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凌禹 《太阳能学报》2022,43(12):312-319
基于传统矢量控制技术,该文提出一种改进的矢量控制技术来抑制双馈感应电机故障期间的转子过电流,以提高双馈风电机组故障穿越能力。从分析传统矢量控制技术入手,提出一种改进的矢量控制技术,其主要特点是反映定子电压瞬态对转子电流的影响,但并未增加控制的复杂程度。从理论的角度对所提方案能提高双馈风电机组故障穿越能力的机理进行深入分析。最后,对基于PSCAD/EMTDC软件环境下搭建的2 MW双馈风电机组模型进行仿真研究。仿真结果表明所提方案能有效抑制双馈感应电机故障期间的转子过电流,从而提高双馈风电机组的故障穿越能力。  相似文献   

针对风电场双馈感应式发电机(DFIG)在遭受电网电压暂升扰动而脱网运行的问题,从DFIG在暂升扰动下定子磁链暂态行为出发,分析磁链序分量在转子侧相互叠加导致DFIG难以完成高电压穿越(HVRT)的机理过程,为解决传统去磁控制存在裕度有限不能应对严重暂升扰动,且响应时间缓慢问题,提出了超导磁储能系统(SMES)协同去磁控制的方法,在去磁电流削弱磁链直流分量与负序分量的同时,SMES协同向DFIG转子侧快速注入无功电流,帮助电网电压恢复,实现DFIG在遭受严重暂升扰动下的高电压穿越。在Matlab/Simulink中搭建双馈感应发电机与超导磁储能系统协同控制仿真模型,验证了在对称暂升扰动和不对称暂升扰动下所提方案均能实现DFIG高电压穿越。  相似文献   

基于双馈风电机组的动态无功支持能力,在电网电压骤升时协调控制网侧变流器和发电机定子输出的无功功率,维持直流侧母线电压的安全稳定运行。根据DFIG直流侧电容的高电压穿越安全要求,定义了电网电压骤升时双馈风力发电机组接入电压的安全电压。然后基于安全电压给出了DFIG在电网电压骤升时能否实现高电压穿越的判断依据,并给出了其高电压穿越时的无功协调输出策略。仿真结果验证了所提的方法。  相似文献   

在研究双馈风力发电系统高电压穿越的节能控制问题的过程中,考虑到外部风力环境变化较大,需保持变换器的稳定性节能控制。传统节能控制方法不仅动态及稳态性能差,而且节能控制策略相对复杂。为了提高节能控制效果,提出采用串联网侧变换器的双馈风电系统高电压穿越的节能控制策略,向串联网侧变换器的控制向电机定子侧和电网间添加合理的控制电压,按照电网电压定向的同步旋转,给出d-q轴系下SGSC的电压控制方程,保持DFIG定子端电压不变,过滤DFIG定子磁链中的暂态直流分量。当双馈风电系统电压及电流均不超限时,对转子侧变换器和并联网侧变换器的输出电压矢量进行节能控制,使双馈风电系统为电网提供最大程度的无功支持,快速恢复电网电压。仿真实验结果表明,所提策略具有很高的节能控制性能。  相似文献   

随着风电入网比例的增大,风电入网导则也逐步发展建立,入网导则的主要目的是确保风电场的入网运行不影响整个电力系统的稳定。风电场低电压穿越(LVRT)已作为热点技术被广泛关注,但风电机组风电场高电压穿越没有得到相应的重视。文章基于常见机组类型,首先介绍了风电机高电压穿越(HVRT)方面现有电网要求,给出了现有风电场高电压穿越能力要求曲线,对风电机组高电压穿越软硬件的技术方案。最后仿真证明了所提技术方案的正确性,分析了该技术方案对风机运行成本方面的可行性。  相似文献   

凌禹  贾权 《太阳能学报》2021,(5):437-442
分析电网电压故障期间双馈风电机组功率流动关系、减载控制原理以及减载能力影响因素,并提出一种基于减载的双馈风电机组联合故障穿越方案,该方案包括:1)定子电流实时跟踪的减载故障穿越方案;2)直流侧卸荷电路.前者主要抑制双馈感应电机转子故障电流,后者主要稳定直流母线电压.最后,基于PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件搭建的模型,验...  相似文献   

