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The Virtual Table presents stereoscopic graphics to a user in a workbench-like setting. For this device, a user interface and new interaction techniques have been developed based on transparent props -a tracked hand-held pen and a pad. These props, particularly the pad, are augmented with 3D graphics from the Virtual Table's display that can serve as a palette for tools and controls as well as a window-like see-through interface, a plane-shaped and through-the-plane tool, supporting a variety of new interaction techniques. This paper reports on an extension of this user-interface design space which uses gestural input to create and control solid geometries for CAD and conceptual design. The application of gestural interfaces is a common method for interacting with virtual environments on a habitual and natural basis. The motion-based gesture recognition presented here uses Fuzzy Logic to support a predictable, flexible, and efficient learning process. This new interaction paradigm greatly increases the Virtual Table's suitability for design tasks. Traditional CAD dialogue can be combined with intuitive rapid sketching of geometry on the pad. Additionally, the resulting events and objects can be associated with scene details below the translucent tablet.  相似文献   

This paper presents an original two-step procedure for estimating projective transformations between pairs of images: first, the transformation between the images is approximated as an affine transformation; second, this estimate is refined into that of a projective transformation. This strategy for matching projective views is computationally very efficient. The proposed method can be applied both to mosaicking of high resolution images of planar textured objects (e.g., frescoes and paintings), with subpixel accuracy, and to construction of panoramic images. Practical examples of mosaicking of cultural heritage imagery obtained by using the presented procedure are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

We describe an approach for interactive collision detection and proximity computations on massive models composed of millions of geometric primitives. We address issues related to interactive data access and processing in a large geometric database, which may not fit into main memory of typical desktop workstations or computers. We present a new algorithm using overlap graphs for localizing the "regions of interest" within a massive model, thereby reducing runtime memory requirements. The overlap graph is computed off-line, pre-processed using graph partitioning algorithms, and modified on the fly as needed. At run time, we traverse localized sub-graphs to check the corresponding geometry for proximity and pre-fetch geometry and auxiliary data structures. To perform interactive proximity queries, we use bounding-volume hierarchies and take advantage of spatial and temporal coherence. Based on the proposed algorithms, we have developed a system called IMMPACT and used it for interaction with a CAD model of a power plant consisting of over 15 million triangles. We are able to perform a number of proximity queries in real-time on such a model. In terms of model complexity and application to large models, we have improved the performance of interactive collision detection and proximity computation algorithms by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality can present historical places in a three-dimensional and interactive way, giving visitors a photorealistic impression of objects. Not only existing scenarios can be shown, but VR can also be used to rebuild scenarios that were damaged or destroyed a long time ago, giving new life to the cultural heritage. We used Virtual Reality to present the Mogao Grottos in Dunhuang. This cave site is one of the most important cultural and religious places by the ancient Silk Road. The presentation is to give visitors the impression of visiting the cave site and provide information about the caves, paintings and statues in an interesting way. To achieve this, we developed a new, intuitive interaction paradigm, which enables the user to explore the caves. To give observers a photorealistic impression of the caves and to create a feeling of immersion, innovative rendering techniques were integrated.
The resulting presentation combines Virtual Reality and archaeology to give tourists a realistic experience of this cave site and to support scientists in their research work.  相似文献   

An approach for authoring virtual environments within the virtual environments themselves is presented, integrating a database containing arbitrary components that are used to construct the 3D scene. The issues important to a seamless integration of the database, such as multimedia data storage and database linkage are discussed, with the focus on the human-computer interaction component. A concept for a 3D database interface is described for query, presentation and usage of query results in the virtual environment. Finally, an implementation of the concept using VRML and Java is presented.  相似文献   

Stochastic Iteration for Non-diffuse Global Illumination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a single-pass, view-dependent method to solve the rendering equation, using a stochastic iterational scheme where the transport operator is selected randomly in each iteration. The requirements of convergence are given for the general case. To demonstrate the basic idea, a very simple,continuous random transport operator is examined, which gives back the light tracing algorithm incorporating Russian roulette. Then, a new mixed continuous and finite-element based iteration method is proposed, which uses ray-bundles to transfer the radiance in a single random direction. The resulting algorithm is fast, it provides initial results in seconds and accurate solutions in minutes and does not suffer from the error accumulation problem and the high memory demand of other finite-element and hierarchical approaches.  相似文献   

