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伯杰.   《世界建筑》2000,(5):52-53
该建筑位于巴黎的主要两大街的交汇处并处干一个城市空间序列的末端。方案的概念缘起于城市方位的独特性建筑正好与一栋高层建筑相邻这栋高层建筑又是另一空间序列的标志,体现着强烈的商业性和建筑进小,缺乏过渡空间等特点。它造型简单装饰较少在不尽相同的环境中体现着城市的永恒特性:尺度与序列。 建筑共有20个住宅单元和工作室再加首层的3个商业空间。在最下面的4层中公寓与工作室跃居布置共8套。这种安排是出于立面的需要、通过窗的设计和尺度表达出住宅和工作室的特征使之从外面看起来既适合干工作空间又适合于居住空间。 建筑…  相似文献   

51% Studios     
Howard Watson profiles a London-based studio whose practice results from the interplay of a wide range of influences spanning contemporary culture, history, nature, landscape and the ephemeral. Working at a variety of scales from the domestic to the urban, partners Peter Thomas and Catherine du Toit demonstrate a natural bent for the arts-related in undertaking collaborations with artists and exhibition installations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

这不仅仅是一座近4m高的实墙,它曾经是有历史价值的临街房屋的正立面,旧建筑的片段仍保留在这里.这项建筑工程,既要保存遗留下来的历史元素,又要将三栋小型房屋和必需的基础设施,协调的嵌入原环境中.  相似文献   

In modern schools of architecture, many students find it curiously difficult to relate their experiences in the lectures to their experiences in the studios. Although they are offered extensive information in the lectures about building technology, human behavior, culture, and so on, surprisingly little of this information actually seems to influence directly the forms they design in the studios. At the heart of the problem, this paper suggests, is a mistaken conception—built deep into the modern curricular structure—about how knowledge is acquired and applied. Alternative models of knowledge offered by Jean Piaget and Bill Hillier are examined, and they are found to explain more satisfactorily how the acquisition of design knowledge can be integrally related to its use. In the final section of this paper, the consequences of these alternative models for design education are discussed, and the outline of an alternative curricular structure is proposed; essentially a case will be made for abandoning lectures as they are commonly used, and for devolving to special studio projects the responsibility for transmitting essential architectural knowledge.  相似文献   

罗文兵 《云南建筑》2014,(5):100-103
1工作室组织架构 罗文兵工作室成立于2005年,经过近10年的磨砺及传承,逐步发展成为一支专业技能强、组织架构完备、综合素质高的设计团队。2014年云南省设计院经过集团化改革,以罗文兵工作室为核心成立了云南省设计院集团第十二建筑设计有限公司,由罗文兵任董事长。  相似文献   

  李沐菲翻译 《景观设计》2010,(4):I0012-I0015
绿色屋顶不仅为城市景观的革新创造了独特的未来,还缓解了危害城市的环境问题。戴安娜·巴尔莫里将快速扩展的城市屋顶称为“第五立面”,对于设计师和建筑师来说。这都是一个崭新的领域。城市屋顶不仅可以改变建筑的外观,还可以改变建筑的功能。  相似文献   

新加坡环球影城项目受场地面积小、建筑数量多、结构设计复杂、技术要求高等因素的限制,施工过程中存在大量的困难和挑战.对此,项目部使用建筑信息模型技术进行了建筑专业、结构专业、机电专业建模、各专业碰撞检查及处理,并对施工进度进行模拟及更新,及对工程量的统计等施工图设计及辅助施工管理,取得了良好成效,显著缩短了工期,节省了造价.  相似文献   

王路,留德博士,现任清华大学建筑学院教授、博导、《世界建筑》杂志主编、登方建筑(n+of architecture)主持。长期以来在清华大学建筑学院从事建筑设计与理论的教学、科研和实践工作。已完成多项科研和规划设计项目。  相似文献   

孟买旧工业区的一座大型仓库将要被改造成为录音工作室和音乐酒廊的综合体。这座休闲设施将包括餐厅、酒吧和一个活动舞台。除了实现这些功能,蓝蛙也力求实现出色的音响效果。  相似文献   

影像建筑也可以是充满趣味的,可否设计一个既有神秘感又有浪漫色彩的数码时代影像建筑? 在AGC的设计中,我们以未来风格创造了一个令人难忘的室内空间.一系列富有特色的铝制拱环,横向排列在大堂上半部,每个组件的尺寸和特色各有不同,这种效果只有通过最新的计算机技术才能做到.色彩变幻的照明系统使空间的神秘感倍增.等候区和接待处的视线的水平墙身装有背部发光的玻璃板,而在自动售票站内的计算机系统让观众可以实时购票或通过互关联网购票.场内更有可移动的玻璃间隔,方便随时把公众休闲区转为私人活动的接待区.  相似文献   

Today, we are living in a more interconnected world, as globalization has already reached most urban confines of the planet. However, as this phenomenon becomes ubiquitous, understanding how local planning cultures interact with the effects of such globalization has become a hurdle for the discipline of planning and for the educational institutions attempting to prepare planners for today's multicultural planning environment. Here I present my reflection on the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies(hereinafter referred to as SPURS) and the accompanying MITDUSP abroad planning courses. I offer these experiences as windows into the complexity of teaching multicultural audiences and preparing planners to perform in a varied set of contexts. In this 21~(st) century multicultural world, we need to create a new globalized planner, not one raised on the belief of a globally homogenized culture but one always aware of the cultural and professional differences and open to learning from them.  相似文献   

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