为解决双馈感应发电机(DFIG)难以满足严重电网电压骤升故障时穿越测试要求问题,提出了基于无功补偿与去磁电流协同控制的改进DFIG高电压穿越控制策略。在网侧变换器无功补偿稳定直流母线电压的基础上,协同转子侧变换器去磁电流控制,确保有功功率平衡及RSC容量完全利用情况下向转子注入无功。对比传统方法,改进控制策略有严重骤升故障适应性强与转子侧变换器(RSC)容量利用率高的双重优势。最后在Matlab/Simulink搭建模型,仿真结果验证所提方案能更好地满足风电机组HVRT的测试要求,实现高电压穿越。  相似文献   

双馈变速风电机组低电压穿越控制   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
当系统中风电装机容量比例较大时,系统故障导致电压跌落后,风电场切除会严重影响系统运行的稳定性,这就要求风电机组具有低电压穿越(Low Voltage Ride Through,LVRT)能力,保证系统发生故障后风电机组不间断并网运行。分析了双馈风电机组LVRT原理和基于转子撬棒保护(crow-bar protection)的LVRT控制策略,在电力系统仿真分析软件DIgSILENT/Power Factory中建立了双馈风电机组模型及其LVRT控制模型,以某地区风电系统为例进行仿真计算,分析转子撬棒投入与切除策略及动作时间对实现机组LVRT的影响。  相似文献   

变速双馈风电机组低电压穿越功能仿真   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
分析了变速恒频双馈风力发电机组的工作原理,建立了包含变频器的双馈风力发电机组动态数学模型,并利用MATLAB/Simulink软件搭建了并网型双馈风力发电机组的仿真模块,通过仿真试验分析了外部电网故障下变速恒频双馈风力发电机组的低电压穿越功能,为变速恒频双馈风力发电机组在大型并网风电场中的应用提供了可靠的理论依据  相似文献   

针对风电机组高电压脱网问题,提出了一种考虑变直流母线电压参考值与网侧无功优先控制相结合的HVRT控制策略。该策略在电压轻度骤升时,通过优化无功电流给定值,快速向故障电网注入感性无功电流;电压深度骤升时,改变直流母线电压参考值,抑制直流侧电压波动。最后,在Simulink中搭建了1.5 MW直驱永磁风电机组仿真模型,在不同电压骤升幅度下对文章所提控制策略进行验证,结果表明,该控制策略能在不同电压骤升幅度下实现机组的HVRT,且避免Chopper电路的频繁动作,提高了机组稳定运行的能力。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design and implementation of the line drop secondary voltage control (LDSVC) for the doubly fed induction generator‐wind turbine (DFIG‐WT) complemented with reactive power allocation algorithm to achieve more efficient voltage regulation, reactive power compensation and to enhance the transient stability margin of the electric power system. The LDSVC is used to generate the local voltage reference, providing an improvement for overall voltage profile. The paper presents the influence of the integration of variable speed wind turbines‐based doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) while employing LDSVC for increasing the transient stability margin. This paper proposes an improved voltage control scheme, based on a secondary voltage controller complemented with an automatic gain controller (AGC). The scheme is applied to a wind energy system incorporating DFIG‐based wind turbines. The controller structure is developed and the performance of the self‐tuning AGC scheme is developed and analysed. The proposed controller is tested in response to system contingencies for different short circuit ratios. The performance of the secondary voltage control without and with AGC is verified. The influence of the AGC in improving the transient response and damping of voltage oscillations is verified. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reliable and powerful control strategies are needed for wind energy conversion systems to achieve maximum performance. A new control strategy for a variable speed, variable pitch wind turbine is proposed in this paper for the above-rated power operating condition. This multivariable control strategy is realized by combining a nonlinear dynamic state feedback torque control strategy with a linear control strategy for blade pitch angle. A comparison with existing strategies, PID and LQG controllers, is performed. The proposed approach results in better power regulation. The new control strategy has been validated using an aeroelastic wind turbine simulator developed by NREL for a high turbulence wind condition.  相似文献   

