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A.A. Othman 《Thin solid films》2006,515(4):1634-1639
Amorphous Sb10Se90 thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation of the bulk glass. The changes in the optical properties (transmittance, optical gap, absorption coefficient, refractive index and extinction coefficient) have been measured in the wavelength range 500-900 nm of virgin and ultraviolet (UV) illuminated films. Analysis of the optical absorption data shows that the rule of non-direct transitions predominates. It is found that the optical energy gap decreases (photo-darkening) and the refractive index increases with the increase of UV exposure time. The dispersion of the refractive index (n) has been discussed in terms of Wemple-Didomenico single oscillator model. The oscillator energy E0 and the dispersion energy Ed have been determined and discussed in terms of UV exposure time. The photo-darkening was discussed in terms of some of the current literature models.  相似文献   

F.A. Al-Agel 《Vacuum》2011,85(9):892-897
The optical constants (absorption coefficient, optical band gap, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants) of amorphous and thermally annealed thin films of Ga15Se77In8 chalcogenide glasses with thickness 4000 Å have been investigated from absorption and reflection spectra as a function of photon energy in the wave length region 400-800 nm. Thin films of Ga15Se77In8 chalcogenide glasses were thermally annealed for 2 h at three different annealing temperatures 333 K, 348 K and 363 K, which are in between the glass transition and crystallization temperature of Ga15Se77In8 glasses. Analysis of the optical absorption data shows that the rule of non-direct transitions predominates. It was found that the optical band gap decreases with increasing annealing temperature. It has been observed that the value of absorption coefficient and extinction coefficient increases while the values of refractive index decrease with increasing annealing temperature. The decrease in optical band gap is explained on the basis of the change in nature of films, from amorphous to crystalline state. The dc conductivity of amorphous and thermally annealed thin films of Ga15Se77In8 chalcogenide glasses is also reported for the temperature range 298-393 K. It has been observed that the conduction is due to thermally assisted tunneling of the carriers in the localized states near the band edges. The dc conductivity was observed to increase with the corresponding decrease in activation energy on increasing annealing temperature in the present system. These results were analyzed in terms of the Davis-Mott model.  相似文献   

Gex Sb40−x Se60 (x = 0, 2.42 and 23.41 at.%) thin chalcogenide films were deposited on glass and quartz substrates by the conventional thermal evaporation technique at 300 K. The chemical composition of the bulk material and as-deposited films were determined by energy dispersive analysis X-ray spectrometry (EDAX). X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) of Gex Sb40−x Se60 (x = 0, 2.42 and 23.41 at.%) thin films indicates that they have amorphous structure. The optical transmission and reflection spectra were measured in the range of 500 to 2500 nm. The optical absorption coefficient spectra were studied for deposited samples. It is observed that the optical absorption edge shift to higher energy range, as the germanium content, x, increases in the film. The type of electronic transition, responsible for the optical properties, is indirect allowed transition. It is found that the optical band gap increases as the Ge content increases.The average coordination number (Nc) in Gex Sb40−x Se60 films increases, but the number of chalcogenide atoms remains constant. The number of Ge - Se bonds and the average bond energy of the system increase with the increase of the average coordination number. The optical band gap, Eg, increases with the increase of the average coordination number, (Nc). Also the energy gap, E04, is discussed in terms of its relation to the chemical composition. The dispersion of the refractive index (n) is discussed in terms of the Single Oscillator Model (SOM) (Wimple - Didomenico model). The single oscillator energy (E0), the dispersion energy (Ed) and the optical dielectric constant (?) are also estimated.  相似文献   

Amorphous Ga20S75Sb5 and Ga20S40Sb40 thin films were prepared onto glass substrates by using thermal evaporation method. The effect of annealing (under vacuum) at different temperatures on the optical parameters was investigated in the temperature range 373-593 K. The optical absorption coefficient (α) for the as-deposited and annealed films were calculated from the reflectance and transmittance measurements in the range 190-900 nm. X-Ray diffraction indicates that the as-deposited films and those annealed up to the glass transition temperature (Tg) exhibit amorphous state. On annealing above the glass transition temperature these films show a polycrystalline structure. Analysis of the optical absorption data indicates that the optical band gap Egopt of these films obeys Tauc's relation for the allowed non-direct transition. It was found that the optical band gap Egopt increases with annealing temperature up to Tg, whereas above Tg there is a remarkable decrease. The obtained results were interpreted on the basis of amorphous- crystalline transformation.  相似文献   

