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用场解吸质谱测定了预中间相和潜在中间相沥青及其在制备过程中分子量的分布,并与一般热处理制备的中间相沥青的分子量分布进行了比较.结果表明,预中间相和潜在中间相沥青分子量的分布窄,主要集中在700~1200,而一般热处理制备的中间相沥青分子量的分布宽,主要集中在800~1500.要制备分子量分布窄的纺丝沥青,用于加氢的原料中间相沥青的分子量分布要窄,且分子量大于1200的分子要少.  相似文献   

筛选出适合制备硬质道路石油沥青关键组分的减压渣油,并以此为原料,考察了蒸馏深拔、深度氧化及溶剂脱沥青工艺制备的硬质道路沥青关键组分的性能。所制备的关键组分能够大幅提升基质沥青的高温性能,且通用性好;将关键组分与基质沥青按适合比例调合可以稳定生产高温性能好的硬质道路石油沥青,其混合料耐高温性能好。同时,为便于硬质沥青关键组分的使用,还开发了关键组分的造粒成型技术,提出其适于成型造粒的黏度范围为0.6~6 Pa?S。采用关键组分生产的硬质道路沥青用于高速公路实体工程,经过2年以上的气候和通车考验,沥青路面无车辙、无开裂,保持优良的使用性能。  相似文献   

选用大庆减压渣油和单家寺、欢三联及胜利直馏沥青为试样,考察了冰点降低法测定渣油和沥青分子量的可行性。试验结果表明,本方法的重复性、精密度和准确度较好。重复测定分子量数据的标准偏差小于65,相对标准偏差(变异系数)小于10%。与蒸气压渗透法相比,测定分子量数据的相对误差小于10%。经Grubbs检验结果表明,在95%置信水平下所有试验数据均为可靠数据。对来源广泛的23种试样的分子量进行了测定,进一步证明本方法可用于测定渣油和沥青的分子量  相似文献   

凝胶过滤色谱测定高分子量聚乙烯醇分子量和分子量分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用凝胶过滤色谱对高分子量聚乙烯醇分子量、分子量分布进行剖析。采用Plaquagel-OH色谱柱,0.25mol/LNaNO3,0.01mol/L Na2HPO4-NaH2PO,pH=7的缓冲溶液流动相,流速1ml/min,示差折光检测器,柱温30℃,聚环氧乙烷作标准物。该方法能显著缩短分析时间,提高准确性,可用于对高聚合度聚乙烯醇进行研究和指导生产。  相似文献   

邓淑明 《润滑油》1995,10(6):51-55
对低分子聚异丁烯平均分子量和分子量分布测定方法的试验状况进行了阐述,并对其准确性,精密性进行了考察,确定,结果证明本试验仪器先进,操作简单,是测其分子量和分子量分布的好方法。  相似文献   

讨论了高转化率丁苯乳液聚合中,叔十二碳硫醇(TDM)的用量和加入方式、聚合温度、引发剂用量等对共聚物分子量及分子量分布的影响,对单体转化率、门尼粘度、物件与分子量和分子量分布的关系也作了研究。  相似文献   

陕西常用沥青老化组分变化规律及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2002年至今的沥青四组分试验结果显示,胶质含量较往年越来越少,在2011年甚至小于4%,但其常规指标仍然符合规范要求。针对这一现象选取其中2003年、2007年、2011年出厂的埃索90号沥青在不同老化时间之后的组分含量进行测试,结果发现2011年出厂的该沥青随老化时间的延长,胶质含量有很大程度的提高。尽管埃索90号沥青2011年出厂时的四组分含量与2003年相比差别很大,但是沥青在175℃左右温度下保温3h,组分变化后四组分含量与2003年出厂的该沥青老化后四组分含量差别缩小。最后从化学性质方面分析胶质含量变化的原因,并建议相关部门对埃索90号等沥青的长期性能给予足够关注。  相似文献   

本文概述了天然气分子量计算及分子量计算程序的编制方法,并对松辽盆地北部331个天然气样进行了分子量参数的计算和统计,在大量天然气分子量参数统计和对比的基础上,指出了松辽盆地北部不同地区和油层天然气分子量的变化特征与范围,同时还研究了盆地北部天然气分子量平面和垂向上的分布特征与规律。  相似文献   

