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In this paper we present an alternative solution to the problem min X ε Hn×n |A + BXC| where A, B, rmand C are rational matrices in Hn×n. The solution circumvents the need to extract the matrix inner factors of B and C, providing a multivariable extension of Sarason's H-interpolation theory [1] to the case of matrix-valued B(s) and C(s). The result has application to the diagonally-scaled optimization problem int |D(A + BXC)D−1|, where the infimum is over D, X εHn×n, D diagonal.  相似文献   

In this note we show how to solve the H-optimal sensitivity problem for a SISO plant P(s) = P1(s)P2(s), given the solutions for P1(s), P2(s). This allows us to solve the problem for systems of the form ehsP0(s), where P0(s) is the transfer function of a stable, LTI, finite dimensional system.  相似文献   

In this paper we give a new numerical method for constructing a rank m correction BF to an n × n matrix A, such that the generalized eigenvalues of λE−(A+BF) are all at λ = 0. In the control literature, this problem is known as ‘deadbeat control’ of a generalized state-space system Exi+1 = Axi + Bui, whereby the matrix F is the ‘feedback matrix’ to be constructed.  相似文献   

Let A be a generator of a strongly continuous semigroup of operators, and assume that C and H are operators such that A + CH generates a strongly continuous semigroup SH(t) on X. Let λ0 be a real number in the resolvent set of A, and let ε [−1, 1]. Then there are some fairly unrestrictive conditions under which A+(λ0A)CH0A) also generates a strongly continuous semigroup SK(t) on X which has the same exponential growth rate as SH(t). Given an input operator B, we can use this to identify a class of feedback perturbations K such that A + BK generates a strongly continuous semigroup. We can also use this result to identify classes of feedbacks which can and cannot uniformly stabilize a system. For example, we show that if the control on a cantilever beam in the state space H02[0, 1] × L2[0, 1] is a moment force on the free end, then we cannot stabilize the beam with an A−1/2-bounded feedback, but we can find an A−1/4-bounded feedback, for any > 0, which does stabilize the beam.  相似文献   

We consider a class of two-sided stochastic control problems. For each continuous process πt = πt+ − πt with bounded variation, the state process (xt) is defined by xt = Bt + f0t I(xs - a)dπs+f0t I(xs a)dπs, where a is a positive constant and (Bt) is a standard Brownian motion. We show the existence of an optimal policy so as to minimize the cost function J(π) = E [f0 e−αsXs2 ds], with discount rate α > 0, associated with π.  相似文献   

This note deals with the problem of determining if a linear system whose characteristics polynomial depends multilinearly on n independent uncertain real parameters Δi, I = 1,…,n, is robustly stable. It is shown by example that a polynomial in n variables may have a unique real root, and that this observation disposes of several natural conjectures in robust stability theory. In particular, we show that, in a certain sense, there are no ‘edge’ or ‘m-dimensional face’ Kharitonov-like theorems for the general multilinear case. The result holds even when restricted to that subset of multilinear functions which can be written in the form f1,…, Δn) = det(I + diag(Δ1,…,Δn)M) for some complex matrix M.  相似文献   

Let G = (V, E, s, t) denote a directed network with node set V, arc set E = {1,…, n}, source node s and sink node t. Let Γ denote the set of all minimal st cutsets and b1(τ), …, Bn(τ), the random arc capacities at time τ with known joint probability distribution function. Let Λ(τ) denote the maximum st flow at time τ and D(τ), the corresponding critical minimal st cutset. Let Ω denote a set of minimal st cutsets. This paper describes a comprehensive Monte Carlo sampling plan for efficiently estimating the probability that D(τ)εΩ-Γ and x<λ(τ)y at time τ and the probability that D(τ) Ω given that x < Λ(τ) y at time τ. The proposed method makes use of a readily obtainable upper bound on the probability that Λ(τ) > x to gain its computational advantage. Techniques are described for computing confidence intervals and credibility measures for assessing that specified accuracies have been achieved. The paper includes an algorithm for performing the Monte Carlo sampling experiment, an example to illustrate the technique and a listing of all steps needed for implementation.  相似文献   

