia. With the disappearance of the recipient RBCs, the DAT became negative and the hemolysis disappeared, while the anti-RhD alloantibody persisted in the patient's serum. This case emphasizes the importance of close immuno-hematological monitoring in patients undergoing allogeneic BMT with ABO-RhD incompatibility between recipient and donor.  相似文献   

Alternate pathways of galactose metabolism were explored in erythrocytes from normal subjects and patients with galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT) deficiency incubated with galactose. Micromolar quantities of galactonate accumulated in both normal and mutant cells linearly with time up to 5 hours and with concentrations of galactose up to 25 mmol/L. Galactitol also was found at levels less than one third of the galactonate level, while galactose-1-phosphate concentrations comparable to those of galactonate were found in galactosemic cells. Concomitant with the formation of these galactose metabolites, the erythrocyte redox potential based on measurement of lactate and pyruvate increased fourfold in both cell types. This was due to a 60% to 72% decrease in pyruvate and a 24% to 26% increase in lactate. The oxidation of galactose to galactonate, which is known to generate NADH, is the most likely explanation for the increase in the redox state. The aldose reductase inhibitor (ARI), Tolrestat (Wyeth Ayerst Research, Princeton, NJ), at 70 micromol/L inhibited the formation of both galactonate and galactitol in both cell types without affecting galactose-1-phosphate, and eliminated the increase in the redox potential as indicated by restoration of pyruvate and lactate levels to the levels obtained before exposure of the cells to galactose. A functioning galactonate pathway is a route of galactose disposal in patients with GALT deficiency, but by altering the cellular redox potential, it may also contribute to galactose toxicity.  相似文献   

With current techniques, genetic alterations of herpesviruses are difficult to perform, mostly because of the large size of their genomes. To solve this problem, we have designed a system that allows the cloning of any gamma-herpesvirus in Escherichia coli onto an F factor-derived plasmid. Immortalized B cell lines were readily established with recombinant Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), demonstrating that the F factor-cloned EBV genome has all the characteristics of wild-type EBV. Because any genetic modification is possible in E. coli, this experimental approach opens the way to the genetic analysis of all EBV functions. Moreover, it is now feasible to generate attenuated EBV strains in vitro such that vaccine strains can be designed. Because we incorporated the genes for hygromycin resistance and green fluorescent protein onto the E. coli cloned EBV genome, the still open question of the EBV target cells other than B lymphocytes will be addressed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the involvement of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the pathogenesis of Sj?gren's syndrome (SS) and to examine whether the spontaneous production of EBV is unique to SS B cell lines. METHODS: B cell lines were established from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and SS. The cord blood immortalization assay, flow cytometric analysis, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to detect EBV production by B cell lines. RESULTS: SS B cell lines produced EBV at a higher frequency, and in significantly larger amounts, than did other B cell lines. However, no correlation with the amount of EBV DNA in the genome of B cell lines was found. PCR analysis revealed that EBV with a B95-8--like U2 region was dominant in SS B cell lines. CONCLUSION: Spontaneous, massive production of EBV by B cell lines is unique to SS, and may contribute to the polyclonal B cell activation seen in this disease.  相似文献   

The etiologic spectrum of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) has not been well defined in Vietnam. Cohort and case-control studies were performed on all adult and pediatric AES patients admitted to the Neurology Service of Bach Mai Hospital between June 5 and August 3, 1995. Among pediatric AES patients, 31 (67%) of 46 had acute Japanese encephalitis (JE), compared with only two (6%) of 33 adult AES patients (P < 0.0001). For confirmed JE cases, serum specimens obtained 15-21 days after symptom onset had the highest mean anti-JE IgM signal-to-noise (P/N) ratios (8.08 + 1.09 SE). A serosurvey of adult household members did not reveal any cases of recent subclinical JE infection, although 26% had evidence of past JE infection. The use of bed netting was nearly universal but did not appear to reduce the risk of AES or JE. Given the high incidence of JE, particularly among children, Vietnam seems well suited for the development of a targeted JE vaccination strategy.  相似文献   

