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A test system was developed for measuring the pore pressure in porous media, and a new model was devised for the pore pressure testing in both saturated and unsaturated rock-soil. Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the pore pressure during water level fluctuation. The variations of transient pore pressure vs. time at different locations of the simulated rock-soil system were acquired and processed, and meanwhile the deformation and failure of the model are observed. The experiment results show that whether the porous media are saturated or not, the transient pore pressure is mainly dependent on the water level fluctuation, and coupled with the variation of the stress field.  相似文献   

以安康水库东岸马家坡滑坡为研究对象,采用现场调查、室内试验、数值模拟等方法,对比分析了岩土体物理力学性质在不同饱水-失水循环次数下的劣化趋势,验证支护设计的合理性及安全性,研究水库水位周期性波动对于抗滑桩加固效果的影响。得出主要结论如下:(1)滑体及滑带的主要成分即强风化千枚岩在饱水-失水循环条件下,物理力学性质产生明显的劣化现象,呈现出先快速下降后缓慢下降的趋势;(2)坡体中前部设置抗滑桩后,坡体稳定性有了较大的提高,但随着水位变化次数增多,抗滑桩的加固效果不断弱化,且弱化速度为先快后缓;(3)随着水位循环次数的增加,位移及塑性应变带逐渐后移至滑坡后缘处,滑带处桩身受到的作用力最大且其值缓慢增大。  相似文献   

以土-桩-结构相互作用体系的模拟地震振动台模型试验为基础,根据土中测点的加速度记录、孔隙水压力记录,运用傅立叶频谱比法(FSR)和两层介质系统解法(Tw o-layerSo lu tion)推算了不同深度剪切土柱的基本共振频率、各土层的平均剪切波速和平均动剪切模量,考察了剪切土柱的基本共振频率与输入地震加速度的关系,研究了土层平均剪切波速随深度的变化情况,并分析了超孔隙水压力对地基平均动剪切模量影响的非线性特性.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The instability of slopes on the river banks and the reactivation of ancient slopes, in- duced by drawdown of water level, are great danger for the local residents and for thehydroelectric engineering. A lot of accidents or disasters relating to the drawdown of water level can be found in literatures. In October 1963, the landslide, near the recently constructed Vajont Reservoir dam at that time, caused the failure of the toppest hyper- bolic arching dam in the world, ruined on…  相似文献   

An online dynamic method based on electrical conductivity probe, tensiometer and datataker was presented to measure saturation-capillary pressure (S-p) relation in water-light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) two-phase sandy medium under water level fluctuation. Three-electrode electrical conductivity probe (ECP) was used to measure water saturation. Hydrophobic tensiometer was obtained by spraying waterproof material to the ceramic cup of commercially available hydrophilic tensiometer. A couple of hydrophilic tensiometer and hydrophobic tensiometer were used to measure pore water pressure and pore LNAPL pressure of the sandy medium, respectively. All the signals from ECP and tensiometer were collected by a data taker connected with a computer. The results show that this method can finish the measurement of S-p relation of a complete drainage or imbibition process in less than 60 min. It is much more timesaving compared with 10–40 d of traditional methods. Two cycles of water level fluctuation were produced, and four saturation-capillary pressure relations including two stable residual LNAPL saturations of the sandy medium were obtained during in 350 h. The results show that this method has a good durable performance and feasibility in the porous medium with complicated multiphase flow. Although further studies are needed on the signal stability and accuracy drift of the ECP, this online dynamic method can be used successfully in the rapid characterization of a LNAPL migration in porous media.  相似文献   

孔隙水压力是评价黄土高填方场地变形与稳定的重要参数.为探讨沟谷地形中黄土高填方场地孔隙水压力增长和消散规律,对陕北某黄土高填方工程进行了施工期和工后期的孔隙水压力监测和分析.结果表明:在分析超静孔隙水压力的增长和消散规律时,须扣除因土层压缩和地下水位变化而引起的静水压力变化值;孔隙水压力的增长和消散主要受地下水位和填土...  相似文献   

