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The development of computer tools for creating and representing virtual worlds has dramatically increased our abilities to capture salient aspects of the environment and communicate them to audiences remote from the landscape under study. The speed and quality of generation of visual imagery, as well as the editing power computers offer, has already dramatically extended the capabilities of practitioners and researchers in representing scenic views. The immersion, motion, and sound offered by virtual worlds may greatly extend the ecological validity of environmental representations and allow for deeper and more meaningful study of the effects of the real world on human experience. However, while the tools are being widely and increasingly adopted, there has been little discussion of the nature of the advantages being gained, nor the cautions that may be necessary. This paper examines the suitability of Virtual Reality (VR) technology for supporting environmental decision-making. We discuss and categorize different aspects of human-computer interfaces and then discuss to what extent the attributes of VR correspond to the needs of landscape representation.  相似文献   

In this paper we address two challenges that are faced by scientists who engage in transdisciplinary landscape planning. In building a common understanding and application of the knowledge they bring in, they face the need to integrate knowledge from a range of scientific disciplines to create comprehensive solutions, while aligning the diverging values and perspectives on the future of involved actors. Boundary management has been proposed as a strategy to support the decision-making of actors by reconfiguring the boundaries between different forms of academic and non-academic expertise and between facts and opinions, interests and values. In this paper we investigate how landscape concepts can play a role as a boundary concept in transdisciplinary landscape planning. By analysing three Dutch case studies, we conclude that collective views and coordinated actions within the local planning groups grew during the planning process. We argue that the characteristics of the landscape concepts contributed to this emerging collaboration by creating a discursive space for actors with different values and knowledge bases. We find that this role evolved during the planning process, from conceptually binding, via broadening the planning focus and the coalition, towards facilitating the implementation of collective action to adapt the landscape. Thus, whereas in the early phases of the planning process the concept linked landscape value to landscape functioning, later on it connected landscape functioning to landscape structure.  相似文献   

Landscapes in the Mediterranean basin have been modified by human exploitation for ages. Currently, European Community (EC) agricultural policies are reshaping land use patterns and vegetation disturbance regimes. It is uncertain how vegetation and animal population dynamics will be modified by the novel spatial patterns of habitat fragmentation and disturbance. Therefore, landscape planners need diagnostic tools to evaluate the impact of alternative management schemes on habitats and wildlife. In this contribution, we discuss the possible role of ecological models in describing how animal and plant community dynamics are affected by anthropogenic processes. First, we review models of landscape change and their applicability to habitat modeling in the Mediterranean basin. Second, we discuss different approaches to investigate the effect of habitat spatial structure on the long-term persistence of animal populations.  相似文献   

景观学专业景观规划设计课程教学改革探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观学是一门综合性和应用性很强的学科,景观规划设计课程是景观学专业人才培养教学体系的骨干核心课程。文章通过对当前景观规划设计课程教学现状的分析,提出了学科发展新形势下课程教学改革的设想,以期培养适应社会需求的高素质、应用型的景观学专业人才。  相似文献   

In this study we examine the relevance and dynamics of views on nature in nature and landscape planning.In our conceptual framework we distinguish between three views on nature: a wilderness, an arcadian and a functional valuation approach to nature, each related to specific ecological, aesthetic and ethical perspectives. In our empirical studies we consider the role of the three views in a number of Dutch nature and landscape projects and in nature and landscape policy. We study the importance of different styles and levels of governmental decision-making using various methods, including computer-assisted text analyses, interviews, questionnaires and gaming experiments.Our results show that all three valuation approaches can be found. Although the wilderness approach and the functional approach are becoming more popular, the arcadian approach is most influential in the Netherlands, especially on the regional level. All stakeholders agree to a certain extent with all approaches but most with the arcadian valuation. It can be questioned whether this implies a sharing of values or a practical compromise. We found that, although a consensual style of decision-making does not lead to a common valuation, it has an important impact by creating better conditions for understanding and negotiations, and eventually for agreement.  相似文献   

魏敏 《山西建筑》2011,37(36):252-253
就民用建筑工程项目的施工管理进行了论述,从不同角度进行了分析,包括施工和采购项目的分类、建筑物流和服务业务、建筑材料的供应和采购、采购的运输和配送、材料库存位置,以促进建筑施工项目高效运作。  相似文献   

丁俊 《山西建筑》2009,35(36):28-29
针对校园景观规划过于重视形式主义的平面效果的问题,分析了目前校园景观建设的新趋势,结合理论与手法的介入从宏观与微观层面上分析了校园环境建设的场所特质,希望能够对相关的景观建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

罗晓祥 《山西建筑》2012,(31):26-28
按照“织补城市肌理,再现历史空间”的设计理念,在体现肥城本地地方特色和春秋文化底蕴的同时,注入旅游景区的规划理念,使古城历史文化与现代都市完美结合,再现昔日古城的沧桑、古朴与庄重,突出了具有认同感和北方民居神韵的古建筑空间设计理念,旨在为相关旅游地产景观规划设计提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对张相文故居的建筑及景观规划创作实践的论述,在名人故居的整体环境和建筑形态精神意义创建方面进行了有意义的探索,旨在赋予纪念性建筑更多的精神内涵,形成具有独特地域人文特色的红色旅游景区。  相似文献   