We report a 30 years old male, recipient of a kidney allograft and treated with azathioprine, who eighteen days after transplantation had a clinically asymptomatic elevation of total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatases. Nineteen months later, he presented with mild ascites, with a total bilirubin of 3.5 mg/dl, alkaline phosphatases of 308 U/L (normal < 170 U/L) and a prothrombin time at 55% of control. A liver biopsy showed sinusoidal and perivenular fibrosis without inflammation, compatible with chronic venous obstruction. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease is an infrequent complication of azathioprine use.  相似文献   

A retrospective chart review of 43 patients who underwent technetium 99m (Tc-99m) sestamibi scans from June 1995 to January 1997 was performed. Only those who underwent subsequent parathyroid exploration with excision were included in the study. Twenty subjects (13 women and seven men) were included in the study. Ages ranged from 21 to 84 years (mean, 58 years). All patients had laboratory values and clinical findings consistent with primary hyperparathyroidism. Two patients had preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (one patient with recurrent disease), and one had a preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan. The remaining patients had the sestamibi scan as the only preoperative localization study. There were 18 pathologic diagnoses of parathyroid adenoma and two of parathyroid hyperplasia. Sestamibi failed to correctly identify the location of the parathyroid lesion in two cases. In 18 cases the preoperative sestamibi scan correctly localized the lesion, a predictive value of 90%. We conclude that the Tc-99m sestamibi scan is an accurate preoperative tool that can be used as a single modality to localize parathyroid adenomas.  相似文献   

Responses to mechanical strain in calvaria and limb bone organ cultures were compared by measuring cellular glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity in situ and prostaglandin release. Normal functional strains were recorded in the ulnae (1000 mu epsilon) and calvarium (30 mu epsilon) in vivo in 110 g rats. Organ cultures of ulnae and calvaria from similar animals were loaded to produce dynamic strains (600 cycles, 1 Hz) of 1000 mu epsilon in the ulna, and 100 or 1000 mu epsilon in calvaria. In ulnae, both PGE2 and PGI2 were released and resident osteocytes and osteoblasts showed increased G6PD activity. Neither response was seen in calvaria. However, exogenous PGI2 (10(-5)-10(-9) M) stimulated G6PD activity in osteocytes and osteoblasts in organ cultures of both calvaria and ulnae. In ulnar cells the response was linear, in calvarial cells it was biphasic with maximum activity at 10(-7) M. Osteoblasts derived from ulnae and cultured on plastic plates subjected to dynamic strain (600 cycles, 1 Hz, 4000 mu epsilon) showed increased G6PD activity. There was no such response in similarly treated calvarial-derived cells. Calvarial bone cells differ from those of the ulna in that they do not respond to physiological strains in their locality with increased prostanoid release or G6PD activity either in situ or when seeded onto dynamically strained plastic plates. Cells from both sites in organ culture show increased G6PD activity in response to exogenous PGI2, but their dose:responses differ in shape. These differences may reflect the extent to which functional loading influences bone architecture in these two sites.  相似文献   

We have described an exogenously immunosuppressed, HIV-negative patient with a subacute presentation of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia characterized by normal arterial oxygen tension and alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient and normal findings on serial chest radiographs. This case demonstrates that other studies in addition to chest radiograph and resting arterial blood gas measurement are necessary in all immunosuppressed patients with progressive respiratory symptoms, regardless of cause of immunosuppression, to exclude P carinii pneumonia from the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor (IR) is a membrane-bound glycoprotein composed of alpha and beta subunits derived from a common precursor. This processing is observed for both subtypes A and B of the IR and its physiological importance is poorly understood. In order to investigate the functional consequences of the absence of IR precursor cleavage, using site-directed mutagenesis of the hIRB cDNA, we have produced two mutants replacing the sequence Arg-Lys-Arg-Arg by either His-Lys-His-Arg or Arg-Lys-Arg-Ser. These two mutants, stably expressed in CHO, were structurally and functionally characterized in comparison to the wild-type human IR. These mutations result in the production of uncleaved receptors which are expressed normally at the cell surface. These receptors bind insulin with a normal affinity and activate the tyrosine-kinase resulting in normal phosphorylation of the receptors. These uncleaved receptors can mediate both the metabolic and mitogenic effects of insulin. These results provide evidence for a fully functional uncleaved insulin receptor of the B subtype (exon 11 + ) in contrast to the uncleaved A subtype (exon 11 -) described in the literature, which shows a reduced affinity for insulin and cannot therefore correctly transduce the insulin signal.  相似文献   

