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小麦是我国主要粮食作物之一.近几年我国小麦年产量在1亿t左右,约占我国粮食总产量的22%,世界小麦总产量的18%,为世界之首. 小麦是我国人民的主食,约占城乡居民口粮消费的35%.我国年消费小麦总量1亿t,其中90%的小麦加工成小麦粉.笔者试图在对行业状况和消费需求进行分析的基础上,说明制粉企业技术升级和优化产品结构是其发展的唯一路径.  相似文献   

1 玉米的进口数量 玉米是我国粮食出口主要品种,近3年时间,累计出口1372万 吨.1996~1998年我国玉米产量累计为36473万吨,同期国内消费 量为34967万吨,产量大于需求量1505万吨.年均结余的数量占国 内玉米产量的4%.1999年我国的玉米产量为12620万吨,如果 2000年玉米产量减少,饲料和其它工业用粮需求再有新的增长,市 场获利机会减少,在市场规律的作用下,进口会遇到来自国内市场 的阻力.预计玉米进口会增加,国内价格会下降,但不会因此对国内 市场形成大的冲击. 2 小麦的进口数量 我国小麦在总量上基本实现了供求平衡,只是存在品种上的缺 口.国内对优质小麦的需求量大约在1000万吨,国内的自给率不到 10%.国内面粉加工企业对进口优质小麦有相当数量的需求,在进 口小麦价格高于国产小麦的情况下,仍要购进进口小麦.前不久国 家储备粮拍卖,进口小麦成交价格在1600~1800元/吨,比国产二 等小麦价格高出40%~60%.1996~1998年我国小麦平均年产量为 11453万吨,商品量按35%计算为4009万吨,入世第一年小麦进口 配额730万吨,如全部进口,国内商品供给总量将增长18%.目前, 世界小麦贸易量在1.2亿吨左右,中国入世后扩大小麦进口按650 万吨计,世界贸易量会因此增长5 4%.中国扩大小麦进口,不仅会 对国内市场产生影响,也对国际市场产生影响. 3 大米的进口数量 入世以后,我国在第一年将提供260万吨的大米进口配额,由 于国际上的大米价格高于国内市场,将在很大程度上抑制进口量 的增长,预计实际执行数量可能达不到这一水平,但会较过去有所 提高,总量预计在50万吨左右. 4 大豆的进口数量 当前,我国大豆年消费量约为1600万吨,其中900万吨用于榨 油,600万吨左右用于食用和工业消费,而大豆的年产量在1400~ 1500万吨左右,同时,东北地区还有大量的大豆积压.因此从总量 上看,我国并不存在大豆的供给不足.但是由于进口大豆在价格和 含油率两方面都优于国产大豆,大豆进口总量仍逞增长态势.入世 以后,我国不会对大豆进口实施配额管理,因此,很难对其进行限 制.美国农业部曾预测,1998/1999年度,中国大豆进口数量将达到 385万吨,在1999/2000年度,进口量将增长至430万吨的历史最 高水平.  相似文献   

中国造纸协会常务副理事长曹朴芳最近表示,我国到2015年纸及纸板消费总量将达到8000万吨以上,造纸业需要投资约4900亿元。 目前,我国纸和纸板的消费量约为3350万吨,人均年消费量为26.5公斤,人均消费仅及世界平均消费水平的一半。到2005年,我国的纸及纸板消费量预计将达5000万吨以上,达到人均消费38公斤,是目前亚洲平均消费  相似文献   

健康产业升级助推我国新资源食品发展据估计,2015年,我国人口总量将达到13.9亿左右,60岁及以上老年人口总量将突破2亿,给健康产业带来新的机遇.随着人们保健意识的提高,绿色、健康产品已逐渐成为人们生活中的必需品.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 长期以来,中国的粮食问题一直为政府和人民所关注。“九五”期间,我国的粮食产量保持在5亿吨左右。据预测,到2010年中国的人口将达到14亿左右,到2030年将达16亿的峰值。如果2010年、2030年的人均粮食占有水平稳定在能够基本满足消费需求的400kg,那么2010年中国粮食需求总量将为5.5亿吨左右,2030年为6.4亿吨左右,这样,在未来十多年内,粮食产量必须达到每年平均增长1.5%的水平。此外,在未来的十多年内,正是中国居民消费从以谷物为主向动物蛋白制品和高脂肪制品转换,肉禽蛋等制品的需求迅速扩张的时期,这将使饲料用粮大幅度增长。  相似文献   