文章以节约型园林建设为背景,从节约型园林的本质入手,以节约型园林规划设计为出发点,从多个层面探讨设计要点,集中总结了节约型园林规划设计原则及规划设计策略,这些对促进节约型园林、节约型社会的可持续发展具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

白鹤 《山西建筑》2007,33(7):29-30
阐述了我国城市景观存在的危机,以天津为例,论述了天津景观规划设计中存在的问题,并对造成这些问题的原因进行了分析,同时提出了景观规划设计的建议,为创造出独具特色的城市景观提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和专家访谈的方式,收集了调查对象和受访者关于目前我国景观规划设计招投标活动中一些问题的主要看法和意见,在此基础上进行了统计分析,以期成为提高景观规划设计招投标工作效率和成功率的重要基础和依据.  相似文献   

Utilization of indigenous vegetation as parts of the urban landscape is still a problematic matter in decision making and planning. On one hand, there are many activities in cities and towns aimed at providing more green areas. On the other hand, there is an increasing destruction of indigenous vegetation, not only for building purposes, but also partly by extreme maintenance of urban open spaces and an increasing number of recreation activities. Despite there is a considerable amount of scientific knowledge on indigenous plants in urban and sub-urban areas, the use of this knowledge is still low. The socio-economic knowledge about such vegetation (acceptance, utilization, economic value, etc.) is mostly non-existent in many regions.The indigenous vegetation has to become an important aspect of urban biodiversity as well as part of the living space of the urban dwellers. This links two important subjects: the specific nature of the original biomes in which the urban region is situated, and the cultural aspect of acceptance of various kinds of nature. The nature preservation strategies, especially of Central European cities, show a lack of willingness to preserve indigenous vegetation sites. But there are instruments of planning and methods which allow better preservation of these areas.Furthermore, it must be determined whether it is possible to reduce the human impact on open spaces by reintroducing indigenous vegetation, and under what circumstances this works. The cost reduction of maintenance of urban green areas is seen as one major factor linking to this target. Human acceptance is still an uncertam factor which has to be investigated and will, in the long term, be improved by education and evaluated under different cultural and social aspects.The management of the classical conflict between pure species or habitat preservation in open urban spaces of untouched nature and the high pressure of recreation on the same sites, is explained by example. An important question follows: will it be possible to establish “new” indigenous nature in the urban and sub-urban spaces?  相似文献   

周蝉鸣 《室内设计》2012,93(2):42-48
乡村是最基本的生存空间和社会主体,促进乡村发展是城乡统筹规划的核心。本文引入"乡村经营"理念,以四川省开江县城乡统筹规划为例,明确经营乡村的资源条件和重点解决问题;并从经营的空间统筹出发,强调乡村发展的空间全覆盖与区域联系。本文分县域、城市规划区和跨域统筹思考经营乡村的策略与规划布局。  相似文献   

胡云杰  浮海梅 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):49-50
分析了当前居住区传统景观设计中存在的问题,探讨了居住区景观设计的人性化原则,并介绍了人性化设计方法及其措施,从而创造出安全、舒适、宜人的室外景观环境。  相似文献   

对西宁市综合地理信息系统在数据整合方面的工作进行了论述,通过对数据整合过程中碰到的一些问题进行分析并找出相应的解决办法,为其他城市的综合地理信息系统的数据整合提供借鉴.  相似文献   

任宏波 《山西建筑》2014,(27):17-18
简述了城乡规划与建筑设计的主要内容,通过分析两者之间的密切关系,对实现城乡规划和建筑设计相结合的具体方式作了论述,并从实际需求、整体效果、细节设计三方面进行了深入研究,对城乡一体化的实现具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

The absence of ecological principles in traditional planning has theoretically been overcome by the adoption of the concept of sustainable development. However, this concept has been bypassed by the political mainstream. Policies designed to improve environmental quality appear to be largely ineffectual. Therefore, landscape planning integrating ecological and economic principles needs to be widely emphasized and practiced. The new landscape would then be the expression of a post-modern relationship of human beings with nature.In light of these ideas, an overview of Portuguese trends is presented, examining the reconciliation of environmental quality and landscape planning with economic development and exploring existing opportunities for the creation of post-modern landscapes. Through a case study in northern Portugal, one of the existing legal instruments for landscape planning is discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,城乡规划学科和地理学本科专业都经历了调整,顺应了城乡规划学科不断加强理论研究和学科综合性、人文地理学不断加强理论深度和专业性的发展趋势。这一举措帮助"人文地理与城乡规划"专业明晰了专业内涵、厘清了学科关系、明确了培养方向,给新专业发展带来了机遇;同时,新专业也面临着培养方案制定、学时设置有限、社会认同待验等方面的挑战。为此,抓住学科调整的重大机遇,发挥地理学在基础理论研究和实证分析方面的传统优势,利用地学信息技术的先机,组织教学实践,推进新型城乡规划人才的培养是值得深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

对安徽大学的研究背景及设计理念进行了阐述,从人文与自然、传统与现代两方面探讨了如何营建校园景观,从绿化空间角度分析了校园内交流空间的创造手法,从而体现有特色的校园景观,创建和谐的人文环境.  相似文献   

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