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Two triple-helical domains, Col 1 and Col 2, were obtained from a pepsin digest of human placental collagen XIV and separated from each other under nondenaturing conditions. Edman degradation demonstrated 106 amino acids residues in the Col 1 and 149 residues in the Col 2 domain. All except one of the 37 prolines in the Yaa position of the Gly-Xaa-Yaa triplets were completely hydroxylated to 4-hydroxyproline, and there were three imperfections in the triplet repeat. Partial or complete hydroxylation and glycosylation were found for all seven lysines in the Yaa position. Domain Col 1 was joined by disulfide bonds into a trimer, while Col 2 appeared as a mixture of monomers and disulfide-linked dimers. Circular dichroic spectra were typical for the collagen triple helix and revealed relatively high melting temperatures for Col 1 (38 degrees C) and Col 2 (43 degrees C). An almost perfect refolding of the triple helix was observed for Col 1 but not for Col 2, emphasizing the importance of disulfide bonds for the folding kinetics and in part the stability of the triple helix. Circular dichroic spectra of the large nontriple helical domain, NC3, of collagen XIV indicated 11% alpha helix and 63% beta structure. Comparative melting profiles of NC3 and intact collagen XIV indicated that the triple helices in intact collagen XIV have a melting temperature of 44 degrees C.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (EDS IV) is caused by mutations of type III collagen (COL3A1). Here we have characterised the most amino-terminal glycine substitution so far described in a patient with EDS IV. A combination of peptide mapping and chemical cleavage analysis of cDNA localised the mutation in cyanogen bromide peptide CB5. Sequence analysis showed a G to A mutation, converting glycine 661 to arginine, which was a new dominant mutation. Analysis of type III collagen secreted by cultured fibroblasts showed an overmodified mutant protein with normal thermal stability. However, the intracellularly retained form melted 2 degrees C lower than normal. This indicated that molecules resulting from the same mutation can differ in their thermal stabilities.  相似文献   

Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita and bullous systemic lupus erythematosus are autoimmune bullous disorders, with tissue-bound and circulating autoantibodies reactive with the noncollagenous NC1 domain of type VII collagen (C-VII). Here, we describe a novel acquired bullous dermatosis with autoantibodies against the triple-helical domain of C-VII. Three patients, all Japanese children, presented with widespread inflammatory tense blisters. Histologically, subepidermal tissue separation was noted with inflammatory infiltrate in the superficial dermis. Direct immunofluorescence staining revealed linear IgG/C3 deposits along the dermal-epidermal junction. Circulating IgG anti-basement membrane zone autoantibodies stained the dermal side of normal skin separated with 1 M NaCl. Direct and indirect immunoelectron microscopy using colloidal gold labeling showed that patient sera reacted with anchoring fibrils. The gold particles were localized both near the lamina densa and on the central banded portion of the fibrils. The sera reacted with C-VII in immunoblots. Epitope analyses with natural and recombinant fragments of C-VII disclosed that the sera did not recognize the NC1 domain of C-VII, but the central triple-helical domain of this anchoring fibril protein. Thus, the present probands show a hitherto unrecognized variant of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, with autoantibodies against epitopes in the collagenous domain of C-VII.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen (COL-IV) interacts with a variety of cell types. We present evidence that human mesangial cells (HMC) bind directly to COL-IV, its major triple helical domain, and the main non-collagenous, NC1 domain. A synthetic peptide, HEP-III, and its triple helical counterpart (THP-III), previously reported to be a heparin-binding domain, also promoted approximately 15% adhesion of HMC. HMC bound to solid-phase-immobilized, intact COL-IV (approximately 75%), isolated NC1 domain (approximately 15%), and a pepsin-derived triple helical fragment,which lacks Hep-III (approximately 65%). We further examined inhibition of HMC adhesion to COL-IV and its domains by using anti-integrin antibodies. Blocking monoclonal antibodies against the alpha2 integrin resulted in 70% inhibition of adhesion to COL-IV and 80% inhibition to HEP-III. Moderate inhibition was observed on the NC1 and triple helical fragments. Anti-alpha1 antibodies inhibited the binding of HMC to COL-IV, the NC1, and triple helical domains, but not to peptide HEP-III. Anti-beta1 antibodies inhibited almost completely (>95%) the adhesion to COL-IV, the NC1, and triple helical fragments; inhibition on HEP-III was approximately 30%. Affinity chromatography studies with solid-phase HEP-III and mesangial cell lysate also demonstrated the presence of integrin alpha2 beta1 along with alpha3 beta1. We conclude that alpha2 beta1 and alpha1 beta1 integrins mediate HMC adhesion to COL-IV. Peptide HEP-III is a major, specific site for alpha2 integrin-mediated binding of mesangial cells to COL-IV. Both the alpha1 beta1 and alpha2 beta1 integrins interact with the NC1 and triple helical fragments of COL-IV. Therefore, we demonstrate that several sites for integrin-mediated interactions exist on several collagenous and non-collagenous domains of COL-IV.  相似文献   

