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Failed spinal anaesthesia for left total hip arthroplasty was followed postoperatively by dense motor paralysis and sensory deficit in the right leg. The patient had received a dose of subcutaneous heparin 1 h before the spinal anaesthetic was attempted. She died of pulmonary embolism on the ninth postoperative day. At autopsy extensive haematomyelia was found in relation to the needle track.  相似文献   

In an initial, and then a confirmatory experiment, adult, male lobsters were injected with solvent, ecdysterone (E, 2.0 mug/g live weight) or ecdysterone acetate (EAc, 2.5 or 5.0 mug/g live weight) emulsions in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA). Control lobsters underwent no molts and only one death in the two cases. The E treated animals all died (average: exp. 1, 19.2 +/-2.1 days; exp. 2, 25.3 +/- 8 days). After the lobsters were treated twice with 2.5 mug EAc/g live weight, in the first experiment, four out of five molted and one died; in the second experiment six out of eight molted, one died and one remained refractory. The high EAc dose resulted in five deaths, one molt and two pseudomolts after one treatment. It is concluded that the use of the oil emulsion and EAc sufficiently slowed the release of free ecdysterone to allow complete premolt development in the lobster.  相似文献   

The principal component of the successful, molt-inducing ecdysterone acetate mixture was established as ecdysterone triacetate and shown to have the same activity as the acetate mixture. The triacetate induced ecdysis in male lobsters collected in winter and summer and in female lobsters collected in winter. Intramuscular injections of triacetate in ethanol were as effective as those with oil emulsions.  相似文献   

A number of acrosome reaction (AR) initiators have been found to be effective in inducing AR of human, laboratory and domestic animal sperm. Using an improved simple fluorescence microscopy, effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), progesterone and ionophore A23187 on sperm AR of tree shrew, a useful animal model in biomedical research, have been investigated. Spontaneous AR in 4.92-7.53% of viable sperm was observed. Complete AR in 10.31-18.25% of viable tree shrew sperm was obviously induced by 5 microM and 10 microM calcium ionophore A23187, 1 mM GABA, and 5 microM progesterone, and there were no significant differences between their abilities to initiate complete AR. No significant differences of AR percentages between 1- and 2-h treatments with A23187, progesterone and/or GABA were observed. These results suggested that the responses of tree shrew sperm to these AR initiators are similar to that of human and other mammalian sperm.  相似文献   

Samples of lobster hemocyanin (Homarus americanus) under conditions of reversible reaction between whole (25 S) and half (17 S) molecules have been subjected to accurately known nitrogen pressures in analytical ultracentrifuge cells. A modified pressurization chamber of the type developed by Schumaker and colleagues has been constructed for this purpose. The molecular weight was then determined at the top (liquid-gas) meniscus, by means of the Archibald method. The logarithmic dependence upon pressure of the derived equilibrium constant then gave directly the volume of reaction. Experiments were performed in veronal-citrate buffers at pH 8, where the molar volume of formation of whole (dodecameric) molecules from half molecules appears to be negative, and at pH 8.46 in veronal-citrate buffer in the presence of 0.003 molar free calcium ion, where the molar volume of formation was estimated to be + 390 cm3/mole. In glycine-sodium hydroxide buffer at pH 9.6 containing 0.0047 molar free calcium, the molar volume of formation of whole molecules was estimated to be +120 +/- 70 cm3, corresponding to an estimated difference in partial specific volume between whole molecules and half molecules of only 1.3 (10)-4cm3/gram. The correctness of the sign of this value in glycine buffer has been verified by pressure-jump light-scattering experiments.  相似文献   

Selective isotope enrichment, 13C magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR, and semiempirical quantum chemical modeling, have been used to analyze ligand-protein interactions associated with the bathochromic shift of astaxanthin in alpha-crustacyanin, the blue carotenoprotein complex from the carapace of the lobster Homarus gammarus. Spectra of alpha-crustacyanin were obtained after reconstitution with astaxanthins labeled with 13C at positions 4,4', 12,12', 13,13', or 20,20'. The data reveal substantial downfield shifts of 4.9 and 7.0 ppm at positions 12 and 12' in the complex, respectively. In contrast, at the 13 and 13' positions, small upfield shifts of 1.9 ppm were observed upon binding to the protein. These data are in line with previously obtained results for positions 14,14' (3.9 and 6.8 ppm downfield) and 15,15' (0.6 ppm upfield) and confirm the unequal perturbation of both halves after binding of the chromophore. However, these results also show that the main perturbation is of symmetrical origin, since the chemical shift differences exhibit a similar pattern in both halves of the astaxanthin molecule. A small downfield shift of 2.4 ppm was detected for the 4 and 4' positions. Finally, the 20,20' methyl groups are shifted 0.4 ppm upfield by the protein. The full data set provides convincing evidence that charge polarization is of importance for the bathochromic shift. The NMR shifts are compared with calculated charge densities for astaxanthin subjected to variations in protonation states of the ring-functional groups, as models of ligand-protein interactions. Taking into account the color shift and other available optical data, the current model for the mechanisms of interaction with the protein was refined. The results point toward a mechanism in which the astaxanthin is charged and subject to strong electrostatic polarizations originating from both keto groups, most likely a double protonation.  相似文献   

'Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls' or DNIC is the inhibition of multireceptive neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord that results when a noxious stimulus is applied to a region of the body remote from the neuron's excitatory receptive field. Although this phenomenon is well-documented, the behavioral consequences of DNIC are not clear. The present study was undertaken to determine how nocifensor withdrawal reflexes evoked by a noxious stimulus are altered by application of a second noxious stimulus to a distant part of the body. The tail flick or hindpaw withdrawal reflex of lightly anesthetized (0.6-1.0% halothane) rats was measured before, during and after another appendage was placed in water ranging in temperature from 45 to 54 degrees C. When the forepaw or hindpaw was placed in water exceeding 49 degrees C the tail flick reflex to acute noxious radiant heat was inhibited. In contrast, noxious conditioning stimuli, regardless of temperature or location, had no effect on the latency for hindpaw withdrawal evoked by an acute noxious stimulus, but did produce a change in reflex topography from flexion to extension. These results, along with previous research on DNIC, suggest that intense noxious stimuli: (1) inhibit the tail flick reflex via inhibition of multireceptive neurons in the dorsal horn; (2) disinhibit hindpaw extensor motoneurons by inhibiting the activity of multireceptive neurons involved in hindlimb flexion; and (3) reduce pain sensation by inhibiting multireceptive neurons projecting to the brain (see Model in Discussion).  相似文献   

Serum samples from 143 hunter-killed black bears were collected during the 1996 and 1997 black bear hunting seasons in eastern North Carolina. All samples were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test. Antibodies to T. gondii were present in 120 of 143 (84%) bears. Females had significantly higher titers than males (Wilcoxon rank sums test, P = 0.045), and titers increased with age (Jonckheere test, P = 0.01). Samples collected during 1996 (n = 79) were tested for antibodies to Trichinella spiralis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. No samples were positive for antibodies to T. spiralis.  相似文献   

Ro 2-2985 increased mean arterial blood pressure in both the venous bypass preparation and the intact animal; however, total peripheral resistance increased in the venous bypass preparation with a constant cardiac output but decreased in the intact animal with an increase in cardiac output. These observations indicate a drug-related increase in the distensibility of the aorta at the same arterial pressure. In vivo ventricular function curves were shifted to the left indicating enhanced myocardial performance with the translocation of large volumes of blood to the central circulation since total body venous compliance was significantly decreased. Beta adrenergic blocking doses of propranolol blocked the positive inotropic effect of Ro 2-2985 while myocardial depression produced by toxic doses of propranolol was reversed. This observation suggests several mechanisms for the Ro 2-2985 metabolic mediation of myocardial muscle contraction. The cardiovascular effects produced by Ro 2-2985 were accompanied by a marked polycythemia and a decrease in plasma volume without a change in total circulating blood volume, while blood glucose values showed a nonsignificant increase. Ro 2-2985 produced a marked increase in cardiac output. The increase in myocardial performance appears to be complex since myocardial force of contraction, dT/dt, dP/dt:P40 and Vmax were all increased. RO 2-2985 increased coronary flow without an increase in resistance. There were no significant increases in myocardial arteriovenous glucose, lactate, K+, Ca++, Na+ or Cl.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of myonecrosis induced by a purified component of rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis) venom was studied at the light and electron microscopic levels. Crude venom was fractionated by gel filtration (Sephadex G-50) followed by cation exchange chromatography (Sephadex C-25). Electrophoretic homogeneity of the isolated myotoxin (Fraction II from C-25 column) was demonstrated in isoelectric focusing and disc gel polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. White mice were injected intramuscularly with 1.5 mug/g of the purified protein in 0.1 ml of physiologic saline. Light microscopic examination of injected muscle revealed a series of degenerative events including partial vacuolation of muscle cells at 6, 12, and 24 hours and complete vacuolation and loss of striations at 48 and 72 hours. Hemorrhage was not observed. At the electron microscopic level the perinuclear space and sarcoplasmic reticulum were dilated in all samples. By 48 and 72 hours the myofibrils lacked striations and the sarcomeres were disorganized. Plasma membranes and T tubules remained intact in all samples. These results correlated well with the myonecrosis induced by crude Crotalus viridis viridis venom except for several important aspects. The pure component altered skeletal muscle cells specifically, with the sarcoplasmic reticulum being the primary site of action.  相似文献   

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