Improving voltage disturbance rejection for variable-speed wind turbines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, the effect of voltage dips on variable-speed wind turbines using voltage source converters (VSCs) is treated. Three different current controllers for the VSC are described and implemented. Their performance is evaluated when the converter is subject to different types of voltage dips. Both simulated and measured dips are used. The effect of the phase-angle jump of the dips is also taken into account.  相似文献   

随着风电机组单机容量的不断增大,风电机组零部件承受的载荷越来越大,电网对机组输出功率的品质也提出了更高的要求。文章在变桨PID控制技术的基础上,通过增加塔架阻尼器、低通滤波器和陷波器,并在变桨时使用变增益双PID控制器,使风电机组在输出功率较为平滑的同时,降低关键部件的载荷。结合3 MW双馈式风电机组开发GH Bladed的外部控制器程序,并和广泛应用的PID控制器进行仿真比较。仿真结果表明,该研究提出的控制策略改善了风电机组输出功率的品质,降低了塔架等关键部件的载荷。  相似文献   

We introduce a novel scheme for small wind turbines that gives dynamic estimation of wind speed from rotor angular velocity measurements. The estimation proceeds in two different dynamic observers, one giving a valid estimate for higher Tip Speed Ratios (TSRs) and which we call the Upper Wind Estimator (UWE) and the other called the Lower Wind Estimator (LWE) valid for lower TSRs. The meaning of “higher” and “lower”, and the precise regions of validity, are quantified. We further propose a coordinated control scheme using the UWE. Simulations are presented showing closed-loop performance of the turbine and the estimators both in the optimal TSR regulation condition, and the dynamic power-shedding condition caused by a wind gust. An analytic analysis of closed-loop stability and of the convergence and bias properties of the estimator is provided. Empirical data showing performance on a real turbine is also presented.  相似文献   

New high profitable wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To generate more quantities of electric energy from wind it is necessary to use a new type of wind turbine built in the regulable mantle's nozzle. This wind turbine type replaces the free air stream from wind by a programmed, i.e. regulated, and partially concentrated stream of air. The nozzle shell is designed as an aerodynamically shaped ring with wings with its lower pressure side pointed towards the centre so that the lift force on each part of the wing is directed radially towards the centre. This induces centrifugal reaction force in the airflow that causes the stream field to expand strongly downstream of the rotor and includes a greater number of streamlines in the active stream in front of the rotor (upstream). Thus the nozzle forces a higher mass flow rate of air through the turbine. The higher mass flow and higher velocity reduction behind the rotor result in a higher energy output from the wind turbine in the nozzle. In this way the wind turbine efficiency is multiplied. New turbines induce more power from weaker and medium winds and their lasting time, because of the relation P=f(v3) (i.e. the power corresponds to wind velocity raised to third power). Wind turbine nozzle produces three times more energy than conventional wind turbine. Short economic analysis for conditions of the island of Lastovo indicates that profit gained by new turbines is up to five times higher than by conventional turbines. The new wind turbine nozzle should generate interest and demand on an international market, even for regions with weaker winds.  相似文献   

针对风电电压波动的问题,文章基于风电机组无功裕度预测,提出了一种风电场无功分层控制策略.该策略首先以并网点电压偏差和线路有功损耗最小为目标,使用二次规划算法在线实时求解最优并网电压,进而求解风电场无功参考值;其次,采用EWT-LSSVM预测算法进行风电功率预测,并提出预测功率校正方法实时修正预测功率,精确求解风电机组的...  相似文献   

Dynamic control of wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an intelligent wind turbine control system based on models integrating the following three approaches: data mining, model predictive control, and evolutionary computation. To enhance the control strategy of the intelligent system, a multi-objective model is proposed. The model involves five different objectives with different weights controlling the wind turbine performance. These weights are adjusted in response to the variable wind conditions and operational requirements. Three control factors, wind speed, turbulence intensity, and electricity demand are considered in eight computational scenarios. The performance of each scenario is illustrated with numerical results.  相似文献   

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