Rats secrete saliva in response to heat. In the present study, details of thermal salivation were investigated using the FOK rat in comparison with Sprague-Dawley (SD), Donryu, and ACI rats. The FOK rat is a strain inbred for genotypic heat adaptation and endures heat for long periods. Conscious rats of all four strains were exposed to 42.5 degrees C. The order of heat endurance times at this temperature was FOK > SD > Donryu = ACI. FOK rats spread their saliva over their entire ventral surface, their faces, and their outside legs. This saliva area was wider than those made by the other three strains. SD rats spread in an area wider than those of the Donryu and ACI rats. Saliva spreading in the FOK rats continued for 4.0-4.5 h, far longer than in the other strains. Under ketamine anesthesia and exposure to 40 degrees C, the FOK rats secreted saliva at 1390+/-235 microL/100 g of body weight during a 60-min observation period. This was the highest rate among the four rat strains (p < 0.0001). The body temperature increase rate in anesthetized FOK and SD rats was lower than in the other two strains, suggesting a minor contribution of unknown factors. Ligation of the submandibular gland ducts abolished the thermal salivation of the FOK rats, whereas ligation of the parotid duct had no effect. The submandibular, sublingual, and lachrymal glands in the FOK rats were 1.3-1.5, 1.25-1.4, and 1.3-1.5 times heavier, respectively, than those in the other three strains, whereas the parotid gland of the FOK rats was not enlarged. These findings indicate that the rats' saliva spreading and ET values are significantly correlated. A potentiated and long-lasting salivation from the submandibular gland was acquired during development of genotypic heat adaptation. This salivation is actuated in response to heat. The pronounced thermal salivation is probably attributable to adaptive changes in the superior salivatory nucleus-chorda tympani-submandibular gland pathway.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster starts by an ordered appearance of neuroblasts arranged in three columns (medial, intermediate and lateral) in each side of the neuroectoderm. Here we show that, in the intermediate column, the receptor tyrosine kinase DER represses expression of proneural genes, achaete and scute, and is required for the formation of neuroblasts. Most of the early function of DER is likely to be mediated by the Ras-MAP kinase signaling pathway, which is activated in the intermediate column, since a loss of a component of this pathway leads to a phenotype identical to that in DER mutants. MAP-kinase activation was also observed in the medial column where esg and proneural gene expression is unaffected by DER. We found that the homeobox gene vnd is required for the expression of esg and scute in the medial column, and show that vnd acts through the negative regulatory region of the esg enhancer that mediates the DER signal, suggesting the role of vnd is to counteract DER-dependent repression. Thus nested expression of vnd and the DER activator rhomboid is crucial to subdivide the neuroectoderm into the three dorsoventral domains.  相似文献   

We have identified type VI collagen (Col VI) as a primary subendothelial extracellular matrix component responsible for von Willebrand factor (vWF)-dependent platelet adhesion and aggregation under high tensile strength. Intact tetrameric Col VI was the form of the collagen found to be capable of promoting vWF-mediated platelet adhesion/aggregation under this shear condition, whereas removal of the predominant portion of the terminal globules by pepsin treatment abrogated its activity. The inability of the pepsin-digested Col VI to support any platelet interaction at high flow was because of the failure of the A3(vWF) domain to bind to this form of collagen, suggesting a stringent requirement of a tridimensional conformation or of intactness of its macromolecular structure. In contrast, the A1(vWF) domain bound to both intact and pepsin-digested Col VI tetramers but, in accordance with the cooperating function of the two vWF domains, failed to support platelet adhesion/aggregation under high shear onto Col VI by itself. The putative A1(vWF) binding site resided within the A7(VI) module (residues 413-613) of the globular amino-terminal portion of the alpha3(VI) chain. Soluble recombinant A7(VI) polypeptide strongly perturbed the vWF-mediated platelet adhesion to Col VI under high shear rates, without affecting the binding of the vWF platelet receptor glycoprotein Ibalpha to its cognate ligand A1(vWF). The findings provide evidence for a concerted action of the A1(vWF) and A3(vWF) domains in inducing platelet arrest on Col VI. This is accomplished via an interaction of the A1(vWF) domain with a site contained in the alpha3 chain A7(VI) domain and via a conformation-dependent interaction of the A3(vWF) domain with the intact tetrameric collagen. The data further emphasize that Col VI microfilaments linking the subendothelial basement membrane to the interstitial collagenous network may play a pivotal role in the hemostatic process triggered upon damage of the blood vessel wall.  相似文献   

Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type Schmid (MCDS) is caused by mutations in COL10A1 that are clustered in the carboxyl-terminal non-collagenous (NC1) encoding domain. This domain is responsible for initiating trimerization of type X collagen during biosynthesis. We have built a molecular model of the NC1 domain trimer based on the crystal structure coordinates of the highly homologous trimeric domain of ACRP30 (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30 kDa or AdipoQ). Mapping of the MCDS mutations onto the structure reveals two specific clusters of residues as follows: one on the surface of the monomer which forms a tunnel through the center of the assembled trimer and the other on a patch exposed to solvent on the exterior surface of each monomeric unit within the assembled trimer. Biochemical studies on recombinant trimeric NC1 domain show that the trimer has an unusually high stability not exhibited by the closely related ACRP30. The high thermal stability of the trimeric NC1 domain, in comparison with ACRP30, appears to be the result of a number of factors including the 17% greater total buried solvent-accessible surface and the increased numbers of hydrophobic contacts formed upon trimerization. The 27 amino acid sequence present at the amino terminus of the NC1 domain, which has no counterpart in ACRP30, also contributes to the stability of the trimer. We have also shown that NC1 domains containing the MCDS mutations Y598D and S600P retain the ability to homotrimerize and heterotrimerize with wild type NC1 domain, although the trimeric complexes formed are less stable than those of the wild type molecule. These studies suggest strongly that the predominant mechanism causing MCDS involves a dominant interference of mutant chains on wild type chain assembly.  相似文献   

Collagen is an essential part of the cardiac interstitium. Collagen subtypes, their location, total amount and the architecture of the fibrillar network are of functional importance. Architecture in terms of density of the fibrillar network is assumed to be reflected by the intensity of immunohistochemical staining of collagen. The aim of this study was to evaluate a video-based microdensitometric method for quantifying density expressed as absorbance of collagen subtypes I and III stained with an indirect immunoperoxidase method in myectomy specimens of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Various factors influencing the immunohistochemical staining product and the technical properties of the image analysis system were investigated. Linearity between collagen concentration and the absorbance of the immunohistochemical staining product was demonstrated for collagen I using a dot-blot technique. Immunohistochemical collagen staining and density measurement were easily reproducible. The cardiac disability of the patients was assessed according to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) criteria. There was a significant increase in collagen type I density with higher NYHA class, whereas no significant association was found for total collagen area fraction. Thus, video-based microdensitometry gives further insight into the structural remodelling of myocardial collagens and reveals their significance in the process of heart failure in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanism of collagen fibrillogenesis, we studied how various sugars and polyols affect the formation and stability of collagen fibers. We combined traditional fiber assembly assays with direct measurement of the interaction between collagen triple helices in fibers by osmotic stress and X-ray diffraction. We found that the effects of sugars and polyols were highly specific with respect to small structural differences between these solutes. For example, 1,2-propane diol only weakly inhibited the fiber assembly and practically did not affect the interaction between collagen helices in fibers. At the same concentration, 1,3-propane diol eliminated the attraction between collagen helices and strongly suppressed fibrillogenesis. The two diols have the same atomic composition and differ only by the position of one of their hydroxyls. Still, their ability to inhibit fiber assembly differs by more than an order of magnitude, as judged by protein solubility. We argue that this is because collagen fibrillogenesis requires formation of hydrogen-bonded water clusters bridging recognition sites on the opposing helices. The ability of various sugars and polyols to inhibit the fiber assembly and to destabilize existing fibers is determined by how efficiently these solutes can compete with water for crucial hydrogen bonds and, thus, disrupt the water bridges. The effect of a sugar or a polyol appears to be strongly dependent on the specific stereochemistry of the solute hydroxyls that defines the preferred hydrogen-bonding pattern of the solute.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves a multistep phosphorelay system requiring three proteins, SLN1, YPD1, and SSK1, that are related to bacterial two-component signaling proteins, in particular, those involved in regulating sporulation in Bacillus subtilis and anaerobic respiration in Escherichia coli. The SLN1-YPD1-SSK1 phosphorelay regulates a downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade which ultimately controls the concentration of glycerol within the cell under hyperosmotic stress conditions. The C-terminal response regulator domains of SLN1 and SSK1 and full-length YPD1 have been overexpressed and purified from E. coli. A heterologous system consisting of acetyl phosphate, the bacterial chemotaxis response regulator CheY, and YPD1 has been developed as an efficient means of phosphorylating SLN1 and SSK1 in vitro. The homologous regulatory domains of SLN1 and SSK1 exhibit remarkably different phosphorylated half-lives, a finding that provides insight into the distinct roles that these phosphorylation-dependent regulatory domains play in the yeast osmosensory signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen is a minor cartilage component which associates with mixed fibrils of types II/XI collagen. We have determined the precise physical and genetic locations for the gene encoding the alpha3 chain of type IX collagen, COL9A3. Utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization, radiation hybrid mapping, and multipoint linkage analysis, we have mapped COL9A3 to human chromosome 20q13.3, 13 cM telomeric to D20S173.  相似文献   