为了研究车辆荷载作用下沥青混凝土路面中裂缝孔压的变化规律及其对路面质量的影响,基于Biot固结理论及裂隙渗流和流固耦合理论,利用COMSOL Mutiphysics建立沥青混凝土路面结构三维流固耦合模型。对比当车辆移动荷载经过时无裂缝、横向裂缝、纵向裂缝和交叉裂缝四种路面情况下沥青混凝土路面的孔隙水压力增长、消散规律和路面形变。数值分析结果表明:相对于横向裂缝,纵向裂缝的存在更有利于孔隙水压力的消散;横向裂缝和交叉裂缝存在时孔隙水压最大,从而加剧了路面的水损害;裂缝对路面形变无显著影响。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The in situ observations and analysis on the landslide events indicate that water is one of the key factors which induce landslide of the mountain mass[1―8]. The mechanism offissure water inducing landslide can be generalized into three aspects: (1) the softening influence of water weakens the strength of materials on the slip surface[9―11]; (2) the cleft water pressure towards the slide slope free face increases sliding force[12―15]; (3) water pressure on the slip surface lo…  相似文献   

强夯孔隙水压力回归分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计强夯试验 ,动态观测了超静孔隙水压力的变化。考虑深度、单点总夯击能、夯击遍数、累加平均夯击能、渗透性和时间等因素对超静孔隙水压力变化的影响 ,利用回归分析 ,提出了强夯孔隙水压力数学模型 ,用此模型可以确定强夯施工时的夯间时间间隔。  相似文献   

The shear strength parameters property of rock-soil aggregates in embankment slope of reservoir, that is, the relationship between cohesion and gravel content, between friction angle and gravel content, and the relationship between cohesion and water content, between friction angle and water content, is studied based on the direct shear test results, the shear strength change law of the rock-soil aggregates is given, and the unsaturated shear strength formulation of rock-soil aggregates that could consider suction and saturation degree influence is put forward in this paper, through which the sliding or failure physical mechanism of this type of slope under the condition of rainfall infiltration is studied. Also the 3D unsteady saturated-unsaturated seepage field and its FEM resolving mode are established based on the analysis of the slope rainfall infiltration process. Case study with this method indicates that the minimum safety factor of the accumulated rock-soil aggregates dose not arrive at the moment of rainfall cessation, but appears several hours after the rainfall cessation, this phenomenon is in accordance with the practical slope engineering’s failure process and could explain appropriately the slope failure caused by rainfall infiltration. Research results in this paper have an important reference value for the research on stability of the accumulated rock-soil aggregates in embankment slope of reservoir, and can enrich the stability analysis method and relevant theory of reservoir embankment slope. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50539010, 50539110, 50809025, 50539030-1-3), National Science and Technology Support Plan of China (Grant Nos. 2006BAC14B03, 2008BAB29B06, 2008BAB29B03), Opening Fund of Geotechnical Mechanic and Engineering Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Water Recourses of China (Grant No. G07-03), Science and Technology Support Project of China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Co. (Grant No. CHC-KJ-2007-02), Special Scientific Research Fund of Doctor Subjects of Colleges and Universities: Research on Diagnosis Method of Concrete Dam Crack Transferring  相似文献   

通过模拟地震振动台试验,考察了SSI体系中不同软基土在地震激励下超孔隙水压力的变化特性,及重复加载过程中的影响,探讨了地震动力下不同地基土的超孔隙水压力变化机理。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The effect of water on landslide stability has been paid much attention to for a long time. Water in landslide primarily comes from rainfall infiltration, ground water and other sources. Among them, the rainfall, which is a kind of uncontrollable external con- dition, is of significance for landslide failures. The landslide accidents induced by rain- fall are possessed of a large proportion. Especially, the group landslides caused by rain- fall commonly result in very serious h…  相似文献   

