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城市中的剧院 剧院中的城市 北京中国国家大剧院评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建成后的国家大剧院已经逐渐地融入了城市的生活,在对音乐与艺术体验中,针对该建筑的争论依然很多。文章从国家大剧院的城市属性、建筑本体设计以及观演建筑评价等三个方面对国家大剧院进行评析,并尝试在对国家大剧院体验式的解读中建立一种理性的思考。  相似文献   

针对采用最低价中标法后出现的问题,论述"招标人的个人成本"、"保证金"、"资格预审"等对于最低价中标法的重要性.  相似文献   

不久前,美国著名设计师斯蒂文·霍尔操刀设计的当代MOMA浮出水面。在这一传奇性的设计中,对几何形体的迷恋、丰富而富有变化的色彩运用、对光近乎宗教般地膜拜等斯蒂文·霍尔所偏好的设计语言毫无悬念出场,但其对气候、社会、经济的可持续和谐发展的探索似平对当下的中国设计界更有意义。  相似文献   

陈英 《建筑知识》2012,(1):22-27
为了探索人类想象力世界而进行的阅读,是一种情感和精神上的丰富感觉体验,与经济和物质上的富足感完全不同。从这个意义上说,创造一个让人置身于书海中的空间,毫无疑问,与构建丰富的新型公众价值观大有干系。日本的图书馆趋向于以下这种模型,即让读者可以停留,  相似文献   

董萱 《建筑知识》2012,(6):65-68,64
"紫气东来"就是紫气自东而来。比喻祥瑞降临。正是由于它的美好含义,所以在中国民间,每年的春节来临之际,家家户户都喜欢把它作为春联的横批,贴在门框上。上海的嘉定新城紫气东来公园的东、北两侧靠近城市道路,西南方面向公园有一家书店,就是通过这样的含义而来。  相似文献   

In this detailed account of an unusual project in Pondicherry, India, the celebrated Dutch ceramic artist and sculptor describes the building of a small, vaulted brick house. The house, however, was built with ‘green’ bricks; it was used as a kiln for the firing of a pile of other green bricks and tiles so that, after firing, the house itself would be transformed into a structure of hardened fired‐clay bricks. The experiment took place at the Golden Bridge Pottery, established by American potters Ray Meeker and Deborah Smith some sixteen years ago. The author's consultancy role in the project was grant‐aided by the Dutch government.  相似文献   

【推荐理由】这是一条架设于空中的林中小径,立于小径之上,人们与自然变得更加亲近,而小径则像一阵风,轻巧地穿过这片美丽的树林。在Kadriorg公园那美丽优雅的树林里,建筑师铺设了一条小径。  相似文献   

In this detailed account of an unusual project in Pondicherry, India, the celebrated Dutch ceramic artist and sculptor describes the building of a small, vaulted brick house. The house, however, was built with 'green' bricks; it was used as a kiln for the firing of a pile of other green bricks and tiles so that, after firing, the house itself would be transformed into a structure of hardened fired-clay bricks. The experiment took place at the Golden Bridge Pottery, established by American potters Ray Meeker and Deborah Smith some sixteen years ago. The author's consultancy role in the project was grant-aided by the Dutch government.  相似文献   

“香巴拉”乃藏语.意思是极乐国.无上光明之地。在山间隐居,盖一间草房过清净素朴生活的念头也许很多人都有过.但当这番想法遇到沙石泥土的现实.便知一间草房的筹建也绝非易事。  相似文献   

NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING. By V. Joseph Kostka. Obtainable from author, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 1957. 142 pp. $4.00.

THE CITY IN MID-CENTURY. H. Warren Dunham, Editor. Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1957. 192 pp. $4.00.

THE MAKING OF DUTCH TOWNS: a Study of Urban Dhvelopment from the Xth to the XVIIth Centuries. By Gerald L. Burke with an introduction by Sir William Holford. Clever-Hnuw Press, Ltd., London, 1956. 174 pp. $5.50.

REGIONAL STUDIES AT U. S. UNIVERSITIES. A Survey of Regionally Oriented Research and Graduate Education Activities organized by Harvey S. Perloff. Resources for the Future, Iric. 1145 19th Street N.W., Washington 6, D. C. May 1957. 118 pp. Single copies free on request. Additional copies 50 cents each.

SHOPPING CENTERS: Locating Controlled Regional Centers. By Eugene J. Kelley. The Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1956. 171 pp.

AMERICAN COMMODITY FLOW. A Geographical Interpretation of Rail and Water Traffic Based on Principles of Spatial Interchange. By Edward L. Ull-man. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1957. 213 pp. $4.00.

THE INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE OF AMERICAN CITIES. By Gunnar Alexandersson. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Neb., 1956. 133 pp. incl. maps, charts, and tables. $6.50.

THE BOURNVILLE VILLAGE TRUST, 1900-1955. Boumville Village Trust, Birmingham 29, England. 135 pp. 12/6.

REAL ESTATE and CITY PLANNING. By Richard L. Nelson and Frederick T. Aschman. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1957. 507 pp. $10.00.  相似文献   

宋继红 《建筑细部》2005,(T03):42-42
自从引进LG Chem具有创新性的Hi-Macs丙稀酸石材面板以来,室内空间设计已经发生了革命性的变化。LG和它的战略伙伴已把LG Hi-Macs丙稀酸实材面板作为不断发展壮大的饰面市场上的主打品牌,并且其整个产品范围也越来越广。这种产品的发展壮大符合LG Chem致力于把LG Hi-Macs产品塑造成市场主导者的理念。LG Chem的Martin Saxby说:“在设计师和建筑师意识到天然丙烯酸石的诸多优点的同时,市场需求也已大幅提高,因此天然丙烯酸石越来越被人们所接受。就我们在欧洲的销售网络而言,我们已在全欧洲范围内大大增加了战略伙伴的数量。”  相似文献   

伍晓晴 《中国厨卫》2007,(12):128-132
浴室柜作为卫浴空间的重要主角之一,已经成为打造品质生活的核心注解。挂墙式浴室柜占用空间面积小,收纳空间大,既美观时尚又易于清洁打理,为使用者带来愉悦的审美体验和使用上的惊喜。  相似文献   

<正>Every year when summer comes,we have summer holiday.Last summer,I went to the seaside with my father.It was sunny and hot.When we got there,our shirts were wet all over.This was our first time to visit the seaside.I couldn’t help jumping and shouting."What a beautiful sea,I love you!"We got into the water and began swimming.It was nice in the  相似文献   

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