To learn more about the regulation of contraction of collagen matrices by fibroblasts, we compared the ability of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) to stimulate contraction of floating and stressed collagen matrices. In floating collagen matrices, PDGF and LPA stimulated contraction with similar kinetics, but appeared to utilize complementary signaling pathways since contraction obtained by the combination of growth factors exceeded that observed with saturating concentrations of either alone. The PDGF-simulated pathway was selectively inhibited by the protein kinase inhibitor KT5926. In stressed collagen matrices, PDGF and LPA stimulated contraction with different kinetics, with LPA acting rapidly and PDGF acting only after an approximately 1-h lag period. Pertussis toxin, known to block signaling through the Gi class of heterotrimeric G-proteins, inhibited LPA-stimulated contraction of floating but not stressed matrices, suggesting that LPA-stimulated contraction depends on receptors coupled to different G-proteins in floating and stressed matrices. On the other hand, the Rho inhibitor C3 exotransferase blocked contraction of both floating and stressed collagen matrices. These results suggest the possibility that distinct signaling mechanisms regulate contraction of floating and stressed collagen matrices.  相似文献   

In aging and diabetes, glycation of collagen molecules leads to the formation of cross-links that could alter the surface charge on collagen fibrils, and hence affect the properties and correct functioning of a number of tissues. The electron-optical stain phosphotungstic acid (PTA) binds to positively charged amino acid side-chains and leads to the characteristic banding pattern of collagen seen in the electron microscope; any change in the charge on these side-chains brought about by glycation will affect the uptake of PTA. We found that, upon glycation, a decrease in stain uptake was observed at up to five regions along the collagen D-period; the greatest decrease in stain uptake was apparent at the c1 band. This reduction in PTA uptake indicates that the binding of fructose leads to an alteration in the surface charge at several sites along the D-period. Not all lysine and arginine residues are involved; there appear to be specific residues that suffer a loss of positive charge.  相似文献   

The distribution of alpha1-6 chains of type IV collagen (alpha1-6(IV)) in human fetal kidneys was examined by indirect immunofluorescence. By 11 weeks of gestation, alpha1, 2, 3, 4, and 6(IV) were already present, but alpha5(IV) appeared relatively late, at 21 weeks. Alpha1(IV) and alpha2(IV) were present in all basement membranes, alpha3(IV) and alpha4(IV) were restricted to the glomerular basement membrane and parts of the tubular basement membrane. Alpha5(IV) was distributed in the glomerular basement membrane, Bowman's capsule, and parts of the tubular basement membrane. Alpha6(IV) was present in the Bowman's capsule, parts of the tubular basement membrane, and occurred in parts of the glomerular basement membrane at the early capillary loop stage, but disappeared during the later capillary loop stage.  相似文献   

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