为了研究库水位的下降对高陡边坡稳定性及变形的影响,以锦屏一级水电站左岸边坡为例,基于饱和渗流理论,以左岸坝头滑移破坏模式为研究对象,利用矢量和稳定性评价方法研究不同库水位下降速度对锦屏一级电站左岸边坡的稳定性影响规律。研究表明:当库水位以1 m/d的速度由1 880 m高程下降至1 800 m高程时,左岸坝头滑移破坏模式的安全系数由1.214降低到1.147,且安全系随着库水位下降趋于稳定,而当库水位下降速度达到2 m/d时,安全系数的降低速度随着库水位的下降逐渐加剧,当库水位达到1 800 m高程时,安全系数降至1.052,左岸坝头滑移破坏模式接近临界状态;库水位下降条件下坡体最大位移处发生在坝头滑移破坏模式潜在滑动面的剪出口位置。  相似文献   

真空排水预压工程中孔压实测资料的分析与应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
总结真空排水预压工程中决定孔压变化的因素,分析各因素在真空排水预压过程中对孔压变化的影响模式、提出了一种由真空排水预压工程孔压现场实测资料来推算抽真空在地基中形成的负压渗流场分布模式的方法,使之应用于若干工程的分析,得到各工程抽真空时负压渗流场沿地基深度的分布模式,并对其分布规律做了初步探讨、当塑料排水板打设深度在20m以内时,由该方法分析得到的负压渗流场分布模式沿深度基本一致,其值在膜下真空度的50%以上。当塑料排水板打设深度在20m以上时。由该方法分析得到的负压渗注场分布模式有一定离散性。  相似文献   

主要探讨在水库蓄水或放水情况下,造成库周边坡稳定性降低的原因,分析边坡稳定计算方法,探讨土坡各参数取值问题。  相似文献   

Transient pore pressure in response to short intense rainfall process plays animportant role in shallow landslide occurrence. Using GIS technology, we carry out the rainfall-induced landslide stability analysis in response to transient pore pressure bymeans of transient and unsaturated rainfall infiltration modeling. A case study isperformed on the shallow landslide stability analysis in Hong Kong. Detailed analysis and discussion reached some useful conclusions on the tempo-spatial behavior andcharacteristics of slope stability response and pore pressure response to typical rainfall process. Comparison analysis is performed on some important issues including landslidestability response in different types of slopes with different hydraulic properties,antecedent rainfall and landslide stability, and the nature of pore pressure response time.These studies might give us an important insight into landslide tringgering mechanismand the hydrological process in response to rainfall, and provide systematic informationand evidences for effective risk assessment and warning system establishment.  相似文献   

1 Introduction It is generally believed that reservoir slope instability is mainly caused by unfavorable hydrodynamic evolution in the bank due to reservoir filling and/or operation. Many cases of instability were reported both in China and abroad, causing life fatalities and economic losses, and even leading to project abandonment[1-5]. Riemer[5] reviewed 60 published case histories and indicated that 85% of slide events happened during con- struction and/or filling period, or within 2 years …  相似文献   

To investigate the effective shape of collapsing block in square tunnel subjected to pore water pressure, the analytical solution of detaching curve was derived using upper bound theorem of limit analysis with Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The work rate of pore water pressure, which was regarded as an external rate of work, was taken into account in the framework of limit analysis. Taking advantages of variational calculation, the objective function with respect to detaching curve was optimized to obtain the effective shape of collapsing block for square tunnel. According to the numerical results, it is found that the varying pore water pressure coefficient only affects the height and width of the collapsing block, whereas the shape of collapsing block remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Vibration pore water pressure characteristics of saturated fine sand under partially drained condition were investigated through stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests employed varied fine content of samples and loading frequency. In order to simulate the partially drained condition, one-way drainage for sample was implemented when cyclic loading was applied. The results show that the vibration pore water pressure’s response leads the axial stress and axial strain responses, and is lagged behind or simultaneous with axial strain-rate’s response for all samples in this research. In addition, the satisfactory linear relationship between vibration pore water pressure amplitude and axial strain-rate amplitude is also obtained. It means that the direct cause of vibration pore water pressure generation under partially drained conditions is not the axial stress or axial strain but the axial strain-rate. The lag-phase between pore water pressure and axial strain-rate increases with the increase of the fine content or the loading frequency.  相似文献   

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