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结合严格耦合波理论和遗传算法对C波段硅基导模共振滤波器进行了模拟分析.从模拟结果出发详细讨论了光栅周期、填充因子、光栅深度和入射角度对滤波器反射特性的影响.导模共振对光栅周期、填充因子、光栅深度和入射角度都有很高的敏感性,利用这一特点可以设计性能优异的硅基滤波器件.导模共振滤波器的共振波长峰值反射率达到了98.9%,峰值半高宽小于密集渡分复用(DWDM)O.8 nm的要求.
Simulated are silicon-based guided-mode resonant grating filters with narrow bandwidth for C-band optical communication.The effects of the characteristics of grating period,fill factor,the grating depth,the thickness of SiO_2 layer and incident angle on the reflection mechanisms of the filters are analyzed in detail based on the simulation results.Guided-mode resonant effect is very sensitive to such characteristics,which can be used to optimize silicon-based filters.The reflectance of the resonant wavelength of this filter reaches 98.9%,and the FWHM (full width at half maximum) is less than 0.8 nm limited by the DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplication) system.  相似文献   

根据严格耦合波理论和等效介质理论,提出了针对C波段、基于半导体材料氮化镓的亚波长导模共振滤波器结构及设计方法。详细探讨了在强调制光栅的高占空比作用下,光栅周期和入射波角度对滤波器反射谱共振波长的影响。在保持滤波效果为高衍射率(共振波长峰值反射率达到99.5%以上)、低旁带和窄线宽的条件下,利用其对入射波角度的敏感性,结合仿真数值提出了一种通过 MEMS(微机电系统)平面反射镜调谐入射角角度(0~4.07°),从而线性地控制共振波长输出(调谐范围为36 nm),实现峰值半宽高低于0.8 nm的C波段可调滤波器。  相似文献   

亚波长光栅导模共振滤波器,具有高峰值反射率、低旁带反射和窄带等特点,能够实现基于高低折射率介质的滤波器所无法达到的独特功能。设计了中心波长为852nm的带有间隔层、线宽可控的超窄线宽导模共振滤波器,并分析了主要参数对反射光谱的影响。选择弱调制的介质作为光栅层,并在光栅层和波导层之间插入一层低折射率的介质作为间隔层来减小光栅层和波导层之间的耦合强度,进而使导模共振滤波器的线宽达到0.02nm的超窄程度,并且该结构中的光栅厚度、占空比等对反射光谱的影响极小,均利于其工艺制备。  相似文献   

多孔硅材料具有较强的可见光光电导效应,本文采用阳极氧化工艺制作了Al/PS/Si/Al的结构样品,给出了由不同工艺制备的样品的光电导响应曲线及其峰值。结果表明:多孔硅禁带宽度在1.9eV左右,大于Si的禁带宽度1.12eV,这与多孔硅的发光现象和能带展宽理论相一致。  相似文献   

汪开源  唐洁影 《电子器件》1994,17(3):181-184
本文介绍了采用阳极氧化腐蚀工艺在单晶硅上制作多孔硅(PS)薄层,对PS薄层进行了微结构的分析为毫微结构量子线组成的复杂网络,其截面尺寸为纳米范围而纵向尺寸在微米量级。对PS样品光致发光谱的测定发现随阳极氧化电流密度和腐蚀时间的增加谱峰发生“兰移”并用PS的量子限制效应解释了上述实验现象。  相似文献   

通过对导模共振滤光片的研究与发展的介绍,总结了其机理、优异特性及应用领域,重点介绍的是亚波长导模共振滤光片的单层、双层和3层结构的设计。归纳了它的制作原理,提出了制作难点和关键技术。结果表明,导模共振滤波器具备高峰值反射率,低旁带反射,窄带以及带宽可控等优良特性,具有重要的研究意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

一种简便有效的多孔硅后处理新方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了一种简便有效的多孔硅(PS)后处理新方法,即在(NH4)2S/C2H5OH溶液中浸泡PS,并用紫外光辐照激发.后处理PS的光致发光(PL)强度约为未经处理的5倍;样品处理后的PL峰值90min内随激光连续激发时,在大气中呈现先指数衰减后线性增长,在真空(约1Pa)中却呈现一直衰减到一个稳定值的新特点.通过样品的傅里叶变换红外吸收(FTIR)谱的测试与分析,表明后处理在样品表面产生了SiH(O3)、Si-O-Si和Si3N4三种提高PS的PL强度和稳定性的优质钝化膜  相似文献   

阳极氧化多孔氧化铝薄膜(anodicporousaluminafilm,APA)作为模板的应用已引起广泛关注。它的优点在于其主要的特征参数如孔径(1~300nm)、孔长(10~3000nm)及孔密度(108~1011cm-2)都可以用选择不同腐蚀电压的方法来加以控制,孔的长度直径比可达1000以上[1],而且在理想的APA膜中,孔阵列规则排列为蜂巢状六方结构[2]。这一特点为大面积原位合成规则排列纳米量子点/线材料提供了重要保证。考虑到和当前主流硅集成半导体工业相匹配,硅基多孔氧化铝薄膜(Si-basedanodicporousaluminafilm,APA/Si)的应用已见报道[3,4]。我们研究发现当孔径小…  相似文献   

汪开源  唐洁影 《电子器件》1994,17(3):177-180
本文介绍了多孔硅(PS)二次阳极氧化(A0)过程中的电致发光现象,所设计的M/PS/Si/M肖特基结构的二极管也观察到了电致发光,本文还对它们的发光机理做了粗略地讨论。并提出要使多孔硅电致发光器件实用化,还有许多问题有待进一步解决。  相似文献   

