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翼型组合桨持气特性的实验研究及数据关联方法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了内径φ0.382~1.16m机械搅拌釜中翼型组合桨气液两相的持气特性,考察了结构参数 (包括翼型桨径、桨间距、桨下距离、通气位置、挡板形式及翼型桨排出流方向)和操作参数 (包括搅拌转速与通气量)对气含率的影响.采用单位体积功率和表观气速及Froude数和通气流动数两种方法对气含率进行了关联处理,并采用神经网络技术建立了翼型组合桨的气含率关联的网络模型,该模型掌握了各参数对气含率的影响规律,具有很好的泛化能力,与传统关联方法相比,网络模型的预测误差可缩小至±10%以内. 相似文献
<正>搅拌反应器是化工、医药、食品工业中广泛应用的基础设备之一,当搅拌釜内液深与搅拌釜直径相比较大时(通常比值大于1),往往采用双层或多层桨,以保证顶部到底部的循环流动。 透平桨产生的是径向流,形成以桨叶为中心线的上、下2个循环区,桨叶附近剪切速率高,气体分散能力强。翼型桨产生的流型是轴向流,形成全釜循环,混合均匀,剪切温和。为充分利用两者优势,加强全釜混合,剪切适度,特别是在粘稠物系中,可采用组合桨。目前尚未看到对翼型-透平组合桨流动状况的研究,而对于非牛顿流体中的组合桨流动状况则了解 相似文献
多层组合桨搅拌槽内气-液分散特性的研究 总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17
在直径为0,476m的椭圆底搅拌槽中,采用由六叶半椭圆管叶盘式涡轮桨(HEDT)及四叶宽叶翼型桨的上提(WHU)及下压(WHD)操作组合的六种不同的三层桨,研究了气-液两相体系中的通气功率变化及气含率特性,获得不同桨型的通气搅拌功率及气含率的关联式;结果表明,底桨为HEDT的组合桨通气功率下降幅度最小,相同输入功率时气含率最高,其次为WHD,WHU为底桨时气液分散性能最差。因此,适用于气液两相操作的优化组合桨应以HEDT为底桨。此研究结果可为工业用多层组合桨气液搅拌反应器的设计提供参考。 相似文献
在直径0.48 m的椭圆底搅拌槽中,研究了以半椭圆管盘式涡轮(HEDT)为底桨、上两层为四叶翼型轴流桨下压操作(WHD)的组合桨(HEDT+2WHD)在搅拌槽内沿径向和轴向的局部气含率分布及不同表观气速对局部气含率的影响.局部气含率沿轴向分布比较均匀,仅在底桨附近有一个极大值,其它位置局部气含率差异较小.随着表观气速增... 相似文献
在装有单层或双层蛇管换热器的搅拌釜中,分别以六直叶圆盘涡轮(DT)、四叶(45°)折叶桨(4IBT)或六叶(45°)折叶桨(6IBT)为上层桨,DT为下层桨,测定了不同双层桨的搅拌功率和气含率。结果表明,搅拌功率随蛇管层数、液位高度和桨间距的增加而增大,但气含率随液位的上升而下降。在装有双层蛇管换热器的搅拌釜中,DT与6IBT双层桨的通气搅拌功率Pa和气含率α的关联式为Pa=2.49(P02ND3/QG(0.56))(0.37)及α=0.029P_v ̄(0.48)u_s ̄(0.47)。 相似文献
双层组合桨搅拌槽内气液微观分散特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用双电导电极探针法对双层组合桨搅拌槽内气液相界面积特性进行了实验研究,考察了通气量、搅拌转速和桨组合对槽内相界面积的影响。结果表明:对于上层桨为上翻斜叶桨和下层桨为凹叶桨的组合,随着通气量的增加,搅拌槽内大部分区域的相界面积增大,但在槽底区域减小。随着搅拌转速的增加,在叶轮区域的相界面积增加明显,而在槽底和液面区域基本不变化。上下层桨的分散能力和气体分布器结构和操作条件密切相关。对于近壁管式气体分布器搅拌槽,在较低通气量下,上层桨对气液分散起着主要作用,而在高通气量下,下层桨的作用增强,起主要作用。带圆盘的搅拌桨对气体具有良好的阻缓作用,不同气速下均具有优异的气液分散能力。 相似文献
采用Brookfield黏度仪测量了质量分数为0.5%,1.0%,1.5%的羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)水溶液在298.15 K的流变特性。在直径为0.48 m的平底搅拌槽中,对搅拌槽内不同的3层组合桨的气液二相的分散特性进行了实验研究,考察了非牛顿流体浓度、桨型组合、通气量和搅拌转速对通气功率、相对功率和气含率的影响规律。结果表明:CMC水溶液为假塑性流体,幂律方程能很好地关联其流变特性。在相同操作条件下,随着浓度的增加气含率减小,功率消耗增加;在相同的功率输入时,下压桨型组合的气含率更高。相对功率(PG/P)、气含率关联式等研究结果对非牛顿流体的气液搅拌器设计和操作具有一定参考价值。 相似文献
在直径为0.48 m的椭圆底搅拌槽中,采用包括半椭圆(HEDT)及抛物线(PDT)形叶片的4种盘式涡轮桨,研究了叶片形状对气液两相体系中临界分散、通气功率和气含率的影响. 结果表明,由载气到气泛测得的泛点比气泛到载气测得的泛点明显滞后;比较相同条件下PDT桨与HEDT桨的通气功率和气含率,相同通气准数时,PDT桨的相对功率消耗(Pg/P0)较高,通常大于0.75,且受通气量影响较小;功率消耗相同时,在较宽气量范围内PDT的气含率较HEDT高约5%. PDT桨在相同气量时达到气液分散所需的功率略低,推荐用于工业气液搅拌反应器中. 相似文献
传统Rushton刚性桨常应用于过程工业中搅拌反应器内的气液分散过程,但由于桨叶背后易形成较大的气穴,气液混合效果较差。为了提高搅拌槽内气液两相的混合效果,提出了一种刚柔组合桨强化气液两相的分散过程。利用LabVIEW软件处理刚性桨和刚柔组合桨体系中气液混合过程的压力脉动信号,通过Matlab软件编程计算最大Lyapunov指数(LLE),分析气液混合体系的混沌混合行为,同时,对刚性桨和刚柔组合桨体系中的相对搅拌功耗、整体气含率、局部气含率进行测量。结果表明,在功耗为170 W,通气量为10 m3·h-1条件下,与刚性桨相比,刚柔组合桨能够通过刚-柔-流的耦合作用促进桨叶能量的传递过程,提高搅拌体系的混沌混合程度,刚柔组合桨体系的LLE提高了8.89%。同时,在相同操作条件下,与刚性桨相比,刚柔组合桨能够有效提高相对搅拌功耗以及搅拌槽内的整体气含率和局部气含率,且搅拌槽内气体分散更为均匀。 相似文献
Fractional gas hold up was measured in gas inducing type of mechanically agitated contactors (GIMAC) with single and multiple impellers. Three vessels of 0.57, 1.0 and 1.5 m i.d. were used. For the multiple impeller system, six different impeller designs were employed. The impeller speed was varied in the range of 0.30 to 15.45 s?1. The ratio of impeller diameter to tank diameter (D/T), the submergence (S) of the upper impeller, the clearance of the lower impeller from the tank bottom (C1) and the impeller spacing (C3) were varied over a wide range. The design of the lower impeller was optimized in terms of diameter (D), blade width (W), blade angle (Bø), number of blades (nb) and the blade thickness (tb). An optimum design has been proposed for the multiple impeller system. Rational correlations have been proposed. 相似文献