The photoinduced changes in the surface morphology of As50Se50 chalcogenide glass films are observed using atomic force microscopy. The thin film samples, on single crystal silicon or a microscope glass slide as substrate, were exposed to laser light of wavelength λ=632 or 685 nm. The results show nucleation and gradual growth of micrometer size pyramids that grow with laser irradiation, ultimately covering 15% of exposed area in 20 min. The rate of growth of a given pyramid slows down with time until it ceases to grow on reaching a height of several 100 nm. The maximum height of these faceted pyramids is 1 μm, sometimes even larger than the film thickness, which cannot be understood from the reported photoinduced expansion. A photoinduced oxidation is suspected, in which As atoms in the surface layer move to the sites of pyramids. These observations raise new questions about the impact of ambient atmosphere on photodarkening and other photoinduced effects in chalcogenide glasses.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the study of photo-induced crystallization on thermally evaporated Ga15Se81Ag4 chalcogenide thin films. It has been achieved by shining white light using 1500 W tungsten lamp. The ambient temperature during illumination process was controlled and kept at 75 °C, which is in between the glass transition and crystallization temperature of Ga15Se81Ag4 glasses. The exposure time was experimentally established for different illumination times from 0 to 120 min. After various exposure times, thin films were characterized by XRD and SEM. The dc conductivities and activation energies of these thin films were measured in temperature range of 303-403 K. It is found that the activation energy in Ga15Se81Ag4 chalcogenide thin films decreases with increasing the exposure time whereas the dc conductivity increases at each temperature by increasing the illumination time.  相似文献   

Optical constants of vacuum-evaporated thin films in the Ge1 − xSe2Pbx (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) system were calculated from reflectance and transmittance spectra. It is found that the films exhibit a non-direct gap, which decreases with increasing Pb content. The variation in the refractive index and the imaginary part of the dielectric constant with photon energy is reported. The relationship between the optical gap and chemical composition in chalcogenide glasses is discussed in terms of the average heat of atomization.  相似文献   

Thin films were thermally evaporated from the bulk glasses of As40Se60 − xSbx (with x = 0, 5, 10, 15 at.%) under high vacuum. We have characterized the deposited films by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. The relationship between the structural and optical properties and the compositional variation has been investigated. Increasing Sb content was found to affect the thermal and optical properties of these films. Non-direct electronic transition was found to be responsible for the photon absorption inside the investigated films. It was found that, the optical band gap Eo decreases while the width of localized states (Urbach energy) Ee increases.  相似文献   

A.F. Qasrawi 《Thin solid films》2011,519(11):3768-3772
Polycrystalline AgIn5S8 thin films are obtained by the thermal evaporation of AgIn5S8 crystals onto ultrasonically cleaned glass substrates under a pressure of ~ 1.3 × 10−3 Pa. The temperature dependence of the optical band gap and photoconductivity of these films was studied in the temperature regions of 300-450 K and 40-300 K, respectively. The heat treatment effect at annealing temperatures of 350, 450 and 550 K on the temperature dependent photoconductivity is also investigated. The absorption coefficient, which was studied in the incidence photon energy range of 1.65-2.55 eV, increased with increasing temperature. Consistently, the absorption edge shifts to lower energy values as temperature increases. The fundamental absorption edge which corresponds to a direct allowed transition energy band gap of 1.78 eV exhibited a temperature coefficient of −3.56 × 10−4 eV/K. The 0 K energy band gap is estimated as 1.89 eV. AgIn5S8 films are observed to be photoconductive. The highest and most stable temperature invariant photocurrent was obtained at an annealing temperature of 550 K. The photoconductivity kinetics was attributed to the structural modifications caused by annealing and due to the trapping-recombination centers' exchange.  相似文献   

Electrical properties and optical band gap of amorphous Se65Ga30In5 thin films, which were thermally evaporated onto chemically cleaned glass substrates, have been studied before and after thermal annealing at temperatures above the glass transition temperature and below the crystallization temperature. The I-V characteristics, which were recorded in the temperature range (200-300 K), were obtained at different voltages and exhibit an ohmic and non-ohmic behavior at low (0-5 V) and high (5-18 V) voltages, respectively, for annealed and as-prepared films. Analysis of the experimental data in the high voltage range confirms the presence of space charge limited conduction (SCLC) for annealed and as-prepared films. The dependence of DC conductivity on temperature in the low voltage region shows two types of conduction channels: The first is in the range 270-300 K and the other at the lower temperature range (200-270 K). The conduction in the first region is due to thermally activated process, while in the other is due variable range hopping (VRH) of charge carriers in the band tails of the localized states. After annealing, the conductivity has been found to increase but the activation energy decreases. This is attributed to rupturing of Se-In weak bonds and formation of Se-Ga strong bonds. This process changes the concentration of defects in the films which in turn decreases the density of states N(EF) as predicted by Mott's VRH model. Analysis of the absorption coefficient of annealed and as-prepared films, in the wavelength range 300-700 nm, reveals the presence of parabolic densities of states at the edges of both valence and conduction bands in the studied films. The optical band gap (Eg) was obtained through the use of Tauc's relation and is found to decrease with annealing temperature.  相似文献   