A tunable double-grating resonant leaky mode microelectromechanical-type element is introduced. A significant level of tunability is demonstrated by adjusting mechanically the structural symmetry of the grating profile. Tuning is also possible by variation of the thickness of the resonant layer. For a particular example silicon-on-insulator structure treated, it is shown that the resonance wavelength can be shifted by /spl sim/300 nm with a horizontal movement of /spl sim/120 nm within the 1.4-1.7-/spl mu/m wavelength band. Additionally, the reflectance can be varied from /spl sim/10/sup -3/ to 1 at central wavelength of 1.55 /spl mu/m with a vertical movement of /spl sim/200 nm. These results demonstrate new possibilities in design of tunable optical devices.  相似文献   

Porous silicon is functionalized using thermal oxidation and silanization. The HYSA antibodies are immobilized to the porous surface in this paper. The changes in the reflection spectrum and photoluminescence spectrum are investigated when BSA are attached to the PS surface. The result shows that the luminescence peak of PS disappears. After the antigen- antibody reaction, the higher light emission is observed and the reflection spectrum also red shifts. Therefore, this research lays a foundation for the development of sensitive label-free optical immunosensor.  相似文献   

Porous silicon is functionalized using thermal oxidation and silanization. The HYSA antibodies are immobilized to the porous surface in this paper. The changes in the reflection spectrum and photoluminescence spectrum are investigated when BSA are attached to the PS surface. The result shows that the luminescence peak of PS disappears. After the antigen-antibody reaction,the higher light emission is observed and the reflection spectrum also red shifts. Therefore,this research lays a foundation for the development of sensitive label-free optical immunosensor.  相似文献   

一种多孔硅生物免疫传感器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对多孔硅样品进行热氧化和硅烷化处理,通过共价结合的方法将HYSA生物抗体固定到多孔硅的孔洞中;测量了加入BSA发生抗原抗体反应前后的荧光光谱和反射谱.实验结果表明加入生物分子后多孔硅发光峰消失,抗原抗体反应后发光强度增强,反射谱红移.该项研究为开发免标记的多孔硅光学生物免疫传感器奠定了基础.  相似文献   

A design algorithm for ripple-free flat-top bandpass filters in optical waveguides containing N equally spaced, lossless mirrors is described. The algorithm assumes that the propagation phase shift φ between centers of adjacent mirrors equals (m+1/2)π radians at resonance frequencies νm, with m an integer. The mirror reflectances Rj, j=1,…,N, are chosen such that the transmittance T(ν) of the filter is 1 at the resonance frequencies, and terms in the power series expansion of T(ν) of order less than (ν-νm)2(N-1) are eliminated. This ensures that T(ν) approaches an ideal rectangular profile with increasing N, as illustrated by calculated transmittance spectra for N=2, 4 and 6. The dispersion of these multimirror etalons has also been explored. For the higher N values, it is found that the group refractive index is a minimum at the resonance frequencies, in contrast to the case N=2 for which the group index is a maximum at the resonances  相似文献   

李锐 《光电子.激光》2010,(7):1111-1114
实验制备多孔Si材料作为传感器载体,通过H2O2浸泡的方法使其表面形成Si-OH键,然后对样品进行硅烷化处理。用戊二醛作为偶联剂,通过共价键偶联法将血管紧张素-Ⅱ(Ang-Ⅱ)抗体固定到多孔Si的孔洞中。分别滴加不同浓度的抗原使其发生反应,测量傅里叶变换红外谱(FT-IR)和加入抗体前后反射谱的变化,结果表明,硅烷化效果明显,生物抗原较好固定,抗原抗体反应前后反射谱有明显红移,且红移量于滴加抗原浓度增加而增加,并呈现抗原抗体浓度于红移量的非线性关系。  相似文献   

The enhanced sensitivity of a guided mode biosensor is analyzed by employing double-layered porous silicon grating structures. The grating-coupled waveguide structure consists of two porous silicon grating layers with different refractive indices. simulations are carried out by changing the refractive index, which is due to the binding of biological molecules on the porous silicon pore can increase the refractive index of porous silicon. The numerical results show that this novel guided mode biosensor with a double-layered grating can provide not only a very high sensitivity but also a better reflectivity characteristic.  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于Er-Yb掺杂磷酸盐玻璃的级联长周期波导光栅(CLPWG)滤波器,CLPWG是直接制作在波导上的.该滤波器由不同滤波单元组成,各滤波单元具有不同的谐振波长与带宽.对CLPWG滤波器的传输特性进行了理论研究,讨论了CLPWG滤波器的传输谱对Er-Yb掺杂磷酸盐玻璃波导放大器自发辐射谱的影响.  相似文献   

基于多尺度导引滤波的图像融合方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
提出了 一种基于多尺度导引滤波的图像融合方法。首先,对源图像进行多尺度边缘保持分解,分别 得到一幅基本图像和一系列细节图像;然后,对基 本图像和不同尺度下的细节图像采用不同的融合策略,即基于导引滤波的融合策略;最后, 将融合 后的基本图像和融合后的细节图像相加,得到最后的融合图像。实验结果表明,本文提出的 融合方法 在保留光谱信息的同时,能较好地将源图像中的边缘细节信息保持到融合图像中,而且也取 得了较高的归一 化互信息(MI)值,相对于其他融合算法,MI值平均提升0.5;能更好地体现图 像细节特征,为融合图像提供更加丰富的信息。  相似文献   

In this paper,vanadium oxide thin film of TCR of -3.5%/K has been deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering method.The property of this VOx has been investigated by X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and ato...  相似文献   

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