Fractional gas holdup was measured in 0.57, 1.0, and 1.5 m i.d. vessels. Pitched blade downflow turbines (PTD) were used as the impeller. Design details of the impeller, such as the impeller diameter (0.22 T to 0.5 T) and blade width (0.25 D to 0.4 D), were studied. The effect of sparger type, geometry and size on fractional gas hold-up has been investigated in detail. Four different types of spargers (pipe, conical, ring and concentric ring spargers) were used. Sparger location was varied for all the types studied. Further, design details of the ring sparger, which gave the highest hold-up were then studied in detail. These included ring diameter, number of holes and hole size. All the reported correlations for fractional gas hold-up in mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors were tested and compared. A better correlation has been developed for pitched blade turbines. 相似文献
Gas hold-up and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient were studied in a gas-liquid contactor without baffles, containing multiple impellers with four delta-type blades. The blades of each adjacent impeller were offset by 45° in an alternating manner. The direction of rotation of the impellers periodically was reversed. This new type of agitated gas-liquid contactor was denoted as “AJITER”. The effects of the gas sparging rate, the forward-reverse agitation rate and the number of impellers on the gas hold-up and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient in the AJITER when different types of gas spargers were used were evaluated experimentally for an air-water system. Empirical relationships are presented to predict the gas hold-up and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. The differences in performance between the AJITER and existing types of gas-liquid contactors are discussed in terms of the differences in the gas hold-up and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient due to changes in the superficial gas velocity. 相似文献
对几种不同型式轴流桨的推力系数进行了实验及CFD模拟研究。结果表明:四宽叶翼型桨A的推力系数最大,三窄叶翼型桨D推力系数最小;模拟结果与实验结果有很好的吻合;四宽叶翼型桨A较其它几种轴流桨形成的全釜大循环更为彻底,没有发生分区现象;四宽叶翼型桨A在叶端线上的最大轴向速度远大于其它4种桨;四宽叶翼型桨A最大轴向速度随着r/R的增大而逐渐减小且逐渐向釜底方向移动。在水体系中的实验结果表明:当通气量Qg为1.1vvm,P/V≥1.5kW/m3时,四宽叶翼型桨A-透平桨组合的传质系数较双层透平桨组合高约9.6%。 相似文献
双层桨自吸式搅拌槽气-液分散性能 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对一双层桨自吸式搅拌槽内气液分散性能进行了研究,在有无定子两种情况下,对比了不同桨型组合的搅拌功率、相对功率消耗、气含率和容积传氧系数。结果表明:自吸式搅拌槽可以有效降低功率消耗;6P-6PDTU(抛物线型桨与六叶上斜叶桨)组合的功率消耗小于6DT-6PDTU(六直叶圆盘桨与六叶上斜叶桨)组合,相对功率消耗更接近于1;气含率和容积传氧系数小于6DT-6PDTU组合。研究表明,虽然6DT-6PDTU组合的搅拌功率较大,且不利于气液分散和混合,但吸气量和气液两相之间的传质效果较好。 相似文献
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate turbulence characteristics in a 0.48 m diameter stirred vessel filled to a liquid height ( H = 1.4T ) of 0.67 m. The agitator had dual Rushton impellers of 0.19 m diameter ( D = 0.4T ). The developed flow patterns depend on the clearance of the lower impeller above the base of the vessel, the spacing between the two impellers, and the submergence of the upper impeller below the liq- uid surface. Their combinations can generate three basic flow patterns, named, parallel, merging and diverging flows. The results of velocity measurement show that the flow characteristics in the impeller jet flow region changes very little for different positions. Average velocity, trailing vortices and shear strain rate distributions for three flow patterns were measured by using PIV technique. The characteristics of trailing vortex and its trajectory were described in detail for those three flow patterns.