兴城地区天然气组分和碳同位素具有"杂、干、重、反"4个基本特征,表明该区存在无机成因天然气.无机成因天然气的形成与岩浆侵位、火山活动密切相关,在早白垩世登娄库期已聚集成藏;而烃源岩在泉头末期才达到生气高峰,青山口期开始大量充注,显然有机成因气生成与充注滞后.有机成因气以甲烷气体为主,在进入圈闭后,它们将逐渐把早期以N2和CO2为主的气体置换,并将其推出圈闭,而沿不整合面、裂隙向凹陷边缘上倾方向的圈闭充注,进而富集成藏.如此便形成了以烷烃为主的天然气分布在构造位置较低的断陷中部,而那些含N2和CO2较多的天然气则富集在外围高部位的圈闭内.天然气组分的分布规律对气田的勘探开发具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

以阿曼减渣为原料,对其丙烷脱沥青工艺的溶剂组成和操作条件进行优化,对制备的30#硬质沥青的混合料性能进行考察,并采用固定床催化裂化装置对重脱沥青油的催化裂化性能进行研究。实验结果表明,丙烷脱沥青工艺的最佳条件为:混合溶剂(20%(w)异丁烷、80%(w)丙烷),抽提塔塔顶温度68℃,沉降塔塔顶温度81℃,溶剂体积比5.0,抽提压力4.35MPa;在此条件下,轻脱沥青油收率为25.1%,其性质满足光亮油料指标要求;脱油沥青收率为46.0%,软化点61.7℃,采用沙中减渣为调和软组分可制备出合格的AH-30硬质沥青,30#沥青混合料具有良好的车辙动稳定度和浸水残留稳定度;重脱沥青油可作为重油催化裂化原料,轻油收率(汽油+柴油)为61.70%。  相似文献   

凝胶色谱法测定7000F平均分子量及分子量分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张廷芹  张艳丽 《炼油与化工》1999,10(2):42-44,48
根据7000F在凝胶色谱柱上的淋洗特点,确定了测定其分子量及分子量分布试验条件,采用示差和粘度双检测凝色谱系统,利用谱适校正方法,不需要Mark常数K、α值,可直接测定数均分子量,重均分子量,粘均分子量并给出分子量分布曲线。  相似文献   


Asphaltene molecular weight has been a controversial issue in the past several decades and continues on nowadays. From industrial application point of view, asphaltene molecular weight is important for setting up a heavy oil refining strategy so that the process is efficient and economically viable. If the measured average molecular weight of asphaltene is high and is the true molecular weight, then substantial amount of energy will be needed, in order to break the molecule into light products during refining process. This is likely not an economical option. On the other, if the measured high molecular weight is due to self-association and the true molecular weight is low (e.g., less than 1500 Da), it will be energetically attractive to refiners to develop heavy oil cracking technology. Vapor pressure osmometry (VPO) has been routinely used for measuring molecular weight. However, it measures the apparent molecular weight and is likely not the true molecular weight. In order to unambiguously measure the molecular weight, it is necessary to develop a convincing technology and a reliable experimental procedure that allows one to measure the molecular weight accurately and consistently. We chose the Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) technique and Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization (APPI) to measure UG8 asphaltene. Both APCI and APPI have mild ionization processes and have been applied to many unstable drug compounds such as proteins and peptides with reliable outcomes. In addition, we measured the sample on two APPI instruments to compare the results. We also demonstrated how one can choose wrong set of operating parameters and lead to erroneous results. The relevant parameters for APCI and APPI are temperature, voltage, and sample concentration. We chose 0.01 mg/mL as the concentration, much below any known critical aggregation concentration. As for temperature and ionization voltage, we varied systematically varied (T = 300–600°C; V = 30–150 V) in order to demonstrate the consistency of the methods and how one can easily make mistake. Through these measurements, an average molecular weight of 400 to 900 Da was obtained for UG8 asphaltene.  相似文献   