Different compositions of Bi5GexSe95−x (x = 30, 35, 40 and 45 at %) thin films were deposited onto cleaned glass substrates by thermal evaporation method. The structural characterization revealed that, the as-prepared films of x = 30, 35 and 40 at. % are in amorphous state but there are few tiny crystalline peaks of relatively low intensity for the film with x = 45 at. %. The chemical composition of the as-prepared Bi5GexSe65−x films has been checked using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The optical properties for the as-deposited Bi5GexSe65−x thin films have been studied. The additions of Ge content were found to affect the optical constants (refractive index, n and the extinction coefficient, k). Tauc’s relation for the allowed indirect transition is successfully describing the mechanism of the optical absorption. It was found that, the optical energy gap (Eg) decreases with the increase in Ge content. These obtained results were discussed in terms of the chemical bond approach proposed by Bicermo and Ovshinsky. The composition dependence of the refractive index was discussed in terms of the single oscillator model.  相似文献   

Thin films of molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) were prepared by activated reactive evaporation technique on Pyrex glass substrates. The influence of oxygen partial pressure, substrate temperature and glow power on the structure, surface morphology and optical properties of MoO3 thin films was studied. The MoO3 films deposited in an oxygen partial pressure of 1×10−3 Torr, glow power of 10 W and substrate temperature of 573 K exhibited predominantly a (0 k 0) orientation corresponding to the orthorhombic layered structure of -MoO3. The evaluated optical band gap was 3.24 eV. The sensing property of these MoO3 films for gases like NH3 and CO was also studied to see the applicability for environmental monitoring. We have observed that the MoO3 thin films of -phase are capable of detecting NH3 and CO gases at concentrations lower than 10 ppm in dry air.  相似文献   

We report the structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline thin films of vanadium oxide prepared via evaporation technique on amorphous glass substrates. The crystallinity of the films was studied using X-ray diffraction and surface morphology of the films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Deposition temperature was found to have a great impact on the optical and structural properties of these films. The films deposited at room temperature show homogeneous, uniform and smooth texture but were amorphous in nature. These films remain amorphous even after postannealing at 300 °C. On the other hand the films deposited at substrate temperature TS > 200 °C were well textured and c-axis oriented with good crystalline properties. Moreover colour of the films changes from pale yellow to light brown to black corresponding to deposition at room temperature, 300 °C and 500 °C respectively. The investigation revealed that nanocrystalline V2O5 films with preferred 001 orientation and with crystalline size of 17.67 nm can be grown with a layered structure onto amorphous glass substrates at temperature as low as 300 °C. The photograph of V2O5 films deposited at room temperature taken by scanning electron microscopy shows regular dot like features of nm size.  相似文献   

Direct current (d.c.) and alternating current (a.c.) conductivity measurements have been performed on unannealed amorphous As0.40Se0.40Te0.20 thin films. The d.c. measurements were performed at temperatures between 143 K and 343 K. The d.c. behaviour of the samples indicates different hopping conduction mechanisms between 143 K-210 K and 210 K-343 K. The a.c. measurements were performed at temperatures between 143 K and 300 K and at frequencies between 110 Hz and 1 MHz. The a.c. conductivity of the films is well represented by the form s where C and s are found to be temperature dependent parameters. The data are found to fit the correlated barrier hopping model, especially at low temperatures. The comparison of a.c. data with the unified theory of the extended pair approximation shows that the results fit to the quasi universal law predicted by this model, however, qualitative calculations give unreasonable values for the decay parameter α and the exponent l.  相似文献   

Thermochromic VO2 thin films presenting a phase change at Tc = 68 °C and having variable thickness were deposited on silicon substrates (Si-001) by radio-frequency sputtering. These thin films were obtained from optimized reduction of low cost V2O5 targets. Depending on deposition conditions, a non-thermochromic metastable VO2 phase might also be obtained. The thermochromic thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, ellipsometry techniques, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and optical emissivity analyses. In the wavelength range 0.3 to 25 μm, the optical transmittance of the thermochromic films exhibited a large variation between 25 and 100 °C due to the phase transition at Tc: the contrast in transmittance (difference between the transmittance values to 25 °C and 100 °C) first increased with film thickness, then reached a maximum value. A model taking into account the optical properties of both types of VO2 film fully justified such a maximum value. The n and k optical indexes were calculated from transmittance and reflectance spectra. A significant contrast in emissivity due to the phase transition was also observed between 25 and 100 °C.  相似文献   