<正>中国新闻出版广电报2015-07-28报道:国际市场调查研究所史密瑟斯·皮尔近期发布的《全球液体包装纸板市场调查报告》显示,2014年全球液体包装纸板市场消费总量不超过300万吨,市场规模达到11.4亿美元。预计至2020年,市场消费量将达到360万吨,按照2014年的价格换算,市场规模约为13.8亿美元。  相似文献   

<正>我国粮食生产在经历"十一连增"后,生产问题以及政策困局突显。粮食"十一连增"背后呈现出三大矛盾,粮食政策体系产生了两大困局。首先,粮食供给将长期处于"结构性紧平衡"。2013年,我国粮食产量6.02亿吨;城乡居民口粮消费总量大约1.9亿吨,饲料用粮3亿吨,再加上种子用粮、工业用粮和生产加工流通等环节不可避免的损耗,粮食消费和消耗总量可能接近6亿吨。考虑到城镇化导致我国每年城市新增人口超过1000万,"总体基本平衡、结构  相似文献   

发展小麦经济推动面食现代化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、谷物中小麦的地位和影响 小麦是我国粮食生产的主要品种,小麦播种面积、总产量和库存量均居世界首位。1995年以来,全国小麦总产量达到1.2亿吨以上,占世界6亿吨的近1/5。由于小麦总量的持续增加,品种品质结构不尽合理,加工转化能力有限,出现了市场购销不畅,库存积压严重,农民增产不增收等问题。同时,我国加入WTO后,小麦生产和加工销售面临着更加严峻的挑战,国产小麦严重积压  相似文献   

<正>《人民日报》2015年10月10日报道,据国家林业局统计数据,目前我国木材年消耗量近5亿m~3,年增幅为25%左右,国内供应量约为2.5亿m~3,对外依存度达到50%。受需求增加和国内禁伐等因素影响,预计到2020年,我国木材消费量约为8亿m~3,缺口将达5亿m~3,对外依存度达到65%左右。如何在保护好生态环境的同时,满足国内木材需求,做到未雨绸缪?经国务院批准,中国林业集团公司去年5月开始,计划在我国"一带一路"战略规划和长  相似文献   

中国是世界上最大的发展中大国,近30年来中国经济和工业化发展迅速,现已成为全球第二大经济体和第二大石油消费国,每年要花费约1万多亿元人民币从境外进口石油,石油的对外依存率已达到约56.5%,预计到2020年将接近70%,2009年的CO2排放总量约为64亿吨,超过了美国,排名世界第一。  相似文献   

基因食品的研究进展   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
基因工程技术为人类食品供应开辟了新途径,利用这种技术定向地改造微生物,植物和动物,大大提高了食品的产量与质量,给社会带来了巨大的经济效益,但基因食品的安全性问题也不容忽视。本文就基因食品的发展现状,基因食品的安全性和可接受性及其发展前景作一综述。  相似文献   