In multipass rendering, care has to be taken to include all light transport only once in the final solution. Therefore the different methods in current multipass configurations handle a perfectly disjunct part of the light transport. In this paper a Monte Carlo variance reduction technique is presented that probabilistically weights overlapping transport between different methods. A good heuristic for the weights is derived so that strengths of the respective methods are retained. The technique is applied to a combination of radiosity and bidirectional path tracing and significant improvement is obtained over the non-weighted combination. This method promises to be a very useful extension to other multipass algorithms as well.  相似文献   

A fast design variation technique for mechanical systems is presented. It is used to interactively optimize mechanical characteristics while "self-assembling" or satisfying large systems of mechanical constraints. The high speed method is central to providing inverse dynamics force feedback in haptics and control applications. Performance advantages with the use of augmented coordinates for inverse dynamics of closed loop topologies are also noted. The interaction framework allows manipulation of complex assemblies while maintaining kinematically admissible configurations though linkage and joint limit constraints. Furthermore, design variables such as link length can be treated as free variables and optimized to meet design criteria such as assembly dexterity. Assemblies with flexible bodies fit naturally within this framework. Thus, the contribution of this paper is the advancement of techniques in augmented coordinates for the kinematic and force feedback interaction with virtual mechanical assembly design optimization at force control rates.  相似文献   

Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Rendering of 3D Polygonal Models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Researchers in non-photorealistic rendering have investigated the display of three-dimensional worlds using various display models. In particular, recent work has focused on the modeling of traditional artistic media and styles such as pen-and-ink illustration and watercolor painting. By providing 3D rendering systems that use these alternative display models users can generate traditional illustration renderings of their three-dimensional worlds. In this paper we present our graphite pencil 3D renderer. We have broken the problem of simulating pencil drawing down into four fundamental parts: (1) simulating the drawing materials (graphite pencil and drawing paper, blenders and kneaded eraser), (2) modeling the drawing primitives (individual pencil strokes and mark-making to create tones and textures), (3) simulating the basic rendering techniques used by artists and illustrators familiar with pencil rendering, and (4) modeling the control of the drawing composition. Each part builds upon the others and is essential to developing the framework for higher-level rendering methods and tools. In this paper we present parts 2, 3, and 4 of our research. We present non-photorealistic graphite pencil rendering methods for outlining and shading. We also present the control of drawing steps from preparatory sketches to finished rendering results. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach with a variety of images generated from 3D models.  相似文献   

As the efficiency of computer graphic rendering methods is increasing, generating realistic models is now becoming a limiting factor. In this paper we present a new technique to enhance already existing geometry models of real world objects with textures reconstructed from a sparse set of unregistered still photographs. The aim of the proposed technique is the generation of nearly photo-realistic models of arbitrarily shaped objects with minimal effort. In our approach, we require neither a prior calibration of the camera nor a high precision of the user's interaction. Two main problems have to be addressed of which the first is the recovery of the unknown positions and parameters of the camera. An initial estimate of the orientation is calculated from interactively selected point correspondences. Subsequently, the unknown parameters are accurately calculated by minimising a blend of objective functions in a 3D-2D projective registration approach. The key point of the proposed method of registration is a novel filtering approach which utilises the spatial information provided by the geometry model. Second, the individual images have to be combined yielding a set of consistent texture maps. We present a robust method to recover the texture from the photographs thereby preserving high spatial frequencies and eliminating artifacts, particularly specular highlights. Parts of the object not seen in any of the photographs are interpolated in the textured model. Results are shown for three complex example objects with different materials and numerous self-occlusions.  相似文献   

Image metamorphosis as an animation tool has mostly been employed in the context of the entire image. This work explores the use of isolated and focused image based metamorphosis between two-dimensional objects, while capturing the features, colors, and textures of the objects. This pinpointed approach allows one to independently overlay several such dynamic shapes, without any bleeding of one shape into another. Hence, shape blending and metamorphosis of two-dimensional objects can be exploited as animated sequences of clip arts.  相似文献   