Since the space-resolution of PIV can only reach the sub-grid rather than the Kolmogorov scale, a large-eddy PIV analysis has been used to estimate the distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation. Comparison of the distributions of turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate in merging flow shows that the highest turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation are both located in the vortex regions, but the maxima are at somewhat different lo- cations behind the blade. About 37% of the total energy is dissipated in dual impeller jet flow regions. The obtained distribution of shear strain rate for merging flow is similar to that of turbulence dissipation, with the shear strain rate around the trailing vortices much higher than in other areas. 相似文献
Since the space-resolution of PIV can only reach the sub-grid rather than the Kolmogorov scale, a large-eddy PIV analysis has been used to estimate the distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation. Comparison of the distributions of turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate in merging flow shows that the highest turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation are both located in the vortex regions, but the maxima are at somewhat different lo- cations behind the blade. About 37% of the total energy is dissipated in dual impeller jet flow regions. The obtained distribution of shear strain rate for merging flow is similar to that of turbulence dissipation, with the shear strain rate around the trailing vortices much higher than in other areas. 相似文献
两级气液内环流反应器内气含率和循环液速 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
基于多釜串联可以有效减小返混的原理,通过引入特殊设计的级间构件构建了一种新型的两级内环流反应器。实验研究了级间构件形式、表观气速、表观液速和气液分离器对每一级内气含率和循环液速的影响。实验结果表明,表观气速对反应器二级(上一级)中上升管与下降管气含率之差和循环液速影响较大,而对一级(下一级)的影响较小;各级内上升管和下降管的气含率均随表观液速的增大而减小,但影响程度较小。基于推动力和阻力平衡建立了预测反应器中每一级的气含率和循环液速的流体力学模型,模型预测值与实验结果吻合较好。 相似文献
Experimental and CFD investigation of power consumption in a dual Rushton turbine stirred tank 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Power consumption of a mixing system is a key variable in chemical and bioprocess engineering, the determination of which is of interest of many processes. Besides, prediction of the flooding-loading transition in an aerated stirred tank is crucial for the correct design of aerated stirred tank reactors. In this research, laboratory investigation has been carried out on local and total power consumption of a single phase as well as gas-liquid phase systems in a fully baffled stirred tank equipped with dual six-blade Rushton turbines; moreover, the flow regime behavior of a gas-liquid system was investigated. Results have been compared with data obtained from CFD simulation of experimental setup and the data available in the literature. Reasonable agreement between the experimental and simulation results indicates the validity of the CFD model. Using predicted data some empirical correlations have been derived which present new relations in estimation of power consumption and flow regime transitions in stirred tanks with dual Rushton impellers. 相似文献
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to investigate the influence of parallel, merging and diverging flow configurations on the gas dispersion operation in stirred vessel. The simulation was based on the two-fluid model along with the standard k-ε turbulence model along with an appropriate drag correction to account for bulk turbulence [Khopkar, A.R., Ranade, V.V., 2006. CFD simulation of gas-liquid stirred vessel: VC, S33 and L33 flow regimes. A.I.Ch.E. Journal 52, 1654-1671]. The model predictions were compared with the published experimental data of Bombac, Zun [2000. Gas-filled cavity structures and local void fraction distribution in vessel with dual-impellers. Chemical Engineering Science 55, 2995-3001] for parallel flow configuration. The predicted results show reasonably good agreement with the experimental data. The computational model was then used to simulate the gas-liquid flows for the other two flow configurations. The results of this work provide ‘a priory’ information on the implications of flow configuration on the vessel performance. 相似文献