Food losses and waste have always been a significant global problem for mankind, and one which has become increasingly recognised as such by policy makers, food producers, processors, retailers, and consumers. It is, however, an emotive subject whereby the extent, accuracy and resolution of available data on postharvest loss and waste are questionable, such that key performance indicators on waste can be misinformed. The nature and extent of food waste differ among developed economies, economies in transition and developing countries. While most emphasis has been put on increasing future crop production, far less resource has been and is still channelled towards enabling both established and innovative food preservation technologies to reduce food waste while maintaining safety and quality. Reducing food loss and waste is a more tractable problem than increasing production in the short to medium term, as its solution is not directly limited, for instance, by available land and water resources. Here we argue the need for a paradigm shift of current funding strategies and research programmes that will encourage the development, implementation and translation of collective biological, engineering and management solutions to better preserve and utilise food. Such multidisciplinary thinking across global supply chains is an essential element in the pursuit of achieving sustainable food and nutritional security. The implementation of allied technological and management solutions is reliant on there being sufficient skilled human capital and resources. There is currently a lack of robust postharvest research networks outside of the developed world, and insufficient global funding mechanisms that can support such interdisciplinary collaborations. There is, thus, a collective need for schemes that encourage inter‐supply chain research, knowledge exchange and capacity building to reduce food losses and waste. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

<正>RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)无线射频识别技术,被美国《商业周刊》等知名媒体列为 21世纪将对世界产生重大影响的十大重要技术之一,不仅技术本身具有非常好的产业化发展前景,同时其应用将对整个世界的物流管理产生重大影响。目前,该技术在欧美等发达国家已经得到了重点开发  相似文献   

<正>台湾食品一直以其口味独特和品质优良而闻名于世。随着产业投资的增加及加工技术的提升,台湾食品业研发创新近年来更是有了长足的进步,不但能源源不断地开发出各类独具风味的食品,更以提供安全、健康及卫生的产品作为立足市场的根基。1980年以后,在台湾岛内市场的日趋饱和、劳动力缺乏与工资上涨、新台币大幅度升值、岛内大量的过剩储蓄资金以及其他相关的因素影响下,台湾地区开始出现较大规模的产业转移与对外扩张,食品业也毫不例外地积极开辟岛外市场。内  相似文献   

于冲  吴永志  夏海华  曲晓军 《酿酒》2005,33(3):11-12
目前,用乙醇部分或全部代替汽油作汽车燃料己成为一种世界范围的必须趋势。巴西是产蔗糖大国,用甘蔗汁直接生产乙醇作汽车燃料添加剂使巴西在燃料乙醇作为汽油代产品方面走在了世界前列。美国是世界玉米生产大国,以玉米为原料,用发酵法生产酒精是美国生产燃料乙醇的主要方式。而在我国,以陈化粮料生产乙醇将是发展汽油醇产业的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

中国食品安全问题现状、成因及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
食品安全问题由来已久,而最近十几年更为突出,已是全球范围内人们广泛关注的话题,也是各国政府面临的严峻考验。我国与其他国家相比,食品安全问题的成因除环境污染、食品供应链长等共同特征外,还存在区域经济发展不平衡、城镇化加速等个性特征。本文以宏观的视角、经济成本学的分析方式来审视我国的食品安全问题,并试图从政府、企业、消费者等层面来提出我国食品安全问题的解决方案。  相似文献   

As most of the undernourished people in the world live in developing countries, achieving food security plays a major role on the daily agenda of policy makers. For achieving food security, there exist various strategies such as supply management, demand management, or better food distribution. This article aims to analyze different scenarios in a developing country context and seeks to provide an overview that could be the most suitable approach to achieve food security. In this context, not only producing more food is considered but also the environmental and social implications that come along with a higher production. Some of the existing options for achieving food security seem not to be appropriate anymore; for instance, cultivation expansion, as this can only be achieved at high social and environmental costs. Other options, such as sustainable intensification or waste management, seem to be more appropriate. The article concludes that there exists no stand-alone solution to the food security problem. Instead, an integrated approach that combines different options might rather be the key to sustainable food security.  相似文献   

