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超宽带(UWB)技术作为数据传输速率最快的无线技术之一,其超强性能将为家庭和旅途中的无线连接提供超乎想象的便利。  相似文献   

以第四次工业革命为代表的工业互联网和工业4.0正在发生,它是原有技术的大融合,尽管从技术角度看更像是演化而不是革命,但是从应用和商业模式角度看,这些变化产生的影响却可能是革命性的.IT和OT的融合,是大势所趋.但无论怎样进步,人是发展的最主要变量.  相似文献   

MP3, or MPEG Layer 3 Audio, is a format for compressing digital audio developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group, a standards organization that has developed a number of digital standards for video and audio. MP3 has become a very popular format for storing music digitally. Fueled by the explosive growth of the Internet, MP3 has become the most popular format for music files, both legal and illegal (unauthorized digital copies of copyrighted works)  相似文献   

With the advent of digital technologies, many new market opportunities have emerged for content owners, content distributors, and consumer electronics/information technology industries. An essential requirement for developing a thriving marketplace is the protection of copyrighted content in digital form. There are four major stages in the delivery of content to the consumer: (1) capturing on digital media, (2) packaging, (3) distribution to home networks, and (4) transfer to the final audio/visual device within the home network. Entertainment content is of particular importance as it will be in high demand for many years to come. If an end-to-end security cannot be provided in a digital market, there would be no incentive for content creation. Lack of new supplies would result in detrimental effects for all the industries involved in the delivery chain. In this paper, we present the primary means of securing the entertainment content from creation to consumption in an attempt to understand the overall complexity of the problem.  相似文献   

数字家庭网络及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘晓磊 《今日电子》2005,(6):78-81,84
数字家庭网络这个概念已经出现两三年了,近来。随着3C融合技术的发展,数字家庭网络越来越受到业界和用户的关注。那么究竟什么是数字家庭?什么是数字家庭网络?又为什么要联网呢?本文将介绍这些概念,介绍数字家庭网络实现的可能和实现方法,以及相关的连接技术。  相似文献   

周鑫 《电子设计技术》2006,13(3):140-140,142,144-145
今天,数字家庭开始商品化,它的轮廓越来越清晰,而且已经不再是几年前那些不着边际的想象蓝图了——那些古老的臆想在今天看起来也许很有意思,它们有的被轻而易举地实现,有的却受限于技术或操作层面的瓶颈尚未变  相似文献   

Older adults are becoming an important market segment for all internet-based services, but few studies to date have considered older adults as online shoppers and users of entertainment media. Utilising the concept of life course, this article investigates the use of mobile technologies for online shopping and entertainment among consumers aged 55 to 74. The data were collected with a web-based survey completed by a panel of respondents representing Finnish television viewers (N = 322). The results reveal that consumers aged 55 to 74 use a smartphone or tablet to purchase products or services online as often as younger consumers. In contrast, listening to internet radio and watching videos or programmes online with a smartphone or tablet are most typical for younger male consumers. The results demonstrate that mobile-based online shopping is best predicted by age, higher education, and household type (children living at home), and use of entertainment media by age and gender.  相似文献   

童世华  张永 《电视技术》2016,40(12):62-67
信息技术的飞速发展推动着家庭娱乐体验形式的不断革新,IPTV机顶盒成为数字家庭获取多媒体内容的重要途径.目前家庭娱乐设备比较独立分散,无法满足人们对家庭娱乐设备间互联互动的需求.研究与设计了一种基于IPTV的家庭娱乐互动系统终端软件,实现了对家庭娱乐设备之间的交互控制,整合了家庭娱乐设备各自的优势,带给了人们家庭娱乐新体验,同时激活许多只带有HDMI接口的普通电视.测试结果表明,该家庭娱乐互动系统终端软件实现家庭娱乐互联,从根本上改变了人们对家庭娱乐产品的体验,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

一、概述 目前人们谈论的“宽带数字家庭”更强调的可能是因特网的宽带接入。实际上,这是一个简单化的概念。宽带家庭其实有更广泛的涵义,它不仅包括因特网接入,还包括通过宽带传送到家庭的一整套捆绑服务,如,本地电话、长话、蜂窝电话、寻呼和娱乐服务,以及在家庭内传送这  相似文献   

为了确立在数字消费领域的差异化优势,卓然(Zoran)公司最近表示,将致力于研发基于DVD录像平台的数字娱乐管理系统Zbox.  相似文献   

本文将先进的激光多址编码、RF无线射频、CAN总线、动漫与光机电控制等技术结合在一起,实现射击游艺过程的有效互动,大大满足消费者参与式的游乐追求.  相似文献   

随着数字家庭概念的不断发展,转码技术也逐渐成为数字家庭中的研究热点.本文首先介绍数字家庭中转码(Transcoding)技术的基本概念,并结合数字家庭的特点,指出在数字家庭中应用转码技术时应解决的关键问题,最后展示了转码技术在数字家庭中应用的广阔前景.  相似文献   

穆强 《电子设计技术》2005,12(3):121-122,124
家庭被认为是数字化革命需要攻克得最后一个堡垒。在PC成为了你办公桌的主宰,手机和PDA占据了你的口袋之后,还有什么理由拒绝电子行业对于你的起居生活进行一次数字化的改造呢?  相似文献   

周鑫 《电子设计技术》2006,13(1):113-114,116
EDN China一直以来关注着数字家庭的发展,在2005年间,通过网上调查和与读者的交流,我们发现并注意到了消费电子产业中的一些令人感兴趣的话题。  相似文献   

周鑫 《电子设计技术》2006,13(2):118-118
移动电话的娱乐功能又进入了新一轮的进化.以往具备FM收音功能的配置不再新奇,数字视频广播功能(DVB-H)已开始成为全球市场的关注焦点,在蜂窝手持终端上集成这一功能则更需要低成本、低功耗的小尺寸解决方案。  相似文献   

John McCorkle  周正 《今日电子》2005,(11):48-48,54,39
无线技术日趋发达的今天,各种各样的无线终端和数码设备等多媒体设备和应用在不断增加。数字高清电视、数字高清影碟机、数码音响系统、数码相机和数码摄像机等都已经进入寻常百姓家,家庭市场对于这些多媒体设备间的高速无线互连的需求也更为迫切,人们的愿望已经不单单局限于“连接”,而是希望有更高的速率。  相似文献   

Copy protection system for digital home networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes the rationale supporting and design of a copy protection system called SmartRight. While carefully presenting our motivations, some light is shed on the very peculiar problems raised by the enforcement of copy protection. Hence, this article also explores less technical but highly important issues such as the legal and commercial aspects.  相似文献   

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