The optimal least-squares filtering of a diffusion x(t) from its noisy measurements {y(τ); 0 τ t} is given by the conditional mean E[x(t)|y(τ); 0 τ t]. When x(t) satisfies the stochastic diffusion equation dx(t) = f(x(t)) dt + dw(t) and y(t) = ∫0tx(s) ds + b(t), where f(·) is a global solution of the Riccati equation /xf(x) + f(x)2 = f(x)2 = αx2 + βx + γ, for some , and w(·), b(·) are independent Brownian motions, Benes gave an explicit formula for computing the conditional mean. This paper extends Benes results to measurements y(t) = ∫0tx(s) ds + ∫0t dx(s) + b(t) (and its multidimensional version) without imposing additional conditions on f(·). Analogous results are also derived for the optimal least-squares smoothed estimate E[x(s)|y(τ); 0 τ t], s < t. The methodology relies on Girsanov's measure transformations, gauge transformations, function space integrations, Lie algebras, and the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai equation.  相似文献   

We study the spectral properties of a ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator which arises in the context of the mixed-sensitivity H-optimization problem and whose largest eigenvalue characterizes the optimal achievable performance ε0. The existence of such an operator was first shown by Verma and Jonckheere [26], who also'noted the potential numerical advantage of computing eo through its eigenvalue characterization rather than through the ε-iteration. Here, we investigate this operator in detail, with the objective of efficiency computing its spectrum. We define an ‘adjoint’ linear-quadratic problem that involves the same ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator, as shown by Jonckheere and Silverman [13–16]. Consequently, a finite polynomial algorithm allows ε0 to be characterized as simply as the largest root of a polynomial. Finally, a computationally more attractive state space algorithm emerges from the Ht8/LQ relationship. This algorithm yields a very good accuracy evaluation of the performance ε0 by solving just one algebraic Riccati equation. Thorough exploitation of this algorithm results in a drastic computation reduction with respect to the standard e-iteration.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the exponential stability in mean square for a neutral stochastic differential functional equation of the form d[x(t) − G(xt)] = [f(t,x(t)) + g(t, xt)]dt + σ(t, xt)dw(t), where xt = {x(t + s): − τ s 0}, with τ > 0, is the past history of the solution. Several interesting examples are a given for illustration.  相似文献   

A variety of H optimal design problems reduce to interpolation of compressed multiplication operators, f(s) → πk(w(s)f(s)), where w(s) is a given rational function and the subspace K is of the form K=H2 φ(s)H2. Here we consider φ(s) = (1-eα-5)/(s - α), which stands for a distributed delay in a system's input. The interpolation scheme we develop, adapts to a broader class of distributed lags, namely, those determined by transfer functions of the form B(es)/b(s), where B(z) and b(s) are polynomials and b(s) = 0 implies B(es) = 0.  相似文献   

Given a stable rational transfer function G(s) and weighting function W(s), the problem of finding of MacMillan degree k so as to minimise is considered. This problem is solved for W(s) =(s-β)/(s-α) with no assumptions on the signs of α and β. This gives rise to approximations where can be accurately bounded from above and below in terms of the Hankel singular values of WG (when α, β > 0).  相似文献   

The problem of merging two sorted arrays A = (a1, a2, ..., an1) and B = (b1, b2, ..., bn2) is considered. For input elements that are drawn from a domain of integers [1...s] we present an algorithm that runs in O(log log log s) time using n/log log log s CREW PRAM processors (optimal speed-up) and O(nsε) space, where n = n1 + n2. For input elements that are drawn from a domain of integers [1...n] we present a second algorithm that runs in O(α(n)) time (where α(n) is the inverse of Ackermann′s function) using n/α(n) CREW PRAM processors and linear space. This second algorithm is non-uniform; however, it can be made uniform at a price of a certain loss of speed, or by using a CRCW PRAM.  相似文献   

Let be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, the sequence of its upper record values (i.e. L(0) = 1, L(n) = inf{jXj>XL(n−1} for n≥1). Without any assumptions to the support of PX1 the equidistribution of X1 and a record increment XL(nXL(n−1), n ≥ 1 yields X1 to be either exponentially or geometrically distributed according to whether the additive subgroup generated by the support of PX1 is dense or a lattice in . The integrated lack of memory property can easily be reduced to the above problem for the case n = 1. Similarly the independence of XL(n−1) and XL(n)XL(n−1) for some n>1 characterizes X1 to have e exponential or a geometric tail provided that the support of PX1 is bounded to the left and its right extremity no atom. Hence, if also its left extremity is no atom the independence of XL(n−1) and XL(n−1)XL(n−1) characterizes X1 to be exponentially distributed.  相似文献   