by Philip E. Nelson, 2007 World Food Prize Laureate; Professor Emeritus, Food Science Dept., Purdue Univ. Just as society has evolved over time, our food system has also evolved over centuries into a global system of immense size and complexity. The commitment of food science and technology professionals to advancing the science of food, ensuring a safe and abundant food supply, and contributing to healthier people everywhere is integral to that evolution. Food scientists and technologists are versatile, interdisciplinary, and collaborative practitioners in a profession at the crossroads of scientific and technological developments. As the food system has drastically changed, from one centered around family food production on individual farms and home food preservation to the modern system of today, most people are not connected to their food nor are they familiar with agricultural production and food manufacturing designed for better food safety and quality. The Institute of Food Technologists—a nonprofit scientific society of individual members engaged in food science, food technology, and related professions in industry, academia, and government—has the mission to advance the science of food and the long‐range vision to ensure a safe and abundant food supply contributing to healthier people everywhere. IFT convened a task force and called on contributing authors to develop this scientific review to inform the general public about the importance and benefits of food science and technology in IFT's efforts to feed a growing world. The main objective of this review is to serve as a foundational resource for public outreach and education and to address misperceptions and misinformation about processed foods. The intended audience includes those who desire to know more about the application of science and technology to meet society's food needs and those involved in public education and outreach. It is IFT's hope that the reader will gain a better understanding of the goals or purposes for various applications of science and technology in the food system, and an appreciation for the complexity of the modern food supply. Abstract: This Institute of Food Technologists scientific review describes the scientific and technological achievements that made possible the modern production‐to‐consumption food system capable of feeding nearly 7 billion people, and it also discusses the promising potential of ongoing technological advancements to enhance the food supply even further and to increase the health and wellness of the growing global population. This review begins with a historical perspective that summarizes the parallel developments of agriculture and food technology, from the beginnings of modern society to the present. A section on food manufacturing explains why food is processed and details various food processing methods that ensure food safety and preserve the quality of products. A section about potential solutions to future challenges briefly discusses ways in which scientists, the food industry, and policy makers are striving to improve the food supply for a healthier population and feed the future. Applications of science and technology within the food system have allowed production of foods in adequate quantities to meet the needs of society, as it has evolved. Today, our production‐to‐consumption food system is complex, and our food is largely safe, tasty, nutritious, abundant, diverse, convenient, and less costly and more readily accessible than ever before. Scientific and technological advancements must be accelerated and applied in developed and developing nations alike, if we are to feed a growing world population.  相似文献   

In recent years new forms of food distribution organisation, known as short supply chains, have gained ground. The local nature of such distribution has positive effects on the environment and on the local economy. Consumers appear to trust the short supply chain, and it has achieved considerable success. However, the short supply chain has credence characteristics which, by their very nature, cannot be identified through a system of certification. The question we address in this paper is whether it is possible to identify the constituent elements of the credence trait in relation to food quality in the short supply chain. Our hypothesis is that the latter are linked to a range of socially constructed food quality criteria. To develop a more inclusive vision of how such criteria are coordinated in food quality assessment by consumers, use has been made of convention theory. In accordance with convention theory, quality is identified, in a social context and informally, as one of the spheres in which economic activity is regulated by procedures which go beyond regulation by price. The aim of our study was to measure the effects of coordinated conventions of quality in the context of one type of short supply chain: farmers’ markets specialised in the sale of organic products. An ordered logit model was implemented. Our results allow credence characteristics to be classified within conventions of quality and could help support strategies aimed at spreading sustainable forms of food distribution and consumption. Future research might go to the direction of validating our results based on a single form of supply organisation. Moreover, additional efforts should be made understanding the effect of situational factors on socio-demographic variables such as gender. Finally, an attempt should be made to merge different theories to better understand the issue of consumer choice.  相似文献   

近年来国内食品安全事件频发,暴露了我国食品安全规制设计工作的不足与弊端,因此有必要加强我国食品安全规制水平,有效地保障我国食品行业的知识产权。现阶段,我国食品安全领域对知识产权的关注度普遍较小。本文立足于知识产权语境,结合实例论述了知识产权与食品安全的联系、对我国的相关食品安全法规进行了解读,并对我国食品安全规制存在的问题及建设基于知识产权保护的食品安全规制方法进行了阐述,提出了一些对应的解决方法,以期推动基于知识产权保护的食品安全规制设计工作的发展。  相似文献   

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