Much of the work concerned with virtual environments has addressed the development of new rendering technologies or interaction techniques. As the technology matures and becomes adopted in a wider range of applications, there is, however, a need to better understand how this technology can be accommodated in software engineering practice. A particular challenge presented by virtual environments is the complexity of the interaction that is supported, and sometimes necessary, for a particular task. Methods such as finite-state automata which are used to represent and design dialogue components for more conventional interfaces, e.g. using direct manipulation within a desktop model, do not seem to capture adequately the style of interaction that is afforded by richer input devices and graphical models. In this paper, we suggest that virtual environments are, fundamentally, what are known as hybrid systems. Building on this insight, we demonstrate how techniques developed for modelling hybrid systems can be used to represent and understand virtual interaction in a way that can be used in the specification and design phases of software development, and which have the potential to support prototyping and analysis of virtual interfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we outline the creation of an Informed Environment, dedicated to urban life simulation.We propose methods and tools for creating and providing the information necessary for animating virtual humans in a city using an Informed Environment. The Informed Environment is based on a hierarchical decomposition of a urban scene into Environment Entities providing geometrical information as well as semantic notions, thus allowing a more realistic simulation of human behaviour. In this manner, virtual humans can integrate with a certain kind of urban knowledge.  相似文献   

Efficient and Handy Texture Mapping on 3D Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been a rapid technical progress in three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics. But gathering surface and texture data is yet a laborious task. This paper addresses the problem of mapping photographic images on the surface of a 3D object whose geometric data are already known. We propose an efficient and handy method for acquiring textures and mapping them precisely on the surface, employing a digital camera alone. We describe an algorithm for selecting a minimal number of camera positions that can cover the entire surface of a given object and also an algorithm to determine camera's position and direction for each photograph taken so as to paste it to the corresponding surfaces precisely. We obtained a matching accuracy within a pixel on a surface through three experimental examples, by which the practicability of our method is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Finite elements methods for radiosity are aimed at computing global illumination solutions efficiently. However these methods are not suitable for obtaining high quality images due to the lack of error control. Two-pass methods allow to achieve that level of quality computing illumination at each pixel and thus introducing a high computing overhead. We present a two-pass method for radiosity that allows to produce high quality images avoiding most of the per-pixel computations. The method computes a coarse hierarchical radiosity solution and then performs a second pass using current graphics hardware accelerators to generate illumination as high definition textures.  相似文献   

Hierarchical radiosity with clustering has positioned itself as one of the most efficient algorithms for computing global illumination in non-trivial environments. However, using hierarchical radiosity for complex scenes is still problematic due to the necessity of storing a large number of transport coefficients between surfaces in the form of links. In this paper, we eliminate the need for storage of links through the use of a modified shooting method for solving the radiosity equation. By distributing only unshot radiosity in each step of the iteration, the number of links decreases exponentially. Recomputing these links instead of storing them increases computation time, but reduces memory consumption dramatically. Caching may be used to reduce the time overhead. We analyze the error behavior of the new algorithm in comparison with the normal gathering approach for hierarchical radiosity. In particular, we consider the relation between the global error of a hierarchical radiosity solution and the local error threshold for each link.  相似文献   

Generating accurate radiosity solutions of very complex environments is a time-consuming problem. We present a rapid hierarchical algorithm that enables such solutions to be computed quickly and efficiently. Firstly, a new technique for bounding the error in the transfer of radiosity between surfaces is discussed, incorporating bounds on form factors, visibility, irradiance, and reflectance over textured surfaces. This technique is then applied to the problem of bounding radiosity transfer between clusters of surfaces, leading to a fast, practical clustering algorithm that builds on the previous work of Sillion1. Volumes are used to represent clusters of small surfaces, but unlike previous algorithms, the orientations of surfaces inside each cluster are accounted for in both the error bound and radiosity transfer. This enables an accurate solution to be generated very efficiently, and results are presented demonstrating the performance of the algorithm on a variety of complex models, one containing almost a quarter of a million initial surfaces.  相似文献   

Observational Models of Graphite Pencil Materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents models for graphite pencil, drawing paper, blenders, and kneaded eraser that produce realistic looking pencil marks, textures, and tones. Our models are based on an observation of how lead pencils interact with drawing paper, and on the absorptive and dispersive properties of blenders and erasers interacting with lead material deposited over drawing paper. The models consider parameters such as the particle composition of the lead, the texture of the paper, the position and shape of the pencil materials, and the pressure applied to them. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach with a variety of images and compare them to digitized pencil drawings. We also present image-based rendering results implementing traditional graphite pencil tone rendering methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi-processor implementation of form factor computation in the radiosity method. Form factors are computed using the ray casting method and the algorithm is enhanced with Binary Space Partition (BSP) Trees and bounding boxes. Experimental results are presented together with a discussion of load balance efficiency.  相似文献   

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