Let f(xθ) = αθαx−(α+1)I(x>θ) be the pdf of a Pareto distribution with known shape parameter α>0, and unknown scale parameter θ. Let {(Xi, θi)} be a sequence of independent random pairs, where Xi's are independent with pdf f(xαi), and θi are iid according to an unknown distribution G in a class of distributions whose supports are included in an interval (0, m), where m is a positive finite number. Under some assumption on the class and squared error loss, at (n + 1)th stage we construct a sequence of empirical Bayes estimators of θn+1 based on the past n independent observations X1,…, Xn and the present observation Xn+1. This empirical Bayes estimator is shown to be asymptotically optimal with rate of convergence O(n−1/2). It is also exhibited that this convergence rate cannot be improved beyond n−1/2 for the priors in class .  相似文献   

The smoothing of diffusions dxt = f(xt) dt + σ(xt) dwt, measured by a noisy sensor dyt = h(xt) dt + dvt, where wt and vt are independent Wiener processes, is considered in this paper. By focussing our attention on the joint p.d.f. of (xτ xt), 0 ≤ τ < t, conditioned on the observation path {ys, 0 ≤ st}, the smoothing problem is represented as a solution of an appropriate joint filtering problem of the process, together with its random initial conditions. The filtering problem thus obtained possesses a solution represented by a Zakai-type forward equation. This solution of the smoothing problem differs from the common approach where, by concentrating on the conditional p.d.f. of xτ alone, a set of ‘forward and reverse’ equations needs to be solved.  相似文献   

Under some regularity assumptions and the following generalization of the well-known Bene condition [1]:
, where F(t,z) = g−2(t)∫f(t,z)dz, Ft, Fz, Fzz, are partial derivatives of F, we obtain explicit formulas for the unnormalized conditional density qt(z, x) α Pxt ε dz| ys, 0 st, where diffusion xt on R1 solves x0 = x, dxt = [β(t) + α(t)xt + f(t, xt] dt + g(t) dw1, and observation yt = ∫oth(s)xs ds + ∫ot(s) dw2t, with w = (w1, w2) a two-dimensional Wiener process.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xk be real analytic vector fields on an n-dimensional manifold M, k < n, which are linearly independent at a point p ε M and which, together with their Lie products at p, span the tangent space TMp. Then X1,…, Xk form a local basis for a real analytic k-dimensional distribution xDk(x)=span{X1(x),…,Xk(x)}. We study the question of when Dk admits a basis which generates a nilpotent, or solvable (or finite dimensional) Lie algebra. If this is the case the study of affine control systems, or partial differential operators, described via X1,…, Xk can often be greatly simplified.  相似文献   

Given a -complete (semi)lattice , we consider -labeled transition systems as coalgebras of a functor (−), associating with a set X the set X of all -fuzzy subsets. We describe simulations and bisimulations of -coalgebras to show that L(−) weakly preserves nonempty kernel pairs iff it weakly preserves nonempty pullbacks iff L is join infinitely distributive (JID).Exchanging for a commutative monoid , we consider the functor (−)ω which associates with a set X all finite multisets containing elements of X with multiplicities m M. The corresponding functor weakly preserves nonempty pullbacks along injectives iff 0 is the only invertible element of , and it preserves nonempty kernel pairs iff is refinable, in the sense that two sum representations of the same value, r1 + … + rm = c1 + … + cn, have a common refinement matrix (m(i, j)) whose k-th row sums to rk and whose l-th column sums to cl for any 1≤ km and 1 ≤ ln.  相似文献   

Our aim in this paper is to develop a new approach for solving the H optimal control problem where the feedback arrangement takes the form of a linear fractional transformation. The paper is in two parts. In Part 1, a basic kind of model-matching problem is considered: given rational matrices M(s) and N(s), the H -norm of an error function defined as E(s)=M(s) – N(s)Q(s) is minimized (or bounded) subject to E(s) and Q(s) being stable. Closed-form state-space characterizations are obtained for both E(s) and Q(s). The results established here will be used in Part 2 of the paper (Hung 1989) to solve the H optimal control problem.  相似文献   

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