Ba(Ti0.95Zr0.05)O3 (BTZ) thin films grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si(100) substrates were prepared by chemical solution deposition. The structure and surface morphology of BTZ thin films has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). At 100 kHz, the dielectric constant and dissipation factor of the BTZ film are 121 and 0.016, respectively. The ellipsometric spectrum of the BTZ thin film annealed at 730 °C was measured in the range of wavelength from 355 to 1700 nm. Assuming a five-layer model (air/surface roughness layer/BTZ/interface layer/Pt) for the BTZ thin films on platinized silicon substrates, the optical constant spectra (refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k) of the BTZ thin films were obtained.  相似文献   

Thin films of Ge28−xSe72Sbx (x=0, 8, 16, 24 at%) with thickness of 200 nm are prepared by thermal evaporation onto glass substrates under vacuum of 5.3×10−5 mbar. Optical reflectance and transmittance of these films are measured at room temperature in the light wavelength region from 200 to 1100 nm. The estimated optical energy gap, Eg, is found to decrease from 2 eV (0 at% Sb) to 1.5 eV (24 at% Sb), whereas the band tail width, Ee, increases from 0.062 to 0.077 eV, respectively. The refractive index, n, and extinction coefficient, κ, are determined as functions of wavelength. The DC electrical conductivity, σ, of films is measured as a function of temperature in the range from 300 to 360 K. The extracted value of activation energy, ΔE, is found to decrease from 0.95 eV (0 at% Sb) to 0.74 eV (24 at% Sb). Optical and electrical behavior of films can be explained in terms of cohesive energy (CE) and Se-Se defect bonds.  相似文献   

Thin films of SrBi2Nb2O9 with and without the inclusion of Ag nanocrystals were prepared on MgO (001) substrates by alternative pulsed laser ablation of SrBi2Nb2O9 ceramic and Ag metal in a nitrogen atmosphere. The size of the Ag nanocrystals can be brought down to ca. 5.0 nm, as revealed by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. We measured the third-order susceptibility χ(3) of the deposits by single beam z-scan technique at a wavelength of 532 nm. It is found that SrBi2Nb2O9 is an effectively nonlinear optical medium, exhibiting a very large χ(3). With the inclusion of Ag nanocrystals the χ(3) was nearly doubled (Reχ(3) = 8.052 × 10− 7 esu, and Imχ(3) = − 1.717 × 10− 7 esu), which comes very close to the maximum value available in the current time. This indicates that the Ag:SrBi2Nb2O9 composite structure can be an excellent candidate for nonlinear optical applications. A general approach for further enhanced third-order susceptibility by tailoring the dielectric constant of the metal inclusion is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Applying reactive direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering method, nanoparticle vanadium pentoxide thin films were deposited onto glass slides and KBr substrates at different substrate temperatures. The films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscope. Infrared spectra were recorded with a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer. It was found that, excepting the compositions, the film growth and vanadium oxygen bonds were strongly affected by the substrate temperature. Electrical measurements indicated that the square resistances of films showed an exponential decrease from 46 MΩ/□ to 33 kΩ/□ with substrate temperature increasing from 433 K to 593 K, and that the square resistance-temperature curves of films exhibited typical semiconducting behavior. Optical investigations were carried out in the near infrared and ultraviolet-visible range. Transmittance varied from about 95 to 55% in near-infrared range when the substrate temperature was elevated. In ultraviolet-visible range, optical band gaps and refractive indexes of films were deduced according to the transmission and reflection spectra.  相似文献   

TeO2 thin films were deposited on quartz substrates by rf reactive sputtering technique from a Te metal target. The obtained samples were annealed in an argon atmosphere at 450 °C for different annealing times up to 90 min. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the as-grown samples were amorphous and there was no appreciable change in structure for a short annealing time. Thin films became polycrystalline with the tetragonal (α-phase) structure of tellurium dioxide crystal with the increase of the thermal annealing time. The refractive index and optical energy gap of the films were calculated by modelling transmittance spectra. The optical energy gap decreased continuously from 3.83 eV to 3.71 eV with increasing thermal annealing time.  相似文献   

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