Asphaltene molecular weight has been a controversial issue in the past several decades and continues on nowadays. From industrial application point of view, asphaltene molecular weight is important for setting up a heavy oil refining strategy so that the process is efficient and economically viable. If the measured average molecular weight of asphaltene is high and is the true molecular weight, then substantial amount of energy will be needed, in order to break the molecule into light products during refining process. This is likely not an economical option. On the other, if the measured high molecular weight is due to self-association and the true molecular weight is low (e.g., less than 1500 Da), it will be energetically attractive to refiners to develop heavy oil cracking technology. Vapor pressure osmometry (VPO) has been routinely used for measuring molecular weight. However, it measures the apparent molecular weight and is likely not the true molecular weight. In order to unambiguously measure the molecular weight, it is necessary to develop a convincing technology and a reliable experimental procedure that allows one to measure the molecular weight accurately and consistently. We chose the Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) technique and Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization (APPI) to measure UG8 asphaltene. Both APCI and APPI have mild ionization processes and have been applied to many unstable drug compounds such as proteins and peptides with reliable outcomes. In addition, we measured the sample on two APPI instruments to compare the results. We also demonstrated how one can choose wrong set of operating parameters and lead to erroneous results. The relevant parameters for APCI and APPI are temperature, voltage, and sample concentration. We chose 0.01 mg/mL as the concentration, much below any known critical aggregation concentration. As for temperature and ionization voltage, we varied systematically varied (T = 300-600°C; V = 30-150 V) in order to demonstrate the consistency of the methods and how one can easily make mistake. Through these measurements, an average molecular weight of 400 to 900 Da was obtained for UG8 asphaltene.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical behavior of asphaltene is very useful to assist prediction and control the mechanisms of asphaltene deposition during the production of petroleum fluids. It has been realized that the first step in the formation of precipitated asphaltene particles is the self-aggregation mechanism to form colloidal particles or pseudo-micelles in several solvents. In this work, the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of two asphaltene fractions extracted from vacuum residues (VR) were obtained by surface tension measurements, using aromatic solvents. The molecular weight (1094-565 g/mol), calculated from average radii of the asphaltene molecules adsorbed at the air-solvent interface, are also in agreement with the values for small aggregates reported using small angle X-ray scattering.  相似文献   


The physico-chemical behavior of asphaltene is very useful to assist prediction and control the mechanisms of asphaltene deposition during the production of petroleum fluids. It has been realized that the first step in the formation of precipitated asphaltene particles is the self-aggregation mechanism to form colloidal particles or pseudo-micelles in several solvents. In this work, the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of two asphaltene fractions extracted from vacuum residues (VR) were obtained by surface tension measurements, using aromatic solvents. The molecular weight (1094-565 g/mol), calculated from average radii of the asphaltene molecules adsorbed at the air–solvent interface, are also in agreement with the values for small aggregates reported using small angle X-ray scattering.  相似文献   

高分子量和窄分布聚醚多元醇的合成   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
介绍了高活性多组分双金属氰化物(DMC)络合催化剂的制备及主/助催化剂体系的确立。用低分子聚和起始剂,合成出高性能的二官能团聚醚和三官能团聚醚。研究了环氧化物进料速率、聚合反应温度、乙氧基封端和粗醚精制等对产物性能的影响。  相似文献   

聚碳酸酯的分子量分布与热降解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
除了用Mw,Mn和Mw/Mn表征聚碳酸酯(PC)分子量大小和分布宽度外,还采用了(Mp-M10)和(M90-Mp)来表征低分子量和高分子量尾端所延伸的宽度,并以两尾端的起始分子量作为参考参数。其中Mp为分子量微分分布曲线峰位分子量,而M10和M90则为累积分布曲线中10%和90%处的分子量。研究了这些参数与聚碳酸酯热降解的关系,发现除数均分子量外,高低分子量尾端部分与PC热稳定性关系密切,尤其是低分子量尾端分布状态和起始分子量大小,对PC热稳定性更为敏感。这与PC端OH基相对浓度同PC热降解率的关系相一致。  相似文献   

聚合物SBS改性沥青相容性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以胜华100号沥青为原料,采用溶剂脱沥青工艺和溶剂再循环吸附色谱分离技术将沥青分成三组分;富饱和分(S),富芳香分(A),富胶质(R)。根据微观形态结构的不同,考虑聚合物SBS在不同组分中的存在形式,研究沥青组分与聚合物的相容性,结果发现:饱和分只起溶胀作用,对性质的改善没有什么作用,但不可缺少;真正改善性质的是芳香分和胶质,它们对SBS部分溶解,整个体系呈两相结构,改性沥青要达到最佳性能,其饱和  相似文献   

提高聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)相对分子质量和溶解性的措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论了聚合体系中单体含量、引发主有关杂质等对提高PAM相对分子质量的影响,并从聚合添加剂、干燥添加剂、溶解添加剂的应用角度,综述了提高PAM产品溶解速率的方法。  相似文献   

乳化沥青的技术与应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
徐向阳 《石油沥青》2003,17(3):47-50
通过对沥青乳化各种影响因素的分析,在实验室以两种沥青为原料进行了乳化试验,根据试验结果进行了乳化沥青工业生产,并将产品用于实际施工。结果表明,伊朗轻油100号沥青和沙特轻油70号沥青分别在0.5%复配乳化刺(EMU—A:EMU—B=1:7)和0.25%复配乳化剂(EMU—A:EMU—B=1:5)条件下能够生产出合格的乳化沥青工业产品,并且实际应用效果良好。  相似文献   

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