To investigate whether statistical parameters used in Down syndrome screening between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy can be used at 14 weeks, we assayed alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), total human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), free alpha-hCG, free beta-hCG, and inhibin-A in 16 pregnancies with Down syndrome in the 14th week of pregnancy and expressed values in multiples of the normal median. The median and standard deviation values for these 16 pregnancies were not materially different from those published for 15-22 weeks. It is reasonable, therefore, to offer Down syndrome screening using these markers starting at 14 completed weeks of pregnancy instead of 15 weeks. It needs to be recognized, however, that serum AFP measurement for neural tube defect screening is less effective at this time than between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy exists regarding donor and recipient factors that promote the development and progression of coronary artery disease after heart transplantation and the likelihood of coronary artery disease causing death or retransplantation. METHODS: To investigate this issue in a large cohort of patients, we analyzed 5963 postoperative angiograms performed in 2609 of the 3837 patients undergoing heart transplantation at 39 institutions between January 1990 and December 1994. Coronary artery disease was classified as mild, moderate, or severe on the basis of left main involvement, primary vessel stenoses, and branch stenoses. Coronary artery disease was considered severe if left main stenosis was > 70% or 2 or more primary vessels stenoses were > 70% or branch stenoses were > 70% in all 3 systems. RESULTS: By the end of 5 years after heart transplantation, coronary artery disease was present in 42% of the patients, mild in 27%, moderate in 8%, and severe in 7%. Coronary artery disease-related events (death or retransplantation) had an actuarial incidence of 7% at 5 years and occurred in 2 of 3 of the patients with development of angiographically severe coronary artery disease. By multivariable logistic analysis, risk factors for donor coronary artery disease included older donor age (P < .0001) and donor hypertension (P=.0002). By multivariable analysis in the hazard function domain, risk factors identified for the earlier onset of allograft coronary artery disease included older donor age (P < .0001 ), donor male sex (P=.0006), donor hypertension (P=.07), recipient male sex (P=.02), and recipient black race (P=.01). The actuarial incidence of severe coronary artery disease was 9% at 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Angiographic coronary artery disease is very common after heart transplantation, occurring in approximately 42% of the patients by 5 years. Older donor age, donor hypertension, and male donor or recipient predict earlier onset of angiographic allograft coronary artery disease. Although severe angiographic allograft coronary artery disease occurs in only 7% of the patients at 5 years, its presence is highly predictive of subsequent coronary artery disease-related events or retransplantation.  相似文献   

In apparent contrast to earlier work on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) carriage in the general Caucasian population, in vitro virus isolations from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive male homosexual cohorts have shown frequent examples of multiple EBV infection and an overall prevalence of type 2 EBV strains exceeding 30%. Here we ask to what extent these findings might hold true in another T-cell-immunocompromised cohort, HIV-positive hemophilic patients. Resident EBV strains were rescued within lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from the blood and throat washings of 39 such individuals, using the same in vitro protocols of virus isolation as for the homosexual cohort. A mean of 19 independent cell lines was made per patient, and in each case the resident virus was characterized by PCR-based viral genomic analysis and by immunoblotting to reveal the viral "EBNAprint." By these criteria a significant proportion (14 of 39) of the hemophilic cohort carried more than one EBV strain, suggesting that T-cell impairment does indeed sensitize virus carriers to reinfection with new strains of exogenously transmitted virus. However, the overall incidence of type 2 EBV infection was 10%, which is close to that observed in the earlier work with healthy carriers and substantially lower than that seen in HIV-positive homosexuals. We infer that type 2 EBV is relatively rare in the general Caucasian population but has become endemic in the homosexual community.  相似文献   

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